Pirate Kingship

Chapter 320 Edward: I am the man who will become the Lich King (two in one)

Byron reawakens in the Governor's Palace at Port Royal in Jamestown.

After the Newman family's careful renovation, which lasted more than half a year, the Governor's Mansion occupies a vast area and is luxuriously decorated. It is much more magnificent than the Earl's Mansion that was just renovated for Catherine in the International Harbor.

Unfortunately, the decoration had only been completed for a few days, and before the family had time to enjoy it, Byron, who was responsible for enjoying the shade behind, was given the advantage.

After cleaning their family's blood, they just changed some daily necessities and bedding, and then moved in with their guards and bags.

The same goes for other properties owned by the Newman family.

When [Fairy] Rigreel is successfully promoted, "Tyrielle Newman" can disappear naturally.

All the properties were packaged and sold to the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trading Company at a crushing price.


Byron sat up from the bed wearing a white silk pajamas, pinched his forehead, and let out a deep breath.

He took off the mask of Byron Tudor, the great loyalist of the York family, and became the great rebel Byron Lancaster again.

Think back to everything you saw and heard in Ganquan Palace today.

Every plant, tree, brick, and tile was so familiar to him, but when he saw things and missed people, the bad experience of seeing things and people being different, made him feel a burst of tightness in his chest.

If you want to ask who can compare with his feelings?

That could only mean that the real Tilly was resurrected and returned to the Governor's Mansion to take a look at her hometown, which had been occupied by a dove.

"Oh, cousin"

Woo woo woo.

The uncontrollable emotional ups and downs of a [Storm Admiral] naturally caused spiritual fluctuations, making the night wind inside and outside the room begin to whimper.

At this time, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open.

A tall girl wearing a white nightgown of the same style as Byron walked in carrying a gust of fragrance.

As the footsteps moved, the perfect figure with thin branches and fruit rose and fell. Even Byron, who was in a bad mood, subconsciously tilted his head and smiled reluctantly at her:

"Sister, I'm fine."

With a wave of his hand, the whimpering sound of the wind nearby immediately dispersed.

The visitor is Catherine, who is staying at the Governor's Mansion tonight for a rare trip out of the International Port.

Her room was next door, and when she heard the noise here, she hurried over to check.

Port Royal and International Port are approximately 300 kilometers apart.

Although there were fiddler crabs in the past, no one was willing to use the strategic level ability that could transport an entire fleet thousands of kilometers at a time.

Basically, "Deep Sea Jump" is used every day for bulk cargo transportation.

In Catherine's words, if you don't make money, you lose money.

She even personally launched the [Supreme Swordsmanship], using the knowledge of operations research and queuing theory to create an application model, striving to maximize the value of the "working crab".

Not to mention wasting resources just to visit.

As Violet and Jacqueline each gained the corresponding miniaturized teleportation abilities and had more choices, the situation became much better.

Especially now that there is a small snail that can use [Vortex Teleportation] multiple times, this short-distance passenger transport from the International Port to Port Royal is no different from visiting a neighbor's house.

As long as you are interested, you can carry small quantities of goods and people and launch more than a dozen short-distance transmissions in a day.

Byron considered that Catherine had hardly left Great Tayman since settling there.

In the week after the bloody disaster was solved, I took her around the Taiman Islands several times and enjoyed the overseas scenery.

Anyway, even if something goes wrong in the base camp, it only takes a few breaths to return for support and instantly restore the dominance of a fourth-level heroic [Mithril Knight].

Catherine walked to the bed, kicked off the teak slippers on her feet very naturally, got on the bed and knelt down behind Byron, pressing a pair of white bare feet under her hips.

Holding Byron's shoulders, he rested his head on her round and plump thighs.

She didn't ask him what unhappy things happened to him when he returned to Ganquan Palace. He just silently inserted his slender fingers into his hair and massaged the acupuncture points on his head.

The intensity is moderate and the technique is sophisticated.

There was a gentle smile on the corners of her rosy lips, and she softly hummed a lullaby:

"You dream of warm sunshine, and the stones become soft. The road in front of our house is so wide."

Byron's body and soul felt more and more relaxed, as if he was gradually floating on the clouds.

There is no wave in my heart, and there is no charm at all, but just the warmth of a safe haven is already priceless.

He raised his head to see his sister's face, but was blocked by something.

Some people say that if you can’t see your toes when you lower your head, you are already extremely beautiful. In fact, it’s the same if you can’t see your face when you raise your head.

There was something distant in the depths of his blue eyes, and he said softly:

"Sister, do you know?

When I first went to sit on the [Coronation Throne], although my cousin had a lot of fun himself, it was actually my idea in the beginning.

Even though my cousin was beaten by my uncle and cried for father and mother, he never confessed to me. He always insisted that he forced me to play with him.

Thinking back on it, my cousin is the most loyal person. He has taken at least dozens of scapegoats for me since I was a child, and he has never denounced me.

Cousins ​​are better than brothers.

Although in the end I never saved a beat.

Looking back, such a beautiful scene seems like yesterday, but suddenly everything changed. "

Catherine listened to Byron quietly, and suddenly interrupted him, her voice as gentle as ever, leaving him unprepared:

"So, that time when you two stole my and my maid's skirts and walked around the city, it was actually your idea?"

When the girl said this, the heavy atmosphere of commemorating the old friend disappeared instantly.

"Of course."

Byron felt a chill on his back, and quickly denied it:

"I didn't, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

That time we didn't wear skirts on purpose, we just learned to disguise ourselves from the book and sneaked out of Ganquan Palace to play outside.

Absolutely! Not! To! Wear! Women's! Clothes!

And this was really Edward's idea, every wrong has its perpetrator, I am wronged, Master!

No, we have destroyed the skirt and we were not caught at the time, how did you know?"

Catherine's eyes became dangerous:

"Of course your late good brother told me in person.

Today Edward came from the shipwreck grave We encountered a treasure ship that sank, and found two rare bird skirts that the colonies had paid tribute to the queen.

Suddenly, she felt guilty and said that she would give it to me as my 20th birthday present this month, and compensate me on your behalf.

Edward repeatedly emphasized that his initial suggestion was that both of them wear maid skirts. It was you who insisted that linen was bad for the skin, or that silk skirts were slippery. "

Byron was immediately indignant:

"Edward slandered me, he slandered me.

No, I'm going to duel with him and lift the lid of this scourge's coffin!"

At this point, where was the deep brotherly love on his face that he had just deeply remembered?

Indeed, if the old friend is really dead, then it will naturally be a final conclusion from now on, freezing all the beauty.

But if not.

Then it is naturally a scourge!

And it is a big scourge that records all the black history of my youth!

Catherine didn't listen to him at all and sneered:

"You're quibbling, die!"

With a strong waist like a steel sheet, she flipped Byron onto the bed and slapped him on the bed.

She sat on his lower back and her two slender arms strangled his neck from behind like an iron hoop.

While Byron was waving his hands to resist, she grabbed his arms and turned him over again, and put him in a cross lock.

The two of them lay on their backs in a cross shape on the bed.

Catherine's round and strong legs clamped Byron's right arm, one long leg crossed over his neck to lock his head, and the other leg crossed over his chest to lock his upper body.

The cross lock is a joint technique.

Even if a woman with weaker physical fitness uses it successfully, she can easily subdue an opponent who is much larger and stronger than herself.

Catherine, who is 172cm tall, is more than enough to suppress Byron, who is 190cm tall.

"Ouch, it's broken, it's broken, my arm is going to break!"

The siblings didn't use any supernatural powers when they were playing, and Byron was caught off guard by Catherine's sneak attack.

He had to slap the bed with his other hand to admit defeat.

It happened that at this time, a golden spot in the shape of a chariot suddenly lit up in front of Byron.

That represented a communication request from the chariots of the sixteen [King's Right Hand].

Seeing this, Catherine had no choice but to let him go, and the [Silver Moon Bracelet] on her wrist flashed silver light, instantly covering her entire body.

As the communication was connected, a dry and teasing voice mixed with cold and dead air came from the other side:

"Bye, Catherine? Are you sleeping with Byron again tonight?

But why do you have to wear full body armor when sleeping? Isn't it uncomfortable?

Is it because little Byron has grown up now, and you are afraid that he will attack you at night? Hehehe"

As this voice sounded, the temperature in the room dropped sharply, as if it had suddenly gone from the hot summer to the cold autumn.

The whale oil lamp in the room also slowly turned into a creepy green.

The reason is very simple, this room is just... haunted!

A circle of light opened in front of the two people, reflecting a gloomy figure.

He was wearing a robe symbolizing the second-level [Law Master], his face was pale, and a pair of blue eyes that were exactly the same as Byron were flashing with ghost lights.

He was also holding a whale oil lantern with ghost lights in his hand.

As the lights flickered, a passage to the world of the dead opened behind him, and he could clearly see the scene of another world.

The figure that appeared on the other side of the law network was none other than the protagonist of their previous topic.

—— Byron's cousin who was dead but not so dead, Edward Lancaster.

A communication was being sent from the shipwreck graveyard in the dream city of Luoyan City.

The two sides established contact in the battle of the International Port, and it was no longer difficult to exchange information.

Byron used the holy relics in his hand to build a transit network for information flow, logistics, and capital flow.

[First-level holy relic Faust Contract] takes the desires in the heart of the human heart as a beacon, and there is no place it cannot reach.

The law network of [Golden Law] has no dead ends in the human world and the underworld, unlike the Silver Law, where the authority is artificially divided and fragmented.

The soul of the Azik people also rests at the edge of the world.

Holy relics with similar abilities can resonate with each other and complement each other.

The combined abilities of these two relics made it possible for them to share what they had.

In addition, the [Silver Law] does not recognize the dead like Edward, and they cannot hold the position of [King's Right Hand] under normal circumstances.

However, the [Golden Law] governs heaven, earth, and people, and gods (natural spirits), the dead (ancestral spirits, undead spirits), and living people are all under its jurisdiction.

Giving cousin Edward a [Chariot] is just a piece of cake.

The duel that Byron said was just an angry talk. Unless he died together, it was impossible to do anything to this guy.

But when he saw that it was this guy who had no control over his mouth, he still said angrily:

"What's wrong? Didn't I secretly give you a hundred kilograms of special spices yesterday as private money?

The lord doesn't have any food left in his hands. "

This is not an excuse.

It only took twenty kilograms to bribe the red archbishop, but he gave him one hundred kilograms at a time as private money, which shows the brotherhood.

It's just that the Newman family's spice forest in the Blue Mountains has just been taken over. Even if the predecessors planted the trees and used the No. 3 Skeleton [Corn God] to induce the trees, they would still have to wait for at least a month before harvesting.

Seeing the disheveled Byron lying on the bed, Edward showed a meaningful and teasing smile:

"Sorry, sorry for disturbing your business.

I will definitely choose a better time next time.

Mainly because I have good news that I must share with you right away.

You have no idea what a great initiative I made recently when I was researching the World's Edge Pass.

I call it: fully automatic undead property harvester! "

Before he could explain in detail, the scene at the edge of the world on the opposite side was already reflected in the passage.

It was a camp that was beginning to take shape, and a group of ragged undead were digging the ground desperately with cross mining picks in their hands.

Edward turned to look at one of the slightly frail skeletons, frowned and scolded sternly:

"I've been observing you, that undead man over there, for a long time. I'm deeply disappointed in your subjective initiative. Why did you do so much for most of the day?

The most indispensable thing on the edge of the world is all kinds of undead.

If you don't do it, the undead will do it.

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, I'll kick you out of camp. "

Upon hearing this, the will-o'-the-wisps in the skull's eye sockets flashed twice very quickly, and the movements of its hands obviously sped up a lot.

In a few clicks, a piece of gray-white translucent crystal about the size of a human head was dug out from the hard rock layer mixed with bone fossils underground.

He immediately threw it into the passage like a treasure and landed at Edward's feet.

Edward dropped a piece of medium-grade spices as big as a fingernail into the passage and fell into its hand like a beggar.

Not forgetting to mention the other various undead PUAs that are working:

"What is the value of your work? Are you doing it for me? No, it is for your own bright future.

All you have to do is bring me broken stones and rotten tree roots that no one else wants, and you can get the precious spices that enhance your spirituality.

How could anyone else have given you such an advantage? "

"So, you have to think carefully about what is the difference between what you do and other undead.

Why are you here working for me and not the other undead?

Ask yourself, are you worthy of the two minutes of spice you ordered? "

“Today’s undead are too fragile, and they will become depressed and slow down when the workload is even slightly heavier.

If you don't do it well, you will be undead. If you don't do it well and have poor abilities, you will be optimized immediately.

Remember, I don’t raise undead here! "

Catherine had immediately recognized that the crystal was actually an extraordinary material that was extremely precious in the material world, and was used to make various strange objects in the cemetery sequence.

Then he noticed that there were many other bits and pieces piled on the deck of the Blue Dragon King next to Edward.

Undead Dust, Bone Crystal, Demonic Iron, Coffin Wood

Each piece is a good material for making strange objects, and the [craftsmen] of the tower sequence are willing to pay a lot of money to buy them.

There are also herbs such as finger grass, devil's cigar, ink umbrella, and blood-dropping fungus.

These herbs are the favorites of the witch doctors on the Bantaan Islands. If you take them to the indigenous city-states for sale, they will be sold out immediately.

And only gold and the finest spices will pay the bill.

Edward obviously used the "private money" given to him by Byron, as well as his excellent business acumen and ruthless capitalist spirit to become a second-rate dealer who bought low and sold high.

Looking at these specialties of the world of the dead, and looking at the various undead souls that have been squeezed to the extreme, Catherine's throat is dry and she feels like an angel.


Seeing the girl's stunned expression, Edward put his hands on his hips and looked up to the sky laughing:

"Catherine, are you surprised? Do you admire me?

Let me tell you, your business theories are too complicated. The only business that can really make a lot of money is monopoly and exploitation.

Did you see that?

Not only minerals and herbs, but also the forbidden knowledge "Necronomicon" that can allow some people to escape the state of ship-bound spirits and transform into mythical creatures [lichs], I have put together the first bloodline sublimation ceremony. "

Edward's palms lit up with will-o'-the-wisps, and he displayed [Soul Sucking], [Undead Enlightenment], [Frost Weapon], and [Dog Demon's Feast] one by one.

Proving that he has successfully embarked on the path of a lich retaining both his soul and body!

All the Lancaster tribesmen have collectively turned into ship-bound spirits after death and became part of the "Blue Dragon King".

Once they leave the ghost ship, they will most likely dissipate on the spot, or lose their human sanity like low-level undead and become another kind of bloodthirsty ghost.

You must find the corresponding forbidden knowledge and transform your life state before you can finally escape from the prison.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to obtain appropriate taboo knowledge.

Fortunately, I got the lantern pass provided by Byron, which can communicate with the edge of the world.

There is not much forbidden knowledge about the undead in the material world, but it is everywhere in the world of the dead.

It only took a short week for the results to begin to take shape.

Edward looked at Byron again:

“‘If a person wants to make a fortune, he must let many people help him make a fortune together.’ What you said is really good.

I am also very interested in the two ideas of the Ice Throne and the Great Underground Tomb that you told me two days ago.

Byron, you are indeed my best brother in life and the person who understands me best.

And I, Edward, will eventually become a gold medal human resources specialist, no, I will be the man of the Lich King. "

Snap! Snap! Snap!

At this point, Byron avoided Catherine's suspicious eyes on him, jumped up from the bed, and applauded him enthusiastically.

At the same time, he also sent his voice to the undead camp:

"I'll add one more thing, as long as you can't die, you have to do it to death. Even if you die, you have to get up and continue to do it.

Work hard and you will be the next to get a promotion and salary increase!

Manager Edward's today is your tomorrow. "

"Don't worry, everyone, I'll be with you from morning to night.

There is no separation between work and life, and there is no rest throughout the year. Let us all work hard together to create a bright future for the pioneering colonial trading company.

Applause for understanding! "

Bang bang bang.

The undead put down their tools and applauded together.

Even Edward's already cold body couldn't help but feel excited when he heard these words, and the applause was particularly loud.

He was completely unaware that he himself seemed to be one of the "manpower" of the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trading Company.

Well, the job badge is: "Human Resources Manager, World Edge Branch."

Only Catherine, as a bystander, looked at Edward's innocent face and suddenly realized:

"Edward has taken the blame for Byron since he was a child, and it doesn't seem to be because of his loyalty.

It's because this kid really believed that all the bad things the two brothers did together were all his own ideas.

He didn't even realize that a certain evil mastermind was always beside him.

Byron, Byron, all the beatings you have received since you were a child are really not in vain! "

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