Pirate Kingship

Chapter 435: Substituting one thing for another, driving the wolf to devour the tiger

Break the situation!

The succubus Therese's kneeling "thump" immediately reversed the dangerous situation of Byron and his party, who were facing wolves in front and tigers behind.

Byron was only afraid of the fourth-level succubus Therese holding the zero-level holy relic [Blood Cup]. As long as he captured this key figure, the other few people in the second prince's camp would not be a problem at all.

But for Therese, who had a high opinion of herself and treated men as playthings, this moment was a huge humiliation she had never experienced in her life.

She was born to be a queen who was high above. Only men had ever kissed her feet and accepted her love whipping with gratitude. When had she ever suffered such treatment?


However, the idea of ​​resistance just arose in her heart, and was immediately dispelled by Therese herself.

She even put the whip and the blood cup on the ground with a humble attitude that broke the heart of the second prince [Playboy] behind her, and knocked her forehead on Byron's feet with her palms facing up, saying:

"Your Highness, I beg you to forgive my rudeness.

Your servant Therese Ashbel will offer you loyalty, body and mind, and everything."

When Byron no longer concealed it, she had already sensed the difference in the essence of their lives.

The suppression from the higher-ranking person on the same path made the succubus, who was also a fourth-level demon, completely unable to resist Byron's [Domination of Lower Servant].

At this moment, she was intoxicated by Byron's aura, intimidated by his tough and domineering majesty, and finally surrendered to the status of the Night Demon Prince, with two red hearts faintly revealed in her eyes.

Byron finally let go of his worries completely.

"Yes, there is a sense of difference between the self and the inferior."

After sensing it, [Dominate Lower Servant] may not work as well on a succubus of the same fourth order as on a beastman of the lower order.

But at this time, as long as I don't let Therese commit suicide, deprive her of the basis of her own existence, or seriously deviate from her own interests, I won't cause her violent resistance.

Avi, rmvb, mp4 are even more out of the question.

No, it should be said that the thinking of succubus is completely different from that of normal people.

Byron suddenly felt something different in his calf.

Looking down at the succubus from this angle, the full moon like snow and the graceful figure like flowing water are all visible, and a slender tail hangs from behind the buttocks and wraps around his calf close to the ground.

Obviously, this is the instinct of the succubus.

Like a bad-tempered cat, she likes to play with her prey when she has the power of life and death, but she is very obedient and clingy when facing a strong master.

Byron was not only not proud, but because of her submissive attitude, even the excitement of being promoted to a mythical creature and gaining immortality faded a lot.

He felt that his promotion speed was still too slow! Too slow!

He has always been a person who takes one step and looks three steps ahead. Looking at the succubus crawling in front of him, he couldn't help but think of the top of the [Night Demon] road [Mother of Creation Lilith].

She is also the holder of the highest status among all night demons.

This is how Triss faced him, so is it possible that he will be like this when facing Lilith?

In the past, no dark wizards cared about this, because they thought that the old gods had been dead for nearly two thousand years and should continue to sleep.

They didn't mind that there was a conceptual god above their heads.

But now the truth pieced together bit by bit shows that the facts are obviously not the case.

Once Lilith, who has fallen into eternal sleep, wakes up, He will naturally have stronger control over the night demons under his command than [Night Demon Prince].

At that time, even those above the self will be distinguished by superiority and inferiority.

Even if Byron can rely on the mutual balance of the three copies of the "Covenant of God and Man" to avoid being controlled by Lilith, other night demons do not have this privilege.

The major black wizard associations and affiliated sects that started with Lilith's series of knowledge are likely to usher in earth-shaking changes.

Immortality also has a price.

If he lives longer than mortals after being the first to obtain immortality in the Old Continent, it would be funny.

Time waits for no one!

"Damn kid, what did you do to my Therese?

Kill! Kill this bastard quickly and save Miss Therese!"

The second prince [Playboy] who followed the succubus obviously didn't understand the situation yet, thinking that his beloved beauty was hit by some despicable supernatural power of Byron.

In a hurry, his first reaction was to rescue his beauty.

"Yes, Your Highness."


As a collaborator and mistress, the fly girl [Poison Messenger] immediately acted upon hearing the order.

Using the flying ability of her race that she could never photograph, she came behind Byron and stabbed him in the back with the [Thief of Time].

It was not because she was so loyal to the second prince, but just to have a big tree to lean on for shade in the future.

The reason why she hooked up with this [Playboy] instead of other princes was purely because only he had a strong taste and could bite the fly girl.

Just like the Earthquake Dragon Tribe, the mother tribe of the eldest prince, although there were jokes, in the past hundred years, none of the surrounding totem god tribes had lived better than them.

But until now, she had not realized that the holy relic in her hand had a terrible side effect.

Ever since [Playboy] fell under the skirt of Therese, there was no other woman in his eyes. The very special fly girl, the poisonous plague messenger, had actually become an abandoned child.

Not only that, when she came behind Byron and stabbed him in the back.

Byron, who was still afraid of this treasure, didn't even try to hide, and just let her poke it in.

Therese said when she handed this treasure to the second prince: "People who stand in the way kill people, gods who stand in the way kill people."

It’s because this sacrificial knife cannot kill immortal gods, nor can it kill immortal species like [Night Demon], which theoretically has unlimited lifespan!

Just like the meaning of Byron's mythological form, "∞" divided by two is still infinity.

Byron twisted his neck 180 degrees like an owl and smiled at the poisonous plague messenger behind him.

The latter's expression changed drastically and he was about to retreat.

An illusory blood-colored river was reflected in the heavy rain water at her feet. Countless scarlet tentacles rushed out from it, dragging her whole body and the obsidian sacrificial knife into it.



Three strikes and five strikes, except for two, he took down the two most threatening people in the Second Prince's team one after another.

Byron's wounds quickly recovered as before, and he gave Violet, who was sweating for him, a reassuring look, and then said to the succubus:

"Miss Teres, please get up. I also want to thank you for bringing me a complete promotion ceremony.

I think, now that we have reached this point, we should talk about the ownership of the throne of the Sun Empire. "

Before the succubus Tris raised her head cautiously, she could speak.

The second prince [Playboy], whose eyes were red, cursed the fly girl: "Trash."

He even rushed up regardless of the heavy rain that was still falling in the sky. When the rain fell on the son of the sun, it immediately stirred up a large amount of mist.

It looks like an out-of-control locomotive, but it is quite powerful.

"Asshole, let me go Miss Therese!"

The "Queen" who values ​​her life as much as she does and is obedient, immediately turns into a slave girl who is obedient to others when in front of another man. Which man can stand this script?

Even though he knew that there were countless male servants in Tris, but...it was obviously me who came first!

You who come later, at most you will be Miss Therese's lackey like me. How can you put a collar on Her Majesty the Queen as soon as you come up?

I've been licking it for so long, could it be that the clown is actually me?


The air crackled.

Byron's right foot shot up like a thunder, like a rapidly swinging steel whip, and kicked him back again with one flying kick.

The pouring rain was shattered by the majestic energy on the military boots, and turned into a white mist that rushed out for more than ten meters.

Being kicked casually by Byron was no easier than being hit head-on by a mad hippopotamus.

The [Flower Fairy] who finally occupied the body of Loke Capac wanted to make a move, but Violet aimed a gun at the body in her eye sockets, and her steps froze in place.

This scene looks more and more like a villain robbing someone's lover.

Byron's expression was strange:

"Tsk tsk, Your Highness the Second Prince, it is really rare among the aristocracy to be as infatuated as you are.

But his skills are too poor, not much better than your fourth child.

It's all because the conditions are too favorable, even spirituality is built up over time, but no matter how high-quality the iron ore is, it is just an ore, not a steel ingot, let alone a sophisticated steel knife, which cannot be made into a great weapon without sharpening. "

In Byron's view, the eldest prince [Earthquake Light] is too reckless, the second prince [Playboy] is too crazy, and the fourth prince [Hand of Fortune] is too simple.

If he were asked to choose a king, the best heir to this country would be Lao San [Hero's Blood].

He has good military strength, attaches great importance to the army and the gun, and is ambitious. In order to get foreign aid, his sisters and even his daughter will be given away at will.

He knew early on that he would expand his territory and conquer the island tribes in preparation for his fifth-level divine position [Bacchus].

I don’t want to say he is a wise king, but at least he is a qualified monarch or a hero. There should be no problem.

But he died in the Sun Empire's throne succession system.

This issue obviously goes back to the debate over whether ancient dynasties should establish chiefs or virtuous people.

The reason why establishing elders is popular is that there are fixed criteria for judging which one is taller and which one is younger. However, establishing virtues has always been the root of trouble, because there is no quantitative standard for virtues and foolishness.

Each heir will feel that he is the wisest, and when the old king dies, he will immediately lead his supporters to beat the brains out of others.

Once the country continues to suffer from endless internal strife, it will not be far from national subjugation.

That is to say, the situation of the Sun Empire is special. There is a powerful ancestor and a group of fifth-level pseudo-gods to suppress it, so they dare to play this kind of king selection ceremony.

The comprehensive test of the successor's strength, brains, connections, financial resources, etc. is only limited to a small circle with a limited number of people. Even if they all die, it will not shake the foundation of the country.

Of course, the most important thing among all the test items is luck!

By chance, if you pick up a big thick leg, even a pig can be carried away on the spot.

The combination of Byron and the fourth prince Atahualpa is a typical example of holding each other's golden thighs. Byron held the golden thigh, and Atahualpa held the "golden thigh."

Everyone has their own strengths and needs, and they make a good deal.

After all, as the saying goes, the number one weapon in the weapon spectrum is always the ability.

Therese also turned back to glare at her chosen supporter, and gave the second prince a stern look to stop him from being presumptuous.

He turned back to look at Byron, his face was struggling a little, and his voice was extremely difficult:

"Your Highness, do you want us to give up the throne and give up the [Crown of the Sun] to the fourth prince?"

If she were asked to offer her body and recommend herself as a pillow, she would definitely be happy and even feel that she had taken advantage of it.

But helping the second prince ascend the throne and "usurping power" to advance to the fifth level was her obsession, second only to saving her life, and it was about to hit her bottom line.

After all, Tris is also a peak fourth-level person who is only half a step away from achieving immortality.

Even if he is controlled by Byron, he will instinctively resist instructions that seriously deviate from his fundamental interests, and may even break free from control.

How much benefit can be obtained through [Dominating Lower Servants] will also test Byron's own balancing skills.

Byron realized that he could not push too hard, and he actually had no intention of letting the second prince quit at this point.

He lowered his head and glanced at the [Blood Cup] in Tris's hand.

It is revealed that this zero-level holy relic has two main abilities:

“First, even a broken zero-level holy relic once contained seventh-level divine blood, which is enough to touch the divine realm and is of extremely high status.

[Night Demon] can use the method of sacrificing to the gods to perform sacrificial rituals to it, obtain responses, protection and gifts, and rely on it to greatly increase its upper limit of abilities.

It was this ability that Teris relied on when she possessed Princess Peta to resist the prying eyes of the voyage log.

Second, injecting someone's blood into the cup will produce a wonderful purifying effect.

Others who drink the blood in the blood cup can possess the blood owner's ability for 24 hours a day, perfectly disguising their appearance and identity.

Even fifth-level [false gods] and even sixth-level [demigods] are difficult to distinguish. "

There was a hint of joy in Byron's eyes that he knew he would be like this.

Especially when I saw the second ability, I was determined, and a plan to lead out the third party was completely formed.

Teris smiled at the struggling face:

"No, on the contrary, we are ready to give up the throne to His Highness the Second Prince!"

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