Pirate Kingship

Chapter 74 Orphan Alliance, United Front

At the other end, the public anchorage of the privateering alliance.

The wooden structure of the sailboat creaked rhythmically with the rising and falling waves, and a lantern hanging on an iron hook cast a dim light, illuminating a long figure.

The blood light of the [Blood Holy Grail] in Byron's palm gradually dissipated, and with it disappeared several sleeping privateer pirates in the cabin.

After finishing his work, he turned his head and walked out of the forecastle cabin on the privateering ship for officers to rest.

He ran into two pirates patrolling the night with whale oil lamps.

The two pirates saw the figure suddenly appearing in front of them, and were about to give a warning in panic.

"It's me."

Hearing the familiar voice and seeing Byron's face clearly, they hurriedly took off their hats and saluted:

"It turns out to be Mr. Executioner.

We thought we had met that damned [Wild Hunt].

You are still patrolling the anchorage so late at night. You are really worthy of being Captain Redbeard's confidant and right-hand man."

What they saw was naturally [Executioner] Bill, who has recently become famous in the alliance.

Most privateer crew members knew that three days ago, just overnight, this executioner emerged as a dark horse and was particularly trusted by Redbeard.

From the seventh person of [Vengeance], he suddenly became the third person.

His status is only below Redbeard Edward and the first mate [Badger] Harvey.

Perhaps some old men in Redbeard's direct lineage are still not convinced, but in the eyes of the privateering alliance forces outside, this is definitely an undisputed front-line figure.

Byron patted their shoulders in a friendly manner with the hand that had just killed someone, and encouraged them with a serious face:

"We all serve the alliance.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal!

As long as you are loyal to the captain like me, you will also be appreciated by the senator.

During this period, the damn [Wild Hunt] has started to commit crimes again, and more and more people have disappeared. You should intensify your patrols and pay attention to safety. I will go first."

The two privateers were a little flattered and nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, Mr. Bill, we will perform well. Please walk slowly and watch your step."

Until Byron walked away and a gust of icy cold wind blew, they shrank their necks and put away their almost stiff flattering smiles.

Looking at the dark and cold night and the endless pirate ships, he said uncertainly:

"For three days, every time the day is over, the [Wild Hunt] will sneak into the anchorage and kill people everywhere.

You said, he shouldn't come to our ship today?"

"Hey, didn't Mr. Bill just patrol? It shouldn't be possible, right?

By the way, the captain is not here anyway, how about? We should go back to the lower deck, at least there are more people there."

"Let's go, let's go."

No wonder the privateer pirates are so nervous.

It is said that four days ago, the captains' plan to reversely hunt the [Wild Hunt] in a trap failed, which attracted the other side's crazy revenge.

Not only kill people on the shore, but also take the initiative to sneak into the privateer ships anchored in the anchorage.

In the past, the [Wild Hunt] mainly hunted extraordinary people and didn't care much about ordinary people.

But now it has expanded its hunting range and committed crimes crazily. Everyone may become the next victim to disappear with the [Wild Hunt].

The difficulty of defense increased countless times, the bait plan did not work, and the privateer captains who had already run out of tricks were completely out of ideas.

Basically, when the privateer pirates woke up every day, there would be fewer familiar faces around them.

Moreover, it was said that [Wild Hunt] successfully escaped from the ambush of a second-level professional, and the second-level extraordinary people who were originally sitting on the high platform were all afraid.

Panic continued to spread, and the name [Wild Hunt] might become their nightmare for life.

But the big event was imminent, and the slight commotion was all suppressed by Red Beard.

He just ordered all ships to stay 100 meters away from the shore, beyond the radiation range of the octopus silver coins on those grotesques, and to keep as much distance as possible from each other, and then he stopped caring.

This big pirate had long regarded the Wild Hunt and the Gunpowder Artist as a group, and subconsciously regarded Byron's hunting as a normal revenge of a desperate dog.

As long as the other party is a Bay citizen, he has been marked by the [Black Mass Ritual] and will die in the subsequent "natural disaster" sooner or later.

It won't matter if it takes just one or two days, why bother?

Even if it doesn't affect the upcoming election, he doesn't care if a few more non-direct privateer alliance pirates die, which will not affect the overall situation.

"Only Captain Redbeard's direct line has not had any trouble these days.

The captain and other extraordinary people all hid on the [Goddess of Vengeance] for shelter because they were afraid of death, but they left us aside.

In comparison, Mr. Bill, who works hard, is more humane.

When something happens, he is really by our side. He is such a kind person with a cold face but a warm heart."

Byron listened to the conversation that came with the wind gradually disappearing, shook his head and laughed.

He used [Mountain Goat Footsteps] to jump, and landed on the black backs of several man-eating sharks in the water, and soon returned to the shore.

His legend level in the logbook also quietly reached 19.

The waves created by [Wild Hunt] in the pirate group are already big enough, so there is no need for him to stir up trouble again. Let the bullets continue to fly for a while.

Perhaps at some point, the legendary degree will naturally break through the threshold of 20 points.

Let him gain an additional additional ability like the [Unbreakable Body] of the child guard.

If you are lucky, even if you cross the class level, it is not a dream to defeat the strong with the weak alone.

At this time, the voice of the gunpowder artist's inquiry happened to come into his ears, and Byron answered in his heart:

"It's okay, I'm also finishing here.

The number of pirates of the Privateering Alliance I killed may not be as many as the number of missing Bay residents, but the types are definitely wide enough.

In theory, the more people of a certain ethnic group are sacrificed, the stronger the mark in the octopus silver coin, and the darker the blood color on it.

Don't worry, no one in the Privateering Alliance will escape.

What about the third-party free pirates you are responsible for?"

"Hehe, it's also done.

Not only free pirates, but also slaves from all over the world, black market merchants, bounty hunters wandering in the gray area, and other groups have been marked.

Even the dungeon of the Anchor Bay Law Enforcement Team is empty.

That thing will definitely be surprised at that time."

"Well done."

In order to cooperate at the critical moment, Byron left an emergency contact number in the report letter.

Then Violet sent him the [Whalebone Amulet·Whale Song], which improved the communication efficiency by several centuries.

The two people who communicated through the legal network became close "netizens" and formed an orphan alliance of the two major branches of the Bay Citizens to form a unified front.

By the way, he informed the other party of his vests of [Gunpowder Artist] and [Wild Hunter].

No one would lose out if the vests were exchanged.

Of course, they were all smart people and had some guesses about each other's true identity:

The suspected third-level [Craftsman] could not just appear casually, and Byron just happened to have seen one at the venue;

People who had deep malice towards the York family and had sufficient motivation to put it into practice were rare in Anchor Bay, and Violet just happened to know a [Devil's Son].

But for the time being, no one had exposed the other.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two Bay Citizen orphans who were so miserable must have sympathized with each other and had many common topics to compare their misery, right?

'No way! ’

The two people, who were full of bad intentions, both gave negative answers.

They didn't care about complaining about themselves at all, and only thought about how to make the enemy feel pain!

There was a sense of mutual sympathy.

The means for the two people to break the deadlock was to drag all the people, all ethnic groups, trading companies, and groups in Iron Anchor Bay into the water.

It was like a person in danger in a lonely alley late at night and encountered an irresistible perverted killer.

He must not shout: "Murder, help", he needs to shout: "Fire, come and put out the fire."

Because the former has nothing to do with him, it is highly likely that no one will lend a hand.

The latter is related to the interests of everyone. If you stand idly by, it is very likely that your house will be burned down, and you have to help.

Only by tying everyone to the same chariot can you gather the most powerful force and achieve your goal.

As for whether the third party is willing or not, it is not important.

So, things like [anchors] are not illusory. They exist in this special extraordinary world and are widely present in every corner of the ordinary world.

In the past two days, the two of them were the most rampant "evil spirits" in Anchor Bay.

The third-level Violet was responsible for solving those evil spirits and weirds, and also marking all the tribes in the North Sea.

Byron took advantage of Bill's position to easily grasp the internal intelligence of the privateering alliance and came to the center.

The only place he didn't start was the [Vengeance] where Red Beard was in charge.

It's not because rabbits don't eat grass near their nests, but there must be consequences for every cause, and your confidant is me.

They are the most dangerous of all the sacrifices!

Byron looked at the Anchor Bay in front of him, and seemed to see an invisible net connecting everyone. He nodded with satisfaction:

"Use [Octopus Silver Coin] to hold back all the pirates in the entire North Sea; use [Heartache] to drag Red Beard down;

As long as the remaining 25% of the decryption work is completed, you will be qualified to draw a powerful holy relic.

I have three amulets. Even if the defense of Anchor Bay fails, I am fully confident that I can escape.

Everyone thinks [Storm Knight] is reckless, but in fact I am a lot more stable."

However, they now have another very critical problem.

Byron tapped the whalebone amulet in his ear and asked the other side:

"The most critical problem now is that we don't have the highest authority of the [Pirate Code] and cannot modify it.

When tomorrow noon arrives, the established procedures left by the [Pirate Code] will start running, and the real [Overseer] will be selected through "voting" and "fighting".

The top priority now is to prevent Red Beard from obtaining authority and opening the outer maze lock.

Otherwise, that Channel Fleet alone will be enough to flatten us.

And the most troublesome thing is that he is immortal. Do you local snakes who have been entrenched in Anchor Bay for thousands of years have a way to get rid of him?"

The elegant male voice on the other side first teased:

"Mr. Good Citizen knows the situation in our Anchor Bay very well.

We are not the Lancasters who played "King under the Law" in Hastings. How could we not leave ourselves a back-up authority?"

Without waiting for Byron's face to turn black, he immediately straightened his tone and asked back with some mystery:

"Do you know what the Great Secret Treasure is? Why is Iron Anchor Bay called Iron Anchor Bay? What is this [anchor] anchoring?

I do have a plan, and it depends on how far you, the 'confidant', can go. Like this."

As Byron listened, his eyes gradually lit up.

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