Pirate Kingship

Chapter 314 Great Harvest: Figurehead of the South Wind Girl

Due to the high temperature and rising air currents, the interior of the "World Serpent·Celestial Circulation Belt" is always foggy.

In a calm area where only the ocean current flows slowly from east to west, but there is no sea breeze, a black crack like a scar spans the sky sea.

It is hundreds of meters long and ten meters wide, half of it is soaked in the sea water and the other half extends high to the sky.

Through this crack, you can clearly see the turbulent source sea on the opposite side, and a group of strange big fish swimming in and out of the crack.

The overall look is like a group of red and white clownfish, but each of them really has a pale clown face.

This is a group of [grotesque·clownfish].

This grotesque that feeds on the fear of intelligent creatures is obviously not very interested in the uninhabited sea area of ​​the material world on this side of the crack.

After swimming around, they did not find the smell of "food", and they did not like the low magic environment of the material world, so they were about to swim back to the source sea.

However, a golden light flashed across the crack, and then a slender warship with golden light all over its body was pushed by a strong wind and rushed into the material world from the crack at a high speed.

The two sides collided head-on, and a bloody mist suddenly exploded in the clownfish school.

Some even flew into the air, turned backwards for two and a half weeks, turned around three times, and fell back into the water, becoming a pile of bloody rags.

The people on the [Golden Deer] did not take this small accident to heart at all, and only looked back at the group of pursuers who stopped in front of the crack after running hundreds of meters.

They all breathed a sigh of relief:

"Damn the weird [Lantern Fish], damn the phototropism, we finally escaped from the Sea of ​​Element alive.

God bless you."

"Long live the captain! We have defeated the god of death again."

"We can escape from the Sea of ​​Element alive, which is a miracle that can be boasted to our children and grandchildren for a lifetime.

This is a great miracle that is even more impossible than challenging the Sea of ​​Monsters."

"I will compile my logbook into a biography and let those bards sing the captain's great achievements."

There was jubilation on the Golden Deer.

The excitement of the pirate officers and crew members who were able to return safely from the Sea of ​​Element was no less than that of becoming the final winner in the "Octagonal Iron Cage".

Even if Byron had [Weather Intuition], it was not easy to find a secondary world crack that allowed mid-sequence extraordinary people and large ships to pass.

The journey was only a few hours, but it was full of dangers.

They didn't die at the hands of the octopus battleship May Wind and the ghost ship Black Coffin, but they were almost torn to pieces by the various monsters that emerged in the Sea of ​​Element.

For example, the [Weird Lantern Fish] that is now parked opposite the crack, still shouting "Brother, lend me a light, lend me a light", and no one knows what it has experienced in its life. It has a strong tendency to phototropism.

In the dark Sea of ​​Element, the golden bottom of the Golden Deer is naturally particularly eye-catching.

Naturally, it was also closely pursued by those giant lantern fish that are as big as sea monsters.

Fortunately, Violet painted a layer of black paint on the bottom of the ship, which shook off most of the pursuers and prevented them from being surrounded.

"With the captain here, we will have the opportunity to venture into the Sea of ​​Monsters sooner or later, and maybe we can become the first pirate ship to cross the Sea of ​​Monsters."

The crew's self-confidence was unprecedentedly inflated, but Byron was only afraid.

The Sea of ​​Monsters, which makes people shudder, is actually similar to the Sea of ​​Source.

These two places are not only full of various monsters, but no matter how experienced you are and how many little-known taboo rules you have summarized, there are always new rules waiting for you in the unknown sea.

If they hadn't been able to discover the enemy in advance with the underwater senses of the Witch of Disaster, the range of the ability of [Ship Log] would have been expanded to 60 meters, and they could take the initiative and understand those bizarre rules in advance.

[Golden Deer] might not have really come out.

'Sea of ​​Monsters? You really think highly of me.

I can only say, next time! '

Soon, a group of sea monsters that were obviously phototactic, but like their deep-sea counterparts, were afraid of natural sunlight, roared unwillingly in front of a crack that was only ten meters wide, and finally gradually retreated.

Byron and his party really had time to observe where they were.

[Weather Intuition] Natural communication with celestial phenomena.

Through the flow angle of atmospheric circulation, it was roughly determined that the place where the Golden Deer came out was far away from the Windward Strait and came to the doldrums within the range of five degrees north and south latitude.

Because this place is far away from the Old Continent and the Bantaan Islands, although it is a second-level world rift, there is no [Lantern Man] to guard it.

Anyway, in such an uninhabited place, it is impossible to guard it.

As the captain, Byron finally put down his hanging heart until he confirmed safety, and explained to his crew:

"We are about four degrees north latitude, not too deep into the doldrums.

If it was the previous [Golden Deer], without those man-eating sharks and fiddler crabs, it might be a bit tricky to encounter such a situation.

But confiscating the spoils of the two fourth-level adventurers is no longer a problem.

Miss, check our new figurehead.

Just come to the doldrums, see how long it takes to recharge after an explosion."


Violet agreed crisply and jumped lightly onto the bowsprit with three hoisted sails.

She bent down and gently stroked a pure white ivory figurehead placed under the bowsprit - the South Wind Girl.

The figurehead was carved from the horn of a large sea monster narwhal. It was called a horn but it was actually a long tooth in the mouth of the narwhal.

The main figure was a slender and graceful half-naked girl dancing with the wind, wearing only a thin layer of gauze.

It was a one-to-one replica of a beautiful dancer who was dancing the "South Wind Dance".

And although it was a hard sculpture, the girl's body movements and the gauze perfectly outlined the shape and rhythmic vitality of the wind.

With just a casual glance, you can immediately notice that there is a warm spring breeze blowing around her.

Violet majored in sculpture and painting art design at the Vinaya Academy of Arts, and she couldn't help but love this masterpiece.

She had to admit that even her professional ability was inferior to it.

The third-level master craftsman's identification technique swept over the figurehead, read its information, and responded to Byron:

"There are also updrafts in the doldrums, and it will take about thirty minutes to fully restore the normal extraordinary ability.

The equipment that can be used by fourth-level adventurers is indeed exquisite."

The ghost ship [Black Coffin] and the octopus battleship [May Wind] were all killed, and everything on the ship naturally became the spoils of the [Golden Deer].

This figurehead [South Wind Girl] came from the May Wind, and it is also one of the most practical treasures.


"1. Wind direction conductor. Twist and change the wind direction within a certain range, so that the sea breeze blowing through the warship tends to the side and rear wind that is most conducive to sailing.

The change angle is plus or minus 30 degrees. If it exceeds this limit, it can only crawl like other sailboats when it should crawl, and sail against the wind when it should sail.

Even rising air currents can be easily borrowed.

2. Waves without wind. Even if there is no wind, the wind power stored at ordinary times can be extracted to continuously supply a level 5 wind that is most suitable for sailing within five hours.

If the wind power is released at once within 30 minutes , it can temporarily increase the speed of the warship to 30 knots (55 km/h), which is convenient for accelerating escape.

But after the skill bursts, the extraordinary ability disappears, and it needs to be recharged with the help of wind power before it can be used again.

For the Golden Deer, it can be charged for half an hour and can last for 126 kilometers.

Third, it has a layer of "South Wind Veil", which can not only automatically clean and ensure that the figurehead is always spotless in any bad weather, but also prevent any unauthorized touch by the owner. "

The third item seems a bit redundant, seemingly just for the protection of artworks, and has no practical value.

But Mr. Byron, as an experienced old captain, knows.

If it weren't for the third function, this lifelike large-scale figurine would probably be polished by the sailors in a few days.

"Very good, from now on, our Golden Deer can also come and go freely in the doldrums without any external force. "

Since the May Wind no longer relies on wind and sails after being polluted, this figurehead naturally became a decoration for it.

By the way, the [Golden Deer] was also cheaper, and this holy relic warship made up for the last shortcoming of not being able to sail in the doldrums.

The [Figurehead·Angel of Vengeance] that was originally transformed by Violet was also eliminated and could be used to equip another rare warship.

Of course, the spoils they harvested were more than that.

Although the number was not large, each piece was a fine product.

Needless to say, [Second-level Cursed Item·Compass of Desire], although there is a flaw that there must be risks with gains, it is still the treasure that every captain dreams of.

It is much more powerful than the gold digging rat that has been transferred to the trainer Octopus Man Xiaoba.

It is also the second holy relic related to the great voyage that Byron snatched from the Kingdom of Castile after the [First Overseas Development Order].

The wool on this maritime overlord is far from being plucked clean by him.

The spoils on the [Black Coffin] are not bad either, and the bodies of the Smith brothers are good things.

The unprecedented fourth-order transmutation blood can make Byron's next blood sublimation ceremony [Blood Feast Holy Grail] reach the most perfect state.

An undead servant whose soul is twisted together like a double helix also gives him another trump card that can be transformed at any time.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the whale oil lamp burning with ghost fire in the hand of the coffin bearer Smith is actually a pass to the edge of the world of the dead kingdom.

Ordinary ghost ships are just ghost ships. Only by obtaining such a pass can they travel between reality and the edge of the world as "soul ferrymen" and transport the dead who died on the sea.

Byron himself can't use it, but he is ready to give this treasure to his father when he comes to the door for the first time.

After getting the pass, the father has taken the first step on the road to "King of the Undead" and has the opportunity to build a big kingdom for his son.

In addition, Jacqueline also contacted her mother Meganila, and there are four other spoils left by strange warships in the Windward Strait.

The Sea Spider of the Grand Duchy of Courland, the Resolution of the Grand Duchy of Andorra, the Sword and Shield of the Grand Duchy of Hesse, and the Smurf of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg.

They agreed to each take half.

In addition, Byron also touched the boundary of [God's Vision], so the series of gains can undoubtedly be called a great harvest.

At least after casting [Do Not Disturb Sleeping Dragon] once, he would not lose money.

"Unfortunately, the decryption density has never reached the top, and my God-given holy relics and new entries are temporarily unavailable."

Byron looked at the last page of the logbook:

[Secret: The Origin of the Mad Blood Disaster, Historical Influence 38] The decryption density rose from 68% to 88%, and then it did not move at all.

"This shows that even if I witnessed the birth ceremony of the son of the Sleeping God, the degree of excavation of this secret is still not deep enough.

38 points of influence is at least the scope of an entire continent. Maybe I should go to the new continent south of the celestial circulation belt to take a look.

The Mad Blood Disaster only has the tip of the iceberg of this influence. The current situation of the new continent may give me an answer."

Byron was not in a hurry. This principle is just like the decryption density of [The Shadow Behind the Red and White Rose War, Influence 31] has always stopped at 68%.

Behind the Red and White Rose War, in addition to the White Rose York Family, there are also the shadows of the traditional church and the Bloodthirsty Cult.

Byron has not yet found the bond that allows the three parties to reach in-depth cooperation, so the solution is stuck here.

"We will go to the New World sooner or later, but now is not the time.

Although my emotions urge me to set off immediately, my reason tells me that there is no point in being impulsive before a series of arrangements are completed.

Moreover, [Blue Hair] Barbarossa Hayreddin, who has been eating and drinking for free in my hands for a long time, can almost be put to use.

If you operate it well, you may get help from the West Coast Pirate King [Ocean Throne] Barbarossa Hayreddin."

At this time, Violet, who was still admiring the figurehead at the bow, suddenly had a stern look in her eyes and shouted a warning:

"Beware, something is coming from underwater."

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