Pirate Kingship

Chapter 303: Interception! The ghost ship Black Coffin!

The huge tentacle with suction cups danced in the wind like a demon, and the deck of the Golden Deer suddenly became dark and stinking.

Byron's mouth suddenly became salivating. After a slight pause, he suddenly realized that he should use the sword instead of his mouth to fight back.

The half-sword Baishuang on his waist was unsheathed, and the heart flow resonated, and the sword light flashed.

[Storm Admiral] was activated, and the whole person immediately became light as a feather, and the man and the sword became one, turning into a blazing white meteor and rushing towards the thickest tentacle in front of him.


The sharp sword light flashed, and the monster's steel-like body was cut in half.

A low scream came from underwater, and the octopus battleship immediately retracted the tentacle in pain.

The black cloak behind Byron fluttered in the wind, like the iron wings of a raptor waving, his feet did not touch the ground, and continued to roll up a gust of wind to kill the next tentacle.

His storm swordsmanship was obviously improved.

Moreover, as he guided Catherine, Violet, Bruch and his subordinates to awaken the "Flow", his understanding of the human breathing frequency became deeper and deeper.

Under the mutual learning, he felt that he was taking "humanity" as an opportunity to gradually comprehend the next level of the breathing of all things - [God's Vision]!

It also symbolizes the fundamental power of "self".

At that time, compared with [Enemy Preemption] Beretania, who relied on extraordinary abilities to master this level, he would have an extra skill tree out of thin air.

Moreover, the ability he personally comprehended could not be taken away by anyone, and would not be affected by the Spell Breaking Stone.

Violet, Jacqueline, Beretania, and Phantom Blade [Eagle Eye] James were all gathered on the Golden Deer.

Cooperating with the Guards' Deathwing, they cut off the spreading octopus tentacles one by one.

While the [Golden Deer] was violently destroyed by the tentacles, the effect of ability 2: Timeless (a ship passed down for eight generations, the ship remains even after people leave) was automatically activated.

"The ability comes from the excellent material of teak throughout the body.

Time will not leave traces on this ship. Whether it is ten years or a hundred years, it will be exactly the same as when it was just launched.

Even if it is damaged in battle, as long as various repair materials are piled in the cabin, it can automatically complete the repair.

This ability will not be hindered in fierce battles. It can be repaired while being damaged in battle, and its anti-sinking performance is excellent."

Although this ability has never been used before, Byron has already loaded enough high-quality teak and other ship materials in the bottom cabin, which is enough to support several fierce battles.

Even if one-fifth of the hull was blown up, he did not blink.

At this moment, the Golden Deer is above the water surface, and the May Wind is below the water surface.

If these land creatures run into the water to fight, they will 100% become food for Balboa, who has transformed into a marine creature.

So, the two sides, who are in you and in me, have entered a protracted war. It depends on who has stronger recovery ability and endurance. Whoever can't hold on first will naturally lose.

After about seven or eight minutes, the octopus warship was obviously running out of steam, and the tentacles were recovering more and more slowly.

A layer of milky white mist that could not be blown away by a rainstorm rose quietly.

In the depths of the mist, a huge shadow with tentacles appeared faintly, staring coldly at the Golden Deer.

It was the first time that the octopus warship did not use barnacles, but directly launched the [Misty Dream].

It was obviously going to drag the Golden Deer into the dream, or even the shipwreck graveyard in the deep dream, just like the Kraken's touch that was raging in the North Sea.

No, the fourth-level grotesque did not allow the material warship to transcend the power of reality and illusion. It was not the ship that it wanted to drag into the dream, but the souls of everyone on the ship!

Unlike Major General Thomson of the Grand Duchy of Courland, who did not realize that he had been pulled into the dream until his death.

Byron and Violet noticed the abnormality at the first time.

They shouted at the same time: "Out of body!"

A line of colorful light shot out from their heads, and they turned into another pair of "Byron" and "Violet".

One used the execution in dream, and the other used the nightmare crawling. The astral bodies of the two interlocked their fingers, like two anchors nailed to the Golden Deer.

At the same time, the Golden Deer as a whole was nailed to the real world.


The brilliant anchor chains on the two people appeared.

Violet, the princess of the Bay, anchored the last hope of all the traditional Bay people in Iron Anchor Bay.

The composition of Byron was more complicated.

There are thousands of pirates/Pirate Navigation Company employees whose fortunes are tied to the [Pirate Ten Commandments];

There is the [Golden Law] that is becoming increasingly powerful as the influence of Torrent Fortress expands, and the tentacles of economic colonization and the father of medical care continue to extend;

There are thousands of Lancaster Party members who earnestly expect their lord to lead them back home;

And the people of the Hastings Colony have boundless respect for their guardian [Sea Hunter];

Of course, the thickest anchor chain is undoubtedly from her sister Catherine in the International Port, and one of hers is enough to match hundreds of others.

Even if Byron becomes a big devil who betrays the whole world, there will always be someone who will stand with him unswervingly.


The two sides wrestle with each other, one in a dream and the other in reality.

Byron and Violet gritted their teeth, as if the elephant was pulling them.

I doubted whether the other end of the octopus warship had been hung on the ghost ships in the shipwreck graveyard.

"Although the distance is too close and there is a possibility of accidental injury, the only one who can attack the underwater octopus warship at this time is Gungnir."

Just when Byron was about to burn the three third-level undead servants, Governor Velasquez of Havana, Governor Jefferson Newman of Jamestown Royal Port, and Rear Admiral Elsie Newman, and fired the strongest shot.

Quack quack quack.

Suddenly, hundreds of crows flew from Havana, the Castilian colony on the other side of the Windward Strait, and gathered in a group above them.

After the flash of spiritual light, it turned into a third-level great wizard wearing a black robe and a hood.

Byron had all the memories of [Variety Enchantress] Beatrice in his mind, and he immediately recognized that this was a third-level deacon of the Skinning Cult [Mr. Crow] Neham.

Unlike Beatrice and [Fairy] Rigrael who took the human skin route, he obviously took the animal skin route.

He put on some kind of animal skin, became a member of a certain tribe, challenged the leader within a year, and became the beast king.

He clearly turned himself into the King of Crows.

And the reason why he appeared here, it is easy to think about it, he has returned to his old job as a scout.

It is clear who he is essentially serving.

Although the main forces in the dispute over "protective rights" and "immunity" are the major maritime powers, at least an independent kingdom or grand duchy.

But it does not mean that this matter has nothing to do with other small forces below them.

Even the weakest kingdom has at least one fifth-level [King], relying on the iron law of kingship rooted in every citizen, a crown is passed down from generation to generation.

Most of the strongest secret sects in Bantaan are still running around and offering blood sacrifices in order to reach the third blood sublimation ceremony of the fourth-level hero level.

Even if it is simply for a more stable anchor and "organization" under the kingdom system, the major kingdoms are the preferred partners of various religious organizations.

This is the case with the Black Tongue Brotherhood that cooperates with the Grand Duchy of Courland, and the Skinning Church that has always maintained cooperation with the Kingdom of Castile.

Looking at this guy who had probably already tipped off Castile, Byron's face turned cold:

"The promotion ceremony of the quartermaster's family, which [Fairy] Rigelel pretended to be, is going well. He will be promoted to a third-level great wizard in three weeks at most.

By then, I will have a great wizard in my hand, and a complete version of the forbidden book "Thousand Faces Ritual" containing the original bloodline.

In addition, there is a series of cross-era medical knowledge:

"Human Anatomy", "Histology", "Embryology", "Physiology", "Biochemistry", "Microorganisms and Microbiology".

Is my intellectual property enough to be a technical shareholder?

For a secret cult that currently does not have fourth-level mythical creatures, is this contribution enough to exchange for the status of a major shareholder?

Surgeons in the hospital sequence who violated the "Hippocratic Oath" will sooner or later call me "Dean."

In fact, he has prepared corresponding intellectual property rights for each organization that has invested in it, but most of them have not yet been brought out.

The next moment, Byron didn't want to pay attention to this guy anymore.


Then [Mr. Crow] Nahum suddenly blew a white bullhorn in his hand.

Then, the temperature of this sea area, which was already raining heavily, suddenly dropped, and white frost came out between breaths, and many people couldn't help shivering.

The fish on the seabed nearby seemed to sense the impending disaster and fled in all directions.

First, a large group of cold fog overflowed from the void, and a pale green whale oil lamp slowly emerged, followed by a dark bowsprit, figurehead, and tattered black sails.

What appeared in the fog was a terrifying ghost ship.

To be more precise, it was the ship of the fourth-level coffin carrier of the cemetery sequence [Two-Faced Man] Smith Robert - [Black Coffin]!

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