Pirate Kingship

Chapter 504: Seize the opportunity and turn the wind and clouds into dragons!

"The religious war has begun, and the church is in civil strife! Thanks to the Creator's continuous division, the opportunity I've been waiting for has finally come!"

Byron finally got the long-awaited news from August, and he was overjoyed.

He looked back at the three women who were chatting enthusiastically, and did not disturb them to improve the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

In fact, mother Hathaway is more innocent and girlish than Violet and Catherine in terms of appearance and temperament. She is definitely a mermaid princess from a fairy tale.

In addition to the fact that when she died, according to the growth cycle of mermaids, she was very young. If it were put in modern times, father Prince Sorenburg would have to start at least three years.

On the other hand, it perfectly avoided the "aging catalyst" that all old mothers are troubled by: children don't eat, play tricks, lift girls' skirts, poor academic performance, rebellious puberty, and failed promotion.

When I woke up, my son, who was born just a few years ago, had grown up like a weed.

Not only did he have a successful career and didn't need her to worry too much, but he also had two excellent daughters-in-law who were already engaged.

This is simply a perfect demonstration of "winning by lying down".

At this time, he had endless things to say to his two daughters-in-law (adopted daughters). He must make up for the lost maternal love to Byron, probably starting with caring for the next generation.

"Forget it, let mom experience more happy things.

Later, when [the old witch's curse] is lifted, she will probably only hear bad news about the mermaid kingdom from Salant.

I just saw a black magic called "The Little Match Girl" in the secret spell "Alice's Pillow Fairy Tale Book".

As long as you light a match or other flammable or explosive materials, you can let everyone around see the little girl's grandmother together.

I hope this trick will not be used in our own home."

Byron picked up the "frozen frog" on the ground and walked out of the living room.

As soon as he left Hathaway's sight, his expression became serious, and he immediately took out the plan he had prepared in advance.

Through the [Golden Law], the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trade Company and the disguised major commercial consortiums were ordered:

"From now on, a budget will be allocated in addition to the original 'food purchase plan' to continue to increase food purchase efforts.

As long as the premium is within 100%, it is acceptable. We are not short of money now."

Notify a series of arms companies and bidding companies represented by Rheinmetall to prepare stocks with all their strength and send business personnel to actively contact Protestant princes.

Even small batches of bolt-action rifles are not completely unsaleable.

The grandsons of the church traditionalists still owe the Lancaster family a blood debt. Without their support, the York family can't make waves. If they don't stab them at a critical moment, it will be unforgivable.

The Pirate Code of Black Sail Port was used to notify the major pirate groups, privateers, and big pirates scattered on the sea:

"Although the value of food is too low and it is not the main cargo for ocean transportation, the "First Circulation Belt" will be blocked immediately and wartime control will be implemented.

From today on, no corn or potato will be allowed to be shipped back to the Old World."

Then, a notice was issued to West Wind Express, major cooperating shipowners, and third-party local chambers of commerce and freight companies:

"Ships returning from the Old World should carry as many immigrants as possible, and the shipping fees of all refugees and indentured servants will be borne by the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trade Company , their personal relationships were also transferred.

In addition, we sincerely invite technicians from all walks of life in the Old Continent to join the Earldom of Stromgarde with generous benefits, and a permanent property residence will be given upon joining. "

Finally, we did not forget to use the master behind the scenes of Financial Street [Mr. Wednesday] to notify the online futures exchange:

"Grain futures will rise sharply soon, be prepared to make a fortune.

If we do well, maybe we don't have to pay for the grain ourselves, and there will be kind people who will generously donate to us. "

Arrange Bruch and other members of the Demon Banquet Parliament to track and check the process of various tasks and report to themselves at any time.

Since Byron had already foreseen this unprecedented religious civil strife in the Old Continent.

After successfully looting the treasure fleet and having a large cash flow, he has been quietly stockpiling various strategic materials mainly grain.

It is said that "antiques in prosperous times and gold in troubled times", in fact, the hardest hard currency in wartime is grain.

This thing is not an industrial product that can be produced at any time, it needs to follow the seasonal cycle. Once there is a famine, even if there are mountains of gold and silver in hand, it may not be possible to buy a large amount, and preparations must be made early.

Byron stood at the top of the bastion, looking at a row of giant warehouses on the edge of the Torrent Fortress, full of vigor and vitality:

"As long as the most basic food problem is solved.

What is the most important thing next? Of course, talent!

The high-value-added people with connections will try every means to escape from the war zone and come to a place where they can take shelter and protect the safety of their property.

At this critical juncture, the price increase for buying food is not only to increase food reserves, but also to create a large-scale panic so that other forces cannot buy food.

There is no way to compete with me for refugees, and they can only pour into the colony in large numbers.

In addition to the indentured servants, beggars and criminals who have never been cut off at ordinary times, there will also be a large number of downtrodden nobles, declining landowners, asset owners and many free extraordinary people who are not good at fighting.

Their escape will inevitably bring a huge wave of wealth and asset transfer.

There is no need to follow the example of a neutral country that smashes its own sign and confiscates other people's legitimate assets at will. As long as they spend money here, it will be enough to drive economic prosperity. "

“Also, human resources themselves are more important than gold.

A large number of tower sequence production specialists and scholars can become the backbone of various industries in the territory.

Ordinary people who are literate can also be teachers, financial personnel, and excellent industrial workers.

Even if it is useless, it can be used to adjust the racial ratio of the colony, stabilize the rule and anchor the ethnic group.

An Old World indentured slave usually paid 35 pounds a piece.

When the protracted war destroys production on a large scale, you can buy it with a piece of fur bread worth about one copper plate, and it will even come with it for the whole family, as long as they take care of the food.

Religious wars cannot be limited to one city or one place. As the battlefield expands, citizens of various countries in the Dragon Court may flee.

Only by absorbing them all into the Holy Golden Empire and completing the integration using blood as a bond can the most stable catamaran be built.

The big fat meat that I couldn't usually ask for was delivered to my mouth like this. This business was really profitable. "

With Byron's order issued.

From the westernmost Yucatan Island to the easternmost Chambord Island, from the northernmost Black Sail Harbor in the Bahamas to the southernmost Rift Trench of the Sagittarius Islands, countless people expressed their respect and beat their chests in response.

"As you command, Your Majesty."

"As you command, the uncrowned king"

At this time, the Kingdom of Castile, the largest sea power in the quagmire, had already lost its absolute dominance over the Bantaan Islands and the Southern Continent.

As we all know, God cannot bleed!

Once he bleeds, everyone knows that he is just a mortal. As long as he bleeds once, there will be a second and third time. The wolves will just swarm him until his blood tank is empty.

When the "Treasure Fleet" was destroyed by the [Sea Hunter] and [Wild Hunt] together, and Castile failed to retaliate immediately, their weakness was exposed to everyone.

Even if you repeatedly emphasize: "Although I was beaten, it doesn't hurt.", "It's no joke, I can still take three more punches", it will only be counterproductive.

When God starts to speak nicely and give explanations to doubts, he must be hiding something.

At this point, their overseas dominance inevitably began to shift towards the winner who stabbed the "god" and remained unscathed.

[Sea Hunter] and [Wild Hunt], the two top figures below the fifth level, have secretly mobilized manpower and material resources that are terrifying.

The black and white factions are free to drive, and within the Bantaan Islands, there is almost nothing that Byron cannot do now.

After arranging everything, he began to pay attention to the changes in the situation in the old continent through August and Raven Fujin.

In the next period of time, things developed pretty much as he expected.

After the "throwing out the window" incident occurred in the Electorate of the Palatinate, the Protestant Elector Friedrich V of the Palatinate was immediately elected and crowned as the new king.

He immediately mobilized an army to purge all the traditional churches in the country, then turned around and headed for Vinaya City, the capital of the empire, firing the first shot against the church's long-term oppression and enslavement.

After he took the lead in carrying the flag, he immediately responded to the call.

The four secular electorates: the Electorate of the Palatinate, the Electorate of Saxony, the Electorate Kingdom of Bohemia, and the County of Brandenburg all responded.

At the same time, the County of Brunswick, Lunenburg and a series of surrounding Protestant princes began to expel the traditional clergy in the territory and declared independence from the Silver Empire.

The momentum was extremely huge for a while.

However, the imperial royal family, the Habsburg family, who fought for the church on the stage, found themselves in the awkward position of riding a tiger.

Among the seven electors stipulated in the Holy Silver Empire's "Silver Edict", all four secular electors actually stood against them, leaving only three church electors without an army.

This posture is simply outrageous.

Although the Habsburg family is one of the most powerful royal families in the Silver Continent and has the widest ruling domain.

Since winning the Holy Silver Empire Emperor [Crown] in 1438 of the Silver Age, it has not been taken away by the other six electors.

But what they rely on is not force, but the lower body.

Family motto: "Let the countries in mainland China go to war, and we will happily get married."

He was also jokingly called by the nobles of various mainland countries: "Ruling the world with the lower body."

Others can get things by shedding blood without sweating, but they can get things by getting married without shedding blood.

It is conceivable that such a family motto naturally led to their extremely weak martial virtues, and they wasted a unique "crown" among the church countries.

After discovering that heretics dared to resist, and even more and more of them were resisting, instead of sending an army to attack them, they immediately sought help from the church and other traditionalist countries.

However, the church does not have its own professional army except for the three major knights: the Knights of Malta, the Poor Knights, and the Knights of Our Lady.

Moreover, as the elite of the elite, the three major knights are all direct descendants and cannot be used casually to fight a war of attrition. To fight a war, they still have to rely on secular royal power.

But before the church called on the traditional princes to join the war, something unexpected happened to them.

Albrecht, the Holy Knight of the Hohenzollern family of the Earldom of Brandenburg, was selected as the Grand Master of the Holy Mother Knights. He was a close relative of the Elector of Brandenburg and naturally a supporter of Protestantism.

Under the influence of the Cardinal Archbishop Martin, he suddenly announced his conversion to Protestantism and cut off his ties with the nominal suzerain of the Knights, St. Peter's Cathedral.

Then he announced to the whole continent that the Holy Mother Knights were secularized, the Knights' territory was changed to the Duchy of Prussia, and the Grand Master Albrecht appointed himself the Duke of Prussia.

One of the most relied-upon core fighters of the traditionalists of the church turned against them at this time and became the first country in the world to fully believe in Protestantism since its founding.

They joined the Protestant resistance camp together.

This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the traditionalists.

Although the Holy Silver Empire had no relationship with the former Silver Empire except in name, it had always been the core diocese of the church.

Since the Silver Empire, the Church of the Creator has been the state religion here, ruling the spiritual world of this land for a full thousand years.

The Holy Silver Empire is definitely a "son" that cannot be abandoned.

But now, there is a civil war in the Holy Silver Empire, a civil war in the Kingdom of Castile, the first sea power, and a civil war in the York family of the Kingdom of Hastings.

The left arm, the right arm, and the pets are all busy with their own affairs. They suddenly realized that their advantage over Protestantism is not as great as they imagined.

The Protestant saint who presided over all this, at this time, chose this area to detonate the gunpowder barrel, which can be called a stroke of genius.

Moreover, half a month after the conflict, as the fighting between the Protestant princes and the Silver Empire intensified, more and more people died.

The large number of taboo books "Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven" and the polluted priests and nuns that the traditionalists released at the beginning also went out of control one after another.

Under normal circumstances, grotesques and evil spirits always have a very strange [accidental technique].

If things have the possibility of going bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen.

Because the danger is not only in themselves, but also in the various unexpected situations they bring.

And this time, it seems that there is an invisible driving force in the dark, pushing the situation towards a more chaotic direction.

——【Creator】 is cracking, and your church must also crack with it!

The fuse was a Protestant believer who was born as a scholar of the Tower Sequence. He read about a female angel【Archangel Pallas】in a book.

After achieving the "holy descent", although the combat power was mediocre, it began to copy the "Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven" at a high speed like a human printing press, and then started the large-scale distribution mode throughout the empire.

The riots soon overflowed from the territories of the Protestant princes.

With the exponential upgrade of the writing medium of sugarcane residue paper, the "Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven" was soon reversely input into the traditional parishes.

The traditional clergy who are greedy for power have far less faith than those ascetics, night watchmen, and paladins of the Protestant Church. The "Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven" is obviously more lethal to them.

After reading the forbidden book and accepting the knowledge from many old gods, many people also called themselves Protestants in order to cover up their heresy and joined the Protestant camp.

In a short period of time, hundreds of small sects emerged at once, which caught everyone by surprise and rapidly expanded the power of resistance to the church.

In order to show their break with the traditional church, the major branches of Protestantism have a unified name: "Swearing Anti-Church".

This is just like deliberately releasing a virus, but unexpectedly, the opponent has a higher resistance, which leads to self-sufficiency.

The traditional saints who have always been high above wanted to use the "Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven" to attack dissidents.

All the Protestant leaders who emerged were labeled heretics within a controllable range, but they did not expect that they would create a large group of real heretics with their own hands.

Some clergymen were hit hard and shouted to the sky:

"Omniscient and omnipotent Creator, please show your spirit!"

The reason why [Creator] is omniscient and omnipotent to a certain extent is that he has almost reached the realm of "all things return to one" 100%.

A considerable number of prophets believe that [fate] was written into the first material particle that changed at the beginning of the world.

As long as a material model in a closed system can be established, the law of change of each particle can be mastered, and simulation calculations can be performed, fate itself can be directly observed!

When the "all things return to one" realm is reached 100%, the whole world is His body, and He can freely control the changes of each particle. Of course, He can be omniscient and omnipotent.

But now even this highest realm [Creator] is cracking, losing control of the part of divinity that he once swallowed.

How can the traditional saints, a group of mortals who are not even mythical creatures, control everything?

After the situation collapsed, it was out of control.

In December of the Silver Age 1472, after sufficient preparation, even the Council before God began to split.

Some [saints] with conscience openly supported Protestantism, especially those led by the backbone of the church such as the Night Watch, the Ascetic Order, and the Paladins.

From secular to faith, a set of combos almost dismembered the entire church.

But the traditionalists would not give in like this.

The Pope issued a decree and began to call himself: Orthodox.

They believed that they were the only orthodox sect, and that all others, whether Protestantism, Remitism or Holy Spiritism, were heretics.

In order to maintain their rule and suppress the floating hearts of the church countries, they even drove the most loyal and bloody Inquisition to once again launch a "witch hunt" within their sphere of influence.

The most famous way to judge who is a heretic is the water test:

"The suspect is tied to a stone, or the suspect's right thumb is tied to the left big toe, and the left thumb is tied to the right big toe, and thrown face down into the water.

If the suspect floats on the water, it means that the devil does not want to see the believer die, and it can prove that the suspect is guilty and will be burned alive; if he sinks into the water, he is innocent, but he will most likely be drowned."

Those with insight know that no matter how absurd the test method is, it doesn't matter.

Because when you want to test the hardness of a piece of glass, the glass is destined to break. In other words, once suspicion arises, the charge is established.

As long as the Inquisition wants, a series of verification methods can always expose a "heretic" and then take the opportunity to strengthen its own rule.

In the chaos, the first batch of Protestants of the Holy Silver Empire who could not bear the persecution had already set foot on the "First Ring Belt" under Byron's arrangement.

And there will be more and more people behind.

The goal of the Silver Empire's orthodoxy in the Golden Empire is getting closer and closer.

"It was a hearty dance of demons.

In the end, no matter whether the war is won or lost, the Orthodox Church is 100% the biggest loser, and the development of things may not be in line with the original idea of ​​the Protestant Church.

But they can decide when the war will start, but no one can decide when it will end.

Next is our turn."

In the wartime command center that had been established in the Torrent Fortress, Byron shared the current intelligence with his direct lineage generals.

Although it is still in the civil war stage of the Holy Silver Empire, it has already involved most of the church's energy.

At this time, let alone Byron's claim of only a [Holy Spirit], even if he directly claimed that he was the [Creator] incarnate, the church would not have the spare energy to cross the sea to fight him.

At the same time, this also means that the biggest obstacle to returning to the Hettings Pirates Kingdom no longer exists.

No need to worry about the York family finding foreign aid that he can't deal with.

Next, Byron's Holy Golden Empire only needs to copy homework.

A certain offshore country in the previous life has already set a perfect example.

In the early stage of the war, he took advantage of staying out of the matter and dumped industrial products to both sides of the war zone, making them fight more fiercely, earning a large amount of hard currency gold, and further realizing the bloody primitive accumulation of capital.

Crazy absorption of various outstanding talents who fled the motherland, concentrated the wisdom, wealth and the only war-free land in the world to climb the technology tree, so that his strength and foundation expanded rapidly like a balloon.

Wait until the middle and late stages of the war, when both sides are exhausted, and then bet on the side with moral and strength advantages to grab the biggest victory fruit.

A little more shameless, claiming to the outside world that he ended the war, that he is a beacon of civilization, a country on the top of the mountain, and a symbol of justice, and no one dares to say anything.

Because the others are only half dead.

Repeating this cycle, relying on the powerful "military-industrial complex", every large-scale war outside the domain can make its national strength expand rapidly.

Perhaps the power that Byron currently controls is not enough in the old continent where countries are the units.

But anyway, there will not be only one chip on the scale, and there will not be only one player in the game.

As long as you have the basic qualifications to play cards, you may cast a fatal vote in the key game and dynamic balance and become a key minority.

Many generals in previous wars have said: "Just give me another division, even if it is only one division", it is the same truth.

This is also the essence of the essence of the "offshore balancer" theory!

What's even better is that relying on the "Magic Banquet Council" where all members are family members, no matter how powerful the "military-industrial complex" is, it is impossible for Byron to backfire.

Interests are not the pursuit of the complex, but the will of the emperor!

This religious war may be the beginning of the suffering of countless people.

But for Byron's party, which has already laid a solid foundation in the Bantaan Islands, and has reputation and strength, it is clearly a key opportunity to soar to the sky.

A group of people from the lineage were all shouting: "Thanks for the gift of nature!"

It was in this context that at the end of 1472, the legendary Paladin Valette [Holy Lance], the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, a traditional and loyal Knight, finally left his base on the island of Malta.

Byron also stepped into the Maltese monastery again.

Here, he will completely cut off the last chain that bound his hands and feet.

Then take advantage of the situation and turn the wind and clouds into dragons!

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