Pirate Kingship

Chapter 530: Crown of Eternal Night, York's Disaster

When Byron "really and boldly" eliminated internal troubles in the Kingdom of Hetings, the news of the war for the throne of Hettings spread like the wind to all countries and major forces.

The time is slightly ahead of time, the most core basilica of the church, St. Peter's Basilica.

With the formal break between Protestantism and traditional Orthodoxy.

A considerable number of night watchmen, ascetics, paladins and the [saints] who led them broke out and joined the camp of the Protestant princes, causing the spiritual light here to be much dimmed with the naked eye.

However, there are still seven saints and one pope left, and St. Peter's Cathedral is still the undisputed strongest force in the continent.

In the solemn and luxurious hall, a divine council attended by all seven saints of the Orthodox Church is being held.

“Saint Simon, where are [Queen of the Night] Margrethe I and her Kalmar Legion?

The city of Mainz, the religious elector and Archbishop of Mainz, is in danger and has just asked me for help. "

"They are still fighting fiercely with the army of the Electorate of Saxony in the city of Wiesbaden across the river, and they should be able to win under sunset.

But, Lord St. John, are you sure you want to order them to forcefully cross the river to support Mainz immediately after a big battle?

Since [Queen of Eternal Night] led her troops into the war last year, despite successive victories, the army's battle losses have exceeded a quarter.

Will it lead to mutiny if continued high-intensity use? Or even shake her rule in the three countries of the Kalmar Union? "

Facing another saint’s question, St. John waved his hand indifferently:

"I think we can ask the Cathedral of Our Lady of Mercy, managed by Saint Lucia, to allocate a few more indulgences from the library to the [Queen of Eternal Night] for military expenses.

The ticket to go to heaven after death and escape the great flood should be enough for those Bay residents to continue to sacrifice their lives for the cause of God.

Moreover, tell Her Majesty the Queen that the victory will be decided in the Kingdom of Hattings within the next day or two, and Edward IV with the help of the Archbishop of Canterbury will definitely be the final winner.

Then they can take a breather. "

Although several other saints knew how the "zero complaint rate" of indulgences came about, none of them spoke for the people of Bay Area.

Anyway, if you lie, you will lie.

When it comes to deceiving people, there are few people in the world who can compare with them.

And fanatical converts like [Queen of Eternal Night] Margaret I have already learned to lie to themselves.

In addition, it is everyone's consensus to fight to the last Bayan, and this cannot be changed regardless of whether the other party is a convert or not.

St. John paused and continued:

"In addition, the queen is getting older now, and although her grandson survived the winter, he does not have much time left.

It is also time for us to decide who will be the next king of the Kalmar Alliance.

The grandson of Margaret I's cousin Lady Ingeborg, Ulysses the Bearman, is also a devout Orthodox Christian, and his prestige among the next generation of the Kalmar Alliance is unparalleled.

Last winter, the White Plague on the Evernight Peninsula was particularly severe. Margaret I left Ulysses the Bearman to sit in the alliance, and also left him the crown of the Kingdom of Oslo among the Three Kingdoms.

He is already the de facto crown prince of the Three Kingdoms.

Now it seems that even if [Queen of Eternal Night] dies in the Holy Silver Empire, it will not affect our continued rule over the Kalma Alliance.

When disaster strikes, use the collective subconscious sea of ​​the entire Bay people to build a dike as a buffer to help us realize the "Fire Escape Plan." "

At this point, a trace of resentment appeared on his face:

"It's all because of those hateful Protestant traitors who broke with us for the humble untouchables and almost ruined our great event!"

The other people's faces were not pretty either.

High-level officials already know that a new flood will usher in the "Snail Annihilation Era."

The "Gospel of Creation" says that the world is a large ship floating on the sea of ​​source matter, and the collective subconscious of mankind, which can freely decide whether to go up or down, is the steering wheel of the world.

In fact, Protestantism and Orthodoxy are not only competing for secular power, but also competing for the future command of the world, that is, competing for the position of "captain"!

Whoever the people's will and strength lean towards is the captain.

The Orthodox side is elitist and is prepared to use the power of the "captain" to hollow out the world in advance and provide a small group of elites with the opportunity to escape the flood in the small world of "Noah's Ark".

The Protestant side is collectivist, advocating defending one's homeland, subduing the flood, and not giving up every country or believer.

This is a contradiction between the fundamental lines and is simply difficult to reconcile.

In addition, the Bay Democratic God [God of Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt] Woden left a prophecy of the Bay people's revival. Of course, the church must continue to attack them to prevent the Bay people from threatening its position as "captain".

"By the way, what should we do with another Saint Byron who may threaten our plans?"

A sage suddenly pointed out another key issue.

If "Saint Byron" is really equal to the "Holy Spirit" as stated in the scriptures of the three religions, even if their Orthodox Church can defeat the Protestant Church, the throne of this "Captain" may not be secure.

Even among a group of Orthodox saints, St. John is a radical among radicals. Hearing this, he smiled coldly:

“What the scriptures say doesn’t count, and what fool believers who don’t understand anything say doesn’t count. Only we servants of God have the final right to interpret who is the savior!

Regardless of whether it is true or false, what if it is necessary to use the method of pouring dirty water on Protestantism to confuse the public and deal with the so-called savior?

At worst, just like the Remite Cult killed the [Holy Son], we can also kill the [Holy Spirit] openly.

The Creator of 1,500 years ago was at the height of his power and only split into one [Holy Son]. But now the Creator is constantly splitting. Why don’t we dare to do what the Remit people dared to do back then?

This moment is just like that moment. "

Saint-Simon, who spoke at the beginning, felt that his colleague was too extreme, so he quickly spoke to persuade:

"Your Excellency St. John, our methods don't need to be so radical.

Wasn’t St. Byron loyal and noble? Isn’t he a loyal minister of York?

Once he helps White Rose win the throne war, we will forcibly recruit him to join the [Night Watch] team under our control and let him fight those weird and evil spirits all day long.

As the tide of source matter becomes more and more intense, these things become more and more rampant. It won't be long before 'Saint Byron' will disappear from this world forever.

As long as we build a statue for him, we can regain the power of his thoughts and wishes in our own hands.

Just like those idiots who thought they were just and passionate for so many years and might threaten our status! "

Obviously, people who play politics have a bad heart.

When you go out, you must be careful of people like this. They are all trying to teach you how to learn well, but they don't teach you the most important "thunderbolt method", let alone support your bloody spirit of wielding a sword. Then you can let them do whatever they want.

This group of Orthodox saints are typical examples.

However, this plan is well calculated.

But when the legal network of the Silver Law began to buzz and vibrate, and a group of people saw clearly the contents of the emergency military situation, their breathing froze, and their bodies couldn't help but trembled one, two, and three times.

In the blink of an eye, the collective defense was broken.

“Ah, ah, you are a liar with a dark heart!

Fake, all fake, there is no Saint Byron, no great loyal minister, ah ah ah

This liar actually fooled us all.

There are no reinforcements from Hattings in the plan! "

"[Puppet King] is such an idiot. He was fooled by [Wild Hunt] and [Sea Hunter], thinking they were mortal enemies, but they were actually the same person.

Fully 30% of the cargo in the Treasure Fleet is dedicated to us.

Gold and silver! spices! Magic potion! It's all our money! "

“We also wanted to get the [Panax] through the hands of Saint Byron, and be promoted to the mythical creature [Angel] without any side effects, but now it’s all over.

He drank the panacea himself and became the second fifth-level slave god in the Old Continent. Our [Scarlet Holy Grail] is hopeless. "

"Don't forget, since Hattings has changed hands since then, Saint Byron of the Bay has been crowned king, and he has also gathered the royal power and religious power to kill the Archbishop of Canterbury. This is going to stab us in the back."

A [Wild Hunt] alone or a [Sea Hunter] alone are nothing.

But when the two identities are added together, their power and claims are complete, and the prophecies of the Bay people and the church corroborate each other, isn’t it equivalent to confirming the prophecies of the savior?

What a loyal minister, what a lonely last Lancaster? This is obviously a cunning old fox who has played tricks on them all.

"The point is, what do we do now?"

After the rage, they finally have to face the problem head on.

Everyone else looked at St. John, the "Society of the Holy Child" who was the mastermind behind the series of events and had completely offended Byron.

The latter gritted his teeth with a livid face:

"Order Kalmar Alliance Crown Prince [Ulysses the Ursine] to conquer Hetings!

In order to obtain the royal power of the Evernight Peninsula, this bear man must be more hostile to the direct bloodline of the pirate emperor [Blue Dragon King] than we are.

Let the people of the Bay fight against the people of the Bay. After two, three, or ten years of bloodshed, fighting, and hatred, it will never be possible to rebuild the great Beihai Empire that existed during the heyday of the Bay people! "

Byron on the other side certainly didn't know the saint's plan, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't take it to heart.

call out! call out!

Two black shadows streaked across the cloud base and then disappeared.

After Byron became a false god, the abilities of the two ravens Fujin and Wuni were also greatly improved, especially their concealment abilities. Apart from the sixth-level demigods, probably not many people can detect their traces.

Through the eyes of two ravens, Byron can know everything about the world even while sitting on the throne.

At this moment, in his commanding view.

The cleaning work on the Hetings Islands has not received any interference from the outside world and is progressing steadily step by step.

Kingston, the royal capital with a population of one million, accounting for about 14% of the country's total population, was the first to be cleaned up during the bloody night, and then the three major secret police forces rushed to the entire kingdom non-stop.

A group of people followed [Weird Sheep-Eating Man]. While taking back the land, they also helped Byron pick up the "crown fragments" that had been lost by generations of ancestors and re-consolidate the royal power.

Not only the landed aristocrats, but also the stubborn Orthodox churches were within their purge.

Priests who occupy a large amount of land, do not engage in production, and have tax exemption rights have always been parasites on the country.

Byron wouldn't mind following the example of the Three Martial Arts and One Sect to destroy Buddhism, and then destroy the religion as well.

A 20% landholding rate is no less harmful than a landed aristocracy.

If you mark the enclosed plots in red and the state-owned plots in green on the national map, you can see that the red plots are being replaced by green at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The fastest way to get rich is not through labor, but through wealth transfer.

And the fastest way for the king to get rich is to kill corrupt officials!"

Byron was very happy.

In the southern part of the Channel Islands, Kent County near the capital Kingston.

Baron Ashford, a famous rancher in the county, and his family had a sumptuous dinner worth a gold pound. They stood in the attic of the manor and admired their pastures under the night sky, as well as the large groups of white sheep that had been driven into the fence.

There are no villages where farmers live here for a long time, only scattered simple houses for a few shepherds.

The number of the baron's private soldiers is much greater than that of shepherds.

This is because the pastures require far fewer people than cultivated land, and even the well-trained sheepdogs in the hands of [Beast Trainers] do better than humans, which can save a lot of extra expenses.

As for whether the people who once lived on this land froze to death or starved to death after losing their livelihoods, what does it have to do with him?

But this is far from enough!

The land aristocracy's love of land has never ended.

Baron Ashford turned his head to look at the pasture next door, which was the land occupied by Lord Outles, the former Earl Party, and a trace of burning greed flashed in his eyes:

"Although in theory Lord Outles's title has disappeared with the fall of the Earl Party, and the land will definitely be confiscated by the new king.

But the boundaries of the enclosure movement change every year. If I quietly move the boundary fence to the next door by one mile.

Those officials under the new king will definitely not see it.

Even if they see it, it's just a matter of giving a bribe. I know the morality of the kingdom's administrative officials very well."

But he didn't realize that a raven was standing on the tree and looking at him mockingly.

After making up his mind, he didn't even want to wait for a night, and he called his private soldiers to start the work himself.

But just as he stood up, he found something in his sheepfold flashing with golden light. He rubbed his eyes and found that it was not an illusion.

He hurried over with his butler and followers.

When he got closer, he found that it was actually three golden sheep!

Every strand of wool on their bodies shone with dazzling brilliance like pure gold, making people unable to take their eyes away.

"Is this the legendary golden wool?!"

Baron Ashford's eyes suddenly lit up:

"I'm rich, I'm rich, this must be the Creator's favor to me.

If I can let the [Beast Trainer] tame them, and then give birth to many little golden sheep.

My wool business will surely quickly occupy the international market and become a precious luxury sought after by dignitaries and kings of various countries!"

But then he found that the three sheep were busy gnawing at something, and the air was gradually filled with a smell of blood.

Although he was greedy, he also found something wrong.

He grabbed the whale oil lantern from the butler beside him and shone it over.

When he saw clearly what they were chewing, he immediately gasped and subconsciously took a half step back.

Lying on the ground was his right-hand man, Stanley, the [Beast Tamer] who had helped him "suppress" many unruly people. At this moment, he had been chewed beyond recognition by three sheep.

Before they could flee in horror, the three sheep that were feasting on the food slowly turned their heads towards them.

Three human faces with horns were revealed, their mouths full of sharp teeth, and blood was slowly flowing down the corners of their mouths.

This scene looked particularly terrifying under the dim whale oil lamp.

Then they slowly spoke to them, as if the voices of thousands of experienced men and women merged into one:

"Do you see my land?"

Without waiting for Baron Ashford to speak, they asked and answered themselves:

"I see it, this is my land, this is my land.

Take it!"

With a leap, it instantly turned into a sheep's head and a human body and pounced on three people.


Amid the shrill screams, the ranch suddenly became a mess.

In secret, a [Wild Hunt Legion], led by a [Wild Hunt Servant] who retained self-awareness, emerged silently in the shadows.

Hook away all the souls of the dead and absorb them as a member of the [Wild Hunt Legion].

In this way, even if Byron killed a large number of land nobles who possessed extraordinary powers, the overall strength of the Kingdom of Hastings would not decline.

The "carbon-based guided torpedo" of the devil lord Lorena gave Byron a great inspiration.

Born as a person of the kingdom, dead as the king's ghost!

For these guys, death is just the beginning, and the hard days ahead are still long.

The bloody feast had just ended when people from the Star Chamber Court and the Royal Tax Inspection Bureau came to collect land and confiscate houses.

They didn't care about the [Weird Sheep Eating People] that was still wandering nearby. As long as you haven't robbed someone's land, their killing rules will not be activated.

It's very safe to work with them.

"Brothers, hurry up, there are still eight nearby after you confiscate this one.

Our bonuses are linked to performance. Whether we are decent people or beggars this month depends on them."

A group of people were full of energy and started to confiscate houses.

The Privy Council and the Star Chamber Court have always been the core departments used by King Hastings to counter the nobles.

The previous Privy Council was composed of thirteen [King's Right Hands], all of whom were nobles and allies promoted by Edward IV and were difficult to bribe.

However, most of the Star Chamber Court is composed of ordinary people from ordinary families, and even a copper ful may stump these "heroes".

Ever since the first [Executioner] was tricked and trapped by Byron for stock trading, and gradually embarked on the road of no return, the Star Chamber Court has fallen one after another.

When Lancaster took over again, the manpower was quite sufficient.

The Royal Tax Inspection Bureau, which was cooperating with them, did not forget to take out the account information provided by [banker] Hal Black to Byron when doing land measurement and property inspection, and combined the accumulated information of these large ranchers over the years. Empty it.

Compared to the Hetings mainland, which fights all day long, the United Bank of the Netherlands, which stores a lot of black gold and gray income, is obviously more favored by these land aristocrats.

But they never imagined that the security that no one except the account owner could check would be as fragile as a piece of toilet paper in front of some people.

[Crime buster] Sherlock and his assistant [Dr. Crow] John Watson also joined the independent prosecutor's office of [Star Chamber Court].

With his "Death is Coming" talent, he led his team to gain a lot.

But besides him, there is another "God of Death" who is one step slower every time.

"Damn it, the Ashford family, which had no apparent relationship with our York family, is gone.

This is already our third family. There are not many secret escape routes left for us by our elders. "

On a hillside not far from the pasture, a young man poked his head out of the grass, with a gloomy look on his face.

He raised his hand and glanced at the simple ring on his hand, and called out in a low voice:

"Grandpa Gandalf, what do you think we should do next?

If I cannot escape from the Channel Islands and open the treasure house left by my family, I will never be able to avenge my people and regain the throne from Lancaster in this life. "

A ray of pale light shot out from the ring, turning into a human face made of flames and shaking its head at him:

"Child, I am just an undead living in the ring.

When I was alive, I was just the "Guardian Knight" of Grandpa You's grandfather, the old Duke of York. The era I lived in was completely different from now.

Leading you to escape from the River Styx and escape with the Lancastrians chasing you has consumed most of my strength.

If you think about it again, are there any other hidden lines that can be used? "

It's obvious.

[Death Knight] Andrew did indeed choose William York, a member of the White Rose family with the highest inheritance rights besides the three York brothers, as planned.

The young man only remembered that he was sucked into a black current that appeared out of thin air, and saw other family members melting rapidly in the current.

Just when he was unconscious and thought he was about to die, the ring passed down from his family suddenly shone brightly, leading him out of the River Styx and out of the encirclement of the Lancastrian party.

The undead's life-saving grace certainly easily gained his trust.

In fact, it was Byron who helped Uncle Andrew revise the script.

Send a member of the Lancaster family who used the "Necronomicon" to transform himself into a spiritual creature [Hellfire] to sneak into William's ring.

He played the role of "portable grandpa".

[Hellfire] is between the spirit body and the elemental body, and the whole body is burning with pale flames. Being burned by [Hellfire] feels cold to the bone, but the soul and body will be severely burned.

Relying on this ability, he can lead the "Last York" to break out of the siege, and also transform into a "disaster star", bringing disaster all the way to the secret back-ups prepared by the York family.

William York looked at the old grandfather in front of him and once again confirmed that he must be the destined protagonist with a great future. He cheered up again and said:

"That damn weird [sheep-eating man] thing came from nowhere. I haven't seen it before. As soon as Lancaster's disaster star came back, this ghost thing appeared.

If they hadn't been in the way, I would have escaped long ago.

Grandpa Gandalf, I remembered that Viscount Syssachs from the next county was also the secret line prepared by the family.

Moreover, this is a business aristocrat, not a land aristocrat, and owns several merchant ships. Believe me, he will definitely not be killed in advance this time. "

“I believe you, let’s go.

The glory of the York family will surely bloom again in your hands. If Lancaster can do it, you can do it too! "

After saying this, the [Hellfire] looked up at the top of his head.

In addition to a raven, there was an illusory long sword hanging upside down, pointing directly at William's head.

It is the zero-level holy relic fragment [Sword of Damocles]!

This holy relic has threefold symbols:

First, it symbolizes restriction and divine punishment.

Second, it symbolizes the ultimate of all rights and interests: divine power.

Third, it symbolizes the divine status and power of the holder. It is a sword with divine power that can kill the king at will.

Although it is just a fragment of it, it still has the powerful power to kill the extraordinary person in the sequence.

In conjunction with the "Iron Law of Royal Power", when someone triggers the law within the country, it is equivalent to the king wanting the minister to die, and the minister has to die.

Although it has little lethality to the outside world, it is a powerful weapon to the subjects within its own ruling system.

This is also Byron's last insurance to ensure that he will not make things worse.

Once the "last York" shows signs of escaping successfully, this sword that falls from the sky will split him in half on the spot.

Only now has Byron, the [King of the Wild Hunt], gained a little prestige in his own land.

He took his eyes off the raven and looked at the Ganquan Palace in front of him.

"It will probably take some time to completely clean up the land nobles.

The most important thing next is my official coronation ceremony and the unprecedented canonization of two queens."

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