Pirate Kingship

Chapter 34: Abilities beyond Sequence (Please read on)

When the promotion ceremony ended and Byron's consciousness returned to reality, deep fear and panic still remained in his blue eyes.

"What happened to the lighthouse that just disappeared? Why do I feel like I've seen it before?

It always feels like that night."

At the same time, the log [Secret: Shadow of the Red and White Rose War (Historical Influence 31%, Deciphering Density 12%)]

The deciphering density suddenly jumped from 12% to 20%!

This shows that there is a real connection between the two.

Unfortunately, even in the collection of a royal family, there is no description of the black ocean "Sea of ​​Source".

It's as if the connection between humans and the black ocean is completely cut off from the source of everyone's cognition.

Not only can we not explore, we can't even understand it.

But Byron clearly remembered that the title page of the [Ship Log] read:

"Some people say that we live on a quiet island called ignorance, surrounded by an endless black ocean.

Maybe we shouldn't set sail from the beginning!

But we have to do this."

The two have completely different ideas.

The water in this world is obviously bottomless. Even Byron, who experienced the Red and White Rose War, has only touched a tiny part of it.

It must be extremely dangerous to continue exploring.

But he also remembered the advice of the [Logbook] deeply: the great flood in this world has never receded, so you must firmly tie your [anchor]!

Perhaps as long as your [anchor] is thick enough and big enough, there will be a day to know the truth.

Put this matter aside for the time being.

Byron reorganized his mentality and began to check the abilities he obtained in the first-level attendant level of [Storm Knight].

Seeing the three abilities that emerged after [Cognitive Correction] and [Weather Intuition] in the [Logbook], he silently said:

"As expected, there are no surprises, and there is no personality at all."

1. [Swordsmanship Mastery]:

One of the common abilities of melee professionals.

The law gives you the experience accumulated by the ancestors over countless years.

An ordinary person can master the use of various sword weapons without practice and greatly improve his original swordsmanship level.

2. [Mountain Goat Footsteps]:

The standard equipment for every pirate and adventurer.

Even after freeing their hands, they can still walk between the rigging and the mast as if on flat ground, jumping ten meters horizontally and three meters vertically.

No matter how they turn and move, they will not fall off the mast dozens of meters high.

3. [Riding]:

The exclusive ability of all knight-type professions.

It condenses all the riding experience of the ancestors, and can ride horses, drive cars, and even control any means of transportation.

The riding ability obtained by [Storm Knight] is more focused on controlling the sea breeze, which can make people who have never touched sailing become masters of sailing in an instant.

[Silver Law] connects the spirituality of all human beings from ancient times to the present.

In the seven layers of the law network from shallow to deep, all the history, knowledge and even the experience that can only be understood but not expressed in words of the human race are deposited.

And the human race, which can stand out in millions of years of evolution, naturally has many innate extraordinary abilities.

The initial ability of the first-level attendant mainly comes from three aspects:

The first is the brain.

Among the corresponding series of abilities, the most representative one is the [Encyclopedic Memory] of the non-combat scholars in the Tower Sequence.

Once awakened, you can remember everything you see, and even share a public database with others.

The second is endurance.

Humans dare not say that they are the kings of endurance, but they are definitely strong in endurance, second only to sled dogs and mules among ordinary animals.

Evolving [Extraordinary Endurance], [Stone Will], etc., can make people have extraordinary endurance.

The third is flexible hands and joints.

Even if cats and weasels are more flexible, they cannot touch their backs with their claws, but humans can do this easily.

Even touch the belly button with the back of the hand.

The ability to grasp with five fingers is unique in the world, and can do fine movements best, use tools, and thread a needle.

Evolving [Swordsmanship Mastery], [Military Weapons Mastery], [Riding], [Mountain Goat Footsteps] and other series of abilities.

Most of these abilities are passive abilities that are not gorgeous or fantastic at all, and their power is also very ordinary.

Even the initial abilities of each sequence are basically fixed.

From the first step of the [Ladder of Glory], you can see the end at a glance.

The [Storm Knight] profession is a higher-level profession derived from pirates, which is equivalent to a combination of pirates in the ocean and knights on land.

It combines the advantages of both and has its own characteristics.

The three abilities of [Swordsmanship Mastery], [Mountain Goat Footsteps], and [Riding] in the squire stage make him easily become a leader in sea battles.

But it is no different from other [Storm Knights], without any personality.

To be honest, Byron actually wanted that extraordinary endurance cough, it was [Extraordinary Endurance].

"However, compared to the general templates of others, I have a fourth exclusive ability!"

Don't forget that Byron completed the sublimation in a bloody battle ritual centered on "plunder".

What was taken away was not only Salman's pirate ship, crew, treasure, and strange objects, but also one of his extraordinary powers.

Perhaps it was the combined effect of [Heartache] and the ritual.

What Byron took away from Salman was not the basic ability of [Gourmet] at the level of a servant.

Anyway, except for the second-level [Food Supplement], he didn't care about the rest.

But the ritual witchcraft of brewing [Transmutation Blood] in the taboo knowledge of the [Blood Brew] series - [Blood Holy Grail]!

Even the transformed man-eating sharks in the sea were inherited.

The Storm Knight's frontal combat capability is absolutely no problem, and it is also among the best in the major sequences that make up the [Glory Ladder].

However, the auxiliary ability is obviously much worse.

Moreover, no matter how powerful the extraordinary people of the orthodox [Glory Ladder] are, they are only an improvement in the spiritual level and cannot escape the shackles of the Silver Law.

They will never change the essence of human beings, achieve the upgrade of the life level, and will age, die, and get sick.

If it weren't for his uncle, the Mad King Henry VI, who inherited intermittent mental illness from his grandfather, Charles VI, the King of the Iris Kingdom.

The York family would have had no chance to rebel.

For these problems, the forbidden knowledge that is not included in the [Silver Law] can solve all of them!

It's just that Byron is afraid of the price he has to pay to learn forbidden knowledge.

Even though he has bought the raw materials, he has been hesitating whether to brew [Blood Brew].

Now that he has seized this black magic through a formal promotion ceremony, it is equivalent to partially incorporating it into the system of the [Silver Law].

With the law sharing, the cost will definitely be greatly reduced when using this ability in a ceremony.

Of course, forbidden knowledge is forbidden knowledge after all, and it will still be subject to strict restrictions.

It can only be Byron's exclusive.

Unlike other regular abilities, when another Storm Knight takes office, it is possible to obtain the skills and experience of the predecessors from the [Silver Law].

Therefore, Byron's abilities in all aspects are comprehensively strengthened.

The protection of [Storm Signet] was activated simultaneously, and he no longer had to worry about being caught by any prophecy.

After many days of fleeing, he finally had the capital to settle down.

"The matter is not over yet."

Byron took out a piece of white cloth from his pocket, and there was a little blood on it.

That was the blood left on the blade of the hand and half sword by the monkey finger when fighting with the assassin!

Since he came for me at the beginning, even if he helped me a lot by mistake.

Now I have to take his life while he is sick and completely eradicate the roots!

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