Pirate Kingship

Chapter 237 Qi Meilishan, Qi Meilishan, open the door quickly!

In the blink of an eye, it was already the fourth day since Treasure Island appeared.

In the center of Treasure Island, there was a place marked on the map as "Qimeli Mountain", which can be translated as "Absurd Mountain".

[Fei Long] chewed a greasy octopus tentacle in his mouth and looked up at the sky. There were only six rainbow lights left of the original seven colors.

Just as he stared at the sky, another rainbow light began to flicker and entered the countdown to dissipation, indicating that the fourth day was about to end.

On the surface, it seemed that there were still more than ten days before the sinking of Treasure Island, but in fact, there was not much time left for treasure hunters.

"The map says that when the two rainbow lights disappear and you reach Mount Zimeri, you can recite a spell and enter the treasure cave at the bottom of the mountain.

According to Uncle Andrew, it is actually a complex underground maze.

The treasure of the big pirate is scattered and may be hidden in a treasure chest anywhere in the maze.

Theoretically, the safe critical point of retreat will be reached when the three rainbow lights disappear, and the treasure hunters have two days to search for the treasure they want.

But before that, the sound of cicadas and the existence behind the sound of cicadas will probably show up.

If you abandon the main force and run away now, you may be able to avoid danger to the greatest extent.

But it also means returning empty-handed and working in vain.

Now that we know that Flint left a "Faust Contract" as a safety insurance, it is worth a try."

Beside Fat Dragon (Byron) are [Blue Hair] who lost an arm, the octopus man Xiao Ba, and a pirate team with only about thirty people left.

Obviously, they have come all the way here, causing the huge team of more than one hundred people to suffer heavy losses.

Even if there is a strong fourth-level beast tamer who can help them block the danger, it can't stop the various desires that explode in their hearts.

At this time, although [Blue Hair] Barbarossa Helding's hair was not messed up, he didn't know how many dangers he had blocked for Feilong.

As expected of a fourth-level extraordinary person, he is more durable than Byron's previous bosses.

The octopus warrior Xiaoba, who is determined to create the Eight Swords Style and become a sword saint, has been injured again and again.

[Super Speed ​​Regeneration] was activated again and again, and he looked much thinner.

On the other hand, Feilong not only did not lose weight, but was fatter by Xiaoba. It is obvious that he has had good food during this period.

The four or five "living dead" led by [Flower Sword] Schneider in the team turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and all survived by relying on the sage state (Chapter 210).

If you look down from the sky, other treasure hunting teams have also been in place in various directions at the foot of Mount Qimeri.

However, there were originally several thousand people who landed on the island, but now there are only a few hundred people left.

The decryption experts deployed by the major forces at sea are good enough to interpret the rules of the upper limit of the physical load like Byron.

By resisting the outbreak of "possessiveness" and not being moved, about 20% to 30% of them can finally reach this treasure place alive.

Many small forces died on the way back because of insufficient decryption ability.

After four days, those who have the ability to come here have already arrived, and most of those who have no ability have been eliminated, and they can't get here even if they are given more time.

Of course, some of them don't know the specific rules, but are just lucky people who have arrived here by accident because they are stubborn enough.

In particular, most of them are "living dead" who target Azik's cursed gold coins.

However, even though they have arrived here, the internal strife caused by "possessiveness" in the team has not stopped.

Not far from the Barbary pirates was the Remit team, and a voice begging for mercy came with the breeze:

"Father, I really didn't mean to blaspheme Mother Teresa. My hands were out of control.

Besides, we Remit people are descendants of the Creator, and no one in the world is qualified to judge us.

Everything we do will be forgiven by the Creator, even you clergymen..."


Followed by a gunshot.

Brandon, the [Armed Priest] from the "Holy Armed Forces Cathedral", blew a puff of gunpowder from the muzzle and said indifferently to the corpse on the ground:

"Forgiving you is the Creator's business.

My duty is to send you to see the Lord."

Turning his head to look at the Remit team, which was left with only a few people around him, the three third-level extraordinary people in the pursuit team all looked a little ugly.

They accepted the investment of [Banker] Steele Black and promised to accompany and take care of the Remit adventure team.

Who would have thought that such a place would be a dead end for the Remit people, especially those in the Gold Yuan sequence, who value money as their life.

No matter how strong their self-control is, it is difficult to resist the increasingly strong desires: arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust.

When desires erupt, if they cannot destroy others, they can only destroy themselves.

When they got here, all the extraordinary people in the Gold Yuan sequence among the Remit people had been wiped out.

Only the third-level knight Marin Bishop holding the [Universe Travels] and a few ordinary soldiers were left.

When the Barbary pirates on the opposite side were looking at this side with gloating, the priest immediately gave them a fierce look in return.

Especially the [Blue Hair] who was marked as the "Enemy of the Holy Cross" stayed for a long time.

If they were direct descendants of the Inquisition, they would have rushed forward at all costs to capture the enemies of the church.

But since they have made it this far, it means that at least they have enough self-control. Despite the tense situation, the two sides did not fight after all.

"Huh, church!"

[Blue-haired] Barbarossa Haldin withdrew his gaze, his desire to obtain 882 cursed gold coins growing stronger.

If you can get those cursed gold coins, you can not only keep the gold but also lift the "living dead" curse on your pirates.

He even used a powerful curse to offset the "Enemy of the Holy Cross" in him.

To avoid being spotted by the church as soon as you step out, or being accidentally attacked by those crazy people who are desperate for their lives, launching a suicide attack on the street.

'Others think I am reclusive because I am dismissive of other people.

But who knew that my title’s special effects and job rank are actually... Alas! '

Those cursed gold coins are wanted by the living dead, the Barbary pirates, and Velasquez, the governor of Havana on the other side of the Chimeli Mountains.

Looking at the treasure hunting team that suffered heavy losses from all parties, the conspirator behind the scenes smiled particularly proudly:

"The fourth-level transcendent in [Ladder of Glory] is called a 'hero' and can get a heroic battle flag depicting his own coat of arms.

Based on this battle flag, draw on the power of heroic spirits from famous legions in history to create a heroic unit of your own.

This is the prototype of the fifth-level king's title [King's Left Hand].

The cursed gold coin can achieve the same effect, which is comparable to the tens of thousands [Undead Army] of the Achaemenid Dynasty on the West Coast in history!

Let the holder transform into a real living dead, forcibly locked between life and death, and immune to all physical attacks.

Any trauma will be restored as soon as it is illuminated by the moonlight, and the gold coins can be returned to the treasure chest to become a normal person again.

It's nothing when faced with a powerful supernatural being one-on-one, but it is an undoubted artifact in a large-scale war.

The huge quantity of 882 pieces can be used to create a simplified version of the [King's Left Hand], which will not be outdated until the fifth level.

In the future, this team will be the sharpest spear and the strongest shield in my hand, helping me win the most noble fifth-level crown. "

Others didn't know that Flint specifically told about the "Faustian Pact" before he died.

The focus of the competition is on the 882 Azik's cursed gold coins.

As for Byron and Violet, they arrived here three days ago, led by Thomas the Macaw.

I found an inconspicuous place to build a tree house and recharge my batteries.

Byron also met his cousin Andrew Lancaster, who was reduced to a skeleton.

This is a somewhat rigid traditional nobleman.

Even though he has become a pale skeleton with eyes flashing with will-o'-the-wisps, he is still a gentleman with an aristocratic temperament and a third-level [Storm Admiral].

When he was trapped on Treasure Island 11 years ago, Byron was already seven years old. They were both direct descendants of Lancaster, so of course they were no strangers.

Even though they were separated by life and death at this moment, the strange feeling of not seeing each other for many years was quickly eliminated.

However, Byron felt that it would be best if the uncle did not immediately start the round-the-clock marriage urging mode after learning that the family was destroyed and he was the only male left.

Especially when he found that Violet was a perfect match in terms of appearance, rank and origin, he actually asked her face to face:

“Beautiful Miss Harold, could you please consider my nephew as your marriage partner?

I heard that [Queen of Evernight] Margaret of the Kalmar Alliance only has an only grandson left who was born with hemophilia and was very sick. [Blue Dragon King] Reinhardt has very few direct bloodlines left.

Why don't you try to make do with my nephew?

Although Lancaster is now in dire straits, the family actually keeps secret accounts in various countries and still has some pocket money.

How about I personally give you one hundred thousand pounds for every child you have to support your alchemy career?

Double the amount for each additional child.

Wait, don't run. Although it's a bit presumptuous, it's easy to discuss things.

Don't you like gold pounds? The white glove I raised actually still has a few gem mines in my hands, and I will find a way to get them back some other day."

Obviously, the top priority facing Andrew at this moment is the continuation of the Lancaster family's bloodline.

Once Du Miao has an accident, it will be just like what the macaw said, and the family will really be extinct.

They are all family sinners!

Not to mention there is another crisis on Treasure Island, even if the end of the world comes, we cannot delay having children.

‘Do you think this is human language? It's even less skillful than Jacqueline's [Chameleon].

Violet's face turned red, she must have been angry.

I didn’t backhand you with a shot of blood and fire, and we sang together because the two of us have a good relationship. ’

Byron was like an older young man who couldn't escape the urging of his elders to get married every New Year when he returned home. He was restless for a while, and then he took his anger out on the macaw who dared to gloat about his misfortune.

He didn't do anything excessive to it, he just casually appointed it as the captain of the treasure hunting team.

Called it twice: "Captain Thomas."

Just let this coward accidentally twist his waist while sneaking around to "play" with the goat.

It wasn't until the fourth day that the turmoil in the team finally came to an end.

The other 56 intact people were awakened early this morning, and most of them still stayed in the territory built by the [Development Order], ready for battle at any time.

When the second rainbow light completely dissipated.

Byron and everyone on the island chanted a spell together:

"Zimeli Mountain, Zimeli Mountain, open the door!"


The ground in front of each team cracked, revealing a narrow door leading to the underground.

Byron waved his hand:

"Uncle Andrew, you died at the exit of the maze 11 years ago. Today I will conquer the maze under the treasure cave to avenge you."

First mate Bruch: "Captain, my sword is with you."

Boatswain Eight Fingers: "And my axe."

Skeleton Captain Mr. Andrew also patted his chest, and his bones clanged:

"And your dead uncle. Let's go, boys!"

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