Pirate Kingship

Chapter 460 The Devil Duke, the Prepared Sister-in-law (6400)


Heavy rain fell over Kingston for three consecutive days, and the River Tame swelled, flooding many low-lying areas in the ancient city.

Although the previous tragedy that occurred on Melrose Street did not dampen the enthusiasm of the royal nobles.

But the specific process of Byron's investiture ceremony held in Ganquan Palace had to be changed again and again.

All the celebrations and parades originally scheduled to be held in the Palace Square and nearby streets were reduced, leaving only the most important investiture ceremony in the palace hall and the subsequent noble banquet.

Many royalists feel sorry for Byron, his "die-hard ally".

A once-in-a-lifetime or even a once-in-a-family event was unexpectedly disrupted by an unplanned heavy rain in such terrible weather.

Byron thought it didn't matter, it was just a mere Earl of Stromgarde that didn't even give him land.

If he didn't think it would be too abnormal to refuse to accept it for no reason, he wouldn't even bother to get it.

In Byron's own words:

“It’s not because of anything else.

The main reason is that I am afraid that titles such as [Emperor of the Holy Golden Empire], [Lord of Heaven], Godhead [God of Kingship, Prophecy and Wild Hunt], [Prince of Night Demon], [Crown Prince of Lancaster], etc. may be misunderstood.

count? At what level do you dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with these old buddies? "

He thought that as long as he had good weather when he was officially crowned [King], it would be fine.

Even if there is no good weather, it doesn't matter. It's just a matter of the divine king's decree. The [Golden Law] is not a castrated version of the iron law of kingship that can only control people but not heaven and earth.

Byron and Catherine walked arm in arm into the banquet hall of Ganquan Palace.

Byron was wearing a straight uniform of a naval admiral, but he was no longer a commodore, but was promoted to rear admiral by the Navy Department yesterday.

The girl's brilliant blond hair was pulled up high on the back of her head, she wore a mithril hair crown, and she wore a decent silver dress "Moonlight Summer" that outlined her already perfect figure like a muse.

Complementing the tall and handsome Byron, he immediately attracted the attention of all the guests.

"Good day, congratulations to Your Majesty the Earl."

"[Mithril Dragon] Miss Catherine, are you back?

If you have time, please be sure to visit Fred Manor. Our Spice Guild wants to establish strategic cooperation with you, and the conditions we have prepared are definitely beyond your expectations. "

“Miss Catherine, and my Edelweiss Manor.

My craftsmanship workshop is currently researching an epoch-making whale oil flying boat. It urgently needs the long-term supply of standardized products from Standard Whale Oil Company, and I am willing to purchase them at a premium. "


Even if the identity of the owner of Financial Street has not yet been revealed, Catherine has almost been linked to the Queen of Wealth, and is obviously very popular in the country.

Human nature is like this. No matter what we have trouble with, we will never have trouble with interests.

In addition to business partners, many established land aristocrats who did not value business were also very satisfied with the combination of the two of them and nodded secretly:

"It would be the best arrangement if they could be combined."

Perhaps adult unmarried men and women walking together in social situations does not mean that good things are coming, but it undoubtedly sends a signal.

——The major interest groups that were originally torn apart due to the civil war finally began to heal under the new order!

Due to the frequent intermarriage among the upper-class nobles, you can always find relatives if you go around twice. The status of an upstart is always incompatible with them.

If Byron Tudor, the "Loyal Lord of York", who came from a humble background, could marry the last countess of the Greenville family, then everyone would become relatives, and their descendants could naturally integrate into the aristocratic circle of Hattings.

And if Catherine, who has a background as a Lancastrian adopted daughter, can marry the "Loyal Lord of York", it will mean that the remaining Lancastrian party will completely collapse.

Greenville, who has good relations with many nobles, will also return to the core of power of the York dynasty.

At the same time, the huge colonial interests represented by Earl Tudor and Earl Greenville will also smoothly join the circulation within the kingdom, benefiting many powerful families upstream and downstream.

Last year, the entire First Fleet at Iron Anchor Bay was wiped out, causing almost every family in the York Party to hold funerals. However, since the rise of Byron, everything in the entire Hattings Kingdom seems to be moving in a good direction.

Not only the royal party, but also many not-so-core earl parties are also very enthusiastic about them.

After all, just as no company will refuse to sell its products, and no matter how crowded a department is with related customers, it must be equipped with one or two capable talents, no country or collective will refuse a hero who can make the cake bigger.

Compared with Byron, who is more accustomed to giving orders directly, and Violet, who will sing "blood and fire together" if they disagree with each other, Catherine is more capable of dancing.

No matter who came up to talk, she could accurately tell the other person's title, fiefdom, main industry, and relatives that couldn't be beaten with eighteen sticks.

In a few words, the feeling of alienation from the domestic aristocratic circle for a year completely disappeared.

Like a queen of social occasions, she is still one of the owners of this Ganquan Palace as in the past, and she looks particularly dazzling.

It was at this time that an unexpected big shot approached Byron.

“Earl, congratulations, welcome you to become one of the many noble people in the Kingdom of Hetings.

How about asking you to rush back to the mainland from the southern continent with all the hardships? Are you still used to living in the royal capital these two days? "

Byron looked down and saw that the person who came was actually one of the three phantom suns, Richard York, Duke of Gloucester, the youngest brother of Edward IV.

He was 20 years old this year, two years older than Byron, but compared to Byron, who was over 1.9 meters tall, he seemed a little too short, probably only a little over 1.5 meters.

Standing next to Byron, he looked like an underage child.

Moreover, Richard was not as handsome as his two elder brothers, Edward IV and George, Duke of Clarence, but looked particularly ugly and slightly hunchbacked.

It was hard to believe that the three of them were actually brothers.

But Byron did not dare to underestimate this ugly dwarf.

Unlike his second brother, George, Duke of Clarence, who was already 23 years old, he was still just an embroidered pillow with great ambitions but little talent.

Not only did he have no achievements in military merit, but he was provoked by the [King Maker] with a beauty trap and joined the Earl's Party with his supporters and retainers.

Duke Richard had achieved spiritual awakening at the age of fifteen, joined the Red and White Rose War, and repeatedly won military exploits with his wisdom and ruthlessness.

He has always been one of the most troublesome enemies of the Lancaster Party. It is said that he had reached the threshold of the fourth-level [Banker] of the Gold Yuan Sequence last year, and it is likely that he has been successfully promoted this year.

Relying on his investment in his brother's case, he now owns a large area of ​​land in the north of the Channel Islands, including the Prince of Sorenburg, and is already the richest and most powerful noble in Hastings!

However, compared with Richard's outstanding talents, he is very sensitive to his ugly appearance, and any strange look will cause his fierce revenge.

It is even said that he has a [Cursed Thing] black leather notebook in his hand. When he encounters those big shots who cannot be retaliated for the time being, he will write down the other party's name in the notebook.

Many people have suffered misfortune because of this, but there is no evidence to point to him, and everything seems to be just an illusory rumor.

But as the rumor spread, Richard was given a title because of his ugly appearance and ruthless character - [Devil Duke]!

Later, according to the intelligence he got, even the York blood sacrifice of Lancaster members to provide anchors for [Kraken] was done by this guy himself.

Byron wanted to slap him to death, but he had to use the vigilance he had when facing the [King] of Edward IV to deal with this insidious dwarf with a very deceptive appearance.

Impeccably humbly touched his chest:

"Good day, Your Excellency the Duke!

Thank you for your concern. The journey was not hard. It is my honor to serve the kingdom."

Then he gave him a sincere smile:

"Besides, this trip to the mainland has brought me the title of a hereditary earl. I believe that no one in the entire Old World will refuse such hard work, right?

If there is such a good thing next time, please let me know, Your Excellency the Duke. I am very happy to work harder a few more times."

Richard was stunned. He did not expect that the other party could still have such a sense of humor when facing him. Then he and Byron laughed together:


He reached out to pat Byron's shoulder, but he could not reach it. He could only pat his forearm, and his tone revealed a little different meaning:

"Earl, I am actually very optimistic about you, but it's a pity that we have not had the opportunity to communicate face to face until today.

I don't want to beat around the bush and waste each other's time.

I want to ask your Excellency that the whale oil industry in the colony should still require a lot of investment, right?"

Byron's heart moved, and he immediately understood the other party's intention.

The third-level ability of a banker is called [Investment Contract]. Every investment can bring them a return, which can be wealth, spirituality or extraordinary ability.

Everyone knows that whale oil is a sure-win business now, and the York family is obviously dissatisfied with the tax of less than one-tenth.

They say they are optimistic about themselves, but they just want to get a big share of themselves.

High-quality industries will lack investment? I have never heard of it.

But Byron nodded decisively without any hesitation:

"Will you invest for me? Great, I couldn't ask for more.

Both you and your majesty can invest at the market price, and I will give you the original shares.

The whale oil market is so big, and I can't handle it alone with my limited strength. I need a strong person in the kingdom to join in and escort me.

Even if you didn't mention it, I would like to visit you.

Everyone knows that Duke Richard is your majesty's right-hand man. Without you, the sky of Hastings will fall apart!"

While Richard was smiling, he was also shocked by the clean and neat way he divided the profits. He didn't even use some backhands and ruthless means. He gave him a thumbs up and praised him sincerely:

"Your Excellency the Earl is indeed the most loyal minister in the kingdom!

I didn't believe it when others said it, but today I really saw it."

Byron said the clichés modestly on his face, but he was happy in his heart:

'Another creditor who can be cut off. This wave is not a loss.

I have always been the one to fleece others, how dare you fleece me? Since you have delivered it to me, you can take it all. ’

If I wasn’t afraid of scaring this [Devil Duke], I would have split the company into 37 companies and sold them to York.

Let them know how desperate it is to “can’t buy it all, can’t buy it all”!

Devil Duke?

When you tattooed me all over your back, I didn’t dare to open my eyes, for fear that you couldn’t bear it.

Richard would never have thought that he only wanted the dividends of this great loyal minister, but this "great loyal minister" wanted his principal and life!

The two chatted for a few more words. One was humble and the other offered "hospice care" without any bottom line for his creditors. Naturally, they talked happily, and even felt that they had met too late.

At this moment, Richard seemed to have caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his eye. He smiled apologetically at Byron, said: "Sorry, I'll leave you for a moment" and left in a hurry.

Byron saw him walking towards a noble girl who had just arrived at the banquet hall, and his eyes also fixed on the person.

The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Is it her?!"

The girl was probably in her early twenties, tall, fair-skinned, with black hair tied up and wearing a sapphire hair crown. Her pair of blue eyes, which were the signature of the Bay people, had a little indifference and alienation of the sorrow of the heart.

Even if she was slightly inferior to Catherine, she was still an extremely rare beautiful girl.

Whether she is beautiful or ugly is not the key.

The key is that this girl is the only daughter of the Marquis Neville family, and also the fiancée of her cousin Edward!

The Marquis Neville family has always been the leader of the neutral faction with its long family history, extraordinary heritage and strong economic and military strength.

The marriage between Lancaster and them is intended to unite the neutral faction and win their support.

But the two had just been engaged and had not had time to hold the wedding, Lancaster was exterminated, and the cousin was separated from his fiancée.

Therefore, Miss Anne Neville was just a little bit away from becoming Byron's sister-in-law, the widow of her cousin, and then was imprisoned in a monastery with her aunt, the former Queen Margaret.

Of course, although they were a standard political marriage, the two people of similar age had known each other for a long time and had a good relationship for many years.

Many of the love letters that her cousin wrote to her during his lifetime were sent by Byron himself.

After the night of the extermination, the Neville family was strong after all, and was not liquidated, but was re-accepted by the victorious York family.

Anne's father, the fourth-level hero, Marquis Thomas Neville, now serves as the chief of the court of Edward IV.

But his style remains the same, and he is not willing to intervene in the dispute between the royal party and the earl party.

Byron recalled the intelligence he had collected, and his eyes flickered:

"Looking at Richard's attitude towards Anne now, does the York family want to have people, wealth, power, and fiefdoms?

In the eyes of others, the cousin has long been dead, and the prospective sister-in-law Anne will get married sooner or later.

Richard of the York Dynasty has no problem with his identity and ability, but this face is really not worthy of Miss Anne, who is as beautiful as a flower.

And with his stinking reputation and sensitive and cold temperament, any good girl who marries him will jump into the fire pit, right?

But the neutral Neville family, what kind of attitude towards the York family is now unknown for the time being."

In Byron's original plan, in public, the Neville family, which is large enough to influence the political situation, is the first target to be won over; in private, he does not want to see his cousin Edward become a poor minotaur.

"Although my brother is dead, he is not dead so completely. [Lich] has all the advantages except that it is a little cooler, a little harder, and a little weaker.

The most important thing is that my brother is handsome enough! Only slightly inferior to me.

And the shelf life of our handsomeness is permanent.

Isn't this a thousand times or ten thousand times better than that dwarf?"

At this time, [Devil Duke] Richard had walked in front of the girl and bowed elegantly:

"Miss Anne, I wonder if I can invite you to dance an opening dance at the ball later?"

The latter's indifferent blue eyes flashed a little bit of annoyance.

But as a lady of a noble family, she would not be rude. After returning the greeting meticulously, her words were obviously distant in politeness:

"Your Excellency the Duke, thank you for your kindness, but I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well today. The family doctor said it's not suitable for dancing. I came here just to have a small gathering with a few sisters.

Sorry, excuse me."

After speaking, he bowed again and walked quickly to the other end of the banquet hall. A few young girls were waving at her.

Most of them are descendants of neutral nobles with strong family strength and are qualified to sit on the fence.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, your health is more important."

Richard laughed dryly twice to hide the embarrassment of being rejected.

In secret, the blue veins on his forehead jumped fiercely, his eyes became particularly cold, and the anger in his heart could hardly be suppressed:

'Woman, how dare you look down on me? ! !

This is the third time, no one can ignore my kindness without paying the price.

You have wasted the last chance. '

But when he looked up again, his face had long returned to the harmless smile at the beginning.

Like countless times in the past when he secretly harmed people, no one noticed his abnormality.

Byron's attention also shifted to the former sister-in-law, especially the sapphire back chain hanging on the back of her dress.

That was the rare jewelry that his cousin gave to his fiancée. It was a custom-made work by a master craftsman. There is only one in the world.

I didn't expect it to be worn on her.

Then I noticed that Anne's dress and jewelry were mainly black and white, which was completely different from other aristocratic girls who were dressed up.

It was as if she was always immersed in some special emotion and couldn't get out of it.

I couldn't help but feel happy:

"It's possible! This sister-in-law should still have feelings for Edward, which will make it easier."

Byron planned to let Catherine find an opportunity to contact Anne, maybe the broken marriage between the two families could be renewed.

He felt that life and death were not a big problem.

He had seen too many weirdos, tentacle fetishes, insect fetishes, ecosphere fetishes. A corpse was nothing more than a drop of water for people in this world.


At this time, a trumpet sounded.

Everyone gathered on one side of the banquet hall, and as the waiter turned the mechanism, a whole wall slowly disappeared into the wainscot inside the wall.

The king's family appeared in front of everyone.

King Edward IV, Queen Elizabeth Woodville [the most beautiful woman in the Channel Islands], and two princes Edward and Richard.

It happened to be the same name as Edward IV and his third brother [the devil's duke] Richard. If the throne is inherited in the future, it is likely that Edward V will take the throne.

Her Majesty the Queen was also exceptionally radiant. Her eighth child had been born successfully, and she had not gotten pregnant again yet.

At this time, her waist was slender, like an unmarried girl, and it had to be said that she was "gifted".

It was also very suitable for the treasure in Byron's hand to exert its power.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

The nobles saluted one after another.

Next was the highlight of this banquet.

The joint ceremony of conferring titles and canonization of saints seemed particularly long and dull, but there was no ripple in the middle.

Edward IV first granted Byron the title of earl and delivered a speech, enumerating his achievements:

"Lord Tudor fought for the interests of the kingdom in Anchor Bay, and was promoted to pirate general for his outstanding performance after going to the colonies.

When the family of the former colonial governor, Earl Newman, was retaliated by the Lancastrian Party, he was appointed governor in a critical moment, fought with Castile for the right of protection, and successfully obtained immunity, thus protecting the interests of the entire colony.

Then he won the first colonial war in the southern continent and saved the King Edward, which was trapped in the belly of the super-sized existence [Kraken Leviathan].

It helped the kingdom to seize the largest share of the whaling grounds, and Mei's Leviathan whale oil was also given priority to supply the country.

Lord Tudor, dedicated to the public, regardless of personal gain"

What Edward IV did not say was that Byron had another greatest achievement.

——A loyal test subject of the "Eternal Life Plan"!

And he had already offered a small part of the promotion ceremony of the [Scarlet Holy Grail]: the hands of servants, the bones of relatives, and the lover's.

For him, the eternal life he had been dreaming about seemed to be within his reach.

Byron also pretended to be a passionate young man, and his face was full of excitement when Edward IV praised him.

Whether it was the royal party or the earl party headed by Warwick, many people couldn't help but sigh, "I hope to have a son like Saint Byron."

He was tall and handsome, brave and courageous, and defeated the strong several times with the weak. His growth story was full of legends.

If the heir of the York Dynasty could be half as good as the Earl of Stromgarde, it would be enough to stabilize the royal power and let the throne of the York family be passed on smoothly.

If this loyal minister could be named York, the royal party could rest assured. Even if Edward IV had an accident, they would not have to worry about the young heir causing unrest in the kingdom.

Finally, Byron changed his clothes.

He wore a dark red velvet coat with white fur trim, and a soft hat with three strips of sable sewn on his head to indicate the rank of the title. There was also a gilded silver ring on the crown, and eight silver balls on the upper edge.

This means that the Earl's honor is completed.

A cheer from the royal party rang out in the meeting hall:

"If loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal!"

"With hard work, nothing can be overcome!"

"Your Majesty is loyal."

This is not over yet. The Archbishop of Canterbury, one of the 98 cardinals of the church, officially conferred Byron as a [Saint] on behalf of the church.

The highest status among all non-clergy believers.

From now on, Saint Byron will be recorded in the holy scriptures and share part of the mind and will of the [Silver Law].

Even if he has no real power, he can enjoy the treatment of a cardinal in the church system.

After being recognized by the [Silver Law], the [saint halo] above Byron's head has become more and more dazzling.

His long-planned "backdoor listing" has finally taken a crucial step.

He smiled at the archbishop, but secretly plotted in his heart:

"Now I just need to wait for the internal fighting in the church, so that I can attract immigrants from various countries in the old continent to enrich the Golden Empire and establish a state religion."

Just when the ceremony ended and Edward IV, who was in a good mood, was about to announce that the ball and banquet were about to begin.

Byron suddenly shouted:

"Your Majesty, I have a treasure from the Sun Empire in the southern continent to present to you."

Under the curious gaze of many nobles, he took out the big treasure that he had prepared for a long time.


The powerful extraordinary aura filled the hall.

For a moment, I couldn't see the specific appearance of the thing, I could only vaguely see a circle of brilliant sun disk blooming, and then the phantoms of three suns appeared in the sky.

Someone shouted:

"Three phantom suns! Those are the three phantom suns symbolizing York's destiny!"

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