Pirate Kingship

Chapter 533: Deep Sea Beast Tide: Knights Don’t Die Unarmed

If you ask a navigator or adventurer, what is the most famous specialty of the Sea of ​​Monsters surrounded by the Echidna Triangle?

Even if you ask a hundred people, you will only get one answer:

"The specialty of the Sea of ​​Monsters is of course monsters!"

And they all have one thing in common: big! Very big! Very big!

"Damn it, are we being favored by the goddess of doom?

Sea monsters used to act alone, but why did they suddenly come out in a group this time?

I've seen schools of dolphins, sharks, sardines, and krill, but I've never seen a school of sea monsters.

It's over, it's over.

My cousin blames you, saying that the kingdom is once again caught in a war for the throne, and no matter which side you help, you will violate the oath of [Kingdom Guardian], so you might as well go fishing and hide in peace.

Since the Earl's Party supported George, Duke of Clarence and raised the banner of rebellion last year, he has been hiding for more than half a year.

You don't take the usual path, relying on the ghost ship [Screaming Banshee] that can sail against the wind and against the current, you insist on exploring the third circulation belt.

Now, because of your title [Lord of the Nest] Characteristics, not only did we catch a bunch of strange things, but we also ran into a sea monster tide.

It rained heavily today, the wind was high and the waves were fierce. No matter how much [Dragon Dung Potion] we had, it would have been diluted. We simply couldn't make them turn.

It's coming again, ah ah ah"

"Shut up, Francis, you're making my head hurt.

We should think positively about everything. If we hadn't gone to the 'Third Gyre' to fish, how could we have discovered this sudden beast tide in advance?

If we were caught off guard, the coastal areas of the kingdom would be in trouble.

Now we can at least give early warnings to help coastal cities minimize losses. "

In the storm, a ghost ship with a brilliant aura was filling its sails, cutting through the waves and rushing towards the homeland of Hastings.

The number of people on the ship seemed to be far less than that of a normal adventure ship.

In addition to the middle-aged captain at the helm, John Hawkins, the only [Kingdom Guardian] of Hastings, there was only a shouting human youth.

He is Hawkins' cousin Francis, and the first mate of this ship.

The remaining crew members do not look like sailors on this ghost ship, and they are obviously not normal humans.

There are half-human and half-jellyfish, half-human and half-pufferfish, and half-human and half-shark. There are dozens of them in total, all huddled in the corner trembling with fear.

The overall style is somewhat similar to mermaids like Hathaway and Salant, which is very consistent with the biological characteristics of the underwater kingdom of the Eastern Continent.

But compared with the "mermaids" who are very consistent with human aesthetics, this group of them can only be called "fish people", and their level and status are obviously much lower than the former.

Moreover, these fish people have the fatigue that is difficult to conceal after a long journey, and the panic after the sudden disaster.

The look in Hawkins' eyes is grateful, but also contains a hint of vigilance.

This combination naturally looks very strange to outsiders, but if you add the title of [Kingdom Guardian] Hawkins [Lord of the Nest], everything becomes reasonable.

As we all know, there are three main types of fishermen in this world: the catch is king type; the technology is the priority type; the ultimate experience type.

Hawkins, who is addicted to fishing, has always been pursuing the second and third types, constantly studying various fishing techniques to improve himself. Even when he took the [Screaming Banshee] to the world of the dead, he never forgot to cast a rod.

He dreamed that in the future he could specialize in giants and catch the largest fish in the world.

Then, like every fisherman with a lot of harvest, he got lost professionally, and then from day to night, he passed by his home three times without entering. Even if he was caught for violating the curfew, he hoped to be criticized in a national notice.

Unfortunately, he had no talent for fishing. No matter how hard he tried, his fishing skills could only stay at the first stage of the catch is king, and it was the tragic 2.0 version.

Version 1.0: Every time he bought bait, he would carefully calculate how many fish he could catch to make a profit. He used the cheapest tools and bait to get the most catch, and most of them could make a profit.

But the technology of version 2.0 is even worse, and many fish in fish ponds rely on them to fish to survive.

Ten pounds of bait can catch three taels of fish, and the fish school is looking forward to their coming every day: "As long as we offer a pair of boys and girls regularly, the master of bait will protect our wealth and well-being."

Over time, Hawkins' title gradually accumulated enough legendary degree and obtained corresponding extraordinary abilities.

[Master of bait] has two abilities.

[Wild fishing treasure map]:

It can record every place where you have baited in your wild fishing career, or locate their living location through the catch.

As long as he wants, he can teleport there with people and boats, but it can only be used once a day and reset at 12 o'clock in the morning.

[Never empty air]:

Many fish rely on Hawkins to survive, and he also gets the blessing of the fish school and the fish pond, and obtains the characteristic of "never empty air".

However, due to his poor fishing skills, even with his unique abilities, most of the time, what he caught was not fish, but water plants, broken shoes, snakes, broken dolls, and even the bones of drowned people.

A typical person who is not good at fishing.

Of course, he can occasionally catch some surprising things, such as a sunken ship with treasures on the seabed, and this time, the "fish man".

Earlier, he cast a rod and caught a 30-meter-long sea monster-class bloated seahorse. These fishmen who seemed to be fleeing were hiding in the seahorse's brood pouch.

They were affected by the beast tide and suffered heavy losses. The seahorse soon lost its voice due to serious injuries.

If it weren't for the [Screaming Banshee], none of these fishmen would have survived.

Although they didn't say a word to Hawkins, Hawkins was still keenly aware of the huge value hidden in them.

Perhaps using the [Wild Fishing Treasure Map] would be able to lock onto a civilized country under the sea, which is much more precious than any treasure.

But he couldn't take care of this for the time being.



Behind the ghost ship [Screaming Banshee], huge waves surged in the sea, and many huge black shadows that were no less than the size of this battleship broke out of the water, fighting the wind and rain and falling back into the sea.

It can be clearly seen that these sea monsters from the depths of the Sea of ​​Monsters are different from normal sea monsters in other places.

Most of them have extra fins, limbs, and even deformed second, third, fourth, and fifth tails.

What's more, there are all kinds of redundant growths of barnacles, corals, scales, feathers, hooves, etc. on their bodies, regardless of sea, land, or air.

It looks more terrifying than the effect of the "coral disease" at the beginning, as if it was contaminated by other foreign genetic information in the entire "world ecosystem".

Fortunately, they haven't grown human faces, human hands, etc. on their bodies.

Otherwise, they are no longer sea monsters, but "freaks" that specialize in preying on humans.

So this group of sea monsters is like a fishing season for ordinary fish. Many individuals follow the collective will and rush straight to the land.

They did not collectively pursue the ship with a clear goal, but only unconsciously affected them.

But even if only a few of the sea monsters attacked them driven by chaotic consciousness, it would be enough to give the [Screaming Banshee] a good beating.

[Kingdom Guardian] Hawkins couldn't figure out why the Monster Sea, which had been calm for many years, suddenly rioted, but his fifth-level strength gave him the confidence to remain calm in the face of danger.

He scolded his cousin who was screaming, and then looked up and shouted:

"Jenny, there are too many living people on the ship today. If they escape through the edge of the world, they will all be killed by the world of the dead.

I am responsible for [Kingdom Guardian] and cannot let them attack the coast.

You warn the kingdom and let the major port cities prepare. I will go with Francis to stop the vanguard of the beast tide first, buy time for the kingdom, and try to change the direction of the beast tide.

Alas, in order to avoid peace, I took the initiative to shut down the domestic communication and didn't contact anyone.

I have been fishing for so long, and now I don't know what the king party and the earl party are fighting like."


The cold wind blew.

A female ghost who looked not much different from a real person appeared in front of him, with long red hair dancing like seaweed, covering most of her face, revealing only a delicate chin like white porcelain.

She wore a black long skirt covered with knife marks, and floated in the air without touching the ground.

She folded her hands in front of her belly like a lady, nodded to Hawkins, and took control of the ghost ship from him.

"Leave it to me, dear."

From the name, it can be seen that [Kingdom Guardian] John Hawkins, as a knight, tamed the "dragon" with dragon taming at the fourth level, which was this powerful ghost ship.

Moreover, he is not only a dead knight, but also a dead "knight", who conquered the ghost ship and the ghost's body and mind with his charm.

The female ghost waved her hand:

"Alchemical cannon, fire!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although it was just an adventure ship, every cannon on the ghost ship was a powerful alchemical cannon. A circle of runes lit up at the muzzle, pouring out rounds of barrages.

Pale ghost hands squeezed out from the gaps in the wooden boards at the bottom of the ship, grabbing and pulling, and forcing back the sea monsters that tried to attack them from underwater.

Hawkins was very satisfied with Jenny, a wife who could accompany him to the end of the world, take care of his food and clothing, support him in battle, and support his fishing hobby.

In order to be able to transform into an undead creature and be with her forever after death, he didn't even learn taboo knowledge, which was a rare true love.

"Let's go."

Then, instead of taking out a sword or other weapons, he picked up his cousin Francis and soared into the sky.


In the scream of Francis, he grabbed his ankle with one hand and swung it up fiercely as if he was using a legendary weapon "One-legged Bronze Man".


With a loud bang, a deformed sea monster that leaped into the air towards the ghost ship had its head flattened in an instant, and fell miserably into the sea, and was immediately eaten up by other companions.

On the other hand, Francis, who was used as a weapon by his cousin, was unharmed, and even his whole body was shining with golden light. He actually turned into a bronze man, and his skin was covered with layers of bright golden runes.

The reason for this effect is that in addition to the taboo book [Brass Gear] he learned, which can transform the body into a bronze golem, more importantly, Hawkins's fifth-level legendary magic [Knights Don't Die Barehanded]:

The stones, benches, and plants around him can all become peerless weapons in his hands, giving them a series of bonuses and obtaining the effects of various powerful holy relics.

He soaked his clothes in water and made them into a stick to smash a huge rock. He could shoot a heavily armored knight from a hundred meters away with a toothpick.

He had long reached the point where he could kill people by picking leaves and flying flowers.

And his most common weapon was his cousin.

Because the promotion ceremony of the bronze golem was called "hundreds of hammers and hundreds of tempers", the more times it was hit, the higher the strength, and the faster it would be promoted.

Hawkins held his cousin's hand and stirred the wind and thunder in the sky, and stabbed the next sea monster that pounced on it. The sharp cold light flashed, and the blood rain filled the sky. An eel-like sea monster was stabbed through the head.

"Hahaha, who said that you can't kill people without a gun head?

My cousin's big head and small... cough, they are all magic weapons in my hands!"

Adjusting the breathing rhythm, the light circle of [God descends] on his head lit up, communicating with this ocean and stepping on the crest of the wave to jump a hundred meters.

His left hand casually picked up the endless rain on his head, and violently shot out a sharp "rain of pear blossom needles"!

The two nearby sea monsters were instantly pierced from front to back, blood gushing out of their bodies, and they fell into the sea like a broken sieve.

Although these sea monsters that seemed to be hybrids were uglier, most of them did not show any special extraordinary abilities, but they were just huge in size and in groups.

Moreover, most of them were small species with a body length of just over 30 meters, and large and giant species were rare.

Hawkins guessed that they probably did not naturally advance because they broke through the limits of their species, but were the descendants of some high-level existence that was polluted.

As for who the source of pollution was, the first thing he thought of was: "The Mother of Monsters, Echidna, and her followers!"

The recorded historical period of mankind is divided into three parts: the Paleozoic, the Mythological, and the Silver Age (Chapter 496). According to legend, Echidna is the ancient god born in the Paleozoic, symbolizing the most primitive vitality.

Including [The Hundred-Headed Dragon Mother, Tiamat], [The Thousand-Faced Serpent, Hydra] and other famous old gods are all her descendants.

The dangerous sea of ​​monsters is his divine domain, which has had a profound influence on the three surrounding continents for countless years.

It is said that as long as the ecosystem of the material world still exists, even if there is only a paramecium or a bacterium left, he will not really die.

Apart from this, this existence older than the ancients is only an endless mystery for humans.

But many extraordinary people and adventurers active on the edge of the known world believe that the first old god to be resurrected is very likely to be him!

At least, like [Sleeping God Kraken], he can use the method of "I give birth to myself" to send an incarnation back to the material world in advance.

This level of existence does not require any wisdom or plan at all. Just the existence itself will pollute a huge amount of marine life and make them rush out of the seabed, bringing devastating disasters to the coast.

However, Hawkins's judgment on the composition of the beast tide is obviously not so accurate.

Perhaps those small species full of distortions are completely caused by the pollution of the upper existence, but if some individuals are sea monsters and are polluted again, what will they become in the end?

Just as Hawkins waved his cousin Frisis and killed several sea monsters that were not much stronger than the Mei's Leviathan Whale, the sea water under his feet suddenly exploded.

Dozens of tentacles covered with ring-shaped blue stripes broke out of the water and swept towards them from all directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

When Hawkins saw what was coming, his scalp tingled immediately despite his boldness.

Even Francis, who had turned into a "bronze man" in his hand, almost went limp on the spot, shouting in panic: "Take it away, take it away, don't let me touch this thing."

This large sea monster that suddenly ran out, comparable to a third-level ship, turned out to be a highly poisonous blue-ringed octopus!

Even if the tentacles of an ordinary individual in nature are spread out, they are not as big as a human palm, but only one can poison twenty adults.

It is conceivable how fierce the toxicity of an extraordinary species that expands to 40 meters in length will be.

And there were far more than one monster like this. Their killing spree not only failed to scare off the beast tide, but also attracted large species from all directions to gradually gather around.

Hawkins and Francis' calves were trembling a little. They gritted their teeth and were about to order the [Screaming Banshee] to jump into the edge of the world and rush back to the kingdom to assist in defense. Whether those fishmen can withstand the harsh environment of the world of the dead can only be left to fate.

At this time, his [Divine Vision] was suddenly triggered.

"Huh? Is it lightning? Is it a meteor? No, it's a spear!"

A bright blue electric light flew from the far end of his perception, like a thunderbolt, and came to them in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, Hawkins vaguely saw that it was an ancient spear.

The spear shaft seemed to be some kind of golden wood, and the spear head was a translucent blue crystal. There was a string of runes engraved on both sides, one side was "hunting" and the other side was "taming".

It was [Guaranteed Gungnir]!

According to legend, this is the weapon of Woden, the god of prophecy, kingship, and the wild hunt.

In the Doomsday War that ended the mythological era, it was this god who threw the first blow with this divine spear.

In the ancient times of cold weapons, the custom of the commander throwing a spear at the enemy first was inherited from this.

When Woden threw this spear, it would emit a light that illuminated the sky. People on the ground called it "lightning", and another saying was "meteor".

After Byron became a god, the two titles merged into [King of the Wild Hunt]. Using this divine spear from [King], it seems that he has already had some of the domineering power of the Bay People God King.

The gas explosion ring exploded layer by layer, and all the raindrops along the way were shaken into water mist, and the long white tail stretched for several kilometers.


Finally, like a meteor falling from the sky, [Must-Hit Gun] broke through the water and penetrated the forehead of the large sea monster blue-ringed octopus in an instant.

The violent divine glow burst out, blowing the octopus into pieces from the inside.

The limbs carrying the poison scattered, causing the sea monsters around who had no time to dodge to twitch and die miserably. In the blink of an eye, a huge blank area was vacated in the beast tide.

"This is."

The Hawkins brothers turned their heads and happened to see a tall figure wearing a dazzling crown and the uniform of Admiral Hastings slowly descending from the sky.

He was holding a water element hammerhead shark in his hand, and his body was flashing with lightning, like the majestic and domineering Thor.

When approaching the giant sea monster [Ancient Dragon King Whale] leading the front, he suddenly swung the water element hammerhead shark in his hand, as if swinging a sledgehammer, and hit it hard on the head.


"The family is forbidden to enter the kingdom! Turn around!"

In the flash of lightning, the light and shadow of the broken trident flashed above the beast tide.

The sea monsters seemed to be frightened and shook violently.

No matter how many beasts Hawkins killed, he could not change the direction of advance, but they turned north and avoided the homeland of the Kingdom of Hastings.

The hammerhead shark in Byron's hand shook its head and said:

"The beast tide is another natural phenomenon that enters the intertidal zone after the coral cloud and the death stranding incident. The Eastern Continent [Corridor of Truth] has experienced it all.

Usually there is no commander. It is an unconscious behavior of sea monsters and various marine creatures driven by their hostility to land creatures.

As long as the mythical creature commanders under the [Mother of Monsters] do not appear, the [Sea King Trident] combined with your own divine aura should be able to temporarily scare them.

It should be no problem to survive the first few rounds of beast tides.

But, cousin, dear cousin, I feel a little dizzy, can you put me down?"

The halberd blade representing gas in the [Sea King Trident] can allow the holder to change into different marine creatures and dominate other marine creatures.

It was only with the power of Byron's own [False God] that they were able to turn smoothly.

This response plan had already proven its effectiveness in the Mermaid Kingdom, and they just had to follow suit.

However, the destiny of the gaseous halberd blade requires the user to be a philanthropic "sea king" in all senses, loving the entire marine biosphere.

At the same time, it will also improve the fertility of the holder and occasionally cause the monsters in a certain range around him to become restless.

Byron did not want to waste the power of this zero-level holy relic, nor did he want to bear the consequences that were difficult to describe.

Especially when his cousin Salant said that herbivorous fish had no teeth and were okay to use, he did not believe a word of it.

Then he could only let his cousin use the trident, and then he would use his cousin.

Now it seems to be working well.

Then, Byron turned his head and looked at John Hawkins, the [Kingdom Guardian], who was holding his cousin as a weapon like him.

He gave him a warm and sympathetic smile:

"Mr. Hawkins, good day, long time no see.

However, what a coincidence, your cousin is also so durable, why don't we exchange experience some other day?"

At first, Hawkins wanted to thank this reinforcement who came from nowhere, but when he saw the extremely familiar face under the crown of Hastings, his mouth opened a little wider.

He murmured:

"The final winner of the war for the throne, the new King of Hattings turned out to be the troublemaker Byron?!

Lord, what happened to the kingdom in the past six months?

The first order you issued after your coronation was not to blow up Eton College where you studied back then, right?"

[Bronze Golem] The gears in Francis' body turned, and in coordination with his cousin's surprised expression, he imitated his voice like a music box and sang:

"The sun is shining in the sky, the flowers are smiling at me, the birds are saying good morning, why are you carrying a pack of explosives?

I went to blow up the school, the teacher didn't know, I ran as soon as the string was pulled, and when I looked back, the school was gone"

Then Hawkins came to his senses and continued:

"It's over, it's over, this is my lifelong enemy, John Hawkins.

The previous kings of Hattings, I'm sorry for you——!"

The smile on Byron's face froze on his face.

But he couldn't refute it.

Because although the secret operation that year was not successful, the teacher in the song who "the teacher doesn't know" is the [Kingdom Guardian] who was a visiting professor at Eton College!

"Two more guys who know too much about my dark history. Let's kill them while no one is around and feed them to the sea monsters."

However, Byron, who was determined to kill, did not take action.

There was also a golden flash in the north of the beast tide, and the phantom of the trident also lit up.

That was Hathaway, the mother who was acting together with the [Legendary Battleship Golden Deer], driving the "solid" trident blade she held.

Not only to prevent the beast tide from going to Hastings in the south, but also to prevent them from going to Anchor Bay further north.

Unable to go to either side, this huge beast tide can only cross the high seas between Hastings and Anchor Bay and head straight to the Faroe Islands ruled by the Kalmar Union!

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