Pirate Kingship

Chapter 562 The Clown, Byron Fell

When [Noah's Ark] fell into a disadvantageous situation and the situation reversed, the little ship girl beside Byron grew up visibly, and had a little bit of the pretty appearance of a 12-13-year-old girl with a budding flower.

The overall strength of the legendary warship also climbed a bit.

Before Byron was happy, he saw [Noah's Ark] suddenly turned around and rushed towards him regardless of everything.

Everyone on the Golden Deer, including a group of fifth-level people, felt a chill.

The undisguised appetite of the other party made the fear of the existence at the top of the food chain that had been deposited in human blood for countless years once again surface in their hearts.

Natural enemy!

This is an irresistible natural enemy that has eaten countless human ancestors and is deeply engraved in the human blood and collective subconscious!

If it weren't for the rise of humans in the Silver Age, all the corpses of the old gods who were not originally human were blocked from the world, the mother of monsters who had eaten the Paleozoic Era and the Mythology Era would have to eat for another 1,500 years in the Silver Age.

"Focus fire! All fleets use [Deep Sea Blessing] and retreat one nautical mile."

Before Byron could speak, the little ship girl who had no psychological shadow on the mother of sea monsters gave the order herself.

The fleet retreated while focusing fire on Noah's Ark.

Although the latter was still tightly entangled by the touch of the Kraken, many red hands and feet grew out of the cracks in the ship's planks and crawled rapidly on the orange-red sea.

Crimson mycelium and roots crawled out of the cracks and gathered into the shape of a female head at the bow.

With red eyes, staring at Byron, she let out a vague roar:

"Eat, eat, eat"

The soup of life that was constantly released flowed back into the hull, like high-energy fuel that made the Ark faster and faster, and even the tentacles wrapped around it were forcibly broken off one by one.

It was clear that if it hurt itself a thousand, it would hurt the enemy eight hundred, and it would try to eat Byron's "tonic pill" first.

As long as he can regain his sanity and become the only complete demigod in the material world, he can eat whoever he wants next.

"Monster, who are you going to eat?!"

Catherine, the mithril dragon, was touched by the mother of monsters, and all the scales on her body exploded instantly. She almost ignored the huge gap between the fourth level and the sixth level and turned into a giant dragon to fight with Him.

She had long forgotten that she was already the mother of an egg, and she performed the true love of parents and the pure accident of children vividly.

But she was immediately pulled back by Byron's tail, and she couldn't help but continue to "spit weapons" at the mother of monsters.

Violet also unfolded her [Mechanical Fortress] that had not yet warmed up.

She temporarily used the steel, bronze, whale oil, gunpowder and other materials on hand, and enlarged them according to the design drawings of bolt-action rifles, and refined hundreds of large "bolt-action infantry guns".

With this batch of rifled cannons, they bombarded the Ark wildly, almost removing the old sealing cover on the top on the spot.

But after recycling the soup of life, the recovery ability of this mythical warship has increased sharply, and the old planks are being replaced by the roots of the "Tree of Life" and becoming stronger.

If we don't find a way, it's hard to say whether Byron can be eaten in the end, but it shouldn't be a problem to break through the defense line and enter the North Sea to kill.

Byron stopped their useless efforts and comforted them:

"When dealing with evil spirits and weirdness, the most important thing to be wary of is the constant "accidental magic" on them.

If things are likely to go bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen.

To ensure that the basic goals are achieved, at least three plans must be prepared.

[Noah's Ark] has eaten the ten major underwater kingdoms in the East Continent, and it is normal for the burst mode that consumes the foundation to have such power.

Fortunately, we still have a trump card to play.

Leave it to me."

To be honest, Byron was also a little hesitant about whether to sink [Noah's Ark] in the North Sea.

You have to know that the entire Sea of ​​Monsters is full of the offspring of the Mother of Monsters. If the other party dies here, the North Sea Empire will never have peace.

Moreover, the Orthodox Church, which is unlikely to give up the Ark easily, and the major forces that have lost their own legends, will most likely put collective pressure on them to force them to open their territorial waters and allow all countries to jointly "study" the wreckage of the Ark.

He is too familiar with this routine. Once he gets stuck, he will not be able to go back.

There will inevitably be countless lawsuits to fight later.

Now that the Ark has locked its target on him, it may not be a bad thing. In addition to the [Touch of the Kraken], the third plan in his hand can also be taken out.


Byron's body flashed with lightning and took the initiative to fly over the Ark.

The two entangled behemoths immediately stopped charging at the fleet.

Through the broken plank, he could clearly see the small world ecosystem inside. A red giant tree very similar to the one on the [Gate of Truth] was stretching its branches and growing rapidly.

It turned into a series of slender female arms, and the fleshy leaves at the end turned into thousands of palms, turning into a blood-red torrent, quickly grabbing towards Byron in the sky.

In the palms, a mouth with sharp teeth opened, shouting at the top of its lungs: "Eat, eat, eat"

The crazy appetite made people wonder if even this thunderstorm and the sky would be eaten up by Him.

This overwhelming momentum alone could scare mortals to death.

Byron was unmoved, and a ball of the best [panacea] in the material world oozed from his palms. After clearing all his genetic codes, he threw it towards those palms.


Just like the scene when feeding fish in the deep sea where organic matter is scarce, any scrap of food will attract thousands of fish to swarm in and fight desperately for it.

Throwing this [panacea] away, the chaos in the mother of monsters weakened a little, but it obviously made her hungrier.

"Eat, eat, eat"

The sharp roar echoed louder throughout the North Sea. After tasting a delicious bite, he was desperate to eat more flesh and blood.

But that's exactly what Byron wanted.

To unleash the power of the underworld towards the collective subconscious of the Bay people is to fish it out with all your strength.

Spreading his palms, there was a pile of golden anchors in his palm that seemed infinitely large and infinitely small.

It was the anchor chain of faith that had been anchored in advance by the Deep Diving Church, the Worm Temple, and the Druid Sect in the collective subconscious sea of ​​the Bay people.

They respectively belong to [Sleeping God Kraken]; [God of Abundance], [Horned One] Thananos; [Prince of Gluttony] Beelzebub.

The vanguard of each sect was exposed from the beginning, and a group of fourth-level mythical creatures had already been quietly taken down by his avatars.

All the anchor chains in Iron Anchor Bay, the Three Kingdoms of Kalmar on the Evernight Peninsula, and the Kingdom of Hetings have all been precisely removed by the [Surgical Operating Table] and fell into Byron's hands.

The initial plan of the Allied Forces of the Church of Old Gods was to have [Noah's Ark] and Kraken's Touch press hard on one end, while the six Old Gods outside the world on the other end would pull hard.

Together, we can pull the collective subconscious of the people of the Bay, which has been destroyed and turned into a piece of scattered sand, into the sea of ​​essence.

But now there is no such good thing.

Byron looked at the two behemoths and sneered:

“We Bay residents are too big for you to eat.

[The person who cannot even be named] has now become an ‘I kill myself’, so you can just try to be an ‘I eat myself’. "

After saying that, he once again wrapped a pile of anchors with a ball of his own flesh and blood and threw it down.

Not only the mother of monsters, but also these two demigod clones.

[The Mother of Monsters] ate the anchor chains of [Sleeping God Kraken]; [God of Plenty] and [Horned One] Thananos.

[Kraken's Touch] also ate the anchor chain of [Prince of Gluttony Beelzebub] without hesitation.

At the same time, the three mythical creatures that had been taken down by Byron immediately sent a signal to the old gods outside the world who had only instinctive reactions after being drowned - my lord is ready to eat!

Just when countless bloody palms were about to touch the corner of Byron's clothes.


The anchor chain swallowed by Ark was instantly tightened, causing him to stagger suddenly.

The old gods originally planned to prey on the Bay people, but now they have become [Noah's Ark] and Kraken's Touch, who have finally managed to sneak back to the material world.

But essentially it’s almost the same.

In a place with poor "food" like the Sea of ​​Origin, they have eaten countless humans in the material world and allowed themselves to gradually "ascend". Like Byron, they are also great tonics!

As long as the old gods outside the world grab hold of them, they cannot let go.

The surroundings of the two old god clones suddenly began to blur, with the sea as the boundary, and gradually sank.

Not sinking to the bottom of the North Sea, but sinking to the edge of the world, or even being forcibly dragged out of the material world!

The two of them naturally resisted under the desire to survive, and many anchor chains collapsed.

But as time went by, even though the anchor chain creaked and creaked, the two of them never sank completely.

Byron suddenly realized a key issue and his expression changed:

“I almost forgot that the most basic characteristic of the mythical battleship [Noah’s Ark] is that it is unsinkable.

If He did not have this characteristic, He would not have been able to carry the gods through the Great Flood.

If you want to sink Him into the Sea of ​​Origin just by relying on the corpses of several demigods, the pulling force is obviously not enough. "

I once again browsed through the information about Noah's Ark in the [Primitive Core] soul that I just collected, and once again confirmed whether the danger was controllable.

Gritting his teeth, he couldn't bear that his child couldn't trap the wolf, and he couldn't bear that his body couldn't trap the old god.

He took the initiative to land on the sea not far from the ark, cut his wrists and sprinkled a large amount of panacea into the sea water, attracting their attention to himself again.


Then he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The water of the [River Styx] in the shadow instantly dyed the seawater under his feet black.

At the same time, the boundary between life and death was expanded with the authority of Baron Saturday [Crossroad], and the passage to the edge of the world was jointly opened.

Green light flashed in the sky.

Byron turned around and jumped in.

This time, when the delicious food was present, the two incarnations of the old gods finally no longer resisted the pull of the other end of the anchor chain, and they all plunged in.

The sky and the earth were hanging upside down, and the wind was biting. When their vision was restored, they had come to a dark and lightless world, and they were falling together from high altitude to the ground.

On both sides are huge amounts of sea water pouring down like a huge waterfall, and in front and behind are wide cracks that can't be seen. It looks like an abyss in the sea that can't be filled no matter how much it is filled.

At the bottom of the abyss are cold, pale white beaches, rolling sand dunes, rugged rocks, and countless star-studded islands, large and small.

In the ocean currents, on the beach, in the mud on the seabed, and on the islands of all sizes, there are wreckages of sunken ships and corpses of dead sailors everywhere.

The most common scenery on land is not vegetation, but layers of cemeteries and tombs.

On the largest island in the center, there is a dark "bottomless pit" as deep as the eyes of a devil.

That is the divine domain once ruled by [Messenger of the Abyss], [Lord of the Bottomless Pit], [King of the Harmful Grasshoppers], and the great red dragon Abaddon.

If there is a place in the material world that can be called hell, it is undoubtedly here!

If the material world is regarded as a large ship sailing on the sea of ​​​​source, then the edge of the world belonging to the land of the dead is the terrifying bottom cabin that never sees the sun all year round and is full of cockroaches and rats.

In theory, this is the transit point for all dead souls, the base camp of undead creatures, and the final destination of all the undead in the material world who have no faith.

The underworld of every ethnic group and civilization can be found here.

Yes, Byron's plan is very simple.

If Plan No. 1 cannot throw the two old gods' clones out of the material world again.

Then we have to settle for the next best thing, exile them to the edge of the world, far away from the material world, far away from all humans, with only dry bones and dead souls without "food", and the two old gods' clones cannot continue to recover their sanity!

The edge of the world is the lowest point in the entire material world.

If they want to go back to the material world, it may be easier than the corpses of the old gods outside, but with a bunch of anchor chains dragging them down, it is destined to be difficult to climb to the sky.

Unless the Luoyan era is completely coming, the whole world will be flooded and the [Silver Law] will be washed away, and it will be possible to wash them back with the corpses of the old gods in the outside world.

And the landing point chosen by Byron is not somewhere else.

It is a white desert without any water next to the "bottomless pit", and next door is the nest of the [Abaddon Esoteric Cult] at the edge of the world.

He has not forgotten that [Devil Lord] Lorena brought her ghost fleet to support the York family to fight him, just to give them some fun.

You can call it vindictive or mean-spirited. Anyway, once the items delivered by Xifeng Express are delivered, no returns will be accepted, and even complaints will be read but not replied.

These two natural disasters, the Abaddon Secret Cult, have been accepted!

"Huh? What is that?!"

Seeing the desert getting closer and closer to the ground, and the two sixth-level demigod clones behind him getting closer and closer, Byron was about to run away.

Suddenly, he found that a dark-colored fairy tale paradise suddenly appeared on the edge of this island belonging to the "bottomless pit" sphere of influence.

Circus, float parade, fireworks show, aerialist, castle exploration. Everything is available.

Endless laughter filled the paradise, which was incompatible with the atmosphere of the edge of the world.

On the spire of a pink castle, there was a clown holding a bunch of colorful balloons and slowly rising into the sky.

Greeted him enthusiastically and made all kinds of funny expressions.

But when Byron saw the other party's pale face, exaggerated lips and nose like blood, and dirty colored curly hair, he felt a chill in his heart and a fear rose from his bones.

Before the [Logbook] could read the other party's identity.

Byron saw the clown take out a needle from the air and stabbed him from a distance.

The piercing sense of crisis suddenly made his scalp explode, and the next moment the feeling of being interfered with in his fate came again, and his body froze on the spot.

What followed was a blood-red palm that just happened to stick out from the gap of the ark behind him, and he was pulled in.

A sharp and crazy laugh came from afar:

"The fate of heroes is indeed the most interesting toy in the world, fun, so fun, ha ha ha"

Until this moment, Byron's mind finally flashed with lightning, and he thought of a sentence that Dagon once said:

"[The man whose name cannot be mentioned] played with the fate of the continent's countries, kings, and even the church through major historical events. Until now, he has not been killed by fate. You can see how difficult he is.

Some people speculate that there may be a complete demigod born after the Silver Age behind him (Chapter 547)!"

At the last moment before he was swallowed by the gap in the hull , staring at the funny clown who gracefully saluted him in mid-air with his chest touched, but fell down with a smile because his right hand let go of the balloon tip, his heart was surging:

"Destiny, demigod, no wonder such an obvious hint, I never thought of this existence.

Subconsciously ignored, it turned out that it was Him who had been protecting the "human rapist" for a long time.

——The immortal zero-level cursed spirit, the same status as the culprit of the Black Death [Funeral God], equivalent to the demigod [Funny Clown]!"

The mainland's high-level officials are no strangers to [Funny Clown]. Long before the birth of the clown profession, this powerful cursed spirit was already a zero-level terrifying existence.

The prototype was originally just a disguised murderer who used cruel means to create a large number of missing children.

In the end, he was caught by angry citizens, and he was retaliated by peeling off his skin alive.

Afterwards, this human skin that was paraded in the streets turned into a cursed suit under the strong resentment of the evil spirit: a wig, a red nose, and a three-piece suit of clothes.

At this point, the appearance of a clown was born in the world for the first time.

It will seduce humans to wear it, but once the clothes are put on, they can never be taken off. Instead, they will grow together with the wearer and slowly turn into a man-eating monster.

After eating many people, it will become stronger and stronger until it is killed next time. The clown suit will fall into the hands of the next person who is resentful of humans by various coincidences, and repeat this cycle.

Moreover, the clown suit has the characteristic of "playing life", so that no prophecy can lock it. As the power increases, it can even take the initiative to play with fate.

Shielding the victim's senses, distorting their cognition, and not letting them notice themselves before taking action is just a basic ability.

What [Silver Continent History] can do, [Playful Life Clown] can do, and the means will only be bloodier and more cruel.

It was under the influence of this demigod-level power that Byron had intentionally or unintentionally ignored the existence of the other party before.

As for why the other party appeared at the edge of the world?

Many years ago, as the power of fear was constantly released, the power of the clown was also constantly increasing.

After being passed to a certain master, it has never been truly killed again.

Eventually, it polluted an entire city on the old continent, turning his hometown and birthplace into a huge and terrifying black fairy tale paradise.

It also used the paradise as a medium to open up a gap between the real world and the source sea, allowing many dark fairy tales in historical legends to invade the real world with that paradise as the core.

It caused a huge extraordinary natural disaster.

The image of the clown has completely become synonymous with terror.

Even the church's [Night Watcher] changed the clown's terrifying image into a funny one at the cost of modifying the collective subconscious of all people on the continent, building a spiritual dam.

And created a new profession of the Hall Sequence [Clown], successfully isolating Him from the human world.

However, until now, [The Playful Clown] has not died.

Instead, he has been wandering on the edge of the world and associating with those undead spirits that are so hard to eat, and always wants to return to the material world full of fresh "food".

The [Bone-eating Clown] Koraskin, who first arrived at the "bridgehead" of the southern continent, was polluted by Him and became a terrifying grotesque.

Byron himself also used the opponent's [Golden Big Ghost Card] to secretly trick the Puppet King.

I thought I had solved the "human treachery" and the interference of fate, but I didn't expect that I would run into [The Clown of Life] head-on under a series of "coincidences".

What's the difference between this and kissing a pig at the corner?


Byron landed on a thick branch of the huge tree of life and saw the endless small world ecosystem.

There were also sporadic shouts and explosions from the resistance of the fifth-level legends.

It was also confirmed through the log that the rules here are exactly the same as those in the memory of [Original Core]:

"Even if the fifth-level legend enters the hull, it is impossible to leave there before being polluted and assimilated into a clan.

Unless it has the genetic information of the entire biosphere like the Ark, otherwise the bloodline will be a cage that binds them tightly."

None of the fifth-level legends who came in could escape alive, and the rest were just struggling to death.

Several secrets in the log were also updated accordingly.

After defeating all the false gods of various sects, the unlocking density of [Secret: Dragon King Court Collapse Plan, Historical Influence 66,] jumped from 48% to 62%.

Just now, after seeing [The Clown of Playfulness], the unlocking density jumped to 71%.

Byron realized that the Clown of Playfulness and the "traitor" had been brewing many big plans to tear apart the Silver Law, and a temporary defeat would definitely not stop.

If they cannot be killed, their conspiracy will never stop.

In addition, after personally entering [Noah's Ark] and seeing everything here clearly, the unlocking density of another [Secret: The fuse of religious war, historical influence 65] finally reached 100%!

This represents that the turmoil in the material world has finally ended.

Byron just breathed a sigh of relief, and his [God's Vision] was suddenly triggered. He turned his head and saw a rich and generous red-haired beauty, standing quietly behind him with her plump and white body naked.

She licked her rosy lips charmingly.

At the same time, probably because this secret history had a high enough influence, three entries suddenly appeared for him to choose one of.

The one that had appeared before but was not selected was [You are quite capable]; then there were two new entries: [Wild temporary worker]; [Madam, you don’t miss your husband either].

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