Pirate Kingship

Chapter 413: Hundreds of Sons Fight for Succession, Everything Comes in Threes (5,000 Votes Requeste

Breakfast together was really just a courtesy excuse.

Byron and Violet had just finished a hearty breakfast with the prince and princess, and they were dragged to the quiet garden to discuss the top priority of the throne.

Obviously, in Atahualpa's view, Byron, a foreign aid who had huge common interests with him but had no involvement with other brothers, was far more reliable than some of his subordinates, and he was eager to get his support.

As for things like arms transactions, they are put aside for the time being. Nothing is more important than the throne of the empire now.

The rain gradually stopped.

As soon as the four people walked onto the corridor leading to the garden, Atahualpa couldn't wait to tell Byron the news he had just received:

"Your Majesty, Lord of Heaven, the high priest of the empire has made a divination, and the coronation ceremony of the new king will be held on the 20th of this month.

I still have half a month to prepare.

At that time, hundreds of my brothers will bring their attendants into the holy lake to fight, and only the final winner can be crowned king.

Most of those hundreds of brothers were ordinary, just a group of third-order [Lava Giants]. I didn't take them seriously, and there were many of my supporters among them.

But there are also a few brothers who are very powerful and are my strong rivals for the throne. There are even some powerful external forces supporting them. I hope to get your help. "

Hearing him talk about the coronation ceremony on the holy Lake Titicaca, Byron felt slightly guilty.

The [Crown of the Sun] that a group of princes were preparing to fight for had already fallen into Catherine's hands through the online network. She was just waiting for him to return to the Bantaan Islands and give it to Edward IV while taking the opportunity to receive the canonization of an earl.

A whole "celestial circulation zone" away, those trackers have long lost their positioning ability, and they don't know how the priests will communicate with each other at that time.

Thinking of the strange shape of the crown with three suns carried by an alpaca, and the way they scrambled to put the straw horse on their head, Byron's expression became a little tense.

Relying on the forcible control of "divine vision", he didn't show any strangeness on his face, and just nodded to Atahualpa:

"Your Highness, if you have any difficulties, I will definitely help you.

How about you first introduce the main rivals for the imperial throne? Only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we have a better chance of winning. "

Hearing this, Atahualpa nodded to the princess beside him, who immediately took out a crystal and used his spirituality to project three young and middle-aged men with different appearances and temperaments.

"Needless to say about the other brothers, there are four brothers who are most promising to seize the throne, namely the governors of the four great Suyus.

We are ranked separately from other gods according to bloodline, extraordinary class, and secular status, which also declares our unique status. "

The prince pointed to the tallest and oldest one among them and introduced him to the two of them:

“This is the governor of the southern Koliyasuyu, the great prince [Earthquake Light] Ninan Koyuch Capak.

He is the first son born to a totem god when his father was young, and he has the blood of beasts.

Although the bloodline was impure at the beginning, the power of the female totem god unexpectedly matched the bloodline of the descendant of the Sun God.

As soon as he was born, he awakened a powerful innate ability - earthquake light.

In terms of frontal combat effectiveness, it is even more powerful than us pure-blooded gods.

He worked very hard, relying on the forbidden book "Sun Sacred Book" to purify his bloodline, and he was firmly promoted to the fourth level mythical creature a long time ago.

His personal combat effectiveness ranks first among all princes.

By the way, the body of his totem god mother is an earthquake dragon. It is said that the original body is 36 meters long and weighs 40 tons. Walking in a group will cause earthquakes. "

Byron knew that the ability of the title belonged to all mankind and came from the collective subconscious of mankind, and was not exclusive to the Silver Continent.

It’s no surprise that indigenous supernatural beings have their own titles.


He couldn't help but compare his hands. First he pinched a few gaps with his index finger and thumb, and then he embraced the whole world with his hands.

Seeing the prince nodding solemnly, he gave a thumbs up and sincerely praised:

"This old man's car is big enough. Sure enough, he is not a mortal!"

But when I think about the monster girl around me who gives me a "whale pressure" from time to time, I feel that I really have no right to laugh at others.

Once Violet reaches the fourth level and activates the Leviathan whale form, she will not be much smaller than her opponent, but will only be fatter and heavier.

Atahualpa had already anticipated his reaction and gloated a little:

"This matter is taboo for my eldest brother.

If anyone dares to make that gesture in front of him, he will be furious on the spot and will not stop until he tears the other person into pieces and burns them to charcoal.

He probably inherited the bloodline of his totem god mother. Although his fighting power is tyrannical, his brain is not much bigger than a tomato.

Just a reckless man!

Moreover, because his father succeeded to the throne relatively early, Ninan Koyuch had been the eldest prince ninety years ago and had waited for the throne for a full ninety years.

He is almost dying of old age because of the waiting. It can be said that this guy can explode at the first touch. I don’t want to provoke this guy at all.

Let me tell you, why should we fight when we are already old? Even if he sat on the throne, he would not be able to serve for a few years, and there would not even be enough time to recast the sacrificial gold coins. "

Then he pointed to his second brother, a handsome young man wearing a white robe and jewelry.

"The second prince of the Eastern Antisuyu Governorate, [Playboy], [Flirtatious] Huascar Capac, is also the son of his father and his sister, and his bloodline is very pure.

But since his mother, the previous queen, passed away, he began to be dissolute and not doing his job properly."

This is a typical royal nobleman, who loves sensual pleasures, wine, meat, beauties, gambling and hunting. He has a wide range of hobbies.

Fortunately, the entertainment projects of the Sun Empire are relatively primitive. If he were placed in the Old Continent, he would definitely be a well-known playboy.

It's just surprising that although the second prince has noble blood, he has a wide range of friends, especially the totem gods on the continent and the tribes in various places.

If he fights for the throne, I'm afraid there will be many small tribes around to support him.

Even the eldest prince with the bloodline of the totem god can't compare with him in this regard.

It's better to say that the fanaticism of the converts makes the mixed-blood eldest prince more like a firm defender of the imperial tradition than the pure-blooded second prince.

"My second brother, the [Playboy], particularly loves beauties from all tribes, and even has a certain degree of collecting addiction. He has collected at least more than 200 beauties from all tribes.

He even has the fly girl from the [Totem God·Poison Messenger] tribe. Can you imagine this?

And he often falls into the state of estrus where the small head dominates the big head regardless of the occasion.

He always likes to rely on those outsiders who send him beauties, rather than trusting his own tribe members."

After Atahualpa said this, Byron suddenly thought of the [Night Demon] who disguised himself as the widowed princess Pota Capac.

Although he couldn't figure out the other party's origin for the time being, it shouldn't be difficult for the Night Demon, who already has the talent of [Charming Humans], to seduce the second prince.

Anyway, she sneaked up on Atahualpa's guard captain without revealing her identity, and she didn't look like she was going to do anything good.

Atahualpa has introduced the last young man with a vigorous face:

"The governor of Contisuyu in the western coastal area is the brave and warlike third prince [Blood of Heroes] Anqui Capac.

He has the smallest territory in the country, but he has the strongest air force in the empire, and all the islands in the nearby sea are his strongholds.

I don't know how many private tribes are hidden in secret, dedicated to him alone.

[Blood of Heroes] is just a superficial title. My intelligence officer found out that in his tribe, the civilians call him [God of Wine]!

My third brother is the best wine, He ordered his followers to offer him purple-red Chicha wine brewed from purple corn, and to offer their wishes.

Chicha wine is also known as the blood of heroes in the empire. It can make people courageous and fearless, but it can also make people reckless and impulsive.

My third brother, who wanted to be the [God of Wine], often got drunk and did a lot of ridiculous things.

In order to compete for a gentle and lovely bunny-eared girl, he fought with the second brother in the Royal City of Cusco. In the end, the two were confined by their father for half a year, and the bunny-eared girl was executed on the spot. "

The last of the four princes, needless to say, is right in front of him.

Compared with them, the youngest fourth prince of the Governor of Chintsasuyu, Atahualpa Capac, did not have so many achievements and specialties.

He only had one specialty - he had a lot of gold in his hands.

He also got the title of [Hand of Wealth].

If he wants to be promoted to the fifth-level [false god] in the future, he should move closer to the power of wealth.

Compared to Byron's "wine, sex, money and anger", the four brothers are the real masters, and the former are far from being comparable.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of Heaven, we don't have any guarantee of the prince's succession according to the standards of seniority, wisdom, etc. Anyone can sit on the throne as long as they have the ability to go to the end of the coronation ceremony.

And there is no limit to the means, whether it is wisdom, force, allies, or conspiracy, as long as the goal can be achieved, the noble council presiding over the coronation ceremony will not interfere.

The last time the throne was changed, that is, in my grandfather's generation, there was a descendant of God, although he was born as a concubine with impure blood.

But he relied on his acquired efforts to counterattack all the way, constantly He fought bloody battles for the empire, expanded the territory, and his own strength rose steadily.

During the coronation ceremony, he killed all the brothers and their attendants of that session, and ascended the throne with undisputed strength.

He also married all the sisters of noble blood and the wives of his brothers. With more than 200 wives and more female slaves, he gave birth to nearly a thousand children, and finally successfully promoted to the fifth-level god.

That is the ancestor of our branch, Supay, who controls the shadow and dusk! "

Speaking of his ancestor, Atahualpa's eyes were full of admiration.

Byron and Violet were somewhat silent.

"Killing all the enemies is fine, but killing all the brothers of the same clan is really a bit too much.

Perhaps only the Sun Empire, which has the [Sun God] Inti sitting in the seat and has a very stable rule, dares to play like this.

The competition for the throne of the Sun Empire has a bit of the taste of raising poison, which is far more bloody and barbaric than the Old World. "

However, even Byron himself said that losing humanity means losing a lot, losing animality, and losing everything.

In the crisis-ridden Beast Paradise, losing this most crucial savagery is probably not far from extinction.

Perhaps this is their way of survival.

As the backgrounds of the four competitors are pieced together, the truth of the coronation ceremony is also revealed.

[Secret: The clouds surrounding the throne change of the Sun Empire, historical influence 30] The solution density increased from 13% to 30%.

Byron also had some vague guesses about the supporters behind each prince.

At this point, Atahualpa suddenly stopped and stared into Byron's eyes:

“Your Majesty, Lord of Heaven, there is an old proverb in the Empire of the Sun.

Bring three coins and tell a lie; bring three smiles and cry before dusk; bring three despondent people and die of madness.

In the extraordinary system of this world, animal nature, divinity, and human nature are the three cornerstones, symbolizing that everything is three.

Therefore, every successor to the throne needs to find two assistants to participate in the coronation ceremony. For us, the ability to seek foreign aid is also part of our own strength. "

Atahualpa’s face was full of solemnity and sincerity:

"Although I have a lot of gold in my hands, I haven't had as much time to grow as my brothers. There are only two mythical creatures under my command that have level 4 strength and are loyal enough.

My guard captain Xinqi Roca, and my princess Aya Capak, these are high-end combat powers that no amount of wealth can buy.

But when we unexpectedly met under the will of [Sun God], I felt that I had a better choice.

I would like to invite you to join my team in place of my princess Aya.

Although Aya has been training herself for this day that will come sooner or later, I am confident that I will not be worse than any fourth level.

But in yesterday's battle, I could feel your powerful power that didn't match my class. Is that supposed to be [divine vision] from human nature?

Especially when facing other teams dominated by [Children of the Sun], it may be an unexpected trump card.

Of course, I cannot guarantee the absolute safety of participating in the coronation ceremony.

The Empire of the Sun has had fourteen kings in its more than a thousand years of history. Each change of throne was a catastrophe for the royal children, and the death rate in the most peaceful one was more than one-third.

My mother is my father's last wife, the current Queen Queen Koya, and I represent the most orthodox interest group in the current empire. I just want to develop steadily and accumulate more wealth.

However, many ambitious people do not want the empire to be peaceful. After starting the coronation ceremony, we may become the target of public criticism.

In order to make up for the risk you bear, once I become king, I am willing to open the empire's treasure trove and let you choose three pieces of non-imperial heritage treasures. "

"Everything is three?"

Byron began to seriously consider the risks and rewards.

Atahualpa could clearly explain the pros and cons, and he was considered a very good person.

To be honest, when he used the [Compass of Desire] to sense, he determined that the location of a crystal skull was in the royal palace of the royal capital of Cusco.

Knowing that this was a large empire with multiple gods sitting there, Byron gave up the idea of ​​violently seizing the Crystal Skull from the beginning.

In order to make friends with Atahualpa, apart from the fact that he was an inhumane and wealthy businessman, one of the main purposes was to take advantage of the opportunity to recover another crystal skull.

Even Atahualpa, who had the most limited manpower, could gather three level 4 troops, so his opponent must also have an all-level 4 level configuration.

Take another look at your own strength.

The gap between people may sometimes be larger than that between people and dogs, and the same is true when comparing fourth-order and fourth-order.

Using the "Fourth Level Shame" [Blue-haired] Haildin to quantify it, Byron was roughly equivalent to 2.1 blue when he first understood "Calling the Gods to Descend the Saint".

Several high-level battles have been fought in succession, and now the full firepower must be at least 2.3 mana.

Moreover, there is also a No. 4 Skull [Rain God] Chak that can summon storms, which is extremely restrained against these Sons of the Sun and Lava Giant Giants.

He feels that the risk should be controllable.

At this moment, Atahualpa's words became the last straw that broke Byron's psychological defense.

I heard the prince sigh deeply:

"I am so poor that all I have left is money.

Compared with those brothers who have made great achievements, I have almost nothing except gold, and I often feel that life is empty and meaningless.

If I die, I don’t know who will benefit from all the wealth I saved to build a golden palace. "

Byron's hesitant expression suddenly straightened out, and he beat his chest loudly:

"It doesn't matter if it's a treasure or not, the key is that I recognize you as a friend.

My good brother is in trouble, how can I stand by and watch? Just leave the yellow task to me. "

Once a prince supported by other forces ascends to the throne, it may not be possible for him to continue to take advantage, and it is completely worth taking a little risk.

If it were possible to not only ascend the throne to Atahualpa, it would be best to set foot in the divine realm, achieve immortality, and also become the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trading Company's purse!

With Byron's character, once he made up his mind, he no longer looked forward or backward.

Thinking of the widowed princess disguised as [Night Demon], she already has a negative and intimate relationship with the key figure in the fight for the throne, Captain Xinch Roca.

He had no intention of keeping it to himself anymore.

Whether his teammates are reliable or not is related to the lives of himself and the prince, and he doesn't care about the shallow exchanges. The backhand is a report:

"Your Highness, your sister, Princess Peta Capak, has a problem!"

Atahualpa, who was originally happy because Byron agreed to help, suddenly looked stern when he heard this.

But before he could ask what happened to the sister, he suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from the garden in front:

"This trial marriage meeting is hosted by me and Captain Sinch Roca. Come on, girls, stand on my side, and boys, stand on the captain's side."

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