Pirate Kingship

Chapter 569: Cutting Chives Sword Technique, Huashan Heavenly Kingdom

Although Catherine's voice was not loud, it exploded in everyone's ears like thunder, making them shudder all at once.

In this understated sentence, every punctuation mark was disrespectful to their "collection" war.

This is not throwing paint at the doorstep, this is "violent collection", understand?

The two brothers of the rat totem gods didn't care whether the agreed interest rate was reasonable or not. Today, they finally caught Atahualpa's flaw, and they had to pay the money whether they wanted to or not.

Even the blood feud of the underground kingdom destroyed by the heavy-armored synthetic battalion must be paid back by him!

But just as they were about to lead their blood rats and continue to rush towards Atahualpa's king on the lake, the volcanic lake under their feet suddenly turned black and smooth like a mirror.

Through the reflection on the water, the rats didn't see themselves, but a pair of indigenous men and women who came hand in hand.

The male was tall and sturdy, more than two meters tall, with a faint divine light flowing on his bronze skin, and the golden crown on his head was particularly eye-catching.

The female was tall and fit, with satin-like wheat-colored skin shining with precious light. Mithril armlets, anklets, emerald necklaces, and earrings were all priceless, especially the dazzling crown on her head that looked like a dragon horn, which could hurt people's eyes.

The two took a step and walked out of the [Styx] that connected the edge of the world and the material world, standing in the air on a wisp of mountain mist.

"Is it the Lord of Heaven?! You came so quickly!"

The two totem gods changed their faces suddenly, but Atahualpa was instantly overjoyed.

Under normal circumstances, the trapdoor connecting the north and the south opens and closes periodically due to the changes in the moon phases of the blood moon, and ships can only pass through on the days at the end and beginning of the month when the moon is almost invisible.

Except for these days, even if someone uses space-type jumping abilities, they cannot cross the "World Serpent·Celestial Circulation Belt".

Instead, there is a high probability that they will fall into the depths of the Sea of ​​​​Source and die miserably.

I thought that after sending a message to Byron today, the other party would have to wait until the end of the month to come.

Unexpectedly, not long after hanging up the call, he used the edge of the world that was not affected by the blood moon as a springboard and descended in front of him.

It just looks more heroic and majestic than a year ago, and the queen beside him has also changed.

Although the visitor is not the more familiar Violet, Atahualpa, as a "three-star super supreme member" of the online financial street, has dealt with Catherine several times and would not recognize the wrong person.

But he couldn't help but sigh again that His Majesty, the Lord of Heaven, who only has two wives, is too devoted, and he is also worried about the number of his offspring.

The brothers of the Gold-eating God didn't know who the visitor was, nor could they see through their strength, but they instinctively felt that it was difficult to deal with, far from being comparable to a guy like Atahualpa who was pampered.

So they decisively took out half a golden mask from their pockets and held it high above their heads.

The style of the mask looks a bit like the [Jackal God] that Byron had just met.

The two chanted together:

"The ruler of all underground treasures, the embodiment of love and beauty, dance and music, the mother of the Pharaoh [Lion-headed Goddess] Hathor"

When Byron heard a certain keyword, he exclaimed:

"What a coincidence, it turned out that the holy relics of the Corridor of Truth in the East Continent were reversely exported to the South Continent?"

After he accidentally met the [Jackal God] Anu before, he went to ask his mother, the mermaid princess Hathaway, about the situation of this pantheon.

It was learned that they came from the Desert Empire on the southern continent of the Mermaid Kingdom, and it was also the most powerful local pantheon in the Corridor of Truth in the Mythological Era.

Among the representative gods is the mother of the Pharaoh [Lion-headed Goddess] Hathor, who is also the wife of the God King [Blind] and [Falcon-headed God] Horus.

Her status in the Desert Empire is similar to that of the Bay God Queen Frigga.

The blind church entrenched on the east coast worships them (Chapter 441).

Byron had just come into contact with the [Jackal God], and here he encountered the holy relic of the [Lion-headed Goddess] of the same pantheon. It is obvious that the effect of the extraordinary aggregation of the Creator's "All Things Return to One" is still in effect.

It will take quite some time before the existing order and rules completely collapse.

As the two totem gods chanted epics, a golden lioness jumped out of the holy relic [Golden Mask of the Lion-headed Goddess] and rushed straight to Atahualpa.

The lioness swelled up in the wind and became the size of a small mountain in the blink of an eye.

[Lion-headed Goddess] itself has the power to guard treasures. Those who take away treasures will be chased all the way to the ends of the earth until the principal and interest are all returned.

From one point of view, she may be one of the sources of the [Treasure Guardian] profession of the Golden Yuan Sequence of the Glory Ladder.

The golden mask is also the basis for these two totem gods who were cheated of all their property to dare to come to the King of the Sun Empire to collect debts.

For them, if they lose their lives, they can come back in the next life, but if they lose their money, they will not be able to close their eyes even if they die.

In terms of comprehensive strength, the two totem gods are similar to the succubus Therese who possessed the [Blood Cup] and found the Immortal Stairs at that time.

A year ago, maybe Byron and Catherine would have to work together to defeat them.


They are just small characters that can be easily dismissed.

"Not good!"

"Dog tycoon" Atahualpa also has a lot of treasures in his hands.

But when the lioness opened her mouth, she created infinite suction, and all her belongings, stored items, and sacred relics were all locked. Not to mention the enemy, she would even disappear into the opponent's arms.

This [Hand of Wealth] relied on his title's attraction to wealth and tightly held on to his own treasures to avoid being robbed of his property on the spot.

But the whole person was also sucked up in the air and thrown towards the lioness' mouth.

Unable to help but panic, he shouted:

“Your Majesty, Lord of Heaven, help—!

I have not only your two crystal skulls in my pocket, but also the proceeds from the first 'Ponzi scheme'. All the money in the Rat Man Kingdom is here, and it cannot be taken away.

I am three and you are seven, oh no, everything in this bag is your money! "


The same shining golden light flashed in the eyes of both Catherine and Byron.

"Dare to violently collect money from our family? You really don't want to live or die.

Eat my sword! "

Her Majesty the Financial Queen, who had been eager to try for a long time, was faster than Byron. She spread her white and strong palms and raised them above her head.

The golden divine aura surged all over her body, and her unbearable abundance of financial resources instantly materialized into a pure golden holy sword of light, which was also her power - [Financial Holy Sword]!

There seemed to be a sweet sound of countless gold coins flowing in the sword blade, turning into an aria:

"The sword holder of the financial empire, the embodiment of wealth and numbers, the invisible hand behind the curtain of the world, [Golden Queen] Her Majesty Catherine"

Catherine's three-part honorific name surged over Crater Lake, crossing language barriers so that everyone could understand the meaning of the name.

All the Quechua people around who heard the honorary name subconsciously knelt down on the ground to worship, even if they had already believed in the main god [Sun God] Inti, and shouted:

"Praise to the Golden Queen!"

If we were to list all the gods in the world, the God of Wealth would definitely be one of the gods with the most followers.

Even for atheists who say that I am sworn in with the feudal dregs, the bottom line is mostly: "I sneer at feudal superstition, and no one in the God of Wealth can afford to kneel down."

Not to mention in this otherworldly world where gods really exist.

Even the "love" that could not be bought with money in the past has now been entrusted by the God of Wealth.

No matter which ethnic group she is the God of Wealth, worship her first and then talk about it.

If I don’t get rich after praying, it’s because I’m not pious enough. If I don’t get rich if I don’t pray, it must be because I haven’t prayed yet!

Atahualpa was far more knowledgeable than the common people. He knew that those with three-part honorary names were not necessarily gods, but those who could obtain the tidal response of the world and the source of matter must be.

"How is it possible that even the Queen of His Majesty the Lord of Heaven is already at the fifth level?"

The difference in the essence of life made his heart and liver tremble uncontrollably.

I was originally worried that my speed of promotion would shock Byron and I wanted to comfort him, but I never thought that it was me who should be comforted in the end.

The rat-human blood descendants under the [Golden Eater God] brothers sensed the danger and immediately turned around and pounced on Catherine in the air.

"Zhizhizhi, protect my lord."

The mainstream taboo knowledge on the Bantaan Islands is the first volume of the "Book of Beast Familiars", and the second volume on the Southern Continent's Beast Paradise.

The difference between the two is that the subjects of the first volume are human beings, while the second volume is all kinds of strange and alien natural spirits.

Let them pass the "spiritual seance" ceremony to perfectly occupy the flesh and blood of a certain animal, and embark on an extraordinary path different from humans.

Humans go from humans to mythical creatures step by step, while they go from beasts to intermediate humans, then to mythical creatures, and finally become gods, becoming completely the same as humans after reaching the fifth level.

The essence is the reconciliation of animal nature, human nature, and divinity.

During this period, he spread his wings as a totem god, and gave birth to more bloodline children with human believers and sacrifices, diluting the bestiality and stabilizing the anchorage.

Similar to the power of the human crowd and the [Chaos Beast Herd], faith and bloodline networks can be used to partially replace the anchoring effect of the law network.

These hundreds of direct descendants of the rat people are equivalent to the bodyguards of the Golden God.

However, although it is indeed possible for a group of Tier 4 soldiers to lead the Guards to attack Tier 5, their number is too small.

"court death."

Catherine had already used the "Supreme Swordsmanship" of the Kingdom of Castile to accurately calculate the position, height, movement speed, equipment valuation, and other information of the two totem gods, and suddenly dropped the [Financial Holy Sword] in her hand.

A golden sword light with no beginning or end flashed in the air, exploding a huge cross light streak over the volcanic lake that tore apart the sky and the earth, from which the bustling and bustling scene of the Financial Street could be vaguely seen.

The charming eyes of wealth also captivated the greed of all the rat people on the opposite side, making them not defend themselves and actively open their arms to welcome the "gift" of the Queen of Finance.

When the sword light filling the world converges again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Whether it was the group of rat men who jumped into the air or the two fourth-level totem gods who took the opportunity to dodge, their bodies froze and immediately exploded into blood mist in mid-air.

And Catherine’s [financial] power activates itself.

These rat men carry gold and silver jewelry, weapons, sacred relics and even various spiritual materials of the extraordinary creatures themselves: hearts, livers, spleens, lungs, kidneys, and fur. All the blood and so on were harvested.

Obviously, this is not only a [supreme art] that can kill a country, but also a veritable leek-cutting sword technique!

You can freely adjust the harvesting height of leeks, "fatten and then cut" in your own field, and "cut off the roots" in other people's fields.

Of course, you can also cut yourself in reverse, use your own assets to launch the "art of bankruptcy", use your own assets and borrowed assets to launch the "art of great bankruptcy", and swing the strongest blow.

The stronger the financial strength, the stronger the sword moves.


Atahuallpa saw the miserable state of the rat man and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, feeling a chill behind his neck.

It was as if this "dog rich man" had also been amputated from the neck by this sword.

Until the two siblings came to him calmly, holding hands as if they had done something insignificant, Byron introduced them to him:

"Your Majesty Atahualpa, this is my sister Catherine, the current queen who manages the Holy Golden Empire on my behalf. You should have met before."

Atahuallpa hurriedly saluted first:

"Good day, Your Majesty."

Although the population of the Sun Empire is 20 million, there are nearly double-digit fifth-level subordinate gods, and even a [Sun God] Inti who has half a foot in the sixth level.

The comprehensive strength of the mysterious side is even higher than the two empires of Gold and North Sea under Byron.

But the Sun Empire does not belong to him, the fifteenth-generation grandson of the Sun God, but the Gold Empire and the North Sea Empire really belong to Byron and his wife.

Even before Byron broke through the fifth level, there was no doubt that Byron had a higher status when they dealt with each other.

Otherwise, the "military-industrial complex" composed of the army, arms companies and some of the country's power holders in the Sun Empire would not be taken by Violet's Rheinmetall.

Atahualpa just took advantage of the client.

The frightened main queen Aya also brought several princesses of higher status to thank the two, and her eyes looking at Catherine were full of uncontrollable envy.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of Heaven, Your Majesty, the Queen, thank you for your help. If possible, please stay in Hot Spring City for a few more days so that we can entertain you well."

Powerful strength, unlimited life, and the lofty status of being in charge of the welfare of millions of people in a huge empire, these are things that are out of reach for these female descendants of the Sun God.

A group of women couldn't help wanting to get close to each other, and the gap between the two sides was too big to have any jealousy.

Byron noticed that there were many new faces among the women around the king.

After a moment of surprise, he immediately realized that after Atahualpa's brothers of the same generation were used as firewood for promotion to the fifth level by his father [Civilized Firewood Collector] Huayna Capac, and died completely, he inevitably married his dozens of sisters.

A considerable number of them were once the wives of his brothers, and also his eldest sister-in-law and younger sister-in-law.

This situation is unimaginable in the Old World under the rule of the Church, but it is common in the South Continent.

Byron even heard that some ethnic groups have the horrifying tradition of "father and wife inheriting".

In this comparison, the Old World, which has been ruled by the Church for more than a thousand years, is a little conservative, but more suitable for normal people.

Beside him, Atahualpa waved away the belated guards, turned around and handed his storage treasure containing treasures to Byron.

"Your Majesty, this is what you want."

Byron did not count the wealth accumulated by the Rat Kingdom. He just took out two crystal skulls, No. 7 [Wind God] and No. 11 [Battle Leader], and threw the storage treasure to his sister.

As soon as the two skulls fell into Byron's hands, a strong light immediately burst out from the dull crystals that were originally ordinary.

The strong wind fluttered the corners of his clothes and resonated with his own storm power, and a series of battle skills that had been tempered for thousands of years also flowed from it to his heart.

Byron's own crystal head No. 1 skull [God] also echoed and resonated with it.

The last great shaman of the ancient Taya Empire once left a prophecy:

"If someone can gather the thirteen crystal skulls again in the future, he will become the new emperor of the empire.

Once the thirteen crystal skulls are gathered, they will reveal the secrets of the past and the future to us through the mouth of the third skull [Corn God], which symbolizes life and abundance and is the only one that can speak.

Eliminate disputes and reunite the Taya Empire."

Although Byron has obtained the status of [God] and [Emperor] of the indigenous Taino people, he actually rules the country.

But there is still the most critical step - to be recognized by the Taino kings of all generations and the ancient collective subconscious.

This is the last shortcoming of the [Golden Law].

On the other hand, the thirteen crystal skulls have gathered the knowledge contained in countless sacrifices because of the long blood sacrifice for thousands of years, and condensed the essence of the entire Taya civilization.

A single crystal skull is a [second-level holy relic] whose influence is limited to one city or one place.

But once someone can collect all thirteen, they can enhance each other and reach the level of zero-level holy relics.

Let their owner become the only successor of the Taya civilization with both destiny and power!

Ever since Byron arrived at the colony and accidentally got the first skull, he has been looking forward to the day when he can collect all thirteen skulls.

It can make the [Flower Mountain Heaven] in his mind truly concrete.

Not only can it accommodate souls, but it can also allow materials to enter and exit, carrying a beautiful little world like heaven with you, comparable to the earthly heaven of gods.

Only those ocean-going sailors who have suffered a lot in overseas exploration can truly understand the significance of such a small world to adventure ships and ocean-going fleets.

Byron naturally regarded it as his own kingdom of God.

And unlike Catherine's [Pyramid] and Violet's [Golden Mist Palace], which require a lot of time, money and materials to build.

Then introduce carefully selected high-quality believers to build the kingdom of God.

[Huashan Heaven] itself has been cultivated by the Taya people for more than a thousand years, and the accumulation is extremely strong, which can save him a lot of time and resources.

Byron did not hesitate. After confirming that it was the real thing, he raised his hand and put the two skulls into the interior of [Huashan Heaven].


Instantly, a white halo exploded above his head, and the brilliant light flow rushed straight into the sky like a long river of light.

Everyone can see that there seems to be a huge world floating in it.

The main body is a huge mountain range like a winding dragon, with no head or tail.

The mountain and the foot of the mountain are covered with dense tropical rainforests, and there are countless thunderbirds, feathered snakes, cheetahs, eagles, tigers and other beasts.

The Taino people, who are keen on blood sacrifice, never fear death. They believe that soul circulation and rebirth after death are the ways for the [Corn God] to gain eternity.

Whether it is the most humble slaves, sacrifices, or noble kings, they will eventually achieve eternity after death.

In heaven, they become a bald cypress, golden wood, palm tree, mahogany, cocoa tree, cactus, dahlia, or tree, flower, or grass, all growing on the sacred mountain, that is, the mountain of the origin of all things, "Huashan".

Just like most of the heroes among the Bay people, they sleep forever in Valhalla, the Hall of Heroes.

After a period of time, their self-consciousness will be completely integrated into the collective consciousness, and they will be indistinguishable from Huashan.

The more dead souls sleeping in it, the wider and more solid the "Huashan Heaven" itself will be.

In fact, it is a process of constantly consolidating the "collective subconscious sea" and enhancing the national heritage.

And the taller the trees on the mountain, the stronger their power was when they were alive.

As the Lord of Heaven, Byron can temporarily borrow the remaining spirituality from them and grant corresponding beast warriors to enhance the power of the living.

However, when the twelve crystal skulls met again after growing for many years and wanted to merge into one.

There was always a gap in the halo above Byron's head that could not be filled.

The problem was the missing skull number nine [Death God] Apche.

Atahualpa reminded him at the right time:

"Your Majesty, Lord of Heaven, my people have found that the last skull has drifted to the sphere of influence controlled by the old gods' followers on the east coast of the southern continent.

When we sent people to redeem it half a month ago, we found that the [Desire Compass] showed that the skull was no longer in the southern continent, but was heading east through the Sea of ​​Monsters to the eastern continent.

So we can only find these two."

Catherine next to him was a little disappointed when she heard this:

"There is not much difference between missing one and missing three. Although we will go to the eastern continent sooner or later, it is really annoying to return empty-handed because of one missing."

Byron had foreseen this situation when he received the news, and said calmly:

"Not necessarily.

If other crystal skulls are missing, I may not be able to do anything, but since the missing one is [Death], then I will give it a try."

The lack of [Death] may be impossible for others, but it is not impossible for Byron to make up for it.

With a wave of his hand, his own power [Styx Styx] rolled up a black torrent and rushed into the [Huashan Heavenly Kingdom] that did not allow any material to enter.


With just a crisp sound, the boundary between reality and illusion was instantly broken.

After the halo above Byron's head connected to a section of the Styx water flow, it suddenly became connected and perfect.

"I am a handful of soil in the underworld, and I can fill in wherever it is needed.

I hold the most complete [authority of the underworld] in the world and a [Styx] that runs through all the material world. There is no such thing as me in this world. The god of death who cannot replace Ben!"

Byron took Catherine's hand, took a step forward, and walked into Huashan Heavenly Kingdom without any obstacles.

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