Pirate Kingship

Chapter 266: Deep Sea Origin: Beast Number 666

"It's so bright, it's the boat itself that's shining!"

Even though the golden light in the sky had faded, the people standing in front of the sailboat couldn't help but squint their eyes.

Normal high-quality teak is dark brown, and after a long period of wind and sun, it will naturally oxidize to golden yellow.

And as time goes by, this noble color will become brighter and brighter.

At this time, the [New Golden Deer], which has undergone a mysterious transformation and has been reborn, is exactly like this.

To the naked eye, the dark brown wood that was originally brand new has quietly reached the most perfect oxidation state, shining from head to tail, as if it is a golden ship made entirely of gold.

In the spiritual vision, it is even more brilliant like the sun.

The sails have also quietly changed, floating like white clouds.

Pure, luxurious, and eye-catching.

If it weren't for the absence of the iconic "ship spirit" of the [Legendary Battleship], they would almost doubt that they had accidentally created a sea legend.

Appearance is only secondary. The logbook in Byron's right eye read the information of this giant relic at the first time.

[Second-level Holy Relic Tudor Hybrid Sailboat Prototype]:

"In the Silver Age 1471, Lighthouse Sequence [Storm Knight] Byron Tudor proposed an unprecedented new ship design concept.

And named it after his mother's surname.

It was completed by Tower Sequence [Craftsman] Little Hans and Violet half a year later on April 13, 1472.

The various indicators mainly based on speed have broken the highest record in the history of ships, and have the potential to become the best pirate ship, adventure ship and whaling ship.

Leave a strong mark in the history of world navigation."

"Ability 1: See the ship faster.

It comes from a design concept that transcends the entire era.

A series of milestone excellent designs such as the downward keel, flat deck, bottom shape, length-to-width ratio, etc., make it surpass all sailboats in the world in speed.

From then on, no matter what ship you encounter on the sea, even those strange warships with special figureheads, the speed can be passively faster than the other party.

As long as the other party is a ship, it is absolutely It is impossible to catch up with you, we are all younger brothers!"

"Ability 2: Timeless.

It comes from the excellent material of teak.

Time will not leave traces on this ship. Whether it is ten years or a hundred years, it will be exactly the same as when it was just launched.

Even if it is damaged in battle, as long as various repair materials are piled in the cabin, it can automatically complete the repair.

In the fierce battle, this ability will not be hindered from taking effect. It can be repaired while being damaged in battle, and its anti-sinking performance is excellent.

Even if it is finally sunk by the secondary explosion, as long as more than one-third of the hull is retained, it can still be slowly restored and resurface sooner or later.

It is: one ship is passed down for eight generations, and the ship remains even if the people leave!"

"Destiny: Who dares to be faster than me!

On this ship, you are the fastest men on the sea, and others are only worthy of eating your wake.

When conducting a formation, you can only be the lead ship, and there is no possibility of retreating behind everyone. "

When seeing this, Byron's eyes began to sparkle like the ship.

"I made money, this time I made a lot of money."

Although this relic warship has only two abilities, both speed and anti-sinking are key abilities of a warship.

A single ability can be the best in the world, which is enough to crush its peers.

And don't forget that the [Golden Deer] also comes with a title effect [The World's Fastest Three-Masted Ship]:

It can increase the normal speed by an additional 20% on the basis of the designed normal speed, and reduce the impact of bad weather such as big waves, strong winds, and heavy rain on it by 20%.

As the mystical owner of this name, Byron can rename it at any time as long as he wants to transfer the title, and the title effect of [Golden Deer] will also be transferred to the new ship.

With the blessing of the title, the new Golden Deer can easily break through the maximum speed of 14 knots even in normal sailing conditions, which can be comparable to the clipper ship he has not yet taken out.

The addition of the two is a miracle of escape, ensuring that no enemy ship can catch up with it.

As for the other side of the warship's attack ability, Byron, as the [Storm Admiral], can completely make up for it with extraordinary abilities.

He can use a series of abilities such as: artillery range extension, manual guidance, etc. to improve the performance of artillery, and even activate [Ride] to drive the warship alone.

With the speed of the Golden Deer, which is the best in the seven seas, it is easy to bring the kite flow to its extreme.

Seeing that the sea water in the dock is completely level with the sea surface outside, Byron straightened his triangular captain's hat and waved his hand:

"Get on board, let's show our face and show this sea our big treasure."

"Roar, yes, captain!"

140 elite crew members who had been assembled long ago, who were also the first batch of backbone members of the Guards [Death Wing], boarded the ship one after another.

Among them, the proportion of first-level extraordinary people reached an astonishing one-fifth.

Many of them were just fishermen, vagrants, bankrupts, low-level sailors on merchant ships, and even slaves who were bought and sold at will.

All of them were promoted step by step because of Byron's shelter and the "721 Captain Fission Mode" that opened up the upward channel.

Not only is he loyal, but he also has his deposits in Pioneer Bank, his house in the Tyman Islands, his wife in the Colonial Company, and his life depends on the cursed gold coins. His own interests are highly tied to Byron.

The successive victories won by following Byron shaped the unstoppable spirit of this team at the beginning of the establishment of [Deathwing].

Now not only has the captain been promoted to the third rank, but even their vehicles have been completely renewed.

How many sailors on this sea can serve on a holy relic warship in this life?

Everyone believes that tomorrow will be better, and they also firmly believe that [Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor will lead them on a glorious road to kingship.

This unshakable confidence cultivated step by step is obviously more valuable than any advanced equipment!

It also makes Byron's anchor more stable, and it will not be a problem to resist [Greed Worm·Mammon] on the other side of the world rift in a short time.

"You go to Gonafu Island to do business, and by the way, conduct sea trials of the new Golden Deer.

I still have a lot of work to do, so I won't go out to sea with you."

Catherine, a career-oriented strong woman, said hello to them and hurried away in crystal high heels.

Her mind is now full of plans to make a fortune such as "online trading platform", "stock trading market" and "offshore financial center".

Although the ideal blueprint is good, there is still a lot of preparation work to be done in order to successfully implement it, even with the help of several maids who are good at this.

Watching Catherine go away.

Violet suddenly took the initiative to hold Byron's hand, and the two pairs of the same blue eyes looked at each other.

The girl said to him as if she had finally mustered up the courage:

"Byron, I'll go with you.

In fact, my second ritual [Deep Sea Origin] requires the blood of various sea monsters to engrave rune characters on my body, and finally carry the complete bloodline code.

In order to facilitate the capture of various sea monsters, once they appear nearby, I, a quasi-witch, can sense their location.

If the [May Wind] that is said to have tentacles and merge with sea monsters appears, I may be able to warn you in the first time."

"Is the middle-order ritual of the Witch of Disaster called. Deep Sea Origin?"

Although Byron has used whale bone amulets made by many girls, this is the first time he has heard her talk about the conditions for her second inhuman transformation.

Completing the second sublimation ceremony of [Witch of Disaster] will transform Violet into an inhuman extraordinary [Witch].

In addition to being able to cast various spells, she also gains the ability to transform into three aquatic monsters.

What it will become is completely random. There are hundreds of recorded monsters and supernatural beings.

Humanoid monsters like mermaids and sirens are okay, but I am afraid that it will be something else that ordinary people cannot tolerate.

That's why I haven't told Byron about it.

If she doesn't say it herself, Byron certainly won't ask about such things that involve the fundamental path of a supernatural being.

If it weren't for the May Wind this time, Violet might have to keep it secret for a while.

Now that I have spoken, I might as well reveal a little secret to Byron:

"The core of the forbidden book "Disaster Spell" is 24 rune characters, which can be composed of thousands of different variant runes.

At low sequence, the rune is carried by whale bones. When you master all the whale bone amulets, you can start the second ritual called "Deep Sea Origin".

Hunting powerful marine creatures, using their blood to engrave a set of at least six curses on your body.

Using the power of these curses to transform your own blood and transform into a non-human.

If you are lucky enough, you may be able to inherit some of the abilities of the original owner of the blood. The stronger the aquatic monster is, the better."

"Does the promotion ceremony require at least six monsters?"

Byron firmly remembered this number in his mind, and he was already sharpening his knife in his heart, and began to plan which famous monsters in the Bantaan Islands to attack.

It's just a pity that after the blue-haired Hailding became the bald Hailding, he fell to the fourth level, and the heart of the beast king collapsed, causing many of his sea monsters to terminate the contract and run away.

The blood of the large sea monster [Fiddler Crab] in his hand should be usable. The ability of "Deep Sea Jump" is definitely worth it.

Violet nodded:

"Yes, at least six monsters are needed, corresponding to the number of beasts 666 mentioned by the church. After all, she is the witch that the church wants to get rid of soon."

When she talked about the witch, she playfully stuck out her pink tongue tip to Byron.

Even if you are not a supernatural person, you know what the number of beasts 666 means after years of propaganda by the church.

The three numbers "666" are the number of vicious beasts in Chapter 13, verse 18 of the Gospel of Creation.

It is said that before the end of the world, the devil will be rampant in the world, manifested as a monster:

"Let anyone who has understanding calculate the number of beasts, for it is the number of man, and its number is 666".

They represent the opposite of God, the beastly camp.

Therefore, among all the believers of the Creator, 666 is not only not a compliment, but it can be directly linked to the devil, making people shudder at the mere mention of it.

The Witch Lady continued to explain:

“The forbidden book says that there are a total of 666 powerful aquatic monsters or grotesques hidden in the depths of the Sea of ​​​​Source.

The reserve [Witches of Disaster] can all sense their existence.

In the future, once I hunt for the right blood, I will need you to help me engrave six curse seals on my body, hands, feet, tongue root, and back of the neck.

The book says that this process will be very painful and dangerous, and it is almost impossible to complete it by yourself. Now the only person I can completely trust is you. "

Byron was naturally obligated to do this kind of thing, and immediately agreed with a pat on his chest:

"Don't worry, now we have replaced the gun with the gun. It would be fine if we didn't encounter that elusive guy.

If you encounter it, I'll use its blood to make a curse seal for you! "

As he spoke, he took her hand and jumped into the air, falling as lightly as two feathers on the deck of the Golden Deer.

Seeing them coming up, [Chameleon] Jacqueline immediately rushed over waving a copy of "Lighthouse Weekly" and shouted to Byron excitedly:

"Cousin, I found it. The Seagull Courier just delivered today's newspaper. It indeed contains the code words published by Lancaster, inviting 'Byron Lancaster' to join them.

Do you need me to inform those guys in advance to prepare for you? "

Byron glanced sideways at this little girl who was afraid of chaos in the world, and said angrily:

"We're not going to inspect, why do we still need to inform them to clean up in advance?"

Jacqueline didn't insist, but smiled and said with some gloating:

"Hahaha, let us, the bandit suppression team under the York family, drive directly over to scare them.

Especially that [Enabling the Enemy's Opportunity] Burley Tania, who kept a stern face all day long, as if everyone owed him thousands of pounds.

This time I want to see who dares to follow me."

He raised his head and glanced at Byron beside him, pinched his waist and continued arrogantly:

"Who dares to speak loudly to the two of us! Let's go!"

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