Pirate Kingship

Chapter 284 Who is in favor and who is against? (4000)


The meeting hall of the Governor's Palace was urgently transformed into a mourning hall, allowing the Newman brothers to pay their respects and pay their respects.

Together, the two brothers could only find a few pieces of clothing.

The flesh, blood, soul, extraordinary abilities, and family property had all been eaten up by someone. Even the two pieces of clothing used for burial were the simplest and most worthless items.

Let the guests see it and think how honest and self-disciplined they used to be.

"Governor, General, I'm sorry for you, I came back late!"

[Sea Hunter] Mr. Byron, who had shown great power last night and saved the entire Port Royal, was holding the coffin and crying sadly, his face full of self-blame.

She looked even sadder than the orphan girl "Tillier" who had transformed into a fat woman again and was bowing to the guests one by one.

Those who see it are sad, those who hear it cry.

Hearing his uncontrollable cries, every passerby walking past the door of the Governor's Palace couldn't help but shake his head and sigh:

“What happened in the Governor’s Palace yesterday was spread throughout the city.

My next-door neighbor's aunt's son's cousin's friend was a waiter in the Governor's Palace, and I heard it very clearly outside the conference room.

It was all because the governor and the general forced Mr. [Sea Hunter] to lead an attack, which gave the gangsters who had ambushed the port in advance an opportunity.

If they hadn't been so dedicated to their meritorious service, they wouldn't have died so miserably. I heard that they seemed to have been struck by lightning, with no bones left. "

Another well-informed busybody added:

“I heard that it was because of the political struggle that I offended the local [Kingmaker] and was killed to scare the monkeys, and my whole family was killed.

What a misfortune it would be to leave only Miss Tilly, an orphan girl traveling with the fleet. "

More people feel unworthy of their savior:

"His Excellency Sea Hunter was yelled at by the Newman family, forcing him to risk being attacked by the [May Wind] to attack the rebels.

But not only did he have no complaints against the Newman family, he also immediately returned to support Port Royal.

Newman doesn't deserve to be his boss! "

"Yes, yes, I think only His Majesty the King is worthy. Shouldn't he be a natural confidant?

Just being a pirate general is too humiliating. "

Byron has repeatedly strengthened his personality since his debut, and it has almost planted a stamp of thought in the minds of outsiders.

Now, if anyone dares to slander and tear down the mask of "hypocrisy" on his face, he will probably be surrounded by many civilians without having to refute him.

They don't like to hear it!

At this time, in Port Royal, a group of powerful officials and representatives of all colonial parties gathered in the mourning hall.

Mr. Byron, the "Commander-in-Chief of Bandit Suppression" and "Leader of Anti-Bandits", continued his performance, swearing to Brother Newman's clothes with red eyes:

“Governor, general, go to heaven with peace of mind.

Motto of the people of Bay: Vengeance must be avenged.

I will definitely avenge you and make all traitors pay a heavy price!

Every plant, tree, flower and stone in the Governor's Mansion will remain as it is.

On the Blue Mountains in the earldom, the spice trees planted under my personal guidance will also be well taken care of, and we will repay your efforts with a bumper harvest next year.

I also guarantee that the Newman family's manors, fields, plantations, taverns, and Nightingale Song chain stores will never close. Anyone who dares to touch these properties will have his hands chopped off.

By the way, I and my good brother Bill will definitely take good care of Miss Tilly, the last orphan of the Newman family.

They will get married soon.

The family business will also be handed over to her intact."

"Wait! Mr. Sea Hunter, I don't agree."

Among the mourners, a figure with a big belly stood out.

Neither "Tillier" nor Byron expected such an accident, and the leaders of various power departments in Port Royal could not help but frown together.

Judging from his attire, he probably looked like a lord, and he was still on the side of the sparse Newman family.

Many people have recognized his identity.

——The wife of Milton, the heir to Earl Newman, the governor's eldest son, seems to be a little person named Lawrence.

Byron glanced at him and recognized that this was the mother clan of the "lucky man" whom Uncle Andrew called.

He was lucky enough to escape because he didn't have the power to divide the Newman family property, but he suddenly popped up here again.

Originally, if Newman's eldest son Milton succeeded in inheriting the title, the Lawrence family would be able to produce a countess with a male heir, but now all the hard planning has been lost.

Thinking of the third-generation descendant who did not have the blood of the Newman family, Byron's eyes suddenly became somewhat meaningful.

Lord Lawrence, who had obviously also had thoughts about the Newman family property for a long time, looked sad and said:

"Earl Newman's direct heirs are my brother-in-law and sister, then my nephew, and then everyone else.

Of course I agree that Miss Tilly has the right to distribute property.

But although my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew are all gone, their property is still there.

The start-up capital for a considerable part of the property was borrowed from our Lawrence family before the Newman family became prosperous.

Therefore, I advocate that your Excellencies in the Government House liquidate the property of the Newman family!

Mr. Sea Hunter, you are now the protector of Port Royal. You have always been known for your fairness and loyalty. You have an excellent reputation among the civilians and are the most disciplined.

You should be willing to seek justice for me, right?

Please rest assured that the Lawrence family will definitely express their gratitude to you. "

I have to say that he chose this moment very well.

The funeral hall of the Newman brothers gathered all the surviving senior officials of Port Royal, as well as leading figures from the surrounding colonial towns.

Even if Byron is really different from what he appears and is different from the legend, it is impossible to do anything to him in public.

Moreover, the orphan daughter of the Newman family is now like a child holding gold, with little resistance.

It's the same even with the protection of Bill, who doesn't have a strong sense of presence.

As long as he initiates the property liquidation process, given the level of corruption among the officials at the upper and lower levels of Port Royal, they will definitely swarm in and tear off a large piece of flesh from the Newman family's property.

Once they form a community of interests, even a good tiger can never stop a pack of wolves!

A faint smile appeared on Lawrence's fat face, and he felt proud in his heart:

‘In this way, many officials in Port Royal who have benefited will have to accept a big favor from me, Lawrence.

My little lord might be able to use these connections to become a prominent figure in Port Royal.

At worst, 20% or even 30% will be given to the sea hunters.

After all, what does the property of Bill's wife have to do with you? Are you going to be crazy about getting 20-30% for free?

I believe there is no moral saint or betrayal in this sea, just because the price offered is not high enough. ’

However, what he didn't expect was.

Only the leading figures from other colonies in the audience were subconsciously salivating.

Among all the powerful people in Port Royal, Byron was not the only one who did not immediately reach out to catch the pie falling from the sky as he thought.

Even the powerful officials in various departments who are prone to corruption do not turn a blind eye to money.

In fact, after the port tax officer "Malts" of Port Royal and the warden "Ackermann Cyril" looked at each other, they walked towards him together and said coldly:

"Lawrence, right? The Lawrence firm registered in your name is suspected of tax evasion. The evidence is conclusive. Please come with us."

Lawrence realized something was wrong, and his expression suddenly changed:

"Wait a minute, what do you mean? The taxes I missed were all done by the Newman family and you!"

Before he could finish speaking, the warden punched him in the stomach. The pain made him break out in a cold sweat, and he swallowed back all the words he shouldn't have said.

Then he was picked up by two people and walked out.

The mourners who came from out of town subconsciously shrank their necks. Everyone knew that the tax bureau was not easy to deal with.

Once you are caught in a dungeon, even if you can come out alive, you won't be able to leave a single copper penny in your family property.

When they saw the looks in the eyes of other department heads, they all had an inexplicable premonition that this guy might not survive that time.

Look at the navy, taxation, prisons, justice and other departments in front of you, which looks like a monolithic Port Royal.

All the officials, big and small, have clearly defected to the new master.

"Bill", who had been standing next to Byron, put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist and snorted:

“I don’t know what the so-called guy is.

Don’t you know that in Port Royal these days, [Sea Hunter]’s rules are the rules?

If you have already said it, how can it be the turn of others to comment? "

Even if it’s just to the point.

But everyone present was a smart person, and they immediately understood. "Bill" was talking about more than just the property distribution.

It is also the right to speak in Port Royal next time!

The country cannot live without a monarch for a day, and the Arawak Island, which is equivalent to one-quarter of the mainland, cannot live without a leader.

Although everyone wants this huge benefit.

But as soon as he looked at the Port Royal bureaucrats who were all standing behind Byron, and then weighed their own strength, their eyes suddenly darkened.

Just listen to Bill pacing and continue to say:

“My good brother Byron has always been kind-hearted, and he doesn’t have many enemies (still alive) since his debut.

But I, [Executioner] Bill, cannot tolerate sand in my eyes.

To save my face, from now on, we, Pioneer Navigation, will give us three points of profit on all transactions on east-west routes.

International Harbor enjoys first priority when it opens next time.

If you don't give me face, then everyone will just do business in the future. "

Bill emphasized the word "business matters", then scanned the audience and asked solemnly:

"So, who's in favor and who's against?"

Byron didn't say a word the whole time, but their red-faced and white-faced singing was much better than the Newman brothers who just talked empty-handed and asked others to work for their lives.

You must know that the strength possessed by a superior person does not simply come from the position.

It's about how much profit he can share with others. The wider the scope of benefits and the more generous the benefits, the stronger his strength will be.

Historically, some "micro-managers" always liked to strategize, win battles thousands of miles away, and use tens of millions of lives as pawns.

He even issued mysterious orders such as "the machine gunner moves 5 meters to the left."

But the effect is often counterproductive and difficult to implement at all.

In the final analysis, there is only one thing. All grassroots soldiers know the most basic truth - there is no benefit in doing so.

How many Lancaster remnants are left?

Even if one of them can equal ten, can one conquer the world with just one or two thousand people?

The principle of struggle is clearly written in the books, which is to make friends more numerous and enemies less.

Don’t worry about whether this friendship is stable or not. At least one thing is certain: the more benefits you can bring to others, the more friends you will have.

When Bill said this, the others immediately became energetic and looked at each other.

“If we cooperate with the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trade Company, it seems to be very promising.”

There is no need to continue to talk about how profitable the international port and the east-west route that monopolizes the trade of Yucatan Island are.

It is not a loss to use a position that you have no hope of getting in exchange for an opportunity to hold a big thigh!

Byron, who did not speak throughout the whole process, smiled in his heart:

‘In such a low-magic world where everyone is king, power is sometimes top-down, but in most cases it is bottom-up.

Even in the colonies, the highest authority does not have absolute power. Appointment by superiors is important, but support is equally important.

Even the latter can influence the former to a large extent.

This kind of thing is unbearable for the king, but for conspirators like us who want to seize power, we really like it.

Playing a trick on the people, physically eliminating the former superiors, replacing the people in power at all levels, and then guiding public opinion a little bit, buying off the centrists and opponents.

Being both an athlete and a referee, how can Feilong lose?

As for other competitors? Stop it, there are my people everywhere here.

I have already calculated that even if the top leaders insist on their own way and parachute from the kingdom, it will take at least a month.


Looking up at the governor's seal ring on the coffin, he sneered in his heart:

"But the question is, can I wait, can the kingdom wait?

After all, at this time, the top priority facing Hastings is..."

At this moment, the seal ring suddenly projected a special golden emblem, which represented the local Colonial Affairs Department.

It is also the direct superior of the colony.

At the same time as the emblem manifested a figure, a voice had already sounded in advance:

"Jefferson, what's going on? Did the Royal Power Orb detect that you used the power of the [Magna Carta] here last night?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

The problem has been solved, right?

You should quickly gather the most capable officers and non-staff extraordinary people in the colony. Now we only look at ability, not background. The kingdom has prepared high positions and generous salaries, and will definitely not be stingy with rewards.

In this battle for the "right to protect religion", we, Hettings, will take the lead!"

After the person who projected here said this, he realized that the atmosphere on the scene was not right, and the people who looked at him were suddenly stunned:

"Huh? Where are the Jeffersons? "

It's no wonder that he didn't realize until a night late that the colonial governor he was directly dealing with was dead.

When it comes to the level of actual nobles, the royal family will basically no longer keep the gem of life.

Because this thing can not only determine the life and death of the owner, but also be used for divination and even curse.

The Hastings royal power was already weak, and he didn't dare to offend the entire aristocracy for such a small matter.

Byron, who had been in charge of keeping the governor's seal ring, did not "have time" to report to the mainland.

Instead, he planned to sort out the internal affairs of the colony first, unite the front with all forces, and create a fait accompli before reporting to the upper level.

The visitor turned his head and finally saw the portraits of the Newman brothers.

But he didn't even ask a question about the cause of their death. He only cared about the arduous task on his shoulders, and said bitterly:

"Jefferson is dead? What about the kingdom's next right to protect religion?"

Then, he saw that everyone's eyes were all looking at Byron, who was standing in the front.

Obviously, they already had a standard answer to the question just now.

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