Pirate Kingship

Chapter 251 New entry: The Three Musketeers


With a loud bang, the [Black and White Key] burst into flames.

Violet activated the Wonder Boots again, firing at Herman who was running towards her, while pulling Byron away.

"I understand!"

After Byron realized that he had made a mistake like many others, he was only slightly surprised and immediately thought of the key to the ceremony.

The ritual requirement of the "Pirate Treasure Box": Get one of the treasures that best represents the glory of a great pirate's life alive, and you can complete the promotion.

According to the information known in the past, everyone thinks that the most representative of the glory of a great pirate's life must be the fleet of plundering treasures.

Naturally, the thing promised in the contract was chosen as [Azik's Cursed Gold Coin].

Even Byron, who had seen Flint before, was no exception.

But when he learned that this great pirate had another identity, the [Lantern Bearer] of the Lighthouse Union, this assumption was no longer valid.

In the eyes of the collective consciousness of mankind, the glory and contribution of the [Lantern Bearer] to the world are obviously far beyond the reach of a pirate.

Therefore, the treasure that best represents his life's glory should be the "Faust Contract" used to protect this world.

He suddenly looked up.

There, as the time for "dinner" got closer, a huge crack-like portal appeared more and more frequently.

It was almost completely fixed above the blood lake.

Strands of blood were floating towards the crack against gravity.

At the border of the two worlds, the light of a lighthouse became increasingly dim, as if it could go out at any time.

The golden and red aura of the "Faust Contract" itself penetrated the gap between the two worlds and shone on both parties.

"This contract belongs to me!

If I get it, I will become the most powerful and richest pawnbroker in the world.

Even if I become the first fifth-level king who started as a pawnbroker, it is definitely not a dream."

A card suddenly jumped out of Velasquez's palm and fell into the shadow under his feet.

The shadow expanded rapidly, turning into a skeletal warhorse wrapped in worn-out ropes and caltrops, with sparks coming out of its mouth and nose. It was the mount of the Tarsal God.

Velasquez climbed onto the horse, squeezed the horse's belly, and instantly soared into the sky like a wisp of invisible and intangible green smoke.

Seeing Velasquez so positive, his contract conditions were obviously not something that required the [Lantern Bearer] to take responsibility.

No wonder the extraordinary people like to fall at every turn, that's really in line with human nature.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Byron immediately shouted:

"Velasquez, who do you see?"

The undead attendant [Various Enchantress] Beatrice, with a dull look in her eyes, then appeared behind him.

Even though she had been dead for a long time, she was still as charming and enchanting as a beautiful snake.

Velasquez unexpectedly saw this woman who had spent countless beautiful nights with him, and was immediately startled and stopped.

The third-level wizard Beatrice, after all her knowledge was taken away by the logbook, burned out in an instant, pushing Byron to the third level again.

The Wild Hunt Knight rode a ghost warhorse and jumped out of the pale blue flames.

Byron pulled Violet onto the horse's back and held her between his arms.

He immediately chased after his competitor while he was stunned.

Between suspended death sentence and immediate execution, he was more inclined to choose suspended death sentence.

"Sea Hunter, you are the Wild Hunt?!

Ahhhh, give us our golden code back."

Velasquez's reaction speed was no slower than [Blue Hair].

He immediately connected the cause and effect. The Barbary pirates were only tricked once, but the Castilians were tricked twice by the Wild Hunt.

New and old hatreds surged in his heart, and with a wave of his hand, a group of shadow arrows comparable to a crossbow shot out.

Byron waved his lance to block all the shadow arrows.

Violet fired with two guns, but was blocked by a shadow on the opponent.

Herman, the only one left on the ground, shouted angrily and recited the swordsman's poem in the manuscript:

"Practice with moderation, defeat the enemy and take things, cut into the body, dodge and flow!"

Her feet stepped on the ground and soared into the air like a meteor, her figure flashed one after another, and she landed on Velasquez's horse in an instant.

She sat behind the governor.

She held the sword in both hands and slashed Byron.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

As the weapons clashed, a huge roar like iron forging suddenly sounded above the third floor.

If he could speak human language, he would definitely shout:

"Heretical Wild Hunt, die!"

As a member of the hunting team, his mission to Bantaan this time was to hunt down the Wild Hunt.

There are thousands of strong men on the sea, and Captain Byron has offended half of them.

For Byron, this time it really is a matter of success or death.

If they could not kill the Governor of Havana and the Quasi-Sword Saint Herman from the Holy Silver Empire, they would have to abandon the foundation they had just established and run away in disgrace.

The two riders fought and rushed, and after both of them entered the crack, they headed straight for the lighthouse in Flint.

At the same time, Byron also saw the true face of [Greedy Worm·Mammon] in the distant source sea in the dim light.

The whole body is a giant cicada, flesh-colored, with six legs that are human hands, and a human face that looks like a golden mask.

It releases excessive knowledge all the time, causing the nearby sea space to be distorted and full of illusions.

Palace gardens, fine wine and food, jewels and beauties. It was like an extremely tempting mirage.

But he believed that if he really reached out to grab it, he would definitely get something real, regardless of the outcome.

"This is a greedy wishing machine!"

And it was this moment of eye contact, and the information obtained from it allowed Byron to completely complete the last piece of the puzzle of [The Mystery of the Growth of Wealth on Treasure Island].

Andrew said that whenever the cicadas chirped outside, Treasure Island would appear; when the cicadas chirped inside the island, an irresistible crisis would come.

Summer is the season for cicadas.

There is a kind of cicada that only comes out of the soil in prime years, and this kind of cicada is called "periodic cicada".

In order to avoid competing for food, prime number cycles have evolved to reduce the number of encounters.

For example, the 13-year cicada and the 17-year cicada will only appear at the same time once every 221 years (13 times 17).

That is to say, their larvae hibernate underground for more than ten years, just for a summer of singing.

The cicada-like [Greedy Worm] also has similar characteristics. There are different prime number groups among its followers, and they will only appear to forage every prime number of years.

Riding on the Treasure Island that spans the two worlds, it enters the real world to forage, and returns to the Sea of ​​​​Source after completing metamorphosis.

And use countless greedy souls to worship [Greedy Worm].

By the way, it turns the treasure hunters who landed on the island into gold and silver, which can attract more treasure hunters when it appears next time.

The cycle goes back and forth, getting stronger and stronger.

In mysticism, cicadas usually symbolize "cicada molting and rebirth, the soul is immortal."

The moment he saw that indescribable thing, Byron always felt that this corpse that fell into eternal sleep would be resurrected one day.

At the same time, the decryption density of [Secret: The Mystery of the Wealth Growth of Treasure Island, Historical Influence 29] has also been pushed to 100%.

The spirituality of feeding back not only made up for Byron's consumption in successive battles, but also settled down, and he would usher in another round of surge as soon as he broke through the third-order limit.

"Captain, you have obtained a new entry."

The logbook automatically turns pages.

In addition to the historical revisionist; the confidant; the outlaw; you are not the murderer; why do you want to carve your name on my pipe, a sixth entry is obtained.

And this time, for the first time, three options are given, and you can choose one.

[Entry: You have two tricks]:

As long as the enemy is not higher than you by a major realm, no matter who you are fighting, you will definitely be able to survive the first two moves. Even the most powerful enemy will take three moves to kill you.

[Entry: Resurrection, my love]:

If after you die, your teammates say to your corpse: "It moves, damn, it moves, he is alive", you can get up and continue to live as an undead creature.

[Entry: The Three Musketeers]:

As we all know, there are actually four people in the Three Musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Alamis, plus the protagonist D'Artagnan.

It is common sense, just like there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Ability: Add an extra quota to all currently limited supernatural abilities.

For example, the upper limit of the [Wild Hunt Servant] under the title [Wild Hunt] is three people, which can be increased to four.

For another example, in the "Right Hand of the King", there are sixteen positions, including one king, one queen, two chariots, two bishops (or prime ministers), two knights, and eight guards.

You can add one more at will, for example: one dragon and two coughs, that's it.

"What are the rewards this time? [You have some tricks], you are going to die anyway, what's the point of missing one or two tricks?

If you live as a ghost, won't you become the second Uncle Andrew? The ancestors of the Lancaster family are crying!

As for the last one. Uh, I'll choose it later depending on the situation."

Leaving burning hoof prints in the air, the two war horses drove side by side and rushed into the top floor of the lighthouse together.

The lightning-fast [Secret Sword Art·Fingertip Gun] shook out a whistling gun shadow, and collided desperately with the two-handed sword blessed by the Sword Saint's Poems.

Byron felt unprecedented pressure, his arms were numb, and his bones were groaning.

If the opponent was not good at horse fighting, he would have been defeated soon.

The sharp sword energy cut everything in the lighthouse into pieces.

The "Faust Contract" floated up with the air flow, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right.

Just when the two sides were at loggerheads and refused to give in, the three-minute time limit was passing by.

Byron thought that the condition for the ceremony was only to get it, and it was not necessary to have complete possession, so he silently apologized to Flint.

"Open it for me!"

The black and white Faust Contract was suddenly torn in half by a sword energy.

The two riders rushed up and each grabbed a part.

The one in Byron's hand was a normal white background with gold letters, only one-third of it was complete, while Velasquez's was two-thirds, all black background with red letters.

And at the moment when Byron's fingertips touched the "Faust Contract".


A strong wind suddenly blew in this deep underground maze.

Countless storm spirits seemed to be alive, cheering around Byron, and moving in and out of his body with his breathing.

Everyone in the maze instantly felt a strong emotion from the wind around them.

That was the taste of freedom!

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