Pirate Kingship

Chapter 59 Holy Relic: Thirty Silver Coins

In the North Sea, the coast of Yongye Peninsula not far from Anchor Bay.

A thin mist rose from the dark night and dim moonlight, making several pirate ships with black skull flags looming.

It looked like the legendary terrifying ghost ship.

The emblem on one of the skull flags was a skeleton dragging a bloody twisted insect body, which was the [Insect Singing] of [Woodpecker] Maltz.

It was also affected by [Black Magic·Ant Queen Blessing], and all the members turned into women.

[Insect Singing] had obviously adjusted its posture in advance, with the stern facing Yongye Peninsula and the bow facing the direction of Anchor Bay.

It seemed ready to pull up the anchor and set sail at any time.

Suddenly, a shrill voice like an insect sounded:

"Midnight has come, all crew members are in their positions, and do not leave their posts no matter what sound you hear.

All officers stay to participate in the ceremony.

Bring the slave up to me."

[Woodpecker] Maltz relied on his status as the "queen worm" and his authority on this pirate ship was obviously higher than that of most pirate captains.

The crew members who were infected with tapeworms by him (her) and turned into "queen ants" were 100% tamed by him (her).

Soon, they painted a five-pointed star magic circle that looked like a goat's head on the tall stern with blood.

Several burly but rouge-faced pirate officers escorted an old slave who had been drugged and fell into a coma to the formation.

Maltz arranged him in the shape of an inverted cross, and lit a white candle at each of the four corners of the inverted cross.

If Byron were here, he would definitely recognize at a glance that this slave was one of the "raw materials" that the two of them had previously fought for at the Golden Palm Trading Company.

This extraordinary person was not used to feed the bugs, but was obviously used as a sacrifice for another evil ritual.

I don’t know whether it is lucky or unfortunate.

[Woodpecker] Maltz first poured a bucket of red wine that looked like blood from the stern into the sea.

He took out two silver coins from his pocket and placed them in the slave’s eye sockets as if he was holding a pirate funeral.

But that was not an ordinary silver coin. Under the faint candlelight, it was clearly the same octopus silver coin in Byron’s hand!

He reached out to take the ritual sword handed over by the first mate, and pierced the heart of the sacrifice with a sword without changing his face.

The blood dripping from the tip of the sword dripped onto the two octopus silver coins in his eye sockets.

The moment the two silver coins touched the blood, the upward side suddenly turned blood red.


An invisible wave was transmitted far away from the stern.

The mist around him also turned into white frost in an instant, causing many pirates of the [Insect Song] who were much stronger than ordinary people to shiver.

The sacrifice only twitched slightly, and then it was completely cold.

"Captain, is this enough to perform the [Black Mass] ritual of blaspheming holy objects?"

The first mate beside him saw such a strange scene and couldn't help asking.

The privateering captains also knew that these sets of octopus silver coins cast with [forbidden knowledge] were certainly not holy objects.

They were imitations of the zero-level [holy relics·30 silver coins]!

The famous [30 silver coins] were the reward obtained by the traitor for betraying the Son of God 1,500 years ago, symbolizing "unjust" wealth.

Thirty silver coins were almost the price of a slave at the time.

Because of the huge historical turning point and influence involved, the thirty silver coins regarded as holy objects by the church became the terrifying [cursed objects].

Countless unjust souls were imprisoned and punished by them, and finally formed various cruel [cursed spirits].

From then on, there was a taboo in the upper class of the Old Continent:

When casting silver coins, it is absolutely forbidden to cast exactly thirty silver coins of the same specifications at one time.

Because just this insignificant connection is enough to make them have a trace of resentment of this name and become a potential dangerous item.

As long as a [Black Mass] ceremony is held to exchange power in reverse by desecrating holy objects, it is very easy to attract wandering evil spirits and monsters!

The required sacrifices are: "slaves", "supernatural beings", "belief in [the Creator] (Remit bloodline is best)" and other characteristics.

The so-called [Faceless Man] and [Ripper] are just fallen people who retain part of their self, used to experiment with the effect of silver coins and confuse people.

Everyone was only given one silver coin to block divination and receive the elements of the people of the North Bay.

The [Black Mass] ceremony held by a group of privateers here is the real highlight.

After the [Insect Song], several other ships also started the ceremony.

The temperature of the sea surface was constantly decreasing, and it dropped by at least ten degrees in just a short moment.

If you listen carefully, you can even hear something whispering under the dark water surface, but if you look for the source, you will find nothing.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Before [Woodpecker] could answer the first mate, a knock on the door was suddenly heard on the dead silent ship.

No, it was not a knock on the door, but something was knocking on the bottom of the boat under the water!


For a moment, many old sea dogs felt like they were back on the overseas routes where there were more evil things than fish.

Their legs were shaking and their bodies were a little weak.

Some young people who didn't believe in evil stuck their heads out with whale oil lamps and looked carefully underwater.

But it seemed as if he had seen something extremely horrible, his face was pale, his eyes were wide open, and his teeth were chattering:

"Yes, yes."

Before he could scream, it was as if an invisible force had grabbed his neck and dragged him down.

At this time, the corpse of the sacrifice in the pentagram suddenly straightened up, opened his mouth and began to breathe again.

A terrified scream came from his leaky throat:

"It's coming, it's coming! It"

The body twitched violently as if it had been electrocuted, and was about to stand up again.

"Quick, hold him down!"

[Woodpecker] was not panicked, knowing that the evil spirit summoned by the ritual had already possessed the corpse of the sacrifice.

The pirate officers who had been prepared all around rushed forward and held him down.

[Woodpecker] was quick-witted and immediately stepped forward to turn over the two silver coins in the corpse's eye sockets, so that the bright white side without blood was facing up.

The summoned evil spirit seemed to be pressed down by a heavy burden, and could no longer move.

As if he had died again, he lay down again.

"It has been temporarily sealed."

The Black Mass of the [Insect Song] was safe and sound, with only one minion lost.

The lights on the mast flickered, sending a signal to the fleet's temporary flagship.

The flagship in the middle, flying the pirate flag of Red Beard's Nemesis.

Bill, the temporary commander and the [Executioner] on the [Nemesis], put down the brass telescope in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

"A good start is half the success. I hope there will be no accidents in tonight's mission."

As one of Red Beard's confidants, he led three privateer captains to receive the tasks issued by the captain, and then left the Anchor Bay with the other two fleets at full speed.

They came to the land near the relatively dense population, where there were more evil spirits and weirdness, and launched the [Black Mass Ceremony] to invite the evil spirits to board the ship.

There were a total of fourteen ships carrying out the same mission, corresponding to the remaining 28 octopus silver coins.

They were only responsible for execution and didn't care about anything else.

As long as they can ensure that these "sacrifices" that seal those evil spirits and weirdnesses are brought back to the Anchor Bay, it will be fine.

What makes them most nervous is that some weirdnesses and evil spirits still have some very strange [accidental magic].

If things are likely to go wrong, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen.

It's not just them that are dangerous, but also the various unexpected situations they bring!

Dealing with these evil guys, whether you are careful or not, you may die miserably.

Before the mission, every privateer captain received a high incentive from Red Beard, otherwise no one would dare to gamble on their luck.

Seeing that the [Insect Song] and another privateer [Sunflower] have successively received good news about the success of the ceremony.

The last [Rainbow] has not made any movement.

Just when [Executioner] Bill was about to send a signal to ask.


The messy gunshots and screams resounded throughout the privateer.

I don't know what the crew had experienced, but someone actually fired recklessly, almost affecting the other three ships not far away.

Bill couldn't help but curse inwardly:

"Damn, a bunch of idiots! The seal failed?!"

But he also knew that it was completely uncontrollable what kind of weird things the counterfeit [30 silver coins] would attract in the Black Mass.

No matter how careful you are, you may encounter unpredictable accidents.

Also remember the taboos during adventures: strong curiosity is often the source of trouble.

Immediately send a signal to other privateers:

"The Rainbow is no good, don't get close.

The entire fleet retreated to the Anchor Bay, full speed ahead! Run!"

The three ships that had already adjusted their postures immediately abandoned their companions without any hesitation and pulled up the anchor collectively.

As if there was a man-eating beast chasing them desperately behind them, they rushed towards the direction of the Anchor Bay.

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