Pirate Kingship

Chapter 47 Long Live the Captain!

Since we are going to hold a boarding ceremony for Gus, we will use the [Pirate Ten Commandments] to help him anchor.

Then we can just hire all the newly recruited crew members together.

After lunch, Byron gathered all the current crew members of the [Golden Deer] in the huge dry dock he rented.

Including more than a dozen old crew members who have been working in the dock, more than 20 free pirates who were just recruited today, and more than a dozen slaves.

The new and old crew members add up to a total of 56.

The shipwright Hans and his son, the honest man Eight Fingers, the trainee navigators Thomas and Parry, and the assassin Gus, these experienced pirate officers stood at the front.

Byron glanced at the whole scene and nodded silently:

"Whether we can fight or not is another matter, but at least the stormtroopers, sailors, gunners, and the shelves of various departments are barely set up."

To be honest, those free pirates who were left over by who knows how many captains were picked out are really hard to describe in his critical eyes.

One word: mediocre.

However, the quality of this batch of slaves is obviously higher.

Being able to survive in the harsh living conditions and extremely high mortality rate of sea transportation, at least there is absolutely no problem with physical fitness.

With a little training, they are good materials for serving as grassroots sailors.

Especially among the indigenous slaves, a young man named Wyandot is particularly outstanding.

Although he has not spoken much, [Echoes of History] can see that he not only speaks the common language, but also the other indigenous slaves all follow him.

He may even have mastered some extraordinary knowledge in the indigenous tribe.

It's just that the spirituality has not awakened yet, and the knowledge cannot be transformed into power.

"Don't worry, there will be bread and milk."

Byron's eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the crowd, seeing them clearly and clearly, as if they had been running in for several years.

Then he turned around and took out a thick book from a box.

On the hardcover cover is a hideous skull symbolizing the pirate code.

It is the [Pirate Ten Commandments] of the [Golden Deer]!

It's not as petty as the [Man-eating Shark], which only has a piece of parchment in total.

It was a huge book made of 100 pages of parchment, like a brick.

The two are obviously completely different.

Byron's ambition is a pirate group, a pirate fleet, and even a military dispatch company that can determine the life and death of a country.

He believes that sooner or later, it will be filled with the names of pirates!

He opened the cover to all the pirates, and on the first gilded title page with lace, the ten commandments of the Golden Hind were written:

"1. Everyone has equal voting rights, but the captain's orders must be strictly enforced.

2. Everyone is fair, the capable are promoted, and the mediocre are demoted.

9. The betrayer will die, but everyone's talents will not be buried. Accumulating merits can obtain resources, extraordinary knowledge and promotion ceremonies!

10. All looting must not be kept privately, and the captain will get 15%.

After a vote by all crew members, the Ten Commandments can be modified."

The shipwright with the highest cultural level and determined to enter the tower sequence, Little Hans, stood by and read it word by word to the pirates in the audience.

The pirates were most concerned about the profit sharing ratio, which was not much different from other pirate ships.

It had been explained as early as when recruiting, and they had no objection.

But when the pirates heard the unheard-of ninth article, everyone's breathing became heavier.

As long as you accumulate merits, you can get resources, extraordinary knowledge and promotion ceremony!

Resources such as spiritual awakening potions and spices represent the possibility of spiritual awakening.

And spirituality, extraordinary knowledge, plus promotion ceremony, mean a complete extraordinary precondition.

It is also the beginning of stepping onto the [Ladder of Glory] and bidding farewell to the common people.

Even if it is just the lighthouse sequence [Pirates] with the largest number and the lowest threshold on the sea, it was not something that mediocre people like them dared to hope for casually in the past.

Even those geniuses with outstanding qualifications, if they want to cross that level, they have to sign a harsh contract document with the captain.

Like a donkey with a carrot hanging in front of it, it may not be able to eat it even if you work until you die.

Perhaps, only in large pirate groups, or in those pirate king teams that begin to pay attention to the cultivation of talents, will this merit mechanism be fixed as a universal law.

"Captain, is this true?"

"We also have the hope of becoming extraordinary people? No harsh contract is needed, as long as we work hard to establish merit, right? Captain?"


It was already late autumn, but the dock seemed to have a blazing bonfire, and the enthusiasm of the pirates almost set the house on fire.

Even the slaves who had lost hope in life, when they learned that they also had the same rights, their eyes immediately lit up.

Byron raised one hand, letting everyone see his palm, and promised solemnly:

"Of course! There is no doubt about this!

Since I have written it in the [Pirate Ten Commandments], it is endorsed by the Pirate Emperor's [Pirate Code].

In the future, it will be implemented resolutely without compromise.

This is my promise to you, and I hope your performance will be worthy of this commandment."

The [Silver Law] not only blocked the chaotic source tide and various dangers for humans, but also completely solidified the social structure on the continent.

There are dozens or hundreds of kingdoms and principalities, big and small, but the throne has always been inherited through laws and blood, and no civilian class has ever successfully stolen a country.

The middle and lower classes are similar, with more wolves than meat, and even the second sons and illegitimate children of the nobles cannot be arranged.

It is too difficult for ordinary people to achieve class transition.

Byron knows best that once the steps to advancement are opened, the many long-suppressed lower classes will burst out with terrifying power after seeing the hope of rising.

In the past, even if someone wanted to do this, they would definitely not be able to do it.

Because on a continent without unowned land, there is no supply of additional resources.

But in the Age of Exploration, on the infinitely vast sea, everything is possible!

Pirates happen to be a profession of survival of the fittest. Given basic conditions, the strong survive and the weak are eliminated.

What Byron has to do is to pan out gold from these slags. At the very least, it must be pig iron and brass to be useful.

From pirates to kings, his ancestors did it once, and he is ready to do it again!


The scabbard is pounded on the ground, making everyone quiet down.

In addition to the tangible material benefits, Byron also eloquently gave the pirates, who were obviously already in high spirits, a pair of wings of ideals:

"No matter how humble a knight is, he will also long for a day to ride a white horse and a silver spear, guard the girl of his hometown, and then die heroically.

No matter how ordinary an ordinary person is, he has also imagined that one day he can stand on the top of a mountain, hold great power, and compete with the most unruly heroes in the world!

What is the most fearful thing in life?

The most fearful thing is that when you can't move, you are still mediocre, and you still comfort yourself that being ordinary is precious.

What is it called not asking for anything? Only when you have something and succeed can you be called not asking for anything!

Look at those swindlers in the castle and the palace now. Except for having a good father and a good surname, what are they better than you?

You! My friends, why can't you replace them???


When this man got angry, he even scolded himself, but the effect was immediate.

"Roar! Damn it!"

"Long live the captain!"

"Long live!"

After two lifetimes of experience, Byron has already mastered the art of drawing cakes, which is much better than Salman's.

You can touch the first cake with just a jump, instead of it being far away.

When everyone left their fingerprints on the [Pirate Ten Commandments] and did their jobs, they were all full of energy as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Even if they were asked to cut down the navy of the York family, they would not frown.

Byron reappointed the personnel.

Old Hans, the shipwright, was old and did not move his position. Little Hans, who was in the learning stage, worked part-time as a warehouse manager and chef;

The honest man Bazhi served as the boatswain leading the assault team; Thomas and Parry, the trainee navigators, served as the sail and cable chief and the navigation chief respectively;

The assassin Gus was promoted to the second mate, responsible for assassination and intelligence.

The position of the first mate was left to Bruch, who had not yet recovered.

Then Byron assigned tasks to everyone.

The crew needs to spend half a day every day to go to the dock to repair the ship together, and try to shorten the half-month maintenance time by at least one third to ensure that they can advance and retreat at any time.

For the remaining half a day, Hans and Eight Fingers and other pirate officers will guide them to learn [Fisher Sword Technique].

After all, Byron, who came from the regular army of the Royal Naval Academy, is more far-sighted than other pirate captains.

Basic training is provided to them free of charge, and whether they can stand out in the end depends on themselves.

Even so, "Praise the Captain" has become a catchphrase for many people.

[Golden Deer] has finally got back on track.

When this makeshift team experiences a battle, kills an enemy, and survives, it will be a usable combat force.

Moreover, if there are not enough people, technology can make up for it.

Byron's biggest expectation now is actually the world-leading hybrid sailing ship - [Golden Deer].

[Title] can bring power. If it can be transformed and become the world's first fast ship, it will definitely gain unexpected huge benefits!

The internal situation is set, and then he will have the energy to concentrate on dealing with those privateer captains.

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