Pirate Kingship

Chapter 282 The murderer is not me, but the Earl's party!

After Byron killed his two bosses, he immediately threw out the [Shadow Spell] card in his hand.

He used "Faustian Contract" as a guest pawn merchant, activated the shadow door that came with it, and returned to the Golden Deer at a speed that was not inferior to the "deep sea jump" of a fiddler crab.

If it weren't for the fact that the load of shadow spells is too small, the flexibility of this forbidden knowledge would be much stronger than deep sea jumping.

"A trip that just goes away" is not enough to describe its convenience.

Byron almost wanted to keep this thing as a special flying drop for himself.

But it was just a thought, he couldn't do such a luxurious thing.

It is more practical to use [Shadow Spell] to create a third-level great wizard who can do everything.

"Exchanging a third-level power that can achieve the sublimation of bloodline for a powerful thug who can look after homes and homes, play with birds and walk dogs, he still has to work hard for me and beat me to death?

When the time comes, you must not sell your baby at a loss.

It is best to turn all the previous gains into combat effectiveness as soon as possible. In order to fight for the right to protect the teachings, we still have a tough battle to fight. "

Byron had just changed back to his original identity from [Falcon] Alvin when he saw a light signal coming from the warship next to him.

It was the navy's internal request for help signal that had been sent to the mixed combined fleet after a slight delay.

Soon Byron learned of the turmoil in Port Royal from an accompanying naval colonel. He was immediately "shocked" and quickly ordered:

“The wind has turned, Jamestown is now in danger, and we must return to the rescue of Port Royal immediately.

Everyone, the time has come to prove our loyalty to His Majesty the King!

All turrets are loaded with canisters.

In three minutes, the sea monster under my command will start a deep sea jump. "

I have absolutely no interest in explaining to others why I didn’t use this trump card when I just went to fight the Lancaster Party.

While the fleet was turning around halfway.

He, the "Commander-in-Chief of Bandit Suppression", has simultaneously connected to the "bandit"'s internal line, a local communication network composed of nine [King's Right Hands].

"Attention all units, attention to all units, this is the mixed fleet that is about to return, and there is a three-minute countdown to the deep sea jump.

In the next scene, the hero appears and the gangsters flee.

Everyone became more agile and began to finish the work.

By the way, don't forget to lock the door when you leave.

It doesn't matter whether I'm polite or not at this time. The point is that it would be bad if other homeless people sneak in and steal my money.

Brothers of the privateer fleet, don't just think about your own pleasure and make a mess.

Early tomorrow morning, the tax officer colleagues in the company's finance department will have to register the remaining real estate. "

After hearing his prompt, each combat team under the company immediately reported the progress of the mission.

"This is the eighth finger of the robbery team. Each team has successfully completed their tasks and begun to evacuate in an orderly manner.

I confirmed that the person was killed and the door was locked.

If any bastard dares to bully us honest people and take advantage of us, I will kill him with an ax when I turn around and come back as a city defender. "

"This is Gus from the poisoning team. Except for a few extraordinary beings who are still resisting, there are not many people alive in the military port. The "Storm Cloak" force has completed its evacuation.

Attention, the coral people are about to break through the military port area. "

"This is Alfred from the family-killing group. Everything is normal. The Storm Riders and I are evacuating."

"This is Wyandotte from the second group of exterminators."

All units are progressing relatively smoothly, and criminal gangs with plans and strategies are so orderly and efficient.

However, it was not without any surprises.

“This is Andrew from the Third Group of Miemen.

Let me tell you, I just encountered something interesting.

The mission target of the third group is Milton, the heir to Earl Newman, the first-level gold element sequence [Golden Eye], and his family.

I moved faster than Bloody Mary. After killing the adults in the family, I discovered that the third generation of the Newman family, Perkin Newman, who had just turned six years old, was nowhere to be found.

Just then the evil spirit crawled out from the pile of corpses and walked around the house.

I thought I could save myself some trouble.

But wait until I find that little mouse in the attic closet.

Hey, guess what?

He is not dead! "

Everyone couldn't help but curl their lips when they heard this, and secretly cursed that your circle was in such a mess.

After Bloody Mary's paternity test and the whole family's elimination test, it was obvious that this grandson was not a real descendant of the Newman family.

It is common for aristocratic couples to play with flowers, or even to play with their own flowers, but it is really rare for them to bring the ball back.

Especially for a large aristocratic family, it may be difficult to have one in decades.

Fortunately, when the child was born six years ago, the Newman family had not yet cooperated with the Bloodthirsty Order, and they were not a great noble with the ability to follow the dragon.

Otherwise, no matter what methods the mother's family used to get through, their true colors would be exposed on the spot.

But what should be done with this child?

[Prime Minister] Violet praised her at the right time and asked curiously:

"Uncle, where is the child?"

Probably since she was urged to get married by Andrew, she naturally used this title.

Everyone is the direct descendant of [Blue Dragon King] Reinhardt, so it doesn't seem out of place to call them uncle.

Just listen to Andrew continue to say quietly:

"After all, we are not devils, so I gave this Newman descendant without Newman blood a chance to live.

I took out a candy and a musket for him to choose.

This is what I think. If he chooses a musket, it proves that he has murderous intentions, and this son must not be kept.

If he chooses candy, it proves that this son's city is extremely deep and he must not stay.

If he chooses them all, it proves that he is very greedy, and this child must not be kept.

If he chooses neither, it proves that he is a traitor and he will never be allowed to stay! "


Everyone's lips twitched when they heard it, this piece of old ginger was indeed spicy enough.

“Based on my years of experience, carelessness is the most important thing to avoid when eradicating the roots.

When stabbing the chest with a knife, remember to stab both the left and right sides to prevent someone from suffering from an organ reaction. If it is impossible to make a hole in the middle of the head.

Byron, your uncle is still your uncle, just learn from it. "

Andrew was so proud that the torture methods he had practiced playing with the body and the human heart finally came into use this time (Chapter 224).

This is one of the few little hobbies he has besides urging marriage.

Byron ignored his uncle's bad jokes, looked at the time, and continued to remind them:

“The grief-stricken [Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor has one minute to reach the battlefield.

Except that Violet and Jacqueline are in charge of the 'Resurrection Plan' which needs to be taken slowly after I log in.

Bruch, are you ready for the last part of the frame-up operation that you are responsible for? "

To explain why the iron law of royal power did not have the desired effect on gangsters.

Compared with the true "outlaw" made up of the words "outlaw" and "you are not a murderer", Warwick, a "kingmaker" with a higher position in the legal hierarchy, is obviously more consistent with common sense.

"Captain, no questions asked.

The requirement of the script is to find a group of scapegoats under the [Kingmaker] Earl Warwick to destroy the scene, and be caught by the reinforcements returning to the defense.

Now that most people are ready, we still have the last core stronghold left, so we will start immediately. "

Bruch, who had already reached the back door of a tavern, hung up the communication and nodded to his fiancée [Fairy] Regrel beside him.

At the same time, evacuating Lancastrians all over the city shouted: "By order of the Earl of Warwick, God will punish the Newmans!"

The boss and several waiters in this tavern who had gotten up early couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the noise outside:

"What? In addition to us, the Earl sent others here? Has he killed the Newman family who dared to offend him?

Although this is indeed like the style of His Excellency [Kingmaker], why don’t we know about such a big action? "


A big hole was broken into the wall of the tavern.

The firelight from outside entered the tavern.

"Are they the last group of people?"

Mentioning her major, Regrel rolled her eyes at Bruch charmingly:

“Don’t underestimate the intelligence capabilities of our men in skin.

Most of the spies sent by Warwick worked in the Governor's Palace and the Newman family's property. There were 21 people in total, and the last five were here.

This is also the core contact point that is qualified to directly talk to Earl Warwick. "

When these intelligence officers under Warwick heard them discussing their true identities indifferently, they immediately realized that something was wrong.

Just as he was about to split up and run away, he accidentally caught sight of the "fairy" face of the dancer in front of him. His body instantly stopped and his eyes were filled with obsession.

Title special effects [Absolute Charm]:

"As long as any creature sees her face in fairy state, they will fall madly in love with her, regardless of men, women, animals or monsters.

Her charm means that no matter what abnormal or even incomprehensible behavior she does, she will be understood, forgiven, and even obeyed by others.

If you want to maintain the effect, you need to look at her face every twelve hours. "

Then there was a sudden chill in their bodies, as if another cold body was pressing against them from behind, getting in little by little, and then their eyes went dark and they knew nothing.

They have been captured by Bruch by summoning undead attendants with the help of the ability borrowed from Byron.

Then they joined the fellow spies who had been lined up outside the door. After the Lancastrians retreated, they each settled in a target.

They also began to shout: "By the order of the Earl of Warwick, God will punish the Newman family!"

Regrel looked at their backs. Although he was the executor of the plan, he still had doubts:

"My dear, can we really blame the [Kingmaker] Earl Warwick with these little characters?

Can a few stinky sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs accomplish this? This loophole seems a bit too big, right? "

After all, Bruch grew up in the center of power in the kingdom. He smiled and corrected his fiancée:

“You can’t think like a detective looking for the truth, but you should think like a politician thinking about why you do what you do.

Do you think that the Royal Party, which is fighting fiercely for power with the Earl Party, needs the truth? "

Regrel couldn't help being stunned when he heard this:

"Hey, isn't it?

A big noble who guarded the colony for their royal party died. No matter what, finding the real culprit should be the first priority, right? "

But Bruch shook his head and said meaningfully:

“For them, the truth about the Newman family’s destruction may be important, but it’s not that important.

Anyway, no matter who the murderer is, whether there are any clues left, the final announcement of the kingdom will definitely put the blame on the Lancaster Party.

Because only the Lancaster Party deserves this crime.

We left the clue of "Kingmaker" just to give Edward IV a reasonable excuse to attack Warwick and make them fight more fiercely.

Kingmaker, Kingmaker, listen to this title, does it sound like the title of a minister?

Which king can tolerate such a guy dangling in front of him?

You are the Kingmaker, what am I? A puppet made by you?

Not to mention Edward IV, even I can't tolerate it. "

"Now that the lives of the Newman family are exchanged for a small braid to attack the earl, I believe Edward IV must be very satisfied with this deal.

Many powerful people think they are chess players, but in fact, they are just a piece in the hands of a higher power, just like the lower people.

If you can still create value when you die, it will be great.

In short, the murderer who destroyed the Newman family was either the Lancastrian Party or the Earl Party, and the possibility of their secret conspiracy cannot be ruled out.

Anyway, it is impossible to be a loyal sea hunter, hehe."

Bruch has turned into the appearance of [Executioner] Bill again in a step, striding towards the port.

As long as he blends into the support troops, he will never leave any traces.

Rigel, who has never been exposed to these dark things, also put on the skin of "Tilly" again and hurriedly chased forward.

He spat out the fat pig-like mouth at his fiancé and said in a muffled voice:

"Politics is really dark, it scares people to death. "

If the same action and tone were used on a [fairy], it would be cute and lovely.

But if it were used on Tilly, it would really scare passers-by to death on the spot.

The time they planned was just right.

The coral people in navy uniforms had already rushed out of the naval base and launched an assault along the coastline towards the port area and the merchant ships that came here for refuge.

No matter how slow those civilians were, they reacted after hearing the alarm.

Unfortunately, the time left for them was too short, not enough for them to evacuate their families safely to two kilometers away from the coast.

"I don't want to die."

"Creator, save me! "

When countless people were running and praying desperately.

There was a "splashing" sound of water outside the port, and a huge blue hole suddenly opened up.

The pirate/navy mixed fleet, which had left the port early and was unscathed in the turmoil, rushed out like a god sent from heaven.

Lined up on the sea, they spewed hot metal storms at the coral people like a tide, and approached the coast at high speed.

Boom boom boom.

The sound of thunder shattered the night sky.

The golden "Golden Deer" in the lead was shining with spiritual light, and it instantly shone into everyone's heart like warm sunshine.

In everyone's wide-eyed eyes, at this moment they were angels!

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