Pirate Kingship

Chapter 452: Rejecting women starts with you and him

The restless summer wind roared all night, and the sun in the sky rose little by little.

Then, "the sun was at noon", "the sun was at noon", and "the sun set in the west".

Since the night fell last night, people living near the Governor's Mansion shouted: "There is an earthquake, run away quickly", and many people ran out to take shelter.

The earthquake lasted for most of the night, and intermittent aftershocks continued until dawn. Although it was much less after dawn, there were still slight tremors from time to time.

Until one night and one day passed, it gradually stopped in the evening of the next day.

Because Miss Violet, who was eager to watch the excitement, used the queen's power in her hand to activate the [Border Maze Lock] to hide the entire Governor's Mansion, so that no one could find the source of the earthquake.

It also made it so that even if the best girlfriends shouted at the top of their throats, no one could hear them, and even because the sunlight was blocked, the two of them were completely unaware of the passage of time.


A high-pitched dragon roar came to an abrupt end.

As the battle between the two "monsters" stopped, the howling wind in the Governor's Mansion finally subsided.

The whale oil lamp in the bedroom lit up again.

It can be seen that the valuable small clothes were all torn into pieces and scattered all over the teak floor.

The red aura and spell of [Life Alchemy] covered the wooden bed, the bedroom and even the entire Governor's Mansion. This is the main reason why the dragon battle did not cause the building to collapse.

It's simply inhuman!

The golden hair like a waterfall was scattered on the pillow, and each strand was like the bright sunshine that was accidentally left in the world at sunset.

A charming fairy with a golden horn on her forehead and a body as white as snow was curled up in Byron's arms with her back to him.

The tall figure of more than 172 cm also looked a little petite in Byron's arms, which was already nearly two meters tall.

There was a little emptiness in the bright dragon eyes, and the slightly trembling long eyelashes and thin breathing proved that she had not lost consciousness.

The rose fragrance on the Mithril Dragon Lady became more fragrant under the stimulation of dripping sweat, and then gently penetrated into Byron's nose with the warmth of her body.

It was like a natural charm, exuding amazing charm all the time.

And after being fully replenished by the big tonic of [Night Demon Prince] for a day and a night, Catherine's complexion was obviously very good, and she was emitting a soft glimmer from the ends of her hair to the tips of her toes.

It can also be seen that the battle was fierce.

After the first embrace of [Night Demon], the blood descendants will inevitably fall into extraordinary lust and appetite (blood thirst), and will degenerate into a human-shaped beast with animal nature if they are not careful.

The nature of the dragon is also greedy for money, gluttony, lust, and power.

Catherine was a little shy at the beginning, but later she was so active that she even caught up with Violet, and even wanted to take the initiative several times, but was suppressed by Byron.

Even with the increase of the Golden Law, it didn't work.

Byron held this soft and fragrant jade tightly in his arms, and he couldn't let it go. He kissed his sister's smooth back covered with sweat.

He pecked her crystal earlobe and teased:

"Sister, you want to turn over and become a female dragon knight? Wait until you are promoted to a fourth-level mythical creature and become a complete dragon.

It's getting late, tell me, do you accept it?"

As he said this, he reluctantly moved his hand from her chest to her forehead and gently scratched the crystal clear golden horns on the girl's head.

The girl with blank eyes trembled suddenly, and her empty golden dragon pupils regained their spirits. The whole person came back to her senses from the blankness of her brain that had just lasted for several minutes.

"Do you accept it?"

When Byron asked again, she could hear clearly what he was saying.


She pursed her lips tightly, even though the lip gloss had already been eaten by someone, but they were still as beautiful as ever. Even though she didn't want to move even a little finger, she was still very stubborn and refused to give in verbally.

But the next moment, her body shook, and she bit her fair hand subconsciously.

But it was Byron behind her who launched the ultimate trick of "heartache" against her - backstab!

"Do you accept it?"

Catherine had been killed and her armor was gone. At this time, she finally couldn't help but speak, blushing and spitting:

"It's been a day and a night, you beast!

You can't even coax a girl, you just know how to bully people, ask if they accept it?

Go out and ask, who would use [Dragon Taming] on a girl when they are in love? Even if the girl is really a dragon.

If Violet and I didn't feel sorry for you, you, a little bad guy, would never get a wife!"

When the knights of each sequence of [Ladder of Glory] reach the fourth-order hero level, their core ability comes from the "Dragon Taming" invented by the dragon knights in the mythological era.

The core is the unity of man and dragon, the unity of man and weapon, and controlling the violent power of the outside world like a dragon.

The object can be a dragon, a wild horse, a monster, a cannon, a warship, a holy relic, a strange weapon, an army, etc.

In essence, it is exactly the same as the "Breathing of All Things" which symbolizes domination. The spirituality matches the frequency of all things, resonates with them, and can understand the emotions of any creature and grasp the weaknesses of dead things.

It's just that the fourth-level [Dragon Taming] is more specialized and simple, and can form a unique skill, which can be used directly like a fool.

Although Byron has not yet been promoted to the fourth-level Storm Lord, he has reached the superb realm of mastering the "God of Self".

Using the more powerful "Breathing of All Things" to achieve similar effects to Dragon Taming is just a matter of a few more experiments.

Moreover, at this moment, he is riding the last real dragon in the Dragon King's Court after the mythical era.

Possessing unique conditions to resonate directly with the dragon veins, without the need for the dragon girl to provide cooperation.

The roles of the knight and the mount have been determined.

However, although Catherine still insisted on being stubborn in order to maintain the authority of the eldest sister since childhood, her body was extremely honest.

The golden dragon pupil suddenly widened, and the two of them achieved "human-dragon unity" without any stagnation through breathing unity, physical connection, and spiritual connection.

Byron finally became a true dragon knight in all senses.

It was as if the warm water swallowed the two of them, and without the need for the dragon to actively cooperate, their powers were perfectly integrated together.

The three abilities of spirituality, physicality, and spiritual realm all achieved the effect of one plus one greater than two, and further deepened the connection between the [Golden Triangle].


In this state, Catherine and Byron shared senses, and for the first time experienced the wonderful realm of [God's Vision].

The breathing was slightly adjusted accordingly.

The "heart flow" of her own body rose rapidly, and with the help of the resonance between the human and the dragon, she was approaching her own [God's Vision] and "God of Self" little by little.

The realm of [Divine Vision], which is equivalent to that of a "Sword Saint", is certainly not so easy to master.

But Byron believes that nothing is difficult in the world if one is determined.

If one time is not enough, then two times, and if two times are not enough, then three times. At most, hundreds or thousands of "human-dragon integration" in various senses will definitely help Catherine improve her realm.

Byron believes that his beloved sister will be able to deeply appreciate his "filial piety".

Moreover, this "human-dragon integration" is comparable to the legendary double cultivation in the previous life. It can be happy and improve strength. Which young couple can resist this temptation?

Then they unexpectedly discovered that they were not the only ones who successfully connected in this state.

The little witch who had been secretly eavesdropping on the wall next door suddenly let out a suppressed low hum.

Byron was startled, and backstabbed Catherine twice again, and found that this was not a coincidence.

Under this deep connection, the [Golden Triangle] actually pulled Violet in together, sharing the senses of the two.

It's just that one of the two girls has a wired connection and the other has a wireless connection.

This time it was finally Catherine's turn to gloat:

"Hahahaha, you are disloyal and left me alone and ran away. Let's see how you can run this time!"

Forgetting the miserable situation of her "mount" being tamed, she was willing to hurt the enemy 800 even if she hurt herself 1,000. She nudged Byron with her butt and urged:

"Hurry up, Byron, give this little witch a big shock from the five-meter-long dragon lance!

No, I don't have any bad intentions. I just want to practice and grow together with my dear Miss Violet.

Three cultivations, that is three cultivations, this is all for her good."

"Got it!"

Byron couldn't help but be moved by the deep friendship between the two sisters, and then he exhaled and blew up a gas explosion ring to fulfill her wish with all his strength.

Then I heard the little witch's exclamation with a strong sense of water:

"Ah, in order not to disturb you, I did two of your jobs today, and you still don't know how to appreciate my kindness.

Catherine, wait for me, tomorrow is Wednesday, and I will let Byron be a "Leviathan Knight" for once, and you can't rest tomorrow night either!"

At this moment, the [Golden Triangle] tied the three of them together tightly.

At the same time, golden spiritual light burst out from their bodies, and the light kept flashing at the same frequency, and then completely connected through a wall.

As we all know, there are three levels of spiritual realm: [Flow], [God's Vision], and the highest level, [All Things Return to One] (Chapter 394) that not many people have been able to achieve since ancient times!

"Divinity" is the anchor, "animal nature" is the sail, and "human nature" is the rudder. If you want to go fast and steady, these three are indispensable.

The first two have traces to follow, and you can complete the promotion step by step through the ceremony.

But there is no specific path to the spiritual realm, and it can only be passively improved little by little in the process of reconciling divinity and animality.

For example, the bronze steering wheel, a heritage treasure seized from the [Sailboat Collector], can be used to train the captain for a long time and gradually improve the spiritual realm.

Byron thought it was too inefficient and gave it to his father who was also a [Shipbound Spirit].

Originally, Byron thought that [God Vision] might be his peak, and he might never reach the threshold of [All Things Return to One] in his lifetime.

Unexpectedly, in today's fun game, he found a shortcut to rapid improvement.

Catherine and Violet were up and down, and Byron himself was in the middle to reconcile these two "giants" comparable to monsters.

Not only did the two girls with lower realms benefit, but even Byron's spiritual realm made rapid progress under this "resonance".

It is probably not an unattainable dream to finally realize "All Things Return to One" and "Trinity".

However, Catherine is not a mythical creature yet, and her physical strength has finally reached its limit.

The excitement of dragging her best friend into the water only lasted until the second half of the night, and she couldn't hold on any longer, curled up in Byron's arms and fell asleep sweetly.

The next day, the sun was high in the sky again.

The witch Violet, who still had a lot of work to do, had already disappeared.

After the three repairs, Catherine and Byron, who were radiant and in high spirits, got up slowly.

Although his sister had a strong physique and was not weak like a mortal girl, Byron still diligently held her to bathe and clean together, and dressed her.

Catherine, whose identity had quietly changed, enjoyed his caring service, with a smile on her lips as if in a dream.

Sitting on the bed, watching her brother holding her bare feet to touch up the faded nail polish on her toes, many emotions surged in her heart, and finally she smiled brightly:

"Everything is a perfect arrangement, so good!"

During this period, she finally remembered the affairs of various departments in the territory, and shared many interesting things with him one by one with a gentle face.

The Bantaan Islands have changed a lot since Byron left for more than a month, and even if you catch the big and let go of the small, you have to be busy for a while.

When the border maze was lifted and the Governor's Mansion reappeared in front of everyone, it was already time for work in the afternoon.

Colonial officials came to the Governor to ask for instructions and reports one after another.

No one else dared to say anything about the master's "unexplained absence from work" for two consecutive days.

Only the worried [Eye on the Enemy] Beretania found Byron and persuaded him earnestly:

"Your Highness, you are still young. At this age, you must focus on your career."

From the day that the Lancaster Party was saved by Byron, he firmly believed that his master was a natural king.

My master has the talent to be an emperor!

With such a natural talent for being a king, if he simply has children with a bunch of beauties to continue his bloodline, or eats, drinks and has fun, it is simply a waste of precious life.

As long as he regains power, he will have happiness, beauties, and descendants.

Although Beretania was not a sworn knight, he also made a solemn oath:

"From today on, I will do my best to assist His Highness in achieving great things.

I will urge His Highness not to enjoy himself, not to travel, and not to get sick. Strictly self-discipline, cherish time as gold, be indomitable, struggle and fight, take revenge as a career, and temper into steel.

Dedicate your life to the great cause of restoring the country, day and night!"

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was kicked out by Catherine on the spot.

"I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, refuse women, and revitalize the Lancaster Party from you and him!

Don't bring bad things to our Byron."

Anyway, in the heart of Catherine, the sister, this is what Byron should do most.

Ordinary people who are lustful are called "lechers"; people with a certain status and financial resources who are lustful are called "flower-seeking and willow-seeking"; nobles are called "natural fraternity".

For a prince, it is called a lifelong struggle for the continuation of the kingdom!

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