Pirate Kingship

Chapter 62:

"That seems to be...a pirate ship?"

Gus rushed up to the mainmast as soon as possible and saw the outline of the black figure clearly.

[Golden Deer] unfolded the fore-and-aft sail, pulled the girder rope to change the foresail into a fore-and-aft sail, and completed the posture adjustment of "starboard tack-near windward sailing".

Go against the wind.

The huge black shadow on the opposite side rode the cold current along the nearby ice sheet, and the two sides soon met each other.

Byron was also able to see clearly that the black figure that seemed to have experienced a tragic massacre and exuded a strong smell of blood was actually a pirate ship.

The ship flying the black pirate flag maintains a "sailing brake" state.

The sails on the foremast and main mast expand in opposite directions, and the main mast generates thrust in the opposite direction to the forward direction, braking the sailboat.

There is no need to anchor, and the sailboat can be still relative to the wind, allowing the sailboat to drift slowly with the wind and ocean currents.

When there is an emergency, you can quickly use the swivel rope to adjust the windward angle of the sail to restore maneuverability and get into battle as soon as possible.

Looking at it now, it looks like it was killed by an unknown enemy before the crew could react and enter combat mode.

"This is the [Rainbow] that suddenly left the port yesterday along with a dozen privateers and the best 'confidant' candidate without a trace!"

When the distance was close enough that he could clearly see the somewhat broken pirate flag, Byron couldn't help but be surprised.

The [Navigation Log] in his eyes clearly records the information of every ship he has ever seen.

Just by glancing at the rainbow pirate flag on the mast, I immediately recognized the identity of this ship.

It was at the moment when they could both clearly observe each other.

The privateer "Rainbow" on the opposite side suddenly "awakened" like a frightened beast.

The sail that was opened in the opposite direction instantly returned to its original position, catching the Category 5 wind blowing from the north, and charged towards the [Golden Deer] with great momentum.

No signals were sent during this period, and there was no intention of communicating at all.

Even when there was no pirate ship plundering normally, the pirates were shouting excitedly.

What's even weirder is that when the ship moves, the surrounding mist also moves with it, as if the mist comes from the ship.

clang! clang! clang!

Second Mate Gus on the mast immediately sounded the alarm.

Byron immediately gave the order:

"Level 1 combat readiness! All crew members will enter combat positions immediately!"

The opponent's boat is in the favorable wind direction to windward, while their boat happens to be to leeward.

How similar is this to the time when the [Man-eating Shark] faced off against the [Stern]?

Moreover, there was no change in wind to save the situation this time. The Rainbow, which was in the upper hand, also had the assistance of ocean currents and could at least increase its speed by one knot.

The Rainbow's advantage was even greater than the original Yan's.

But the crew members on the [Golden Deer] who had experienced the original battle had no fear at this time, and their eyes were only filled with excitement of eagerness to try.

This privateer is just a pirate ship converted from a small armed merchant ship, and it is not much better than the original "Man-Eating Shark".

Even though the current situation seems a bit weird, they firmly believe that they will win!

Will they be afraid of being chased while driving the world's fastest three-masted sailboat?

What a joke.

Byron also calmly gave the order:

"Order: Get the upper hand, maneuver into the wind, and go around to windward of the Rainbow."

There is no doubt that "seizing the upper hand" is the only way to achieve single-ship duels and fleet duels in the age of sail.

It is easier to attack the opponent below the waterline, the wind increases the range of the artillery shells, and the wake creates strong maneuverability. Everyone wants many benefits.

In the past, the full-sailed "Man-Eater Shark" with only horizontal sails could not be obtained, but now there is no problem with the "Golden Deer" equipped with two huge longitudinal sails.

"The sails and cables are long, the course is three compass points north and west, sail close to the wind, let it see what it means to be the best in the world!"

The longitudinal sail can be attached to the wind at 30-40°, and the horizontal sail can only be attached to 60°, and it can be combined with its own name and special effects.

The current [Golden Deer] is like a group of light cavalry fighting a group of heavy infantry.

It has enough mobility to support the strong tactics of "when the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we pursue, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack".

"As you command!"

Captain Thomas immediately directed the sailors to adjust the sail through the densely packed white staying ropes on the ship to face the wind at the best angle.

The [Rainbow] located at the ten o'clock direction obviously understood the intention of the [Golden Deer], and according to its inertial thinking, it stretched its sail to the limit.

A tactical action of "adjustment with the wind" was used, and the wind was also reversed.

The [Rainbow] was 5 nautical miles to the northwest, circling upwind at an angle of 60°, and at the same time, it continued to approach the [Golden Deer].

The "Golden Deer" also keeps the wind at an included angle of about 35° (one compass point is 11.25°).

Before the battle, the two pirate ships were like two leaves dancing together in the wind, using a zigzag route, moving forward closer and closer.

It is an eternal truth that whoever has better windward maneuverability will gain the upper hand.

[Rainbow] also gradually realized that something was wrong. Its wind-fighting efficiency could not be compared with [Golden Deer] of similar size? !

As if risking his life, he adjusted the steering again, trying to use the sail to speed up and crash towards the "Golden Deer".

"Get the 'T' word for me! Blow its ass off!"

The [Golden Deer] was not afraid at all, and nimbly cut in to the west and passed its stern.

"Load each cannon battery with solid bullets, and the carronade with shotgun shells.

Target the poop, shoot from front to back.

Three, two, one, fire!"

When the distance was within 200 meters, Byron decisively ordered all long-range cannons to fire.


The first mate and the gunner shouted together, and the roar resounded throughout the ship.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The orange-red flames flickered one after another.

The seven 6-pound guns on the port side fired in turn, and one after another, the hot cast iron shells drilled into the tall poop of the [Rainbow].

Whether it was a merchant ship or a warship, their sterns were all officers' bedrooms, or large living areas consisting of cabins and balconies.

These exquisite and fragile "glass curtain walls" were not much stronger than a layer of window paper in the face of a volley of naval guns.

The spherical projectiles that passed through the stern of the ship could not stop at all.

All of them bounced and screamed across the entire gun deck of the privateer, penetrating from front to back, smashing everything here to pieces.

Or they hit the deck and beams and burst out a rain of deadly fragments.

This is the beauty of grabbing the "T".

As the "horizontal", you use your own side with artillery to face the stern or bow of the other side that has no weapons and extremely weak defense.

Easily hit tons of damage, one shot to the soul!

The bloody smell from the privateer became more and more intense, making the man-eating sharks lurking in the sea water restless.

However, the people on the [Golden Deer] did not hear a few voices, but heard a sharp cry from the cabin.

"Continue to reload, we will circle to the windward side of the enemy ship and fire another "T" salvo at the bow of the enemy ship."

Byron waved his hand.

Having the advantage of mobility is the capital of willfulness.

The advantage of mobility allows him to take risks and adopt more dangerous tactics, thereby achieving overwhelming combat results.

The significance of the sea trial is not only to test the performance of the ship, but also to explore a set of combat plans suitable for the ship.

In the future, the "Tudor Hybrid" will take into account the "long-range" artillery battle beyond 200 meters, but will pay more attention to the close-range artillery battle of about 100 meters.

The 32-pound carronade at this attack distance has absolute artillery dominance.

However, the Rainbow is not completely a target that can be rubbed by anyone. Although its speed is slow, its turning radius is also smaller.

It successfully avoided bad luck and turned its windward side toward the Golden Deer.

When they passed each other at a close distance of 100 meters, Byron, holding the trump card and fearless, had a cold look in his eyes and shouted to the gun crew:

"Carronade, prepare to sweep the enemy ship's open deck! Three, two"

Just as the flintlock igniter in the gunner's hand fell on the Carronade gunpowder pool.

A figure wearing prisoner uniforms on the opposite deck, but with eyes replaced by blood-red silver coins, also waved his hands.

Boom boom boom.

Rolling smoke rose up.

But the six guns on the open deck of the Rainbow did not fire normal shells, but six oversized parasites. Whale lice!

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