Pirate Kingship

Chapter 272 Secret: The Origin of the Mad Blood Disaster

Byron spread out his palm, and with a dazzling flash of lightning, a very tall shadow slowly emerged from behind him.

It was a burly old man with a blurred face, but obviously blind in one right eye.

He wore a golden horn helmet, a bright silver battle armor, and was accompanied by two hounds and two ravens on each side.

As long as you have a little understanding of the myths of the Northland Bay people, you will know that this very distinctive image belongs to [God of Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt] Woden!

Of course, this is just the appearance described in the ancient myths.

Since the Silver Age, the only god in the world is [The Bound Creator], and no one has ever seen the King of the Wild Hunt.

The shadow handed the flashing spear in his hand into Byron's palm, and the spear solidified instantly.

The spear shaft seemed to be some kind of golden wood, and the spear head was a translucent blue crystal, with a string of runes engraved on each side, one side was "hunting" and the other side was "taming".

Byron inexplicably felt that even if he had never learned runes, he could understand their meanings at a glance among the series of extraordinary knowledge he had mastered.

"Is this the [Guaranteed Spear Gungnir] belonging to the God of the Wild Hunt, Woden, in mythology?"

Only then did he have time to check the information about his new ability.

"Legend has it that the weapon of [God of Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt] Woden is called the Guaranteed Spear Gungnir, also known as Gungnir.

In the Doomsday War that ended the mythological era, it was this god who threw the first blow with this spear.

The custom of the ancient Bay people in the cold weapon period, when fighting, usually had the commander throw a spear at the enemy first, was inherited from this.

When Woden threw this spear, it would emit a light that illuminated the sky. People on the ground called it 'lightning', and another saying was 'shooting star'.

According to ancient myths and epics, those who swore to this spear will have their oaths fulfilled.

This is why mortals all over the Old Continent like to make wishes to shooting stars and believe that The origin of the wish will definitely come true.

The ability of the gun is quite simple and powerful, that is, 'once thrown, it will hit the target'!

It is a magic gun that never misses, it can hit anything it wants to hit, and then automatically return to the owner's hands. "

"One side is [Taming Gun]: limited to non-human creatures, it will enter the spiritual world by itself after hitting the target. Only by using one's own will to subdue the prey can the opponent be truly subdued.

If the opponent forcibly breaks free or subdues it in the opposite direction, it may cause mental trauma.

The more objects you tame, the heavier the burden, please do it according to your ability. "

Byron felt that with this thing, his title of [Sea Hunter] was well deserved.

How can he be called a hunter if he only relied on a group of fragile sharks that have never been able to break through the limits of the race, without left and right guards, front and back sword guards, left holding Huang and right Qingcang?

The combat power of the fiddler crab is average, and it cannot achieve any precise coordination with the help of the contract conch. The main role he plays is still the transport captain.

But this taming gun is different.

With it, you can completely subdue the sea monster guards who are truly subordinate to you and can cooperate tacitly, and double the combat power of the Golden Deer!

"The other side is [Hunting Gun]: the hunter's destiny, there is no limit to the hunting object, it can be a humanoid creature, a monster or a large creature.

Inject the spiritual glow that has undergone a qualitative change after being promoted to the third level. The more you inject, the stronger the power. When the gun head is fully lit, it will trigger a 100% penetration effect that ignores defense!

Note: You can also inject other external spiritual substances (transmuted blood, soul, etc.) to achieve the same power."

Seeing the description of "100% penetration", even the owner Byron's pupils shrank.

This seems to have some effects of a conceptual weapon.

And this ability is just a skill from the title. I dare not imagine how powerful the real Gungnir will be.

There is no doubt that if the artifact of the mythical era, [Guardian Gungnir], still exists, it will definitely be one of the most powerful zero-level holy relics in the world.

Even the direct heirs of the Bay People, such as Byron and Violet, do not know the whereabouts of the treasure.

Like the original law of the [Pirate Code], it has long been missing.

At this moment, Byron has a spear in his hand, hunting sea monsters, hunting treasures, hunting merchant ships, and hunting enemies. This is the true complete sea hunter.

After understanding his new ability, he did not hesitate any more and shouted:

"Hunting Spear!"

The rune representing "hunting" on the side of the crystal spear head lit up with Byron's eyes.

The pale blue [Storm Spirit Light] quickly flowed into the Guardian Gun along his palm.

His current spiritual strength is about 11.2, which is not too strong among the third-level. He had previously launched a fleet-level storm blessing, which consumed a lot. Now he only injected about 5 spiritual points at one time.

The tip of the crystal spear also lit up one-fifth.

"It seems that if you want to activate the penetration effect by your own strength, you must be at least at the peak of the fifth-level legend, and your spirituality must reach 25 points.

Try it first. If it doesn't work, fill it with the Wild Hunt Legion and the Blood of Transmutation.

Miss, help me lock the target."

Although the sure-hit spear is sure to hit, the premise is that it must be able to sense the target, and the eyes, spirituality and other means can be used.

If there is no guidance ability, no matter how strong the power is, it will be in vain.


Violet responded crisply, and immediately stood beside Byron, holding his left hand, and the two of them released spiritual aura at the same time.


The two bodies trembled slightly as if they were electrified, and then the two spiritual auras completely blended, without any stagnation, and achieved sensory communication.

This is something that can only be done if the two minds are connected and their lives are entrusted.

The two of them have already mastered it.

[Storm Admiral] has extraordinary sensitivity to wind and atmosphere, and the reserve [Witch of Disaster] has unparalleled sensitivity to water and tides.

The two senses merged into one, amplified each other, and extended far away.

In a trance, the large area of ​​Tianhai system in front of them, which was raining heavily, became one-way transparent in their eyes.

The sea breeze was howling, the waves were stacking, and the heavy rain clouds in the sky were roaring.

As long as they wanted, they could know how high the clouds were, how fast the wind was, how many meters the waves were, how many raindrops fell on the Golden Deer at the same time, and how many fish were under the nearby sea water.

Even the flow of wind and water, the direction of the source tide that was synchronized with it was like observing the lines in the palm of your hand.

Byron didn't have time to enjoy the wonderful experience brought by this combination of senses for a while.

Immediately with the help of the witch's perception, he locked the position of the underwater [May Wind].

The underwater speed of this octopus battleship was only 10 knots, which was only slightly faster than the speed of a long-distance run. It couldn't run far in such a short time.

At this time, it was 120 meters away from them, about eight meters deep underwater, and continued to swim towards Gonave Island.

Byron half-crouched and posed a standard javelin throwing posture.

Slightly accumulating strength, stepping on the deck, the wind suddenly blew, and he threw the Gungnir in his hand out violently.


This spear seemed to have really turned into a meteor or lightning in mythology, flashing in front of the two.

The heavy seawater that could make the shells lose their lethality was like non-existent in front of this spear, and it did not cause any obstacles to it at all.

In just a blink of an eye, Gungnir, who broke through the water, came to the side and rear of the May Wind, which was about the location of the captain's room of a normal ship.

Under the impetus of Byron's spirituality, it rotated at a high speed, driving the surrounding water to become a sharp drill, and then stabbed in fiercely!

The newly born barnacle armor instantly collapsed, and this drill forced a wide passage leading directly to the captain's room.

It was not until it met the real target in the captain's room that it finally stopped and collided with a crab claw that suddenly raised, emitting dazzling blue sparks.

It also finally allowed Byron and Violet to see the true face of the fourth-level hero adventurer Balboa after his fall.

"So ugly."

He still retained his human form, wearing the captain's uniform of Castile and a captain's hat.

But many gray-white barnacles grew on his body, one hand turned into an anemone, and the other hand turned into an iron-colored crab claw.

The lower body turned into a bunch of sticky purple-black octopus tentacles, just like a human-shaped octopus.

Violet was surprised to find that the thoughts coming from Byron's senses were completely different from hers. It seemed that

I want to eat, it's delicious, I love to eat?

I thought I had an illusion.

And what was even more disgusting was.

An umbilical cord-like nerve bundle grew behind Balboa's head and sank under the deck, seemingly connected to another core of the flesh-and-blood warship.

While he controlled the warship, he also shared his extraordinary ability of infinite evolution with the warship.

They even suspected that the octopus had three hearts and nine brains, and which one of the ship and the human was his true body.

Just when they saw this infinite evolutionist.

The ink on the logbook was smudged, and a new secret emerged: [The source of the Mad Blood Disaster, historical influence 38, deciphering density 21%].

The deciphering density of the Renaissance Prophecy also increased from 33% to 35%.

"Influence 38? This is at least an entire continent-level influence range.

This adventurer is more capable of getting into trouble than me.

The octopus battleship is just a side dish, and there is obviously a big fish behind it."

This is a secret whose influence is only second to the Renaissance Prophecy, and ranks second in all the lists in the current logbook.

It is even more influential than [The Shadow Behind the Red and White Rose War].

In fact, if you think about it, this is normal. As long as this mystery is solved, it means that the first veil of the New World has been unveiled.

It is also a milestone for the entire Age of Discovery.

When Byron's mind was racing, this sure-shot shot finally ran out of power in the struggle with the crab claw, and it flashed back to his hand.

"Although it didn't kill the enemy in one move, the effect was beyond expectations."

As the information displayed in the logbook said, if the perception can lock the opponent's position, it can hit the target 100%, and even automatically lock the enemy's vital points.

The opponent can only block it by force, but cannot dodge or evade. Even if it escapes to the ends of the earth, it will still be chased by it, and the power will not be lost.

But the hunting gun with only five points of spirituality as fuel has a destructive power equivalent to a close-range artillery attack of a 32-pound heavy artillery.

If a normal person dares to take this gun with his body, he will die on the spot.

But for a monster like the May Wind that evolves infinitely, it is a little bit not good enough.

Unless the fuel is continuously supplied, the final result can be achieved.

So, Byron burned dozens of undead servants accumulated in the Wild Hunt Legion without hesitation, as well as a small portion of the transmuted blood collected from the coral people this time.

He relit half of Gungnir's crystal spear head, which was almost the entire spiritual power of a third-level all-victorious state.

He threw another shocking shot.

A thunderbolt struck in the sky over the sea, as if the spear of divine punishment thrown by Thor from the clouds, slashed down along the hole opened the first time.

But this time its target was no longer Balboa, but the floor under his feet.


It was as if the high explosives were detonated, blowing away the heroic adventurers who had taken a defensive posture in advance.

The lower gun deck, along with a huge heart with barnacles on the surface hidden under the deck, which was constantly beating, exploded.

Countless bright blue blood was thrown in the flesh and blood cabin.

The Octopus Battleship finally suffered a heavy blow this time, and was no longer able to land on the island to avenge the remnants. It wailed all the way down, falling straight into the dark seabed thousands of meters deep.

The wailing sound echoed in their ears for a long time.

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