Pirate Kingship

Chapter 583 Secret: First gear, magnetic field overload, giant drum beating!


The behemoth crawled out from the bottom of the sea, opened its jaws, and squeezed out a foul-smelling roar from the dark mouth and eye sockets of the giant skeleton.

Even that mountain-like body made of black-red mud had countless twisted human faces surging around it, emitting shrill wails all the time.

Even if you don’t understand what the roar means, you can clearly feel the greedy appetite in the roar.

The pungent smell of rotten eggs became a thousand times stronger with its appearance. If it weren't for the isolation effect of the superimposed space, many mortal soldiers would have died of methane poisoning without fighting.

Byron waved his hand, and the wind direction on the sea suddenly changed.

With the power of storm in hand, the [Golden Deer] can always have the upper hand without fighting the wind.

When his status is high, he is surrounded by good people, and when he is strong, even the world will come to accommodate him. No wonder the increase in power makes people particularly fascinated.

His eyes fell on the disgusting monster charging towards him.

"There is a dead swamp giant hidden in the swamp gas mine on the bottom of the sea? Has it eaten countless people and turned into a cursed spirit?"

[Navigation Log] then read its information [Level 1 Cursed Spirit·Swamp Giant]:

"An undead monster that was formed by the death of an intelligent creature, a mire giant, and a deep-sea swamp gas mine, or even an entire submarine leyline. It is not the totem god of Apu but is more powerful than Apu.

He has completely fallen to the level of animality, without any reason at all, and only has a strong desire to keep eating in an attempt to regain his sanity.

It will attack any ship that passes above its head, actively smash the solid methane mines, and create giant bubbles to engulf passing ships. All it needs to do is open its mouth and wait for its work.

Taboo: When passing through its territory, you must prepare sacrifices in advance and bring out a number of slaves equal to about one-tenth of the number of people passing through to sacrifice to it before you can pass safely. "

Then when Byron's eyes fell on the dark faces that were constantly flowing on it, a second message appeared:

"The remnants of the bound undead.

The adventurers of the Old World were obviously not the first visitors to this strange sea.

Dozens or hundreds of years ago, the Familia from the opposite Eastern Continent had used this route when invading the east coast of the Southern Continent.

Over the years, they had sacrificed countless Black Iron slaves from the Eastern Continent, and they all became part of this swamp giant.

As long as subsequent passers-by perform sacrifices again, they can receive blessings [Black Iron's Protection] from those victims and this sea area:

As the skin color deepens, the tolerance to hunger increases and the resistance to disease increases. Even if you are locked like a sardine in the dark and damp lower deck, you will not die easily.

(Take it, this is our last gift - the Black Iron Tribe sinking to the bottom of the sea). "

Seeing this, Byron suddenly had a deeper understanding of the country of black mermaids mentioned by Salant.

If they follow the same route as "The Book of Familiars of One Hundred Beasts (Volume 2)": from beasts, to humans, to totem gods.

At first, the only humans that could be seen in large numbers underwater were the Black Iron Tribe. It was completely normal for them to turn into black fish when they "transformed".

This explanation is impeccable, and black fish must exist.

Of course, now is not the time to dwell on this, and Byron has not yet made up his mind whether to take those Black Iron Tribe back as souvenirs when returning from the Eastern Continent.

Because "if you use my people, the country will become black" and "if you take my money, you will become me sooner or later" are the same level of terrifying curses.

The [Cursed Spirit·Swamp Giant] on the opposite side had already rushed across the sea to two hundred meters away from the Golden Deer.

With a wave of the giant hand, the swamp on the seabed instantly turned into a big wave and rushed towards the Golden Deer. Every rolling wave was like a dark palm.

It seemed as if countless Black Iron Tribes who had returned from the underworld were waving to the living, wanting to take them into the deep sea to keep them company.

The light crown on Byron's head lit up and he shouted:

"The king's army, open up!"

With a roar, the golden lion representing the national will of Hetings jumped out and let out a terrifying roar at the swamp giant opposite.

The muzzles of the Golden Deer and all the artillery in the overlay space lit up with a circle of golden light. Even though they were not in the empire and were not fighting the Great Patriotic War, they still easily blessed the fleet with a spell-breaking effect.

"Fleet salvo, fire!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The fiery shock wave flattened the waves, forming a huge semicircular depression on the side, and the sea in front of it was violently repelled.

On the surface, there are only 15 32-pound cannons on the lower deck of the Golden Deer and 13 42-pound carronade cannons on the upper deck. The one-time projectile mass is only 1026 pounds.

But in fact, there were 672 heavy artillery pieces after the number was folded, with a projected mass of 24,624 pounds, and a total of 11 tons of artillery shells streaking across the sky.

The same projected mass will result in completely different firepower density for a fleet of twelve battleships than for one battleship.

An extremely concentrated volley fired a red barrage that filled the sky.

If it is poor, it will be tactical interweaving; if it is great, it will be covered by firepower.

Sail battleships have no mileage anxiety, and the new capabilities of legendary battleships have greatly alleviated Byron's fear of insufficient firepower. Once the breech-mounted rifled cannon and explosive ammunition are on board, the disease should be completely cured.

The next moment, the shells with the effects of [Storm Weapon], [Manual Guidance], [Cannon Range Extension], and [Demon Breaker] instantly crushed the black tide of the swamp and blew up the towering body of the swamp giant like a hill.

Under the effect of "Katyusha", 5% of the violent kinetic energy of about 33 bombs was converted into heat energy and exploded on the spot, and the mud in the sky turned into a rainstorm and fell back into the sea.

Probably because the area was full of marsh gas, the power of the explosion was far greater than the phenomenon.

Hula la.

The whistling hot wind spread out in waves, blowing the clothes of everyone on the boat.

After changing clothes with one click, Violet, who had switched to combat clothes, came to Byron, stretched out her hand to hold down the white skirt, looked at the huge fire in the distance, and raised her eyebrows:

"Is it solved?"

Without waiting for Byron to answer.

A more shrill roar exploded from the depths of the fireball, and the fierce shock wave dispersed the mist and smoke around it in an instant.

A rotten skeleton with a swamp shed and only a broken skeleton was left.

The head was large and small, with a dirty black and red color caused by soaking in the mud for a long time. The bones on the body were thick and there were six arms.

However, in a round of concentrated fire, half of the ribs were broken, two arms were lost, and the momentum was obviously reduced.

The theorem of smoke without injury did not hold here.

Monsters will die if they are killed. As long as the caliber of the artillery is large enough and the ammunition equivalent is strong enough, gods will not be an exception.

But the raging fire on its body did not go out. Instead, blue flames continuously sprayed out from the thick bones and quickly replaced the orange and red. In the blink of an eye, the mud giant turned into a fire giant.

The damaged parts on the body were also gradually repaired in the flames, but what grew out was not completely bones, but white opaque ice crystals.

Compared to the bloated swamp, the fire giant is obviously lighter and faster.

The remaining four arms reached under the water and pulled out four dark blue flame daggers.

In fact, the main component of the biogas mine is solid methane, which is combustible ice.

After being soaked in the source tide for a long time, combined with the giant's corpse, this cursed spirit also gained a more powerful second form.


Two dark blue spiritual lights ignited in the empty eye sockets, and suddenly stepped on the sea surface, turning into a meteor, and rushed towards the Golden Deer at a speed far exceeding the initial speed.

No matter how much the [Golden Deer] and all legendary warships evolve, they are ultimately only long-range soldiers with almost no melee ability, and can only rely on crew boarding battles.

Bruch was about to use the title ability of [Iron Wall] to force the hatred to lead the opponent away, and then call on the officers to besiege together.

A gust of wind had already blown past them, and then a blast that broke through the air was heard.

"You can't kill the first-level [Cursed Spirit] equivalent to the fifth level, leave it to me."

The crew only felt a flash of lightning in front of their eyes, and the whistling gas explosion ring had plowed a long white gully on the sea in front of the warship.

The sea water rolled up to both sides to form a circle of ring-shaped storm channels, vaguely outlining the shape of the magnetic field coil.

The next second.


Byron's two-meter-long two-handed heavy sword [Dragon Slayer Sword·Reinhard] has turned into thunder, and the four short swords crossed on the chest of the fire giant have exploded with a blazing white cold sword light.

Not only did the giant's momentum of charging stop on the spot, but even his posture was scattered and the empty door was wide open. He retreated five or six steps in a row, and exploded dozens of meters high white water columns on the sea.

Under the huge size difference, it was like a small ant overturning a piece of cream biscuit, which seemed particularly absurd in the eyes of the crew.


[Cursed Spirit] has no concept of death, and does not know what fear is.

The moment the fire in the empty eye sockets transferred from the Golden Deer to Byron, he immediately pounced on it, and the flaming daggers held by his four arms danced into a sharp storm of flames.

The daggers were only relative to the giants, but to the small humans, they were four ferocious fire dragons flying up and down. If they were lightly touched, they would be immediately torn into pieces and burned to ashes.

Byron was delighted:

"Come on."

His rank was getting higher and higher, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger. There were fewer and fewer humans who were qualified to be his opponents, and there were few opportunities to go all out to hone his power.

But he didn't expect to encounter a surprise just a few days after leaving the known world.

The farther away from the old continent, the closer to the primitive style of the mythological era and even the Paleozoic era.

There are countless weird, demonic, and alien species in the deep sea that have no wisdom or even no self.

Don't look at the old gods and churches who are boasting, but the material world was invaded by the source sea as early as the Paleozoic era. After thousands of years of evolution, even their understanding of this sea may be less than one percent.

As the background of the world becomes more and more chaotic.

The clear-cut class system of the human [Ladder of Glory] has become an exception. Many unknown beings are like sea monsters and can no longer be measured by the class of human individuals.

Instead, at least the sixth-level battleship or even the fleet classification can barely assess the opponent's strength.

For example, the one in front of him is the strongest first-level curse spirit that Byron has ever encountered. His hard power is stronger than the [Ghost Hand Knife] that can kill the fifth-level.

Byron immediately flashed with lightning and completely transformed into an energy elemental body: Storm Spirit.

The whole body is transparent with light cyan electric light flowing, his eyes are as bright as morning stars, and his short hair defies gravity and floats upward like seaweed in the water.

The breathing rhythm is adjusted to synchronize with the bay people's holy sword in his hand, and he instantly enters the state of unity between man and sword.

[Electromagnetic Slingshot] is activated, and the magnetic field strings everywhere in the air are tightened like the bowstrings of a strong bow, and a line of extremely sharp frost-white sword light suddenly shoots out.

After gently circling around a blue fire dragon, a section of the dagger was instantly cut off.

When he awakens to "heart flow", he can cut steel with ordinary iron. In his current state of "all things are unified", it is no problem to cut through the flowing clouds in the sky with one sword.

The ordinary soldiers on the ship could not see the battlefield clearly, but the fourth-level pirate officers could see it clearly.

The energy body is not encumbered by the physical body, and the "human and sword integration" is a true integration without any flaws. Any swordsman who encounters such an opponent cannot help but despair.

It is not weaker than the legendary "Flying Sword".

Everyone's originally tense nerves relaxed slightly, and they turned their attention to the cursed spirit.

[Phantom Blade] The Stormcloaks led by Guts work part-time as church night watchmen and are most sensitive to these weird things:

"The second circulation zone has just been opened for a year, and there are still many evil things that have settled on this route.

It is not easy to sweep all the ocean currents hundreds of kilometers wide.

The key is that [Cursed Spirit] is almost unkillable, and its immortality is stronger than many false gods who can live forever.

Encountering such a strong fifth-level opponent right from the start, the cost of maintaining the waterway in the future will probably be astronomical. "

[Curse Spirit]'s strength may be high or low, but in terms of personality, it all touches the "indescribable" beyond the specifications.

Some fell into the arms of the dead old gods, while others converted directly to the deep sea.

Acquired absolute immortality that cannot be killed no matter what.

It has become a physical curse, elusive, not afraid of swords, swords, halberds, muskets and artillery, unstoppable and immortal.

Even if it is killed temporarily, it will come back after a while.

As long as mortals below the fifth level are targeted by them, even if they escape temporarily, they may suddenly die suddenly one day.

The most typical representatives are the [Life-Happy Clown] who can only seal but cannot completely kill, and the [Funeral God] who is in charge of the Black Death.

Thinking about this, other people also find it very difficult.

The driving force for overseas exploration is profit. Without commercial ships that are driven by profit to make large-scale exchanges in an organized manner, it will eventually evolve into the swan song of seven voyages to the Western Ocean. No one wants to see this ending.

Byron didn't know what others were thinking, but he gradually discovered during the battle that his opponent was not simple.

The opponent's additional source of power is flame, or burning.

When he exploded with all his strength, the flames all over his body gradually gathered into a dazzling heart that beat "bang bang" in the empty chest.

The destructive power then spread out, making the giant's momentum stronger and stronger.

It seems that there is a large amount of gunpowder exploding in the body at all times, providing it with ferocious power.

Not to mention human legends, even those false gods of the Old God Church who have lived for hundreds of years will definitely not feel comfortable if they dare to confront them head-on.

Byron glanced at the [Navigation Log] in his right eye, just like when he entered the blood source secret realm of [Mother of Creation, Lilith], and clearly read the forbidden knowledge escaping from it:

"Source of knowledge: Eastern Continent Desert Empire pantheon [Fire God], [Ox-headed God], [Master Creator] Ptah.

He is the God of Craftsmen and the God of Fire, and has the vocations of [Creation], [Craftsman], [Art], [Fire], etc.

The cursed spirit of the Mire Giant seemed to be anchored to the old god because of his affinity with the old god, and thus gained powerful immortality.

The forbidden knowledge is "The Core of the Furnace", which mainly talks about burning and forging."

The combustion of [Vulcan] sounds similar to the fusion reaction of [Sun God], but in fact it is completely different in nature. One is a chemical reaction that produces light and heat, and the other is a purely physical reaction.

It is similar to Byron's current energy body. From the perspective of black magic exploring the truth of the world, flames and thunder and lightning are actually plasma.

The relevant powers also overlap greatly with Violet's legendary [Whale Oil Mechanic] and [Queen of War].

If the [Giant Creator] and [Minotaur God] were allowed to live until now, the force that was the first to invent the whale oil-powered steam engine might not have their turn at all.

The knowledge from an old god flowed in Byron's heart. Although he could not read the entire book in a hurry, his understanding of the nature of energy operation also improved a lot.

The understanding of self-storm and magnetic slingshot has also taken a big step forward, opening up a new way of thinking.

“If you want to condense the sixth-level [clergy], in addition to using your own power and knowledge as seeds, and using the believers’ thoughts and wishes as water and fertilizer to grow.

You can also absorb other people's knowledge, and even directly snatch the [Priesthood] of other sixth-level demigods, with exactly the same effect.

This [Master Creator] is very appealing to me and Violet.

Unfortunately, giants have no self or humanity, and no matter how sophisticated their knowledge is, they cannot exert their full power, let alone divine vision or the unity of all things.

I'll get the rest myself. "


A line of frost-white sword light flashed continuously, and with exquisite storm swordsmanship, he cut off the flaming dagger in the giant's hand with three strikes.

Byron shook his shoulders and expanded like a puff of air to the same height as the Fire Giant, turning into a storm giant that connected the sky and the earth.

The sea shook when he stamped his feet, and he could touch the clouds in the sky with his hands.

With the Fire Giant's rotten brain, he couldn't figure out why his opponents changed three in a short time.

But he could instinctively feel the violent aura that was gradually emerging from Byron, which was somewhat similar to his own.

He subconsciously stepped on the sea surface with his feet, and the flames exploded the water vapor, making it retreat a sea mile as if it was riding on clouds.

Byron was not in a hurry to catch up.

Based on the knowledge he had just peeked into, he quietly changed his breathing, and the wind and clouds gathered above his head, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

He had watched the battle between the three demigods, [Mother of Monsters], [God of Sleep], and [Clown of Playful Life], up close.

Every move and every style was a collision of power between Tao and reason.

Use your own "reason" to directly blast the opponent's "reason", whoever wins is more reasonable, simple and direct, plain and unpretentious.

But Byron thought about it and realized that he was not an old god, nor was he crazy at all.

"Maybe a madman's attack is particularly painful, but as long as normal people are prepared, using traps or finding tools, it is not difficult to take down a madman without injury.

The difference between humans and beasts is that they know how to use wisdom and tools, so skills are still necessary.

I have been promoted for too short a time, and my development of magic is still very rudimentary, far less than the [Puppet King] who has been studying [Blood and Flesh Are Useless].

Today, with the help of the knowledge of "Core of the Furnace", I have a new idea.

A CPU working at 2500MHZ is likely to still work stably at 3500MHZ. In order to explore these potential surplus parts, "overclocking" can be performed.

The same is true for motors, sacrificing service life in exchange for actual power far exceeding the rated power.

My [Magnetic Slingshot] seems to be not bad."

The blazing white divine aura on his body suddenly exploded.

The seawater evaporated and turned into a fierce gale, carrying endless clouds and mist straight into the sky. The entire sky within a radius of dozens of kilometers rose and fell with Byron's chest.


It can be vaguely seen that as the light figure's breathing changes, an illusory king seal like a small sun condenses on his head.

Countless magnetic field lines weave a large net with it as the center.

Then, like a living heart, it beats at a specific frequency, making deep and powerful drum beats.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The whole sky is reverberating with increasingly powerful heartbeats, and the sound is getting louder and louder, as if Thor is beating a war drum.

[Secret: Storm King Seal] is the direct embodiment of the two powers of storm and kingship in Byron, integrating body, mind, and spirit, and can also integrate the atmosphere within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

After this period of hard practice with his two sisters, the realm of "all things return to one" has approached 2%.

The power of heaven and earth that can be borrowed is also getting stronger and stronger.

Immediately, Byron's body swelled up, and he swallowed the king seal that looked like a small sun.

His aura soared, and the sea and the sky exhaled with him.

It was like the [King] used soldiers as his guards before, but now he used this sea of ​​​​sky as his guards. How could human power compare to the power of nature?

The reason why demigods are the combination of [Glory Ladder] and [Bloodline Original] is that even the weakest demigods can mobilize the power of the entire kingdom of God to help in the battle. They have both great power and the power of the people!

The soldiers and officers watching the battle on the ship felt numb, and their teeth were chattering.

It felt like the gunpowder depot on the ship was about to explode, but they had no way to escape.


Byron took a step forward and rushed to the front of the fire giant like lightning. The sound of the bowstring cracking behind him was delayed.

Fierce and violent, the shocking charge! Move like a drawn bow, fire like thunder!


Byron swung his elbow, and his right fist, which was accelerated to the limit by the magnetic field lines inside and outside his body, collided with the four fists that the giant rushed at him.

Boom--! ! !

Fire flashed between the sky and the sea, and the giant flew back like a cannonball, and his four arms exploded into ashes in mid-air.

Secret: First gear, magnetic field overload, giant drum!

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