Pirate Kingship

Chapter 391 Unlimited refills, post-war spoils division (two-in-one 6000 words)

Inside the mist-filled celestial circulation zone, two three-masted sailing ships carrying the flags of the Kingdom of Hetings and the Kingdom of Castile were swaggering side by side.

This kind of scene of two rivals walking together is rare even in the old continent, let alone in the dangerous celestial circulation zone.

In addition, there is also a large sea monster [ancient fossil fish] that is wearing hard and heavy armor and possesses some kind of teleportation ability like the [fiddler crab].

As the big fish opens its mouth from time to time, you can clearly see a human-shaped white bug replacing its tongue and living symbiotically with it, which looks extremely curious.

This insect is none other than the great wizard of the Bloodthirsty Order who invented the spineless fish [Sea Lice].

When the promotion ceremony [Heart of the Insect] is held, the anchored insect body is the "Heartfish Lice".

This parasite can enter the mouth of fish by invading their gills, suck the blood from the fish's tongue, and eventually replace the fish's tongue and become symbiotic with it.

Even though he looks a bit strange, if you want to talk about individual combat effectiveness in the sea, no one in the entire religious order can be his opponent.

Since he, the top thug in the cult, is here, the identity of the two sailboats above his head is also obvious.

It was after being forcefully "acquired" by Mr. Byron Tudor that he rushed to follow his double chief priest in the Blood Thirsty Order and the Skinned Church.

They each cooperated with Hetings and Castile, and they all had legal identities as cover. Of course, they also used the flags of the two countries when they went out.

This trip of the two dark wizard organizations, except for a few people who stayed in the Holy Land, almost everyone left.

In total, a total of fourteen third-level wizards came, including [Fairy] Regrel.

Byron has informed them that the safety window does not end until July 3, and it is still daytime on July 1, so they still have plenty of time.

While these two groups of dark wizards were traveling at full speed, they also held several academic exchange seminars.

Soon they discovered that the two schools of "Genetics" and "Modern Medicine" had a lot in common, but one was more focused on the micro and the other was more focused on the macro.

It’s all about making flesh and blood better.

Everyone felt that they had gained a lot, and they wished they could grab someone on the spot to experiment and combine theory with practice.

It's a pity that their current chief priest, Mr. Byron, is a good man with the aura of a saint. The dark wizards no longer dare to kill innocent people as they did in the past.

Another academic exchange that only stayed on paper came to an end. Robert Wriston, the former high priest of the Skinned Church [Murder Doctor] lamented:

“Although I don’t know what the example given by the chief priest in the textbook: there are four ways of writing the word ‘fennel’ means.

But I completely understood the medical knowledge written later. There are five methods for making anatomical specimens:

Specimen antisepsis and fixation methods; cross-sectional anatomy methods; vascular perfusion technology; lymphatic perfusion methods; and digital ‘visible people’ methods.

But if you want to collect enough data to support medical teaching and lay the foundation of modern medicine, you need a lot of specimens.

The biggest problem hindering the practice of medicine today is the lack of volunteers.

I now want to formulate rules and regulations. If future medical students bring their own cadavers to school, they can offset most of their tuition fees. "

[Ms. Leech] also nodded in agreement and said:

"Our human mushroom experiments, human cattle and horse experiments, vegetative experiments, etc. are all at a standstill due to lack of materials.

However, there is no need to ask His Excellency the Chief Priest, he will definitely not agree with us randomly arresting people for experiments, and the natives are all treated equally in his eyes.

If there are enough volunteers for practice, our research progress will definitely be rapid. This is a communication from Your Excellency the High Priest! "

A group of people were complaining about the biggest problem currently hindering the research progress of the two companies. [Ms. Leech] was suddenly startled and put the echo conch around her waist to her ear.

His face soon overflowed with joy, and he nodded respectfully to the conch:

"Yes, yes, sir, we must arrange the experimental plan in advance, and we will never waste any of the 'volunteer's' time."

Hanging up the communication, he announced to the others with a red face:

“Gentlemen and ladies, I just got some great news.

Your Excellency, the High Priest, found for us a ‘volunteer’ with noble sentiments, who voluntarily offered his body for our research in medicine and genetics.

There are no humanitarian restrictions and it can be used as you wish. "

[Mage Mosquito] sitting next to her was full of doubts when he heard this:

"Isn't this great news? Just one person is not enough for us. It will be worn out after one use. It cannot solve the fundamental problem at all."

But I saw [Ms. Leech]’s smile getting brighter:

“This volunteer is not an ordinary person, but a third-level transcendent with an ‘immortal body’.

No matter how many times it is worn out, it recovers immediately and allows us to continue using it.

As long as you stay within the three-month period, you can enjoy unlimited refills! "


One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and a group of great wizards who were "waiting for food" and their eyes almost turned green couldn't help but stand up when they heard this.

“Can we really have unlimited refills?!”

[Mage Mosquito]'s small eyes were shining with light, and his needle-like mouth was hesitant to speak, eager to try:

"I won't sleep for the next three months.

I'm going to dissect that 'volunteer' a thousand times! And do another thousand mosquito experiments! No one can stop me."

The man from the Skinning Church opposite, Mr. Crow, who provided intelligence to the Smith brothers, said with a sneer:

"A thousand times? Even the donkeys on the plantation don't dare to rest like that. I'm going to dissect him two thousand times!

I'm going to dissect every part of his body carefully until I have all the data of the visible person. I can use the illusion simulation to teach students in the future."

Others started to bid and reserved the number of dissections for themselves:

"Three thousand times!"

"Four thousand times!"


The sea louse lying in the fish's mouth underwater also joined in the fun:

"You are not worthy of the 'volunteer's' efforts. I'll give you a number, ten thousand times!

Ten thousand times per person!

If you tell others about it, they will think we can't afford it.

By the way, we will also test the treatment plans for various injuries and diseases, such as knife wounds, axe wounds, sword wounds, penetrating wounds, burns, and various tropical diseases.

Let me go first. If I can't dissect 10,000 times, I will lie on the dissection table myself!"

[Murderous Doctor] Robert Liston and [Ms. Leech] were very pleased to see that the members of their organization were so research-minded:

"His Excellency the High Priest is a model saint and he certainly doesn't want us to have disputes over 'volunteers'.

I suggest that before dissecting every day, we should separate the volunteer with the 'immortal body' and give each of us a piece, and then rotate the next day.

Madam, what do you think?"

"That's exactly what I meant. If the volunteer knew that we could make full use of him, he must be so moved that he would cry bitterly, right?"

Then the two thought about who exactly provided this unique experimental condition, and smiled at each other, saying in unison:

"Thank you Mr. Byron, the [Father of Medicine], for giving us the test subject.

He is such a good man!

All mankind who benefited from this should thank him for his achievements. "

At the same time, on the battlefield in the Nightmare Triangle where the smoke had not yet dissipated.

The great pirate Edward Redbeard, who had just crawled out of the Iron Maiden, was indeed crying in pain.

However, judging from the fact that he was shouting "Let me die, let me die" while crawling towards the Iron Maiden, his tears were probably not because of "movement".

Last year, Redbeard was still an insurmountable and powerful pirate to Byron and Violet, but today he has become a small character that can be easily killed.

As long as the [God's Vision] that can see through the death line is activated, a single cut with this high-level power that touches the senses of the gods can kill him on the spot.

[Black Magic·Hidden Soul Life Box] can't save his life either.

But this way of handling it is really too wasteful.

Mr. Byron, who has always been frugal, certainly wouldn't do such a luxurious thing.

It just so happened that the research team under his command was coming over, and arranged Redbeard's short but glorious fate for the next three months.

"This ending is the best consolation for the innocent people who died in your blood sacrifice.

After going to hell, you can tell your ghost friends that you once worked in the world's most cutting-edge medical research institute, which is also a topic worth showing off."

Then Byron was too lazy to pay attention to Red Beard.

Because the highlight after the war - the division of spoils has begun.

In this small-scale local colonial war.

The most valuable spoils, in addition to Dagon and the legendary warship [Dragon Head Ship Valhalla] that he controlled, who had successfully escaped by harming his allies.

It was another fifth-level [false god] Pohnpei, the father of the group of sharks, the secret realm "Fissure Trench" originally controlled by him, and the huge Mei's Leviathan whale hunting ground.

In the team, several fourth-level [mediums] and [prophet] of the cemetery sequence communicated with Pohnpei's soul at the first time.

Among them, they were afraid of death and did not dare to touch the various extraordinary knowledge from the old gods, but they had no problem finding a series of primitive whale oil technologies that were still in the initial application stage.

After mutual verification and proofreading, they were handed over to the Pirate King for later distribution according to merit.

The corpse was put in a wine bottle by the [Sailboat Collector], and the refined fifth-level whale oil product would also be distributed.

Then the colonial fleet, which suffered equally heavy losses, ignored the pain and rushed to the "Fissure Trench" in a mighty manner.

There were so many people dead on both sides that the colonists could directly extract various information about the new world from the souls of the deep-sea clan.

When the source tide became stronger and stronger with the moon phase, and even flowed back into the material world, in addition to the trapdoor at the bridgehead that would automatically start and block the north-south route.

The new world, also known as the "Southern Continent" by the deep-sea clan, and the nearby waters would also become very dangerous.

Adventure ships and whaling ships could not drift on the sea and carry out maritime operations for several months as they did in the old continent.

They must establish sufficiently stable outposts and shelters before the real danger comes.

There are six islands on the edge of the "Fissure Trench". To Byron, it is probably a spoon-shaped archipelago consisting of six islands.

The seven islands corresponding to the north side of the celestial circulation belt are obviously the shape of the six stars of the Southern Dipper.

It's just that in the astrology of this world, the six stars of the Southern Dipper are all part of the Sagittarius constellation. This place was naturally named Sagittarius Islands by adventurers, echoing the Big Bear Islands on the other side.

As we all know, it is through controlling a series of supply points and ports on ocean routes that maritime powers can form the Great Wall of the Sea and then control a certain sea.

These six islands also have the same meaning. Only by guarding them can we guard this whaling ground and start the era of whale oil industry.

Among them, Island No. 1 is the largest, covering about 300 square kilometers, which is a little larger than the combined Taiman Islands in the Earldom of Greenville when Byron and Catherine started their business.

There are water sources, mountains and forests on the island, and there is even a mythical age-style town on the coast, as well as a ready-made dock and whale oil workshop.

It was obviously the former stronghold of the Rift Monastery on land.

However, given that the average size of whale people is three meters, these construction industries are naturally built to be extremely tall and strong, as if they are a large giant's palace.

After the colonial fleet patrolled the archipelago, it originally wanted to dock here to distribute the spoils agreed upon before the war.

The highlight is the carving up of these six islands, which are equivalent to whale oil fields.

As long as you can get a piece of land on a certain island, you can get rich on the spot whether you develop it yourself or sell it to other big forces.

It is no exaggeration to say that every inch of land on these six islands is valuable.

Everyone is gearing up, secretly calculating whether their achievements in this war will be enough to get a share of the pie on a certain island.

As for the three major heroes of this war, it is already clear:

The fifth-level pirate king Ocean Throne, the fifth-level legend [Sailboat Collector], and the sudden rise of the [Sea Hunter] who can turn the tide of the battle.

It is natural for each person to be given an island, and others can divide the remaining islands.

But after inspecting the secret realm, the accompanying naturalists and navigators told the Pirate King bad news:

"Your Majesty, the length of the 'Rip Trench' is 300 kilometers, and the deepest point can reach 9,219 meters. There are several world rifts, large and small, at the bottom. It is highly likely to be connected to the Sea of ​​Monsters of Echidna.

We infer that the Leviathan whales here came from those cracks.

Together they form a huge underwater secret realm that expands and contracts periodically.

Island No. 1 is the whaling base with the best conditions. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for human survival. "

For adventurers, vision is more important than strength, and the unexpected situations they can discover cannot be hidden from others.

All the heads of parties have already gathered on the Pirate King's flagship.

A fourth-level [Adventurer] frowned deeply:

“On a full moon night, at least half of Island No. 1 will be covered within the scope of the expanded secret realm, which is equivalent to the portal of the secret realm ‘Rip Trench’.

Behind the portal is most likely the corpse of the old god [Rift Whale Leviathan].

Even if we spend huge sums of money to build the highest level lighthouse here, we still need to bear the impact of the secret killing rules at any time.

Unlike those Deep Sea Familia, we have no ability to interfere with the rifts. If we dare to live here, we are definitely living on a powder keg and making a fool of ourselves.


Obviously, no matter how good the whale oil is, you still have to have a life to get it.

All of them had just experienced the terror of the old gods from the tentacle of the nightmare projection. How could they dare to provoke another old god casually?

Everyone else was well aware of the unfinished "unless" in his mouth.

Unless a [Lampman] is willing to make sacrifices to guard the crack here, the security of this archipelago and sea area can be greatly improved, allowing human whaling ships to enter and exit freely.

Otherwise, not only will the island be difficult to obtain, but the future whaling industry will also have many twists and turns.

But others don’t know what kind of tragic characters the [Lamp Holders] of the Lighthouse Federation are. How could they, adventurers like them who wander around the borders of the unknown world all day long, not know?

As we all know, the secret to fish farming is to frequently replace fish, and the secret to guarding the cracks in the world is to frequently replace [lantern holders]!

Moreover, it was the corpse of the old god, and ordinary mid-level extraordinary beings were not qualified to look directly at it.

Although there are many extraordinary people in the lighthouse sequence in their group, none of them have the noble sentiment to sacrifice themselves to achieve everyone's success.

Except for Mr. St. Byron, who looked pitiful.

Seeing the solemn atmosphere at the meeting, he took a step forward without hesitation, nodded to everyone and said:

“Since no one wants this island, then give it to me.

The significance of whale oil technology to the world is too great. For the development of human technology, someone in this world has to sacrifice, so why can't that person be me?

It's a pity that I am already the [Lamp Holder] of a second-level world rift. I don't know how long I can hold on to this responsibility for everyone if I have two jobs. well--! "

He raised his hand to show everyone the mark of [Lamp Holder] on the back of his hand. At the end of the sentence, not only did he not mean to take credit or be proud, he even looked remorseful and let out a long sigh.

"No! Since someone always sacrifices, why should we sacrifice ourselves again and again?"

At this time, Violet suddenly stood up and grabbed Byron's hand with an anxious look on her face, trying to pull him back again, and persuaded her earnestly:

"Captain, you have already guarded a second-level world crack. If you come here to work part-time as another [Lantern Bearer], you are clearly seeking death.

If you die, what will happen to the thousands of employees of the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Adventure Company who depend on you for their livelihood? What will happen to the residents of the Hastings Colony?

And what about Miss Catherine who is struggling to maintain such a large foundation and is waiting for you to return?

Your life is not yours alone! Captain!

Aren't they bullying an honest man?"

After being reminded by Violet, the other people on the battlefield who were saved by Byron were even more ashamed, and couldn't help but promise:

"We can't let His Excellency Saint Byron sacrifice in vain.

I suggest that from now on, every whaling company and every whaling ship that benefits from here should give a share to His Excellency Saint Byron and future [Lantern Bearers].

What do you think?"


"Second! Who dares to make a small move , we will peel his skin together!"

When Byron heard this, he waved his hands repeatedly as if he was insulted:

"No, no, no, what's the point of doing good things? Ahem, benefits, don't tell me this kind of thing again."

He turned back and scolded Violet:

"Why do girls come to make trouble?

Although we came to the New World to find the cutting-edge whale oil technology that represents advanced productivity, so that the majority of civilians will no longer have to starve, have affordable clothes to wear, and enjoy the dividends brought by social development.

Let technological progress benefit everyone in this era, and let the glory of the Creator shine on each of His lambs.

But you have been with me for so long, don't you even have this awareness of "success does not have to be mine"? Ah?

You disappoint me so much!"


Violet's face was full of "grievances" and there was a mist in her eyes, and then she looked at the Pirate King who had been silent with tears in her eyes.

This pair of male and female thieves are not only good at robbery, but also rely on their professional and superb acting skills learned at the Vinaya Academy of Arts. They are also good at fraud.

Even the most hard-hearted [Ocean Throne] felt a strong sense of guilt, thinking that he was really bullying an honest man, so he made a final decision:

"I will cover all the subsequent construction costs of Island No. 1.

In addition, 10% of the production capacity of the whale oil industry under my name will be donated to the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Adventure Company managed by Miss [Mithril Dragon] Catherine every month to help public welfare."

The Pirate King gave 10% of the production capacity, and of course others could not give less than this number, which was catching up with the tithe collected by the church.

But the atmosphere had already been set here, and no one dared to speak up to object.

Instead, they all agreed:

"Saint Byron is a man of high moral character who regards money as dirt. I will also use 10% of my production capacity every month to buy a tortoise-shell handicraft from the handicraft shop run by Miss Catherine."

"I will buy it too."

At this time, Byron realized that he had accidentally overacted and made things worse.

If you give all the money to my sister, what does it have to do with my private money?

"Well, I."

Before he could continue to speak, he was held by the honest man Eight Fingers and the guardian knight Bruch on the left and right, and was forcibly carried back to the [Golden Deer].

Watching Byron and the Hettings ghost fleet he led first sail to Island No. 1, it seemed that he couldn't wait to take on the responsibility of the [Lantern Man] and sacrifice himself for the welfare of everyone.

Many adventurers who were used to the intrigues could not help but have red eyes and murmured to themselves:

"Mr. [Sea Hunter] Saint Byron is really a good man who is almost extinct in the world.

He deserves the title of 'pioneer of the whale oil power revolution'.

I will publicize his deeds and submit articles to the Lighthouse Weekly and every influential newspaper.

We, our descendants, and everyone in the world should thank him!"

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