Pirate Kingship

Chapter 577: Justice that never comes late, the Holy Spirit that saves people

Woo woo woo.

Around Tulip Castle, a biting cold wind mixed with a strong smell of blood suddenly rose.

The sky-high hatred of a legendary paladin, under the manipulation of fate by "human traitors" and the blessing of [Ghost Hand Knife], condensed into substance almost instantly.

One by one, only red silhouettes remained, and the faces of men, women, old and young were completely invisible. They appeared one after another outside the breached Tulip Castle, bending over and hanging their heads in silence.

Over the years, countless humans have died because of [Ghost Hand Knife], and every time it was a whole family, and the resentment accumulated in the blade was naturally very strong.

The weather was obviously good, but everyone's eyes were inexplicably covered with a layer of dirty gloom with yellow and blood.

Then, countless ghosts were seen, slowly raising their fingers and pointing at Louis XI, who was riding on a warhorse in the Fleur-de-lis Army, with overlapping sharp roars:

"Whoever robs the property of the Poor Knights will end up like us!"

What will happen?

Of course, all the real estate will be lost, the power will fall apart, and the leader's family will be buried with him!

Thousands of people pointed fingers at him, and he died without any disease.

Louis XI, who had already taken away all the real estate of the Knights in advance, suddenly felt an endless chill in his heart and couldn't help but shudder.

The good warhorse under his butt was even more frightened, and suddenly raised its front hoof high.


Louis XI, who had been pampered since childhood and followed the [Lawyer] route like all the conservative monarchs, was thrown off the horse on the spot.

If it weren't for the guardian knight who was able to help him and supported him in time, he might have broken a leg.

In a royal family with a large population, no matter if you are the eldest or not, if you are commented as "not like a monarch", you may miss the throne completely.

If you rebel, there will be a group of traitors who will betray you.

As the only male member of the Valois royal family, Louis XI did not have such concerns, but he was also scared out of his wits on the spot.

The disadvantages of only taking the [Ladder of Glory] route are obvious.

"Law: Death!"

Louis XI, who was angry and embarrassed, just stood firm and subconsciously pointed at his warhorse.

How could a warhorse with only a little bit of monster blood resist the power of the law at the level of [King Title]?

"Plop" fell to the ground and died very cleanly.

At this time, Louis XI raised his head again.

Finally, he saw clearly that on the half-collapsed wall, the [Cursed Thing] held by the legendary paladin was the [Ghost Hand Knife] that had never failed so far.

A trace of panic flashed in his eyes:

"The Poor Knights actually hid such an evil cursed object? Heretics! You are unforgivable heretics!

I really didn't wrong you.

What are you doing? Kill! Go and kill them all!"

In order to hide the panic in front of the soldiers, the roar of the attack seemed a bit hysterical.


Musketeers, line up, beat the drums."

The musketeers in blue uniforms held flintlocks and lined up in a row with linear tactics that were obviously outdated, stepping on the drums and approaching the half-collapsed fortress.

Now Rheinmetall's "Witch 1472 Bolt-Action Rifle" and "Hidden Blade 1473 Pump-Action Shotgun" are already produced at a high level.

But Byron would rather sell it to Atahualpa of the Sun Empire than to ship it in large quantities in the Silver Continent, but only sold a small amount to the Protestant princes.

The main reason is that the former can't fight across the sea, but the latter may start a war one day.

The heavy-armored combined battalion that can only be used on land is not included in this list.

Taking this thing to cross the sea to fight him is just a guest transport captain to help him recover the equipment, and take the trouble to sell it for the second time on second-hand platforms such as "Xianyu Second-hand Trading Company" and "Nut Second-hand Guns".

"Mother-in-law, how is the situation?"

The fourth-level prophet and witch Vanessa borrowed her crystal ball from her teacher, the kingdom guardian [Boneless] Ivana.

He raised it in front of him and shone it in front of Louis XI on the shore, printing a circle of ominous blood-colored aura outside his body, and countless ghost faces merged into a thick cloud covering his head.

Even if the thoughts and wishes of the citizens of the Iris Kingdom on his body continued to resist, he was still retreating step by step, and strands of blood-colored silk threads kept drilling into his body like insects.

Seeing this scene, Vanessa said what her teacher Ivana said:

"All gifts given by fate have already been secretly marked with a price.

Since Louis XI caught Mercurius, whose power was out of control, it was almost destined to end up like this.

The curse has taken shape. I estimate that even with the help of the [Royal Title] of a big country like Iris to resist, it will take effect at most half a year."

Hearing the judgment of the professionals, Byron also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Half a year? I can wait."

Then he suddenly remembered an important thing:

"By the way, after we take this batch of real estate from Louis XI, the curse will not continue to follow, right?"

Vanessa waved her hand to let him rest assured:

"If this happened to an ordinary person, the first-level cursed item Ghost Hand Knife, combined with a fifth-level legend and a fifth-level pseudo-god [God of Commerce], would be enough to create a curse that spreads like a plague and becomes stronger and stronger.

Whoever gets the money of the Poor Knights will die!

And the more people die, the stronger the curse becomes.

But Louis XI is different. Except for the fact that the official coronation ceremony has not been held, he is already the king of irises.

The willpower of 20 million people, no matter how thin it is concentrated on him, and no matter how weak the spell-breaking effect is, it is no problem to weaken most of the curse.

After being weakened by him, it will completely dissipate after killing an ordinary legend at most.


The [Witch of Disaster], who is obviously about to become someone's grandmother, is still sweet and playful like a girl, with a sly smile on her face:

"The curse needs the resentment of the property owner to anchor it. Whoever they resent, the curse will fall on.

But killing, arson, and looting are all things done by our ancestors. We, the descendants of pirates, have long washed our feet and come ashore.

How can the business we do now be called robbery? We are all serious businessmen.

Whether it is the real estate in the hands of the Iris Kingdom half a year later, or the movable property and treasures that have been concentrated in the secret space vault of the Holy Cross International Bank, they are all security fees offered to us by the owners of the treasures in order to seek protection in troubled times.

That's right, this is called "offering"! "

Byron silently gave a thumbs up to his mother-in-law:

"Look, look, it must be a professionally trained intellectual who can make taking advantage of others' misfortunes and robbing them so fresh and refined.

What Emperor Xian, what Guiming Hou, actually all came from this, right? ”

There is indeed an inherent reason for a noble to emerge in three generations.

The first generation, robbed and killed people as pirates to accumulate original capital;

The second generation, used the original capital to engage in politics, business, and please the lords and kings, and began to expand the industry little by little, laundering funds and identities;

The third generation, spent a lot of money, married the daughter of a down-and-out nobleman to squeeze into the upper class, occupied the cultural discourse power, began to talk about truth, goodness, beauty and the eight virtues of chivalry, and advocated the inviolability of private property.

Become a rentier class and make money while standing.

Only at this point can you dare to brag to the outside world that you are a noble master.

Follow the philosophy of [Queen of Eternal Night]: "The first generation studies politics and war, the second generation studies mathematics, philosophy, geography, natural history, shipbuilding, navigation, business, agriculture, astrology, and prophecy.

The third generation can study painting, poetry, music, architecture, sculpture, weaving, art design and ceramics. "It's exactly the same.

This is not a question of whether ten years of hard study can surpass the accumulation of three generations of others, but a question of whether the hard work of one generation can make people rich.

Although it is cruel, it is also a reality.

Just like in the man-made financial crises, each time it is a feast and carnival for financial tycoons, harvesting the blood and sweat accumulation of hundreds of millions of people in a country for decades in one breath.

Where are there geniuses and stock gods? They just know the news that others don't know.

Even that "heaven" can only sit in that position to serve them.

Just like the current Lancaster royal family, with culture and discourse power, they can make dirty money without dirtying their hands, and even curses can't be found on their heads.

It's perfect.

No matter how talented others are, they can't make this kind of money.

"Fire! "

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the commander's order, dense projectiles rushed towards the fortress from all directions like a rainstorm. A few excellent [musketeers] could make the fire line bounce between the gaps in the buildings without reducing its power.

The ordinary knights were already wearing excellent steel plate armor, which could not stop the flintlock bullets at all, and there was another scream.

It was the Urban Cannon that ended the 700-year-old myth of the Holy City, and it was the musketeers that ended the backward military force of the Knights.

Even the members of the Storm Knights, who were founded by Byron, changed their jobs one by one to become captains, let alone them?

Only the core hundreds of paladins who used holy light to bless swords and armor could withstand the musket fire.

At this time, the people standing in the front Grand Master Jacques de Molay's eyes were bloodshot, and his pupils were full of ghosts, but he still had some rationality.

Even after venting most of his hatred, his mind was clearer than at the beginning.

He knew that the survival of the Knights was more important than Louis XI and his own life.

He waved the [Ghost Hand Knife] in his hand, rolling up the sword light in the sky, and deflected a large number of bullets.

He took out a golden key from his waist pocket and threw it to the "Knight General" Redjavik who was still in the hall, and used [Telepathy] to seriously warn him:

"There is a secret passage leading to the sea under the altar. Just in case, I have prepared a boat there. You take the secret vault key and take the seed of the Knights and leave quickly.

Don't forget to bring the [Shroud] of the Son of God, and the [Twilight Cloak] made of the skin of the legendary ascetic collected in the secret vault is enough for you to block the detection of the legendary prophecy.

Hide immediately after going out, and hide until Louis XI dies.

Those who have the strength to bite us are the most cherished. With this chicken dying in front, others dare not act rashly.

You can borrow a shell overseas and move slowly. You may not be able to keep the castle and the manor, but it should not be difficult to keep the most valuable secret vault! Go quickly! "

The secret vault of the Poor Knights does not exist completely in the material world, but like the original Treasure Island, it is equivalent to an independent secret realm.

Only the key to the secret vault can locate and open it.

This is also the most important and largest wealth accumulated by the Poor Knights for hundreds of years.

The Grand Master played the "role" arranged by Mercurius, and his IQ was back online. He made the best arrangement under the current difficult situation.

The Knight General Redjavik was responsible for the training of young knights and was most familiar with the seeds. He nodded vigorously and turned around without hesitation.

With a "boom", the altar opened and called hundreds of young paladins to rush in.

"Don't let them run away!"

"Chase them!"

The Iris army could no longer care about advancing step by step, and the Marines drew their swords and rushed forward.

The relatively older group of senior officials in the Poor Knights did not leave. They stood behind the Grand Master Jacques de Molay with swords in their hands, and the silver-white holy light on their bodies was connected into one piece, ready to fight the pursuers to the death.

The holy light and the power of mind and will are of the same nature. There is almost no difference between them. They are all perfect commonalities. It can be said that it is the most suitable fighting profession for [Ladder of Glory]. There is no one else.

If the times had not changed, they could have suppressed the Silver Continent for another thousand years.

"Don't even think about going over there."

Facing the Iris army, a blood-red blade light shot up into the sky, cutting the three [Fortress Guards] holding shields in the front into two pieces.

The blood, flesh and internal organs were sucked up by the blade before they fell to the ground, turning into ashes and dissipating in an instant.

Once Jacques de Molay launched the [Ghost Hand Knife], it would be impossible to stop. Before Louis XI's family was cursed to death, he would be the first to die.

In just a few breaths, the ghost claw-like handle had grown into his bones and flesh, becoming his blade arm.

The "gulp", "gulp" sound of drinking blood could be heard clearly throughout the battlefield.

The silver-white holy light on his body, which could strongly restrain all kinds of evil spirits, weirdness, and clans, was instantly transformed into a red curse aura that seemed to drip blood.

The fifth-level legend was already a thousand-man enemy, and even without the help of the guards, he was still like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.


But before he could kill a few more people, a wooden gavel with golden light turned into a blazing sun and smashed down, blocking his blade.

The army automatically separated, and a middle-aged man holding a gem cane and wearing a top hat, who looked like a wealthy man, took off his hat and saluted him:

"Your Excellency, Grand Master, please rest assured and ascend to heaven.

Under the management of me, the legend of the gold and dollar sequence, the property of the Poor Knights will surely grow faster than the Netherlands Union Bank and the Pioneer Bank, so that you can rest in peace."

He was the guardian of the kingdom who helped [Victorious King] Charles VII to sort out the tax system and greatly increase the national strength, the fifth-level legend of the gold and dollar sequence [Golden Eyes] Jacques Cole.

Half of Charles VII's body has been buried, but this one is still very young.

It is probably because of his own ability. He traded for the magic potion that prolongs life from somewhere, or even the most direct life span.

The core ability of [Golden Eye] is identification, which is similar to the ability attached to the logbook.

In his career, he will come into contact with more precious treasures and successfully complete a series of processes such as identification, collection, and sale, and his strength will continue to increase.

Among them, the difficulty of identifying various dead objects is the lowest; the difficulty of identifying animal goods such as horses (horse identification) and hounds (dog identification) is second; the difficulty of identifying people is the highest.

When Jacques Cole was young, he fell in love with the impoverished Prince Charles VII at first sight, which enabled him to earn thousands of times the return and accumulate many treasures, including some of the abilities of [Law Master].

This allowed him to easily control this first-level holy relic [Gavel·Justice that is Never Late]!

The gavel has a thick appearance, and the top is inlaid with a copper plate with a scale pattern symbolizing fairness and justice, and a unicorn representing fairness is engraved just above the hammer.

No judge in the world has ever said: "Justice may be late, but it will never be absent." The real legal proverb is: "Justice delayed is justice denied."

This gavel represents: justice that is never late, that is, true justice!

With the help of the laws that have long been written in the [Iron Law of Kingship], it can abandon the subjective factors of lawyers and judges, travel thousands of miles in an instant, travel across the country, and enforce the law absolutely objectively and fairly.

In addition to the king who has judicial immunity, even if the prince commits a crime, he will be beaten to death on the spot!

The prerequisite for launching it is: the user himself has no illegal cases within the retrospective period.

With this treasure suppressing, the judicial system of the Iris Kingdom is particularly clear.

So, now it is not a legendary [Golden Eye] who is not good at fighting who suppresses the legendary paladin, but the judicial system of the entire Iris Kingdom.

No one can be stronger than the law within the territory of a country.

The mistake of the Poor Knights was that they did not occupy a piece of land and establish an independent country like the other two knights, which led to today's passive situation.

And it was not just one legend who followed Louis XI to launch the "Black Friday Plan".

The other was the Archbishop of the Iris Diocese, the famous cardinal who made the Iris Kingdom flourish and the right hand of the king [Prime Minister] Richelieu (Chapter 158).

It's just that others can't see it because of their low rank, but Byron can see it clearly.

This famous [Prime Minister] who has not been in office for too long but has made many dazzling achievements is obviously a bit passive.

He just threw a few holy prayers to his own army, and then used an excuse to stay by Louis XI's side and didn't move.

The facts are similar to Byron's judgment.

Richelieu glanced at the crown prince who was painted with makeup, and sighed in his heart:

"The only crown prince of Iris originally has special preferences and it is difficult for him to have children.

This time he was cursed by the ghost hand knife again. I don't know if he can survive.

Without the support of the royal power, when can I demolish all the noble castles in the hinterland of the kingdom according to the plan, help the royal family realize centralization, lay the foundation for Iris to replace the Holy Silver Empire to dominate the continent, and establish the First Empire of Iris?"

Although this cardinal was born in the Orthodox Church, he was obviously an alien who sat on the side of the secular royal power.

The breakthrough of the fifth-level legend was not based on the [Bishop's Ring], but on his own obsession.

From a poor noble of Iris to the prime minister with a high status now, he has always been thinking about the interests of the country, not the church.

But now if Louis XI really has an accident, the royal family will have no heir. Not to mention becoming king and dominating, if the next beast tide targets Iris, they may not be able to survive.

He was also a little disappointed.

At this time, the remaining members of the Knights had already rushed out of the secret passage.

But just when they saw the sky again and the sailboats anchored outside the rocky beach, before they could be happy, they saw a naval fleet flying the Iris flag approaching.

A burst of artillery fire blew the fast sailboat belonging to the Poor Knights into pieces.

Even if the Iris side did not know the existence of the secret passage, with the layout of a character like Richelieu, they would not leave them any chance to escape.

The navy of the kingdom on the opposite side landed quickly, holding flintlocks and stepping on the rocky beach to approach them from both sides.

"Kill, His Highness ordered that only the treasure key should be taken, and no one else should be spared."

The young knights were almost desperate.

They drew their swords and formed a circle to prepare for the last desperate fight.

Some people even began to pray for themselves before their death, hoping to go to heaven after death.

But the leader Redjavik suddenly knelt down facing the sea, raised his hands and prayed:

"Great Lord, your loyal servant prays that you will show your power and prove to the ignorant lambs that you are the Messiah of the Luoyan Era.

The poor knights will offer you our spirit, our blood, and everything we have!"

The others looked at each other in bewilderment.

The Creator is indeed real, but he has never shown miracles except for the [Son] a thousand years ago.

Will this really work?

Everyone had a question mark in their hearts.

But at this time, there is really no way to heaven and no way to earth, and there seems to be no other choice except to pray to God.

They all knelt on one knee behind the Knight General and repeated his prayer.

Over and over again.

Seeing that the range of the Marine Corps' flintlock rifles was getting closer and closer, and the ferocious pursuers behind them also appeared on the cliff, the knights' hearts gradually became desperate to the extreme.


The messy reef gravel suddenly rose up and turned into a smooth road, extending from where they were to the sea.

The sea also surged violently at this time, and actually retreated to both sides, forming a wall of water rushing onto the land, just blocking the pursuers on both sides.

At this moment, it was exactly the same as Moses parting the sea in the Gospel of Creation!


"It's really a miracle!"

The knights who survived the disaster were so excited that their eyes were red and tears were streaming down their faces.

And the Archbishop of Canterbury, Sister of Mercy, Theresa, on the [Golden Deer], held a crystal to record the whole scene.

These are all true miracles of the [Holy Spirit] coming to save the world, and they will be written into new scriptures in the future.

The Royal State Church promulgated the revised Thirty-Nine Articles of Faith. As its strength grew, it was no longer satisfied with being the leader of the new sects, but wanted to position the sect between the new and the old, just like the "human nature" that reconciles "divine nature" and "animal nature".

It had enough confidence to be an independent third party.

Not only did it control the right to interpret the scriptures, but even if it wrote two books, "The Original Way to Awaken the World" and "The Original Way to Awaken the World", they were genuine goods.

It was even the only genuine goods!

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