Pirate Kingship

Chapter 334: Fire in the backyard, Dragon Lizard Warrior

On the crescent-shaped Yucatan Island, at the westernmost side of the archipelago, 3,000 kilometers away.

The only industrial city in the world, Port Rapids, was filled with smoke and steam, and the roar of hydraulic machinery awakened the dawn again.

In the continuous plantations on the vast plains outside the city, famine hunters, loggers and spice harvesters also began another day of work.

Thanks to the excellent effects of the [Golden Toilet] and the No. 3 Crystal Skull [Corn God], the corn, potatoes, spices and teak planted here once again ushered in a bumper harvest.

Day after day, it provides an inexhaustible source of raw materials for the rapid development of the Rapids Fortress.


With a high-pitched eagle cry, five eagles took off from the tower in a corner of the fortress.

Wyandotte, the [Artillery Expert] on the Golden Deer, who is also the heir to the throne of Chichen Itza City among the three major city-states, transformed into an eagle and led his team to start routine inspections.

Recently, Violet, the governor of Port Rapids, was away, and the pirate officers who were responsible for defense were even more alert.

Looking at the thriving city below and the hard-working natives, Wyandot was sincerely happy.

Especially the [Second-level Holy Relic Ironmaking Blast Furnace] in the steel factory, which could produce indestructible steel from fragile red stones.

In the eyes of every native, this was like a miracle.

And the series of factories built around the shipyard, Dock No. 1, and the heavy cruiser made him feel proud as a participant.

Wyandotte still clearly remembered what his captain said:

"The significance behind the heavy cruiser is not just a ship.

It is also a whole industrial system built around it.

Ironmaking, steelmaking, gunpowder, shells, milling machines, boring machines, artillery, muskets, wood processing, tar chemicals, shipbuilding and other subjects all need to be tackled.

When the heavy cruiser is built, it will also be the time when the original industrial system of metallurgy, shipbuilding, coal chemical industry, military manufacturing and so on in the territory is established."

Chichen Itza, which has always had a good relationship with Byron, is the first beneficiary of this industrial upgrade.

Cheap iron farm tools, composting technology that surpasses the entire era, and various foreign trade versions of weapons and equipment that are already very advanced compared to other forces

He saw with his own eyes that the lives of his people were getting better day by day, and he firmly believed that the future would be better under Byron's leadership.

"The system established by the captain is larger and more advanced than that of the Old World. He must be the son of prophecy in the legend of the Taya Empire.

One day, we Taino people will also have the opportunity to become noble colonists. Under the leadership of the captain, we will expand our territory and establish great achievements and regain the glory of the Taya Empire."

Wyandotte led the patrol team south along the Candelaria River, the main transportation artery of the Rapids Fortress.

As the Rapids Fortress became more and more prosperous, more and more Old World colonists were sold to Hastings, Iris, and Castile, and the demand for real estate became more and more vigorous.

Cultivated land, spice forests, teak forests, various plantations, and manors naturally continued to expand.

Even if you encounter some weird and active restricted areas, you will be crushed to ashes on the spot by the "physical exorcism magic" that the Rapids Fortress is best at.

Today, in the meteorite crater basin with a diameter of 180 kilometers, buildings and people can be seen almost every few kilometers.

However, the closer to the periphery, the sparser the population, the weaker the power of the [Golden Law], and the more they need privateer pirates and city guards to fill in the gaps.

After flying for half an hour, Wyandot found a colorful totem pole carved in the shape of a dragon suddenly appeared in the forest in front of him.

His brows wrinkled subconsciously:

"Have we encountered the peripheral tribes belonging to Tayapan?

Unconsciously, the spheres of influence of the two families have intersected.

It's just that those guys in Tayapan who claim to be orthodox and pretentious are the most annoying, and I don't want to deal with them at all."

As we all know, after the collapse of the Taya Empire, it split into more than 100 city-states of various sizes with a population of millions.

Each city-state has its own interests, and they all want to lead the way to reproduce the former glory of the Taya Empire.

If the Azik Empire in the north hadn't been watching them covetously, they would have killed each other long ago.

With the fall of the Azk royal city, the former enemy was torn apart, and the signs of internal unrest gradually emerged again.

This has always been the case with the civilization inheritance of the indigenous Taino people.

Death is never the end, and the guardian spirits of their own city-states and tribes also need to be fed with blood and souls at all times.

The Taya people also like to launch blood sacrifices and wars of glory.

It is just limited by insufficient strength, and it is far less bloody than the Azk Empire.

Today, the Taya Empire has three major city-states that each retain a crystal skull: Uxmal, Tayapan, and Chichen Itza.

At the beginning, they naively wanted to exchange peace for marriage.

As a result, their beautiful princess and king were lured to the Azk royal city to attend the wedding of the previous emperor.

In the end, they all became sacrifices to create the [Golden Code] with the royal city Tenochtitlan as the core, consolidating the Taino people's "collective subconscious sea".

Especially Uxmal and Tayapan, they acted as the vanguard in organizing the "Anti-Azk Alliance".

They sent a large number of high-level warriors to rush into the Azk Royal City together with the Kingdom of Castile.

In the end, not only his own princess and king were accompanied in, but also a considerable number of elite troops were almost destroyed by the [Bird-beaked Plague Doctor].

Later, if the [Father of Medicine] had not intervened, the entire indigenous tribe would have been finished.

When Wyandot thought of his white moonlight Princess Kayatri who was sacrificed in blood, his heart couldn't help but ache.

"My princess! When can you come back to me?

I am now the heir of the city-state, and I am worthy of you."

Byron had already given him the activated human skin of the indigenous princess.

At the beginning, [The Hundred-faced Enchantress] Beatrice failed to perform the human skin substitution technique, and the activity of these activated human skins was preserved.

But a suitable skin-wearing apprentice is needed to fully revive the other party.

With the help of taboo: "Low-level extraordinary people cannot wear the skin of high-level extraordinary people, otherwise they may be quickly replaced by the other party's spirituality and personality, and resurrected by borrowing their bodies."

This side effect in "The Thousand Faces Ritual" also became his last straw.

Now he was looking forward to his captain taking down the Skinning Church as soon as possible and helping him choose a suitable "sacrifice" to revive Bai Yueguang.

Oh, maybe three "sacrifices".

The skinned princesses of the other two countries naturally have the hope of resurrection.

Even if they are returned to the other two city-states in the future, it will be a good deal to show the power of the "Father of Medical Care" and win the hearts of the natives.

Unfortunately, not everything can develop as planned.


A shrill scream suddenly came from the distant river.

Wyandot's sharp eagle eyes immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

It turned out that two inland coal ships of the Rapids Fortress were attacked.

The fortress has insufficient coal reserves, and has always used this abundant tropical river to transport coal from other inland places.

The inland ships will load the ironware or fertilizers of the Rapids Fortress when they set out, and will only pull coal when they return, so as not to waste transportation capacity with empty loads.

The two ships had obviously just departed from the fortress, and they were carrying ironware that was extremely valuable to the natives.

The attackers were a group of longboats made from hollowed-out tree trunks.

And Wyandot happened to know these attackers.

"Dragon lizard warriors? Tayapan?!"

The monsters that had already pounced on the coal ship and started killing people were a group of half-human, half-lizard, three-meter-tall monsters.

That is the characteristic beast spirit of Tayapan [Colorful Dragon Lizard]:

"A sub-dragon species that has long been extinct in the Old World but is still very active in the Bantaan Islands.

It is a bit of a stretch to call it a dragon species.

After all, the suffix of the name is no longer a certain dragon, but a lizard.

They have a total of five colors, corresponding to five different attributes.

There is no reproductive isolation between the five lizards, and the eggs laid have colorful patterns and look exactly the same.

But if placed in different environments to induce hatching, different types of dragon lizards will be born.

This sub-dragon species has also long produced this extremely powerful beast spirit warrior [Dragon Lizard Warrior]!

Before the demise of the Taya Empire, this was the first combat force in the Bantaan Islands."

Wyandotte also knew that Tayapan just enshrined the number one crystal skull [God] Itsumna.

Among the gods worshipped by the Taya people, the dragon-shaped Itsumna has the highest status and is the head of the Taya gods.

He is also the Lord of Heaven, the Lord of Night and Day, the Patron Saint of Priests, and the creator of writing, science, and medicine.

This river flows through Tayapan's sphere of influence, and they are obviously stealing from the public.

Although the looting seems to be just a medium-sized tribe within Tayapan's sphere of influence, not the main force of the city-state, Wyandot and the team members behind him are still shocked and angry.

While immediately asking for help from the Port of Rapids, he has already rushed down first, shouting angrily:

"Damn lizards, how dare you rob the cargo ship of the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trading Company?!

Dare to rob us pirates, are you crazy?!"

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