Pirate Kingship

Chapter 77 Blood Eagle Punishment, One-Eyed Badge

Byron did not rush over immediately, but used the same trick to vote twice on the way, and obtained two relics and burial objects from two weak mortal heroes.

Make sure he can call for help at any time.

Then he avoided other ship coffins on the road and rushed to the destination following the sound.

A lot of time was wasted on the road, and the cry for help had changed from the initial howl to a mosquito-like groan.

From the sound, it was known that this guy was probably out of breath but not in.

Because Violet limited this treasure hunt to her and all the captains of the Red Beard side.

After hearing the cry for help, Byron was not in a hurry at all.

Although five members of the Bay Citizens also joined in by voting for Red Beard through a loophole in the rules.

But it was not his turn to save the third-level pirate.

The reason why he came here was just to see if he could get some bargains.

Byron hid far behind a towering reef and looked at the mudflat in front.

I saw a bloody eagle lying on a ship coffin that had been torn into broken wooden boards and pieced together to look like a cross.

"No, it's not an eagle, but a person who looks like an eagle!"

Byron's face froze, and he subconsciously held his breath.

He looked carefully with wide eyes and found that the unlucky guy whose voice sounded familiar was the captain of the privateer alliance, Woodpecker, who had a grudge against him.

At this time, Woodpecker was being stripped naked by two Bay people.

The ribs were opened from the back, and two wing-like lungs were pulled out.

With the weak breath of the unlucky guy, the lungs flapped up and down like eagle wings.

Bloody and terrifying.

A name immediately popped up in Byron's mind: Blood Eagle Punishment!

The "blood eagle" here obviously does not refer to an eagle, but a person.

This is a punishment invented by the Bay people in the north. In Byron's opinion, it may be more cruel and bloody than "beheading" and "lingchi".

Before the execution, the prisoners will be fed a potion by the Wan people to ensure that they will not die soon.

Then the prisoners will be tied to the rack with their backs facing up and their faces facing down.

The executioner will slowly cut the prisoner's flesh with a knife to expose his ribs.

Then the prisoner's ribs will be broken out from the back by hand, looking like two open wings.

Due to the effect of the herbs, the prisoner is not completely dead at this time, and there is still a weak breath in the lungs, and the "wings" will float gently.

Moreover, the "Blood Eagle Punishment" is not only a punishment, but also an extraordinary ritual of black witchcraft.

One of the heroes who seemed to have mastered the taboo knowledge before his death, holding a dagger made of human bones in his hand, chanting a spell.

"Chirp chirp"

Like a sharp tone of eagle cry, it echoed repeatedly over the open space.

Even though he has been dead for many years, he still performs black witchcraft as smoothly as instinct.

[Woodpecker] The bloody body is shaking more and more violently.

The bones burst through the flesh, and wisps of blood-colored mist climbed on them, forming pieces of flesh and feathers.

Through this "bloody punishment" ritual, a living extraordinary person was actually turned into a blood eagle that could be driven by others.

Byron watched all this coldly, without any intention of taking action.

"This is also the confidence that Violet dared to challenge all the enemies alone.

Non-Wanmin descendants will be excluded by Valhalla, attracting strong hostility from the heroes. Not only will they be attacked first, but the treatment after defeat will also be extremely cruel.

This is a punishment that will only be imposed on mortal enemies!

Of course, the heroes are not very friendly to the descendants of blood.

In other words, fighting bravely with all their strength is their most noble welcome ceremony for the younger generation.

Perhaps only Violet, the most orthodox Wanmin princess, will be treated preferentially."

Seeing that the [Woodpecker] was about to turn into a blood eagle.


A sharp insect chirp suddenly came out of her body.

Dozens of blood lines shot out from her body, fleeing in all directions like lightning.

The two heroes obviously did not expect this change, and they had no time to stop it.

Woodpecker's profession is a tamer, and he has mastered [Taboo Knowledge·Blessing of the Queen Ant], and raised his own beast-controlling blood tapeworm in his body.

After a long period of symbiosis, the tapeworm almost merged with her.

The deeper the woodpecker's research on taboo knowledge, the higher the degree of integration between the spirit and the tapeworm.

In the end, even if she abandons her body, she can continue to survive as an alien.

But now she has not reached that level, and she must find a new host as soon as possible to continue to survive.

The screaming for help just now was not to find someone to save her life.

It was just to attract a flesh-and-blood "good-hearted person" of her own side in this Hall of Heroes full of dead spirits, so that she can take the opportunity to occupy their bodies.

"Haha, I smell it, I smell it!"

One of the blood-thread tapeworms, which was completely red and had an earring wrapped around its tail, suddenly emitted a spiritual wave of surprise.

Then, like a rubber band, it quickly shot toward a towering reef.

There was the smell of the flesh and blood host.

But when the woodpecker saw the figure hiding behind the reef, he was subconsciously startled.

"Executioner Bill?"

She hesitated.

This Mr. [Executioner] is Red Beard's true right-hand man and confidant.

Everyone in the Privateer Alliance knows about this.

If I take over his body, even if I escape this disaster, I will probably be eaten alive by the ferocious Red Beard.

"Never mind, I can change my body when I meet someone else.

Even before the transformation of the queen ant is completed, frequent changes of body will be affected by the host and lose myself, but it is better than dying now."

The woodpecker will hesitate, but Byron, who has been prepared in advance, will not.

If he knew that this guy was going to take over his body and transform him into a woman, he might be more decisive when he took action.

Byron drank a cup of [Blood Brew·Frost Margarita] in advance, and cold mist came out of the corners of his mouth and nostrils.

Just when the woodpecker bypassed the reef.


The biting cold current suddenly sprayed out of his mouth.

The blood tapeworm left the warm body of humans and could not resist the severe cold, and its physical strength declined rapidly.

At this moment, even her brain was frozen and solidified.

Then she was smashed into pieces by Byron with the scabbard.

The Black Mass ceremony continued, and the elements after her death were also collected by the octopus silver coins on Byron.

The ship was full of transformed crew members, and the group mark of the Hattings Privateer Alliance was deepened.

[Blood Holy Grail] was activated at the same time.

Byron found that it might be due to the good habit of the woodpecker to "breed" the crew members for himself.

The quality of the transmuted blood brewed by this blood nematode queen is almost comparable to that of a second-level extraordinary person.

"I can prepare a few more cups of [Angel's Kiss] to give the crew members a strong motherly love.

This is a good bargain."

In addition to transmuted blood, the woodpecker also sent a spare fourth heroic relic.

This is the key prop for them to call for reinforcements. The woodpecker was reluctant to discard it even when he was escaping.

But compared to the three pieces collected by Byron himself, this golden earring was obviously a little different.

It was engraved with a somewhat abstract right eye that Byron was very familiar with.

It was exactly the same as the eye on the cover of his [Logbook] (Chapter 2)!

[Echoes of History] also meticulously read out the information on it:

"Sacrificial earrings, earrings sacrificed by a [God of Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt] thousands of years ago.

It was once a rare object, but after a long time, it degenerated into a common object and finally became a burial object of its owner.

Together with the heroic spirit of the owner, it is waiting to be reawakened in Valhalla."

[Secret: Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt God Woden's Prophecy of Racial Revival, Historical Influence 69] The decoding density also jumped from 1% to 11%.

"An ancient emblem from thousands of years ago? From the God of Wild Hunt?"

There was very little valuable information, but Byron suddenly realized that perhaps his biggest trump card [Logbook] did not come out of thin air.

It was not a novice benefit that he deserved after traveling through time.

Originally, [Valhalla] was just a battlefield they chose to deal with the crisis, and it was never for finding any legendary great treasure.

After getting the hint, Byron couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity about this god who only existed in legends and the great secret treasure in the prophecy.

The historical influence of the Red and White Rose War is only 31, but it already has a world-class influence.

Although I am very sure that there is no real god in this world except the [Creator] who has never appeared in front of people.

But the influence of 69 is probably enough to completely subvert the world pattern.

"Unfortunately, Violet said that Valhalla has a total of nine floors.

Without the ability of a high-sequence pirate king, there is no qualification to explore the ultimate secret.

This matter about the source of the [Navigation Log] may be very important, but it is not urgent. It is better not to be too ambitious and continue to improve your strength honestly.

After passing this level safely, I believe Violet will give me a face and let me come in again in the future to completely crack this secret.

She doesn't want her father, the North Sea Pirate King, to be missing, right?"

At this time, several sharp cries suddenly came from above, interrupting Byron's thinking.

Looking up, he saw four or five huge blood eagles circling in the sky above his head.

The heroic spirit may not have many opportunities to turn outsiders into blood eagles, but during the ship coffin burial, the deceased and his (her) slaves must also be buried with him.

These blood eagles are obviously the enemies that the heroic spirit killed during his lifetime.

After locking onto Byron's outsider, they immediately swooped down on him.

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