Pirate Kingship

Chapter 411 How the Roll Kings are trained

The night was dark, and a crescent blood moon was like a blood-stained sickle of death, casting a large area of ​​ominous dirty red light on the entire "Beast Paradise".

The vast and primitive continent was full of mountains and undulating mountains, and the forests that were many times taller than other places were shaking. Every blade of grass, every tree, every flower and every stone gained life under the blood moon.

In the shadows of the claws and fangs, strange monsters appeared, evil spirits whimpered, and the deserted forbidden area was suddenly filled with people.

"All things have spirits" may be just a fantasy of mortals who respect nature in other places, but here it is obviously true.

In this wild land where the natural world accounts for a much larger proportion than the humanized world.

There is a [grotesque·millipede] that is as big as a metal locomotive, has a human face, and has thousands of tentacles replaced by human feet;

There is a [demon·sinkhole worm] that wanders deep underground, and can create a huge sinkhole on the ground with one mouth, which is enough to swallow a small tribe of humans in an instant;

There are rotten corpses that crawl out of the tombs after being polluted by the blood moon, chasing any smell of fresh flesh and blood and wandering around;

There are also [evil spirits·fire ghosts] who died tragically due to large-scale wildfires, traveling through the mountains and forests in groups, giving the evil seeds of fire to one piece of forest after another, and wanting to make other creatures become exactly like them.

At this time every day, even the most daring natives dare only close their doors and seek shelter from the guardian spirits of the tribe.

But even so, every night some small tribes are broken by evil spirits and grotesques.

Men, women, old and young are all killed, and no one is left alive.

This can be seen from the "Book of Beast Families" (Volume 2) tailor-made for natural spirits.

Perhaps humans have never been the masters of this continent, but just an ordinary member of the thousands of creatures struggling for survival.

The Sun Empire, which lives in a remote corner under the protection of [Sun God] Inti, is just an example.

Under the blood moon, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two large black-feathered and golden-eyed ravens each grabbed a fresh rubber branch with leaves in their claws, and vibrated their wide wings to fly at high speed in the clouds.

Flying faster and faster, the body suddenly turned into an illusory afterimage, sometimes appearing at the bottom of the clouds in the material world, sometimes smashing the waves of the source sea, and sometimes piercing the biting cold wind at the edge of the world.

They seem to be able to travel freely in the three-layer world, unrestrained, and come and go freely even in the dangerous Beast Paradise.

At least the existence of the middle sequence is not even qualified to discover their figures.

When they were crossing the edge of the world again, they suddenly rolled their eyes, and the shadow of a huge ghost ship was reflected in their golden pupils.

There was a figurehead of the Blue Dragon King on the bow, and the ship was filled with translucent ghosts with missing arms and legs. A large number of ship coffins were strung on the back of the ship with cables.

The sails were full, and they were sailing on the route between the rift trench and the collective subconscious sea of ​​the Bay people.

Many ghost warships on both wings were traveling with them, with flags flying and ghost fires blazing. Their momentum was no less than those notorious evil spirits and grotesques in the Beast Paradise.

"Other ships carry a hundred dead souls, but we have to carry a thousand!

Others run once a week, but our Blue Dragon King runs once a day!

Others run alone, but we have to organize a ferry fleet in the underworld!

We will definitely be the champion of soul ferrying at the edge of the world this year."

In the colonial war a few days ago, not only did the dragon head ship summon a large number of ship coffins and heroes from "Hall of Valor·Valhalla" to help in the battle, but they were finally stranded here.

The colonial fleet that came from afar also suffered heavy losses.

These dead need the help of ghost ships to return to their hometowns and return to the collective subconscious sea of ​​a certain place.

The money earned from the boat tickets is not important to them, but the treasures and bank account passwords that the dead souls should have brought into the underworld are a windfall even for Lancasters.

Not only that, when the ghost ships perform their duties, they will also receive spiritual gifts from the collective subconscious of mankind.

Especially, Prince Sorenburg got the [Theseus Ship Spirit Secret Ritual], and relying on the strong accumulation of the fourth-level extraordinary, he quickly completed the sublimation of the essence of life.

The work of transporting the dead is itself a shortcut for him to quickly improve his strength. The more he transports, the faster his strength will increase.

Just like at this moment, Prince Sorenburg and his [Blue Dragon King] are running all the way on the road of "King of the Undead".

And he is more "competitive" than any other peers.

"Let's set a small goal first: win the annual performance champion of soul ferrying this year, and show up in front of the collective subconscious of mankind."

All these changes started when Byron and Violet confirmed their relationship and took her to meet his parents formally.

Seeing this Bay Princess who is a perfect match for his son, the heir of Anchor Bay, Edmund Lancaster was immediately happy and smiled.

Suddenly, he felt that his family's life had hope, and he was full of energy.

He changed his pampered life of the prince in the past and lived a struggling life of "eating less than pigs, working more than cows, sleeping later than dogs, and getting up earlier than chickens".

Some people think that children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, and if there are no children and grandchildren, I will enjoy the blessings;

Others believe that it is better to chicken yourself than to chicken your baby. The efforts of three generations may as well start from me, so that at least the grandchildren do not have to spend ten years studying to compete with other people's family inheritance.

Perhaps no one is qualified to judge which of these two concepts is higher or lower. After all, everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle.

But we have to admit that the ancestors of every noble family are firm adherents of the latter concept.

There is nothing we can do about it.

The interests of populations, families and individuals are often not completely consistent, and it is normal to have some discrepancies and sighs.

Of course, while the younger generation is supported by the family, they must also shoulder the corresponding responsibilities. They should have political marriages when they should, and go to the battlefield when they should.

In the knight novels, those who lived a life of luxury for more than ten years, but ended up throwing away their responsibilities and eloping with others, although they called it love, were actually just excuses for a bunch of selfish ghosts.

If you want to be glorious in front of others, you must be beaten behind others.

Prince Thornburg is obviously no exception.

No matter how hard it is, you can't let your children suffer, no matter how poor you are, you can't let education be poor. For the bright future of Lancaster, you can only suffer yourself.

In the simple worldview of mortals, this is another form of "immortality" achieved in the name of Lancaster, so that the bloodline and family will can continue to be passed on.

The same is true for other Lancasters who have died.

As the "last Lancaster", Byron is now not only blessed by his ancestors, but also worked hard for him.

They are afraid that he will die suddenly one day.

Among them, the voice of his cousin Edward, who moved to the edge of the world and lived with the undead cattle and horses, was the loudest:

"Family, completing the work is passing, exceeding the target is excellent, and perfect completion can satisfy our customers.

I usually spur you on for your own good. Small spurs lead to small progress, big spurs lead to big progress, and no spurs lead to no progress.

If I find someone cheating, he is not our family.

It's not my fault that he was optimized away."

Since he was transformed into a lich and was able to leave the Blue Dragon King freely, he has been stationed at the undead farm at the edge of the world most of the time.

Most of the stupid corpses and undead creatures under his command have little intelligence and don't react much to his words. Edward still enjoys it and cracks the whip in his hand.

As a "sleepless man", he can work 24 hours without rest and always stay awake. Urging others to work is his greatest pleasure in this life.

He would rather tire himself to death than roll his colleagues to death. Now that we are all dead, wouldn't it be a loss if we don't roll again?

Who dares to roll more than me? !

This group of people is like a nest of catfish, bringing billions of shocks from the world to the undead on the edge of the world.

This is because Byron just got a partner.

Once they give birth to children for the Lancaster family in the future, it is unknown to what extent these people will roll under the leadership of Prince Sorenburg.

I am afraid that before I can cultivate the "King of the Undead", I will take the crown of [Roll King] first.

In the future, when this "king title" is worn on the head, it will give others a kind of awe-inspiring murderous aura of "no grass grows wherever it passes", and anyone who encounters it will be terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

Under the system of the Holy Golden Empire, they are far from the only ones who are desperately rolling inward.

Fu Jin and Wu Ni grabbed the rubber tree branches and traveled through the world. After flapping their wings a few times, they arrived at the Whale Song Town on the edge of the Rift Trench.

The water dungeon in the town has long been a stronghold of the Bloodthirsty Cult and the Skinning Church. No one went to rest even in the middle of the night.

The oppressive groans of dissection without anesthesia have never stopped since the beginning.

As domineering and overbearing as Edward the Red Beard who killed people like crazy used to be, he is now as miserable and helpless.

Facing a group of more than a dozen third-level wizards, he was almost completely desperate. It was only a few days since he was dissected, but it seemed like hundreds of years had passed.

Immortality has become a curse for him.

Just when he was reborn again, the surgeon Robert, the [Murderous Doctor], was about to cut off Red Beard's tongue again according to the instructions of his own high priest who was too kind and couldn't bear to hear the screams of the test subjects.

The pirate's empty eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of malice again, and he said with heavy breathing:

"I have heard it all. Aren't you guys going to build some anatomical model?

However, how can there be only men and no women?

Half of the experimental subjects are missing. Will you only treat men and not women in the future?"

This made the great wizards look at each other in bewilderment, but they had to admit that his words were indeed very reasonable.

"Red Beard is right. There is still a big difference between men and women. What should we do if the large model lacks materials?"

Red Beard's mouth curled up, which was exactly his purpose.

He had long seen that this group of crazy black wizards had no sense of morality for research.

As long as they attacked other adventurer teams or indigenous women on land, they might create chaos and give him a chance to escape.

'Kill, rob, I want to see rivers of blood! Hehehe'

But before he could be happy for long, [Ms. Leech] on the side suddenly said:

"Actually, I have a way.

The High Priest is kind-hearted and does not allow us to kill innocent people, but he did not say that we cannot use some inhumane methods on this 'volunteer'."

Red Beard suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Then the beautiful and feminine [Ms. Leech] took off a gold and silver metal ring with a sun emblem on one side and a moon emblem on the other side from her slender fingers.

She smiled and introduced to everyone:

"This is a [Cursed Item·Gender Transformation Ring].

As long as you put it on, the physiological transformation will be completed immediately.

When a man wears it, he can turn into a woman at night, and when a woman wears it, she can turn into a man during the day. By flipping the ring, day and night can be reversed.

And as long as anyone wears the ring for more than one day, it will be completely transformed. Even if the ring is taken off, it will not change back. "

If Byron were here, he would probably say: Good guy, I'm just a good guy.

What I am saying is that you should never judge the gender of a "Giant Insect Book Sect" based on his appearance or title.

Looking at the ring that [Ms. Leech] wears on her hand that has not been taken off for who knows how many days, it is obvious that he/she has personally experienced the effect of the ring.

After thinking about this, the red-bearded Edward suddenly turned pale and screamed miserably:

"No, no, don't spare me, I deserve to die! Let me die!"

But he was grabbed by his left hand and put on his little finger. His body immediately began to deform, and in an instant he turned into a strong middle-aged woman.

Although he is strong enough to run a horse on his shoulders, he still has everything he should have.

“Isn’t there now female material?

This volunteer has a really high level of ideological consciousness, and he actually knows how to take the initiative to put more burdens on himself.

From now on, we will cut open Mr. Red Beard at 135 and Ms. Red Beard at 246. "

"What about Sunday?"

【Mosquito Master】praise at the right time.

A group of great wizards said in unison:

"On Sunday, Mr. during the day and Ms. at night, Jie Jie Jie"

It’s impossible to rest anyway.

They don't rest, and Redbeard doesn't even think about resting.

The figures of the people illuminated by the whale oil lamps splayed their teeth and claws on the wall, like monsters.


At this time, two ravens flew into the dungeon, dropped the branches and an experimental plan, and then quickly fluttered away.

They still need to rush back to monitor the "widowed princess" and find an opportunity to seize the [Scarlet Holy Grail]. The rest will be left to the great wizards.

"It's the mission of the high priest."

The great wizards of the Thirsty Blood Order received a new research project, so they temporarily let go of Red Beard and immediately devoted themselves to rubber research.

Plants are more convenient than animals. As long as they have a little tissue, they can be cultivated into complete plants by black magic.

It would be impossible for people like them to produce rubber for industrial use, but to supply the needs of scientific research, using one or two branches as raw materials is completely sufficient.

"Colleagues, please work hard and work overtime all night long, and strive to submit the preliminary experimental plan to the chief priest early tomorrow morning."


The motto of the wilderness sequence to which these [Animal Tamers] belong is:

"I come, I see, I conquer!"

The purpose is to conquer oneself, conquer nature, and then step by step transform the vast wilderness world into a humanized world suitable for human survival.

As long as wild species are domesticated and turned into biological resources that can be utilized by humans, their extraordinary path can be greatly advanced.

In addition, the chief priest, who was no different from a saint or a prophet in the eyes of everyone, pointed out the specific research direction, and everyone was gearing up to do something big.

Obviously there are so many migrant workers in the world who hate working overtime?

What everyone hates is just not being rewarded for overtime work and the pie drawn by the boss.

Just the fact that you will be rewarded for your efforts is enough to make people roll up their sleeves and work hard.

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