Pirate Kingship

Chapter 575: God of the Wild Hunt: Come to me!

"【God of Commerce】 Mercury? It's him!"

The Eastern Continent's 【Corridor of Truth】 is the lowest, and the source tide is the most active. It is normal for many legends and knowledge to be revived, but this is rare in the Silver Continent.

This land has been suppressed by the Silver Law for more than a thousand years.

Even if the dregs in history are resurrected, once they are born, the legends of at least the fourth-level mythical creatures will be extinguished at the first time.

The witch hunts and religious inquisitions hosted by the church have killed countless innocent people, but they have also made those things disappear eight hundred years ago.

Only beings like 【God of Commerce】 Mercury, who were born shortly after entering the Silver Age, and possessed the human body in time and integrated with the collective subconscious, have the opportunity to grow up.

Byron also wants to use 【Echoes of History】 to continue tracing back.

Although only sporadic fragments that have an impact on history will be recorded.

But the opportunity is rare. Antiques like the Temple of Jupiter that are closely related to important historical figures and have a sufficient age are not easy to find.

Even if he takes one more look, Byron can dig out more information from long ago.

For example, what happened to the ancient Silver Empire pantheon? Why was the temple of the dignified God King destroyed?

Knowledge resurrection requires a medium. Why did the mark of the God of Commerce remain in such a place? What about the other gods of the Silver Pantheon?

But when [The Echo of History] swept over the "traitor" Mercurius with Byron's eyes and continued to move forward, he was suddenly blocked by a dark torrent.

This means that he has touched the catastrophe caused by the flood during the last era change.

At this moment, Byron not only witnessed the most important historical node in the past few thousand years, but also heard the mighty sound of the flood in his ears.

The sound became louder and louder until it was almost deafening, causing Byron's spirituality to vibrate along with it.

However, he was anchored by a huge [Golden Law]. Even the [Silver Law] was a major shareholder. It was sheer fantasy to want him to fall out of control just by relying on a historical image!

Moreover, after Byron obtained the [Sunstone Calendar] and his strong prophetic ability, he naturally had a strong sense of things that were of great importance to him.

At this time, he subconsciously felt that behind this flood that the gods were afraid of, there might be information that was crucial to him.

This impulse in his heart was even stronger than the mighty flood.

So he activated his own power without hesitation, driving the [Styx] with similar properties to the Sea of ​​​​Source to rush towards the water curtain in front of him.

"Open it for me!"


It was like a layer of bubbles being punctured.

Byron finally saw the Temple of Jupiter and the complete appearance of the murals and reliefs, which was magnificent and crowded.

But then his eyes gradually widened, because the sky was filled with black smoke, countless divine lights collided, collapsed, and fell, demigods were flying all over the sky, and false gods were worse than dogs.

The sun and the moon changed color, blood rain drifted, and all things wept.

Every strange celestial phenomenon indicated the fall of a god above the fifth level.

From time to time, there were even mountain-like corpses of gods falling to the ground, and the broken demigod kingdoms exploded, tearing open one after another large and small world cracks in the "hull" of the material world.

It took Byron a long while to react:

"This is the God War of Ragnarok! And this piece of land of the Ancient Silver Empire seems to be one of the main battlefields."

The next moment, a brilliant meteor with a divine light that tore off the sky streaked across the sky and crashed down.

Half of the island, along with the small half of the Temple of Jupiter protected by the divine domain, collapsed instantly, and the mural relief next to it was also shattered for the most part.

This meteor is one of the brightest existences among the countless gods in the sky.

The divine light on his body was far more blazing than all the old gods Byron had seen with his own eyes, but it did not have the strong pollution that made them disgusting. Instead, it had a strange sense of intimacy.

Byron hurriedly looked at the towering figure riding a warhorse and slowly standing up from the ruins, but the strong divine light on the other party, which seemed to be real, could penetrate the crow and sting his eyes of the fifth-level body, so he could not see any details at all.

But the heart in his chest was beating wildly for no reason.

"Who is this?"

Driven by a strong premonition, he tried his best to see the figure clearly.

He tried so hard that the white of his right eye was gradually covered with bloodshot, and he tried so hard that the [Navigation Log] in his eye was under pressure and turned the pages quickly.

Maybe it was eternity or maybe it was only a moment, just when Byron thought his eyeball was about to explode.

The great god who clearly existed only in a fragment of history seemed to have sensed something and suddenly raised his head and looked over.

Byron's right eye suddenly met the empty right eye socket behind the divine light.

Although the other party's eye socket was empty, it seemed to hide a bright morning star, and countless characters flowed, as if it was materialized wisdom.

Byron could even directly read the emotions in the other party's eyes, which was "relieved", and there was also a reminder conveyed through his eyes:

"Come find me!"

Then [The Echo of History] completely dissipated, and Byron's right eye also turned black, seemingly because of too much consumption, it had gone blind.

But external injuries are not injuries to him.

Then a red divine light shone from his eye sockets, and the power of [Creation] automatically restored his blind right eye.

Byron didn't care about these little things, and chewed on the words just now with a stunned look:

"Come to me? Is this to me, or to Mercurius on the relief?

Although it's a bit absurd, I think He is really talking to me, because of this iconic familiar appearance, the seventh-level true god seems to be But how is it possible?"

[The Echo of History] is essentially the same as watching a video.

An image that only remains in historical fragments suddenly spoke to him, just like the Ring suddenly broke the dimensional wall and called him.

But what happened just now was more terrifying than the Ring.

After all, no matter how powerful the ghosts are, as long as they dare to come to Byron, the [King of the Wild Hunt], they will die if they come a thousand times.

The former is a seventh-level true god standing at the top of the extraordinary system.

What's more, he had already met this day 1,500 years later at the end of the last era? What a terrifying prophetic ability!

"And where is He? Why do I need to find Him? Is he asking for help, or is there another hidden meaning?"

Originally, Byron wanted to peek into the secret, but he didn't expect that he would have more questions after reading it.

Just as his mood was fluctuating, "Human Traitor" also used his former statue as a medium to barely reconcile the contradiction between "divine side" and "human side", and sat on the ground without any image.


As soon as his butt touched the ground, he screamed and jumped up from the ground like a spring.

He quickly activated the power of the pseudo-god to recover the severe damage to his butt, and the hatred that had been temporarily put down surged out again.

"Louis XI, I want you to die miserably!!!"

With trembling hands, he took out the "History of the Silver Continent" that was about to be written to the end.

Byron watched him flipping through the pages one by one, and combined with the images of the "traitor" in different periods, he finally locked onto the thread of his stirring up troubles throughout the Silver Age.

The myth and legend that came to life possessed a young man in the Silver Empire, which had not yet been completely ruled by the church, and became the first poet in the Hall of Glory sequence.

Like an ordinary normal human being, he appeared and disappeared in the history of the entire Silver Continent, stirring up troubles.

He had different names and identities in different eras, but they were all poets, writers, writers, and playwrights who were famous in a country or even in the world.

He was the first poet, the first historian, the famous thinker, and the unprecedented philosopher.

Even Dante, the sage who opened the Renaissance, the last of the old era, and the first poet of the new era, was also him.

And the most popular literary master and famous playwright in Florence, the capital of literature and art today, "Jupiter on the peak of human literature" is still him!

He is basically the one who has risen rapidly in history, whose life and interpersonal relationships are not well known, who has no descendants after death, but has many works and has great influence in the literary world.

The Renaissance movement that shook the solid foundation of the [Silver Law] and liberated people's thoughts was promoted by Mercurius.

Many knowledge and ideas are the essence of civilization brought by this [God of Commerce] from the previous mythological era, so it is called "Renaissance" instead of "Literary Liberation".

Soon he turned to the last page of the history book, which was also the page where he wanted to plot against Byron, but was counterattacked by the [Ten Thousand Wings Angel] and gave birth to the "Divine Side", and the second personality wanted to write him to death.

Compared to the beginning, there are a lot more contents:

"The person whose name cannot be mentioned; the first poet and writer in the sequence of the temple; a lonely soul wandering in history; a tamperer of human civilization;

a poor man who pursues his father's love but can't find his father anywhere; the god of commerce; the messenger of the gods; Mercury.

Since the failure of the six old god churches to besiege the North Sea Empire, your series of powers have been invalidated one after another, and can no longer provide you with mystical protection.

Because of a series of coincidences such as being reported by someone and the meteor and earthquake in Florence, your latest identity is 'the peak of human literature' The Jupiter of the 18th century was found to be a forgery.

It soon attracted the attention of the Night Watch.

They linked all the distortions and unreasonable things you created in history, confirmed your existence, and regarded you as the most wanted criminal after the "Funny Clown".

A secret wanted order has been issued for you, and the Night Watch is taking action.

Good people get good rewards, and bad people get bad rewards.

History should be like this! "

These words are obviously the handwriting of the "Divine Aspect" during this period. His current enemies are not only Louis XI and Byron, but also the Protestant Night Watch who swear to be anti-Christian.

No one will admit that he is a bad person, and the evil "traitor" is no exception.

Especially when he saw "the poor fellow who pursued his father's love but couldn't find his father anywhere", his face was full of anger and shame as his true identity was exposed:

"The Creator used conspiracy and trickery to not only kill the alien gods, but also the other two major human gods.

Moreover, unlike the alien gods, the father gods and their bodies are never seen alive or dead.

What's wrong with me wanting to find the father gods and my brothers and sisters?

Without the protection of God the Father, mankind would have been eaten up by the gods as early as the age of mythology. They can make a negligible contribution to me, and they should be honored for their sacrifices. "

Although the will of the "divine side" has been suppressed, it carries a sense of social rules and a sense of morality, and its attitude is always firm:

"This is not the reason why you always don't care about human life."

Byron temporarily put aside the unexpected gains he had just received and listened carefully to the soliloquy of "Human Rape".

The core issue is the three major pantheons that were born in mankind in the Mythical Era: the Jupiter pantheon of the Ancient Silver Empire, the Wild Hunt pantheon of the Bay People, and the Holy Father Remit pantheon.

Why is there now only the Church of the Creator, which evolved from the Holy Father theology, and where have the other two gone?

"Human Traitor" has searched all over the Silver Continent in these years, and has also traveled through the cracks in the world to search for the Sea of ​​Origin.

He also used the identity of Dante to travel around the world out of his body, and finally wrote the long poem "Divine Comedy" that almost covered the material world but still gained nothing.

It was determined that the other two major pantheons neither successfully survived the great flood and are still living somewhere in the world, nor did they drown in the sea of ​​source matter, turning into corrupt and fallen corpses like other gods.

He also used the relationship between black and white that he had built up over the years to search the entire material world, but he had never heard of any sect that had inherited their knowledge and established a corresponding black witchcraft association.

This also means that the two major divine systems are completely cut off from the material world and cannot escape their knowledge.

He has even personally visited the top ten underwater kingdoms in the Eastern Continent, especially the Mermaid Kingdom that holds the zero-level holy relic [Sea King's Trident].

At first, I was overjoyed, thinking I had found an exception. [Aquaman] Neptune was theoretically the least likely to drown.

But after hiding in the dark and observing for a while, I was disappointed to find that the reality was completely different from what I imagined.

The ancestor of the Mermaid Kingdom is not the real [Sea King] Neptune, but a mythical story that came to life from history like the "Human Rape".

The medium is the trident head that was interrupted during Ragnarok and fell into the sea of ​​monsters.

In other words, in places like the Corridor of Truth, certain holy relics can really summon ancient beings from history. As for how much they are related to the prototypes of historical characters, it is hard to say.

It is precisely because of this that when eight of the ten undersea kingdoms were destroyed by [Noah's Ark] and the remaining two were also in danger, the "traitor" turned a blind eye.

In his eyes, those who received the benefits of the Silver Empire's pantheon but did not want to repay them, and who did not "rescue" the missing Silver Gods like him, were already seeking death.

After listening to their conversation, Byron was silent:

"The 'traitor' betrayed humanity for this reason? In other words, he was extremely hostile to the Creator and the Church.

But then again, according to the principle that similar paths will automatically aggregate.

The person who is closest to me is probably Woden, the God of the Wild Hunt. Why have we never found his kin or church in the world?

As a direct descendant of Woden, the forbidden book inherited by the Harold family of Iron Anchor Bay should come from the Bay people's pantheon, but why should it come from the "Curse of Disaster" from [Leviathan, the Rift Whale]?

Therefore, the ancient silver god system that Mercurius has been searching for for an entire era may really not be in the material world, not at the edge of the world, and not in the sea of ​​source material.

Where would that be? "

The seventh-level true god whom Byron had just looked at each other, even if he only saw a black eye socket, he was very sure that it was the God-King of the Bay People of the Mythical Era [God of Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt] Woden!

And he also conveyed a message, asking Byron to find him like Mercurius of the ancient Silver Empire pantheon.

Byron thought of this.

The ink in the logbook is blurred, [Secret: Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt God Woden's prophecy of racial rejuvenation, historical influence 69] The decryption density jumped from 70% to 73%.

This shows that the problem of the three giants of the human pantheon at that time was not only a problem for Mercurius, but also a problem for him, a descendant of the Bay people.

“You must look for it.

The problem of [Creator] collapse will also be faced sooner or later.

But why is it three again this time? This number makes people feel a little concerned for no reason. "

Byron touched his right eye, which may not have a simple origin, and looked at the "rape" with a somewhat hesitant look.

I think it might not be a good idea to kill Mercurius in a sneak attack right now.

They have a common goal in finding the two main gods.

But judging from its historical influence, it must also be dangerous.

Letting this dedicated "traitor" take advantage of the fire for himself can be considered a good use of everything, just like this time he wanted to use him to fight with Louis XI.

The most important point.

Louis XI has obviously reached the first place on Mercurius's must-kill list, ranking higher than Byron.

One of them is a "private enemy" and the other is a "public enemy". Of course, the priorities of revenge are different. If Louis XI is not killed, Mercurius will not cause trouble for Byron anymore.

Then he saw "Human Rape" turning to a blank page in "History of the Silver Continent" again.

After confirming that the temporarily suppressed "divine side" would not rebel again, he decisively launched his own thaumaturgy [real script], combined with the power of the holy relics and wrote in his own book of blood and tears:

"The elite troops of Iris are gathering in secret, but many knights of the Poor Knights have not yet realized this. They are gathering from various branches to the headquarters to participate in the election of the new Grand Master.

The current deputy master of the Knights, Jacques de Molay, is also a legendary paladin. If he takes the position of Grand Master, he may be able to stabilize the shaky situation.

However, as a high-ranking member of the Knights and has always lived in the Kingdom of Iris, he knows Louis XI very well and vaguely senses a sign of impending storm.

So, he quietly took out a famous [First-level Cursed Item·Ghost Hand Knife] from the secret vault where the Knights stored various treasures and collaterals.

And he was determined that even if he died with the foreign enemy, he would not let them have the opportunity to get the key to the secret vault of the Knights."

Byron didn't need to read on to understand Mercury's plan.

He wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife, and Mercury was also ready to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Because Byron was also familiar with the name of the treasure [Cursed Item·Ghost Hand Knife].

"It was originally forged by a crazy blacksmith who lost all his family property in gambling. He cut off his wife's right hand to make the handle, then made the blade of his son's ribs, and made his calf bone into a scabbard.

It was presented to the creditor at the time. Three days later, the creditor went crazy and killed his entire family with this ghost hand knife.

After that, every owner of this knife and his family would die.

But everyone who saw it couldn't help but want to take it for themselves, because holding this knife can make an ordinary person gain extremely powerful power.

It killed more and more people, and the power of the knife became stronger and stronger, until it became a first-level holy relic with power comparable to that of a high sequence."

Effect: The ghost hand knife is a fallen devil's knife. Just the temptation it exudes can make those weak-willed intelligent creatures fall into depravity and madness after seeing it, as if the devil is waving to them.

And when a determined person holds the handle of the knife, he can gain powerful power, but the price is that he must sacrifice his entire family.

According to the quality of the sacrifice, the highest power increase can be comparable to that of a legend.

It can even launch an unsolvable curse on a specific target. Even if the knife cannot kill the target, it can curse the target's entire family to death!

This knife seems to have a special obsession with the whole family being neat and tidy. It can be called the supreme treasure for home travel, murder and looting, and revenge.

Time flies, and it is Friday of the second week, dusk.

Tulip Castle, a small town located in the north of Iris and on the North Sea coast, is full of various flags, and knights of all levels from the Poor Knights have come together to help each other.

After hundreds of years of development, the word "poverty" has long become a thing of the past.

Sergeants, retainers, senior retainers, trainee knights, professional monks, knights, priests, legion attendants, sergeants, pagan cavalry generals, knights, provincial inspectors, provincial internal affairs, holy city inspectors, flag bearers, legion commanders, great abbots, deputy commanders, and grand commanders.

The strict hierarchy of the Knights is no different from a small country that is rich to the point of overflowing with oil, and all the members are military personnel, so their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

When the high-level meeting was held, many members of the Knights had already done layer after layer of defense work, and the sentinels were spread out far away.

But even though they were careful enough, they still didn't find that under the cover of the "border maze" of the Iris Kingdom, a huge bronze cannon had been set up on the top of a mountain one kilometer away.

This is a war monster that is 5.34 meters long, 0.92 meters in diameter, and weighs 40 tons. One shell weighs a full ton.

It is also the largest cannon in the world.

The historical influence it brought may be insignificant, but just by virtue of its huge size and powerful power, it has transformed into a [Second-level Holy Relic God of War]!

Louis XI, wearing silk stockings and wearing makeup, came here in person, waved his hand to his artillery, and said casually:

"Send them on their way."

"Yes, fire!"


With a loud noise that shook the mountain ridge, the dazzling firelight re-illuminated the gradually dimming sky.

A huge red shell flew out of the barrel, releasing brilliant and dazzling brilliance like a meteor, and then one turned into two, two turned into four, and four turned into eight.

In a breath, half of the sky was already a whistling meteor shower!

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