Pirate Kingship

Chapter 545: Heaven Punishes Traitors: Taiwan People Rise, King Byron!

The territories of the five countries of the Bay People are all located at the northernmost end of the continent. In the backward agricultural era, they were not a treasure land that could feed a large population. The total population of the five countries combined was barely equal to that of the Holy Golden Empire.

Among the three countries of the Kalmar Union: the Kingdom of Aalborg, the Kingdom of Gothenburg, and the Kingdom of Oslo, the strongest Kingdom of Aalborg alone accounts for half of the total population of the three countries.

The capital Amalienborg is the capital of the Kingdom of Aalborg, the political, economic, and military center of the entire alliance, and a crucial link in this young military remonstration.

In addition to the main target being here, the most powerful tiger blocking the road is also here.

That is the ultimate killer weapon of a country - [Kingdom Guardian]!

Although the Kalmar Union has only one king title [Queen of Eternal Night], it has two fifth-level kingdom guards.

One of them followed Margaret I to help the Holy Silver Empire attack the Protestant princes, and the other has been sitting in the royal palace Cedar Palace.


In the outer side hall, an old man with curly hair and a high beard, who looked quite funny, was suddenly awakened from his sleep, and immediately put on his clothes and turned over.

Standing in front of the bedroom window and looking at the dark night sky, although he saw nothing.

But the identity of [Kingdom Guardian] made him feel the storm spreading from all over the country from the collective subconscious.

Although the capital was temporarily calm, it was like the eye of a tornado, and calmness was just a precursor to the coming disaster.

He couldn't help muttering to himself:

"I bet that there will be no good things in the capital tonight."

With the weak light from the outside, people can see the face and clothes of the guardian of the kingdom, which is exactly the same as the "J of Spades" in the Whist card.

In fact, the title of the guardian of the kingdom is [J of Spades] Hogel or simply [Old J].

Playing cards have symbolic meanings. In each 54-card whist deck, the king represents the sun, the king represents the moon, and the remaining 52 cards represent the 52 weeks of the year;

The four suits of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades represent the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter respectively.

The J, Q, and K are the abbreviations of Jack, Queen, and King respectively. The 12 cards of black, red, club, and square KQJ represent 12 characters in history, including four kings, four queens, and four knights.

The "knight" Spade J. Hogel is the prince of the Kingdom of Aalborg blessed by six fairies in the legend. He is a famous historical figure from ancient times and one of the most powerful knights in history.

After the invention of playing cards that swept the continent, the title of [Spade J] Hogel also automatically fell on the Kingdom of Aalborg and has been circulated within the kingdom.

These inherited titles from playing cards have different abilities, some strong and some weak, but the common defect is that they will cause the owner to become addicted to gambling!

Compared with these guys, the Kingdom Guardian of the Kingdom of Hattings, the fisherman Hawkins, is simply a model soldier.

Anyway, I have only heard of gamblers who gambled until they went bankrupt, but I have never heard of fishing going bankrupt.

As the Kingdom Guardian pushed the door and walked out of the bedroom, he wondered secretly:

"But where does the source of the turmoil come from?

There are only a few people in the country who can stir up such a storm.

Even if I don't care about politics, I know that the high-level commanders of the reformists have been relieved of their military power by the church faction in power, right?

And the church controls the bottom-level authority of the Silver Law. If someone rebels through the law network, they can also get the news at the first time.

When the Inquisition entered the country with the Queen's warrant, I thought that the disturbance caused by the beast tide and the [King of the Wild Hunt] in the country had been suppressed."

In theory, the [King Guardian] only needs to maintain national security and the legitimacy of the kingship.

If it is an internal war for the throne, the fight between the two heirs has nothing to do with them, and whoever wins will continue to support them.

But now the [Queen of Eternal Night] is still alive and still firmly holds the royal power of the Three Kingdoms.

No matter what the purpose of the civil war is, it defies the will of the master.

The rebels have no claim, and even if they kill all their political enemies and opponents, they will not get the support of the queen.

Since the transfer of power cannot be achieved, it is a coup that is doomed to fail, and the leader will most likely be executed.

Spade J cannot stand by and watch in the face of this situation, and slowly draws the long sword at his waist to suppress the rebellion.

However, he just pushed open the door of the side hall and saw a familiar figure like a moon elf standing outside the door. I don’t know how long she has been waiting for him.

She is wearing a light blue kingdom-style court dress, a jeweled hair crown, and golden high heels. She is tall and beautiful.

She looks like a princess who escaped from a ball.

She lifted her skirt and saluted the murderous old man in front of her, who was about to raise his sword to quell the rebellion, and smiled playfully:

"Uncle Hogel, long time no see."

When the latter saw the face of the man, he was stunned for a moment, then showed surprise, subconsciously took two steps forward, and his voice trembled with excitement:

"Vanessa? My little princess, haven't you been missing for more than ten years? You, you, you, where have you been all these years?

You are fine, so good, so good!"

Standing in front of Spade J was Byron's mother-in-law Vanessa, the only princess in this country, and the only daughter of Margaret I.

Of course, before she married [Whale Hunter] Jack Harold, she was also the apple of the eye of many royal ministers in the alliance.

Although [Queen of Eternal Night] secretly betrayed her daughter, many close people including Spade J obviously did not know the truth of the matter.

However, the extraordinary people who can reach the fifth-level legend may have various quirks, but none of them are stupid.

Combined with the feeling of the nationwide storm and the recent high-profile actions of Vanessa's son-in-law [King of the Wild Hunt], Spade J immediately understood what happened.

Smile bitterly:

"I bet your mother must not know that you are still alive."

Just looking at the little Vanessa in front of him, who is still as sweet and playful as she was back then, although she has long been a mother, can he really do this to the little princess he has watched grow up since childhood?

He is not a political animal like [Queen of Eternal Night] who abides by the motto: "Love what God loves, hate what God hates".

He is just an ordinary fifth-level legend with clear likes and dislikes.

Moreover, a certain force in the country has received the support of "strong claim", and the nature is completely different.

From a military coup that was doomed to fail, it has become a war for the throne that complies with the coup succession law of the [Northern Code].

On this continent, there is no moral standard such as "filial piety", and it is very common for children to rebel against their parents.

[Kingdom Guardian] no longer has the position to take action.

Clap! Clap!

Vanessa clapped her hands.

Outside, [Iron Wall] Bruch, [Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred, and [Honest Man] Eight Fingers walked in with a gambling table and respectfully placed it in front of the old man.

Spade J looked helplessly at Vanessa, who was like a worm in his stomach, shook his head and sat down at the table:

"Like your mother, I don't have many years left to live. The future belongs to you young people. Even if I want to worry about it, I am powerless.

Fighting for life and death is not as good as playing cards!

I have been playing cards with others tonight and have not gone anywhere. I don't know what happened. I am already an old fool.


The old man picked up the first card, and his momentum suddenly changed. He looked at the other three young people sitting at the same table, and a golden light flashed in his eyes:

"I bet that my gambling luck must be very good today.

I hope you guys have brought enough gold pounds. I am going to kill everyone!"

Outside the Cedar Palace, a suburban manor that was apparently completely unrelated to the reformists was already crowded with officers and soldiers of the reformists and some neutrals.

"Your Excellency, the head of the church's garrison of the capital has been drunk in advance by Miss [Succubus] Therese, and other high-ranking officials and their families who may be in the way have also been successfully detained.

The church's directly managed crusade and the Inquisition were deceived by our show of weakness, and are now located 80 kilometers away from the capital under the bait.

The cardinal archbishop is not in the palace, and he convened a temporary meeting of the backbone members at Roskilde Cathedral tonight.

The old prime minister of the neutral faction, Droz, claimed to be ill when the church faction suppressed the patriots. After three beast tides, most of the neutral military commanders and nobles have completely turned to us.

The cleansing of the capital can begin."

After experiencing three beast tides, Count Hordalan, who has completely transformed into Byron's number one little fan, stood in front of the huge team in a military uniform, holding a brilliant axe gun.

Sweeping across the young faces, he was very relieved that this country could still be saved.

In fact, with the continued damage to the interests of their own nation, the reformists in the three countries have been rising rapidly since many years ago.

They have been at odds with the church for a long time.

Moreover, the reformists have a huge base of Taiwanese people. Even though there is a royal family that has converted to the church and tirelessly supports national integration and conversion, the proportion of Taiwanese people in the country is still over 90% so far.

Due to the lack of high-level support that can carry the banner, this reformist faction has always been a mess.


The young earl faced a pair of energetic and resolute eyes and said to himself silently:

"But today is different.

[King of the Wild Hunt] His Majesty is the sun of our Taiwanese reformists, and he will guide us from one victory to another!"

He took a look at the pocket watch that had been calibrated in advance and confirmed that it was the agreed time for action.

He connected to the action troops in major cities of the three countries through the independent network support and secret communication channels provided by Byron.

Hundreds of young officers' heads, most of whom were less than 30 years old, popped up in the field of vision.

Count Hordalan spoke in a deep voice, making the final pre-war mobilization for the direct troops and all the operational personnel in front of him:

"Everyone, our three countries in the Kalmar Union have reached the most critical moment of life and death!

Inside the alliance, the church faction deceived Her Majesty the Queen who was fighting outside, and started a reign of terror inside. Every day in the past week, our comrades have bled and died.

Outside the alliance, the sea of ​​monsters in front of the gate has become more and more unfamiliar. In less than a month, we have ushered in three beast tides.

With the change of eras, there will only be more and more dangers.

The church faction is tough inside, but extremely weak outside. If it weren't for His Majesty the King of the Wild Hunt, the coastal areas of the three countries of Kalmar would have fallen long ago.

In this precarious moment, who can we rely on?"

Pointing in the direction of the Cedar Palace, he asked and answered himself in a low voice:

"Yes, the family motto of our Queen Margaret I is: 'Love what God loves, hate what God hates'.

This is also the unshakable obsession that enabled her to advance to the fifth level with her own strength (Chapter 499).

This is also the fundamental reason why she trusts the church so much.

When we talk about pros and cons, the church talks to us about faith; when we talk about survival, the church still talks to us about faith.

Perhaps this situation will not change until the day when the Bay People's Kingdom is destroyed.

But, do we, the Kalmar Alliance, really have to follow the church all the way to the end?"

The Earl's eyes were burning:

"So, we need a new protector!

The church cannot save the three kingdoms of Kalmar. Only the swords, guns, cannons and huge ships of His Majesty the King of the Wild Hunt can!

In fact, I We have never violated Her Majesty's Anti-Creator Consciousness Act. The charges the church has brought against us are all slander.

Because although Saint Byron is the [King of the Wild Hunt], he is also the [Holy Spirit], the son of prophecy, and the Messiah!

His Majesty is dedicated to the public without considering the return, but we cannot turn a blind eye to his efforts.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the future of the three countries of Kalma and even the people of Taiwan is in your hands.

Tonight's action can only win, not lose! "

Everyone raised their arms and shouted:

"Kill the church traitors who deceived Her Majesty the Queen, and support Princess Violet as the new crown prince!"

Everyone knew that the original intention of their reformists was: "Heaven punishes the traitors, the people of Taiwan will rise, and King Byron will rise!"

But politics is to make more friends and kill fewer enemies. Before reaping the fruits of victory, we must avoid blindly expanding the scope of attack.

Excluding the [Queen of Eternal Night] who has been on the throne for decades and has a large number of supporters, and the neutral faction whose interests are too deeply involved.

After we have dealt with the main enemy, the church faction, and gained power, we will slowly deal with those conservative "friends".

When this slogan was shouted out, even the neutral faction had no position to stop it.

To put it bluntly, how many days can the [Queen of Eternal Night] live? If she doesn't consider herself, how can she not consider her descendants?

Now the crown prince [Bear Man] died in the first beast tide, and her grandson Eric died 100% earlier than her. The alliance must have an heir, right?

Who else can have a better inheritance right than the [Queen of Eternal Night]'s legitimate granddaughter, the only descendant in the open?

Princess Violet has the most unquestionable claim to power, and her husband [King of the Wild Hunt] is even more martial.

With the example of the two kings of Castile, why can't they?

When the North Sea Empire is re-established in the future, the crowns of the five kingdoms will be combined into one [Crown], and everyone will rise with the tide.

In essence, it was the same as the Fengtian Jingnan, which was a conflict within the family. Apart from the church faction whose interests were deeply tied to the queen's personal interests, who else would continue to be stubborn?

Even if they didn't help directly, there was no reason to obstruct them.

"Let's go! Don't drag your feet, fight quickly and make a quick decision!"

Once the action began, the young officers were particularly vigorous and resolute. Each action team was assigned tasks in advance, some to scout the location, some to follow, and some to deal with the aftermath.


The door of the church faction's luxurious mansion was kicked open.

The patrolling private guards had no time to react before they were beaten into a sieve by the action force that was several times larger than themselves, holding [trench brooms].

The church faction's senior officials, who were still asleep, had just opened their eyes when a black gun barrel hit their foreheads.

Realizing that a military coup had taken place, he was almost scared to death and begged for mercy:

"Let's talk it over, don't kill me.

You want money? You want power? You want women? I can give them all to you.

I can also recommend you to the center to share the authority of the church. The queen listens to us and we can definitely meet all your requirements!"

The young officer who pointed a gun at his head was a fanatical admirer of Saint Byron, the King of the Wild Hunt, and had long since gotten rid of low tastes.

Heard of it, he just smiled contemptuously and said coldly to the desperate church official:

"Don't insult us with your own dirty thoughts.

Money, women, and power are good, but now we just want to make the people of Taiwan great again!

It is very important for the five countries of the people of Taiwan without you."

Then, in the horrified eyes of the clergy, he roared:

"Heaven punishes the traitors!"


Hundreds of hot steel balls opened his skull, splashing brain matter, blood, and broken bones everywhere.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Fierce gunfire rang out at the same time in the administrative district of the entire capital, the noble district where the powerful lived, and the church district where the clergy lived.

Sporadic screams came one after another, but they stopped abruptly.

The curfew that lasted for several days made the residents of the capital dare not go out even if they heard any noise.

Even the city guards and the royal garrison corps that were supposed to be on patrol were not seen.

What? The city guards and the royal garrison corps are killing people?

That's fine.

A raven flapped its wings and flew over the capital, taking in the progress of the actions at various key locations.

It was obvious that Earl Hordalan had been transformed into a midnight demon by Byron, becoming a member of the [Magic Banquet Council] and also a member of the shadow government of the Bay People's Countries.

The coup was not behind this young earl, but by Byron and the [Magic Banquet Council] themselves.

Byron also specially sent a fourth-level incarnation disguised as an ordinary soldier, leading other senators who were proficient in transformation and [Storm Cloak] to clean up the aftermath, specifically to gnaw at the hard bones of the church sect.

Make sure nothing goes wrong.

When the gunfire rang out, Earl Hordaland also led a large army to the outside of Roskild Cathedral.

All members hid under the "Border Mystery Lock" opened by the [First Overseas Development Order] and lurked only a few hundred meters away from the cathedral.

Hundreds of shiny large-caliber field guns were lined up in a row, aiming at the cathedral in an arc.

I want to ask where the industrially backward Kalmar Three Kingdoms got these golden field guns?

These artillerymen themselves don't know.

The question is, it grows in the ground or is picked up on the roadside.

Wild field cannons, wild pump-action shotguns, wild bolt-action rifles, and wild holy relics all come from this.

Since they are "thieves punished by heaven", of course these things are all gifts from nature and have nothing to do with foreign forces.

If it weren't for the fact that the cathedral was not close to the river or the sea, they would have wanted to bring warships over and bombard the cathedral.

Count Hordalan looked at the colored cut glass of the cathedral in front of him, which had almost zero defense, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Load my canister, three, two, one, fire!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The orange-red cannon flames instantly illuminated the night sky of the Royal Capital.

Cathedral interior.

A group of church leaders, headed by Cardinal Roskild Archbishop Pound Elliot, are still discussing how to deal with the Reformists.

"Archbishop, I think since we have already dealt with the senior generals, it is better to label them as traitors and kill them all.

The [King of the Wild Hunt] who established the new Pope's national religion is coming fiercely, so we have to be on guard. "

"No, now the Pontifical Saint Peter's Cathedral has made an additional promise to give the position of a secular elector to the Kalmar Alliance, so [Queen of Eternal Night] continues to grit her teeth and fight hard to stay in the empire.

Our current task is to use the power of the Kalmar Alliance to enrich the church while the Queen is away.

Since the "torches" captured by the Remit people in the southern continent were far from enough, and there were so many lighthouse sequences among the Bay people, it was better to turn them into torches that illuminated the sea of ​​monsters in search of [Noah's Ark].

This is the best use of everything. "

A group of people nodded in agreement, and even became more and more excited as they talked:

"Anyway, now that [Queen of Evernight] is not here, we are the masters of this country.

We can also organize a regular blessing event to make the elites of the Bay residents in the Three Kingdoms disappear in a reasonable manner."

“With the help of the information those stupid ladies and young ladies revealed to us in the confessional, we know exactly what is going on in each family.

As long as you want to do it, you can wipe out all the extraordinary people in the lighthouse sequence in a short time. "

"Take your time, we still need to be careful about the Kingdom Guardian Jack of Spades."

Archbishop Pound Elliot, who shouldered the tasks assigned by the saints, accepted all these ideas that were so bad that they oozed pus, and said with a final word:

"Very well, let's do it!

The night is already deep, and the "entertainment program" has been prepared for you in the church underground palace. Please stay overnight in the cathedral tonight. "

Upon hearing this, more than a dozen church leaders suddenly felt hot in their bellies.

They knew that the cathedral collected the best goods from the entire Kalmar Alliance. In the past, the archbishop only allowed them to come here and enjoy it once if they had made meritorious deeds.

This is a rare moment of generosity.

However, they just stood up impatiently.

His ears were filled with the sudden sound of thunder. When he subconsciously turned around to look out the stained glass window, he felt his body was hit hard by something.

As his feet left the ground, something warm flowed out of countless holes in his body.

After a long time, I heard distant explosions, screams, and the sound of glass breaking, and I wanted to look up to see what was going on.

But he had no choice but to take his last breath.

“Kill, kill, kill! Leave no one on the list.

This is our own home. We only punish national traitors and do not harm innocent people. "

After three consecutive rounds of fire, the soldiers rushed into the cathedral and fired their rifles when they saw the figures in clerical robes. Countless steel balls swept through every inch of space where the priests were.

Inside the building, the trench broom was simply an artifact.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The raven landed on the branch outside the church, and the continuous gunshots, like fried beans, were extremely pleasant to Byron's ears.

Turn the world to silent and listen to the sound of bullets being loaded.

Byron listened carefully, but heard the voice of the Creator in the breeze: "This sacred vote is my vote for Saint Byron, and he will eventually be crowned king!"

Oh, if the barrel of a gun is not destiny, then what is? !

However, when gunfire erupted throughout the Kalmar Alliance, a figure in the Holy Silver Empire, the southern neighbor's Holy Silver Empire, and Feileng Cui University was also suddenly awakened.

He turned to look at the "History of the Silver Continent" that opened automatically on the desk.

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