Pirate Kingship

Chapter 365: Godhead Mask, Submission to God

Pure physical attacks are not effective against the water elementalization of the Son of the Abyss.

However, a powerful storm weapon from mythology, Gungnir, carries the same level of violent enchantment, which instantly breaks the most fundamental life-saving ability of the goddess.

Forced to exit from the water elemental state and lock into a flesh and blood body.

As a result, a dignified fourth-level mythical creature, who obviously has many powerful black magics to use, was blown up on the spot in a warm-up cold weapon duel.

Hula la.

A heavy rain poured down on the head at this time.


Byron looked at the fourth-level soul that was forcibly pulled into his shadow and joined the [Wild Hunt Legion], and then he exhaled a long breath of turbid air mixed with a strong smell of blood.

The pores opened, releasing steam like a boiler, which also cooled his body quickly.

The cheetah, which has the fastest ground running speed and can reach a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour, can only last for 3 minutes at most, otherwise it will die of heat.

The same is true for Byron's full-strength burst.

It seems that he only swung a shot from beginning to end, but it is the full-strength burst of multiple abilities such as the perfect body of the Night Demon, the special effects of the title, and the Storm Admiral under the integration of "flow".

But Byron also knows that his foul-like Night Demon body and a magic gun Gungnir are sharp, but the opportunities created for him by others are also crucial.

Most of this group of people are his [King's Right Hand].

Under the coverage of the Golden Law, it is like the ten fingers of a pair of fists. When clenched together, it is enough to play the effect of one plus one being far greater than two.

This is why it is almost unheard of that a fifth-level legend who walks alone can defeat [King].

When the opponent is a group of people, we sixteen people go together, and when the opponent is one person, we also go together.

[King's Right Hand] is originally part of the strength of the King.

As soon as the order was given, the brothers rushed forward immediately. No matter how powerful the enemy was, two fists could not beat four hands, and they had to be chopped into seventeen or eighteen pieces alive.

With a long spear in his hand, he held the second-level rare item, the Bay People's Battle Axe, which had just been blown away.

It was not hurt to take a shot from Gungnir head-on. This was obviously also a treasure.

After a careful inspection, it was found that probably because of the goddess's own ability, she had no other trophies except this transformable battle axe.

"No, it seems there is another one.

What is this?"

Byron looked at his shadow. The face of the goddess' soul was still wearing a bone mask with a faint golden light.

The whole looked like the skull of a female deer, and a line of small words was written in runes on the edge: "Love and beauty, Freya".

It seemed to be a shaman mask worn by Bay People priests in ancient times for sacrificial ceremonies.

A line of information also appeared in the logbook:

"Second-level holy relic, the divine mask of Freya, the goddess of love and beauty."


As one of the few direct descendants of the Bay People, Byron's family has preserved the most complete Bay People myths and legends, and he knows all the Bay People's "gods" like the back of his hand.

Although most of the so-called "gods" did not have the sixth and seventh levels of the endless illegal ranks in the mythological era when humans and gods coexisted.

They were just a group of powerful extraordinary people among the Bay People, probably similar to the fifth-level [King Title] of the Silver Age, and now two thousand years later, they have long returned to dust.

Byron even suspected that the fifth-level [King Title] of the Silver Age might be a weakened version of the fifth-level [false gods] of the Mythological Era.

Low sequence: first-order attendants, second-order professions;

Middle sequence: third-order elites (great wizards), fourth-order heroes (mythical creatures);

High sequence: fifth-order legends (pseudo-gods), sixth-order epics (demigods);

Supreme: seventh-order sole god creator.

From the names of this [Ladder of Glory] sequence, we can get a glimpse of the leopard, and roughly see some traces left over from the mythological era.

Until now, when the dark millennium ended and the mythological system made a comeback, these unfamiliar words once again entered the human vision, but in essence they are still the same thing.

And this legendary [Goddess of Love and Beauty] Freya is also called Freya. Like the love gods in various myths, she is also a goddess of unparalleled beauty, but also a womanizer.

It is said that although she loves her husband deeply, she has had love affairs with all the male gods in the Wanmin mythology once, twice, and three times.

The priesthood includes: love, magic, war, and gold.

Byron continued to look down.

"Ability: Godhead Mask

The relic of the Wan people from the mythological era two thousand years ago was one of the media for the priests to communicate with the gods. There are as many masks of Godhead as there are gods.

When humans with high affinity wear this mask, they can communicate with the corresponding god status in the collective subconscious sea, temporarily add godhood to themselves, and increase their own power in the corresponding field.

At the moment when the god position is vacant, it is even possible to digest and absorb the corresponding god status bit by bit.

Note: If the own rank and anchor are insufficient, it is possible to be assimilated by the corresponding godhead, completely lose oneself, and become the image in the minds of believers.

Destiny: The destiny carried by each holy relic mask is different, and it is related to the legend of the god itself. The more similar the behavior is to the target, the faster the godhead and the corresponding anchor will be digested.

For example, [Goddess of Love and Beauty] Freya needs beauty, needs love, needs hum."

Seeing this, Byron also understood.

Most of these god thieves among the Bay people can successfully anchor the collective subconscious of the Bay people through these [divine masks] stolen from unknown sources as a medium, coupled with believers carrying the blood of the Bay people.

After the pair of divine sons and goddesses reached the fourth level and became mythical creatures, they were already qualified to start planning for the fifth level [false gods].

Obtained his own godhead mask in advance.

The goddess Freya was knocked down on the spot before she could use the mask's power, otherwise this battle might not have gone so smoothly.

Based on the intelligence previously obtained, since the Bay residents who came to the New World called themselves "exiles", they must have made a mistake in their hometown.

In the era hundreds of years ago, murder, theft, and rebellion were all possible.

It is also normal to steal these sacred relics that have disappeared from the history books.

Moreover, Byron also learned from Violet that the [Pirate Code], which was said to have been formulated by the Pirate Emperor and governed all pirates, had been missing for hundreds of years.

Is it possible that it also fell into the hands of these "exiles"?

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly felt hot.

At the same time, there are two secrets in the logbook.

[Secret: The origin of the bloody disaster, historical influence 38] The decryption density has also increased from 90% to 92%.

The decryption density of [Secret: Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt God Woden’s Racial Revival Prophecy, Historical Influence 69] has also been increased from 39% to 45%.

Obviously these secrets he is exploring have a lot to do with this group of exiled Ziwan people.

Byron took back his hand, which also came from the myths and legends of the Bay people, and was also the surefire gun of the God-King [the God of Kingship, Prophecy and Wild Hunt].

I muttered in my heart:

“I don’t know if they have the divine mask of Woden, the God of Wild Hunt, but I’m a little interested in this.

Otherwise, this mask of the beauty goddess Freya would just become a decoration.

I believe that my compatibility in terms of beauty should be enough, but even the 'Innate Cowherd Holy Body' cannot afford this destiny of sleeping with all the gods. "

But at this moment, I suddenly heard two familiar voices coming from in front of me.

"Suck it, suck it, you smell so good!"

"Let me take a bite, just take a bite, okay?"

When he looked down, he saw that the two long legs of the goddess Freya Laplace that were left on the ground with the upper parts missing softened and twisted on their own, eventually turning into two purple-red octopus tentacles.

From the small mouthpart at one end, a voice belonging to a goddess came out.

"Huh? Are the nerve endings of [Son of the Abyss] also so developed? Can he still talk?"

Byron has dealt with these evil things a lot, especially the big octopus [Sleeping God Kraken], so he doesn't feel surprised to see this situation in front of him.

The Son of the Abyss has obviously inherited the ability of the octopus to have three hearts and nine brains, with a developed nervous system and even brain tissue spread throughout the body.

It's a pity that all she has is the powerful physical transformation ability, not the immortality like the cursed spirit or the soul-hiding phylactery.

When the physical damage is small, it's nothing, but when it grows bigger, it will be.

When most of the body is wiped out, the nervous system also dies along with it, and no matter how strong the soul is, it loses its support.

However, the goddess is still an inhuman fourth-level mythical creature. The remaining two long legs, like the "Kraken's Touch", still retain the eating instinct of a mentally retarded person.

The combination of fallen people and women, when faced with Byron's "big tonic" that has the effects of increasing lifespan, relieving alienation, being promoted on the spot, etc., they were immediately greedy.


The next moment.


They unexpectedly heard a loud swallowing sound coming from Byron's mouth, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble, and a strong sense of crisis surged into their hearts.

"Wait, what do you mean you swallowed?"

Before they could turn around and run away, they heard a salivating voice above their heads:

"What, I think you guys smell so good too!

One bite for each person, please give me a bite, okay? "

He stretched out his hand like lightning, grabbed an octopus tentacle that was twisting and struggling, and was already crying with fear, and was about to move it.

"Byron, are you okay? They have already fought their way to the shore together.

How to deal with this goddess? "

Fortunately, Violet arrived in time and prevented Byron from doing anything bold.

"How to deal with it? Orally, of course! That's right!"

After being reminded by Violet, he suddenly remembered that after [Falcon] Alvin's heroic sacrifice, he had a vacant spot as a [Wild Hunt Servant].

As long as he kills the enemy with his own hands, he can choose whether to retain the self-awareness of the undead servant and transform it into a monstrosity called [Wild Hunt Servant].

It can be used as an extension of his eyes, ears, will and extraordinary abilities. He can move freely, possess living people and display abilities, no different from ordinary people.

If possessed by the original body, it can fully exert its past power, and even burn itself to the extreme.

Relying on [Entry: Three Musketeers], the current quota is limited to four people, and there are already: "[Conqueror] Cortes, [Fat Dragon], and Quasi-Swordsman Herman".

Goddess Freya Laplace is not only a fourth-order mythical creature, but also the daughter of Dagon, a fifth-order [false god] who is one of the founders of the Deep Dive Church. She is extremely valuable and has a very high gold content.

She is comparable to Cortes, who is already the emperor of Azik.

"Two birds in the bush are worth a bird in the hand. It's you, come!"

Byron immediately stretched out his hand to the tragic murder scene in front of him, and the broken bones and flesh of the goddess flew in front of him and merged into a constantly squirming meat ball.

Reluctant to use his own blood, he took out a bottle of transmuted blood from the warrior's cup and activated the [Blood Altar Meat Urn] (Chapter 349) learned from "Blood Source Tour".

This black witchcraft can achieve self-cloning at the physical level. Even if only a drop of blood is left after being beaten, a complete body can be reshaped.

After killing the goddess, it is not a big problem to give her a new body.

"Gurgle, gurgle."

The ritual witchcraft that looked extremely evil at first glance was activated, and the blood and flesh swamp surged rapidly, and soon it grew back into Freya's tall and muscular naked body like a female leopard.


I heard Violet's little hum from her nose, and her little hand had already pinched his lower back.

Byron laughed and lowered his head quickly, and a pale blue flame emerged from his palm. He pulled out the soul of the goddess again and pushed it into her own body.

A pair of blue eyes unique to the Bay people blinked twice, and then he regained his spirit. When he raised his hand, the water on his body surged and turned into a set of clothes exactly the same as before.

After seeing Byron, he immediately knelt on one knee obediently, pounding his chest with his right hand and said:

"Master, your humble servant Freya Laplace offers you his heart."

Byron sensed it a little, and found that perhaps because of the Bay people's bloodline and the relationship of the divine mask, he and this new Wild Hunt servant had a particularly close connection in mysticism.

Thinking of his title ability [Wild Hunt Legion] and [Wild Hunt King], which are the nicknames of Woden, he subconsciously felt that perhaps everything should be like this in the mythological era.

Byron himself is not even a mythical creature now, but he picked up the first fourth-level subordinate god when he went out.

With this insider, the success rate of fishing in Luoyan City this time can be improved.

Just greeted her.

I heard a lonely wolf-like shrill roar from the direction of Black Tide Town behind me:

"Ah! How dare you hurt the noble son and daughter of God, I will fight you.

Godhead mask, God descends!"

Then, a strong sacred breath rushed into the sky, instantly illuminating the night sky drifting in heavy rain.

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