Pirate Kingship

Chapter 50 Wait, what the hell is tentacle fetish?

"Put the blood of the supernatural on my forehead, bless me, so that I can be closer to greatness"

As Byron's curse echoed in the alley.

The magic circle was suddenly filled with a strong bloody smell that could not be emitted by one person's blood.

It was ten people, a hundred people, a thousand people. The thick bloody smell filled the nasal cavity, as if the whole person was soaked in a pool of blood.

The runes mixed in the hexagram twisted and deformed like blood flowing in deformed blood vessels, blooming with dazzling blood light.

Within the ritual range of the entire [Blood Holy Grail], the figurative world was extracted and distorted.

The crooked alley seemed to have become the esophagus of some giant creature, and the irregular stone slabs on the ground became lumpy and sticky tongue coating.

The feeling of weightlessness and dizziness attacked Byron's brain.

It seemed that if he accidentally stepped into the air, he would slide down the esophagus into the stomach of a super giant creature in one breath.

Byron had repeated the same operation five times, and was not moved at all by the strange scene in front of him, which actually only occurred on the spiritual level.

There was no blood in the real world.

It was just that the [anchor] that bound him to the [Silver Law] had quietly tightened at some point.

Obviously, this force that made him fall down was not just a complete illusion!

"Blood Holy Grail, concrete!"

Byron hurriedly recited the last spell.

The blood in the ritual instantly came to life, like countless blood-colored tadpoles with sharp teeth, and like countless tiny insects that were not detectable.

It spread towards the very fresh corpse of the one-eyed dragon. After a burst of "rustling" strange sounds, only a fist-sized blood essence was left on the spot.

Byron quickly took off the ox horn wine glass from his belt - [Wonderful Item·Warrior's Cup].

【Effect: 1. The volume is much larger than the appearance, and it can hold a large amount of liquid in different categories, but it is limited to liquid.

2. It can separate and aggregate various components in the liquid. 】

Recited its judgment inscription:

"Clear springs pouring!"

During this period, the blood essence of the other five extraordinary victims who died in his hands emerged.

They fell on the other five corners of the other hexagrams.


The six extraordinary people took their positions as sacrifices, and the blood light in the ritual seemed to be ignited.

They burned fiercely and condensed into a golden-red holy grail inlaid with gorgeous gems just above the hexagram.

It was visible to the naked eye that the cup was slowly filled with bright red liquid.

It was the blood brew used to treat Bruch——[Transmutation Blood]!

Byron stretched out his hand and a whole cup of blood fell into the horn cup in his hand, and the blood light of the ritual collapsed.

The abstract world in front of him also returned to its original normal state.

Looking at the [Transmutation Blood] in the cup, Byron showed an unconcealable joy on his face.

This kind of raw materials, like the base wine, each [Blood Brew] needs to consume the body and soul of intelligent creatures.

Effect: Homogeneous transformation, different raw materials have different transformation directions.

Different from the previous stocks of Salman.

This [Transmutation Blood] brewed with six extraordinary people as materials naturally exudes a faint blood-colored aura.

It is a superior extraordinary material, incomparable to ordinary people.

"It should be enough to use the lives of six first-level extraordinary people to exchange for Bruch's life."

Raising his left hand, he saw a blood-colored tattoo in the shape of a holy grail appearing in his palm.

This is a solidified ritual symbol.

At the beginning, Salman, who failed to obtain the complete taboo knowledge, could only use the "Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe" to launch an extremely simple ritual.

Every time [Transmutation Blood] is needed, a specific chef must be eaten with very complicated means, which is extremely inefficient.

Byron doesn't need to be so troublesome.

He pointed the holy grail in his palm at the two pirates who were knocked unconscious and spit out a simplified byte:


A familiar blood light burst out and instantly covered their bodies.

In just a few breaths, only two drops of suspended transmutation blood were left on the spot.

Natural, green, pollution-free, and Guts's sheriff uncle didn't need to do anything to clean up.

Although these two drops of blood brewed are far inferior to the finished products brewed by extraordinary people, they are the most convenient and easy to obtain on the sea full of blood and killing.

Byron will not do things that kill innocent people indiscriminately, but he has no psychological burden to kill his enemies.

Turning his head and walking out of the alley, he never looked at the assassination scene behind him again.

"I like the title of [Wild Hunt] you gave me, and blood and [Wild Hunt] should be the standard!

Next, let's continue to welcome the blood feast."

After fully interpreting "Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe", Byron also understood the promotion system of forbidden knowledge by comparing it with the orthodox honor ladder.

Although black magic has broken through the limitations of [Silver Law], it actually has its own advancement route.

As he masters [Forbidden Knowledge] more and more in the future, more and more blood brews will be successfully refined.

Even his own blood can be transformed into [Transmutation Blood] and even [Scarlet Aura].

No need to mix drinks, just a drop of blood can achieve the effect of various top-grade blood brews.

If the legendary complete final ritual [Scarlet Holy Grail] can be held, a cup of [Eternal Blood] can be brewed.

It can also allow you to completely break through the shackles of human beings and gain strength, speed, and reaction power far beyond the limits of human beings.

Cure various diseases of the body, and even immortality!

Theoretically, you will no longer die due to the exhaustion of lifespan.

To put it bluntly, each promotion node has a corresponding ceremony.

What kind of ceremony you have held will determine what level you can reach, and you can achieve the transformation of the essence of life bit by bit.

Previously, Salman wanted to embark on this path with the fur he learned from the Bloodthirsty Cult.

In the end, he couldn't even achieve the pathetic [Ghoul].

"Unlike the [Ladder of Glory] that seems to be severely simplified, forbidden knowledge is more like what extraordinary power should be.

What's more, this is immortality!"

Byron couldn't help but think of his uncle [Mad King].

If he had drunk this [Eternal Blood] and cured his hereditary mental illness, perhaps nothing would happen now.

If this thing appeared on the continent, it would definitely make all kings and bishops crazy like the legendary [Fountain of Youth] on the sea.

It's a pity that this final ritual is not included in "Bloody Mary's Gourmet Recipe".

Perhaps we need to find the Bloodthirsty Cult that Salman defected from to gain further benefits.

Byron plans to reorganize Salman's relics when he is free to try to find clues.

Of course, even if the complete ritual can be found in the future, there must be extremely harsh conditions to reproduce it.

And when he takes the initiative to leave the protection of the [Silver Law] and study the taboo knowledge in depth, all the risks must be borne by himself!

Risk? Side effects? !

Thinking of this, Byron suddenly shuddered.

Remembering that he had not checked what specific side effects he would have to bear after holding the ritual.

"Gluttony! Lust!"

A heart couldn't help but "thump thump" and beat violently.

Unable to enter the state of meditation at all, check his own state, he could only prepare to take a sneak peek at his logbook as if he was going to the execution ground.


"Baji Baji."

Byron slowly turned his head away.

I saw Gus, who was waiting for me at the corner at the end of the alley, and Eight Fingers, who had been in charge of logistics these days, each grabbing a handful of grilled skewers and eating them with relish.

It was obvious that Eight Fingers brought them midnight snacks for their hard work.

Although it was only eight o'clock in the evening, there were still drunk people everywhere across the street.

Wrapped in the dripping sauce, the curled red octopus legs seemed to have vitality and bounced on the tip of the tongue, fresh and elastic.

Extremely tempting!

Extremely tempting?

"Gudu, what are you two eating?"

Byron's throat suddenly became dry, and he couldn't help but walk towards the grilled squid in the hands of the two.

He didn't realize that the [Ship Log] had already shown the side effects of his learning taboo knowledge.

One good news, one bad news.

The good news is that Byron has only one negative effect: tentacle fetish.

The bad news is that this strange fetish combines gluttony and lust.

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