Pirate Kingship

Chapter 79: Sinking with the ship, revenge

Valhalla's second floor, atrium.

Woo woo woo.

The shrill cold wind howled and howled away, and the wind speed gradually increased to 25 knots of force 6 wind, and the white foam broke through the peaks to form snow-like swirling white stripes.

The sea here is actually in the same sea conditions as the North Sea outside, which enters winter in November.

Many Bay People's Pirate Ships, which are obviously from various historical periods, are in tatters and should have sunk long ago, and are cruising in it like sharks.

Paddle boats, dragon head boats (paddle boats), sloops, caravels, galleons, etc. As long as they have existed in history, there are all kinds of them.

Obviously, they are all "collective ship coffins"!

The entire pirate team of dozens or hundreds of people was buried on one ship.

Pirates have always been a high-risk profession.

If they are defeated on the sea, they usually face the miserable end of the entire ship being killed, so they often fight to the death and are particularly brave.

After the fierce battle, it is not uncommon for real ships to become ship coffins.

A very small number of them became ghost ships that everyone on the sea was afraid of, and most of the remaining spirits came here and fought all day long on the sea surface of the "Atrium".

"The second level of the Great Secret Treasure Trial, defeat a "collective ship coffin" and seize the navigator's [whale oil lantern], which can guide you to enter the third level of the "Kingdom of Night." "

This treasure hunt competition is obviously a comprehensive trial that integrates other pirate professional skills.

But who doesn't know that the only one who can pass the level in history is the high-sequence fifth-level legendary pirate king [Whale Hunter]?

As soon as the pirate ship of the non-Wanmin captain came in, it immediately encountered a hard battle. No one had the ambition to win the great secret treasure, but just wanted to save his life.

The most intense part of all the naval battles in the atrium was that two large pirate ships with skull flags were chasing and fighting one after another.

On the bow of the front ship, there was a figurehead of a girl holding a flaming red rose.

The shape is a standard 50-gun fourth-class ship, and it is also a "nominal battleship" between a cruiser and a battleship.

Displacement 1,000 tons, crew 350 people.

On the two-layer through gun deck and the open main deck, there are a total of 18 24-pound guns, 20 12-pound guns, 10 9-pound guns, and two 6-pound small guns on the poop.

Behind it is a third-class battleship that is obviously a whole circle larger.

There is also a female bow statue standing on the bow, with bloodshot eyes, holding a torch in one hand and a dagger in the other, and a crazy and brutal breath is blowing.

It is a large ship with 74 shipborne guns, including 28 32-pound guns, 30 24-pound guns, and 16 9-pound guns.

With a crew of 680 people and a displacement of 1,500 tons, it is also the main battleship among the current naval battleships of the Kingdom of Hastings.

It can be called the most perfect combination of firepower, speed and cost in this era.

Unlike the nominal battleship of the compromise model of the fourth-level ship, the third-level ship is a real killer to suppress sea power.

Even if there are first-level and second-level ships above it, it is undoubtedly the most equipped model among battleships, so many that one can be given to Red Beard as a flagship.

These are the [Flaming Rose] and [Goddess of Vengeance] that passed the first level faster than Byron and came to the second-level atrium.

Obviously, there is no perfect plan in the world, and there is no enemy who only takes a beating and does not fight back.

There was a small situation that was not in the plan.

Red Beard used the special effect of the figurehead to plot in advance, causing the two sides to land at the same point when they entered the vast second level.

A fourth-level ship was almost ridden by the third-level dragon.

"Fire! You're lucky. I, Red Beard, can't solve the secret that only the North Sea Pirate King [Whale Hunter] has solved in history in a short time.

But I can get rid of the competitors.

Main guns and secondary guns fire freely, kill them for me."

Red Beard put down the brass telescope in his hand and gave orders to the first mate behind him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

During the pursuit, the guns on the third-level ship in the rear, which were within the firing range, also kept firing at the Flaming Rose.

But the Flaming Rose was intimidated by the internal intelligence provided by Byron, and did not dare to fire back casually before it was sure that it could defeat the opponent in one go.

[Figurehead·Goddess of Vengeance]:

"Effect: Revenge for every grievance.

1. Hate mark, actively release the mark, there will be an invisible anchor connecting each other, continuous tracking, never falling behind.

Every time it is about to break away, it will passively bless the speed and pull the marked person back into the main gun range.

Red Beard also relied on this ability to quietly lock on the Flaming Rose before the fighting began.

2. If the ship is hit by the enemy ship's artillery fire, it will trigger the passive effect, and the torch in the hands of the goddess of vengeance will shoot out a ray of light to lock on her enemy.

The dagger in her hand will emit a cold light, covering all the artillery on her own warship, giving them a temporary blessing of revenge.

At this time, firing will gain a 20% ballistic correction, which will increase the hit rate by 20% in disguise."

And don't forget that the main gun of the third-level ship is a 32-pound gun, while the main gun of the fourth-level ship is only 24 pounds.

One is a heavyweight and the other is a lightweight. If they were to play a "slapping match", the one who would fall would undoubtedly be the latter.

On the rear deck of the [Flaming Rose], Violet hung up the [Whale Song] communication.

Although she was still full of doubts, she still chose to trust the judgment of Byron, a professional.

Moreover, what he just said had implicitly acknowledged his identity. Violet could not think of any reason why he would harm her.

Once she made up her mind, she decisively ordered the crew around her:

"We will seize the leeward side, delay time, and wait for the councillors to come and join us, and then defeat him in one fell swoop."

The helmsman, the sail and cable chief, and a group of pirate officers were all stunned like she had just been, and subconsciously reminded:

"Captain, it is common sense to seize the upper hand in a battleship duel. If we go to the leeward side and accidentally fall into the opponent's wake, we will lose all maneuverability."

Violet naturally did not know why she had to do this, but as a captain, she could not show her cowardice, and asked back:

"Have you ever fought against a battleship?

Do as you say, follow the order!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Objection was just a subconscious reaction. Everyone knew that in wartime, the [Pirate Ten Commandments] and the captain's orders must be resolutely executed without compromise.

Looking at her companions who were busy in front of her, Violet could not help but sigh.

Including herself, this generation of Baymin pirates is indeed a bit lacking.

Her father, the North Sea Pirate King [Whale Hunter], went to sea and disappeared, taking with him the most elite group of Baymin crew members.

[Children's Guard] Dennis, the third-level Berserker, has long been old, and his crew members naturally retired earlier than him.

In addition, many Baymin pirates on the east coast and Barbary pirates on the west coast have left their hometowns in recent years.

Most of the elite pirates who are capable, ambitious, and still in their prime have moved to the new southern route.

Those who stayed on the coast of the Old Continent, except for the young people who have not grown up, are mostly mediocre.

Not even one survived a head-on confrontation with a naval battleship.

Of course, this matter is a hell joke no matter where it is.

Not to mention a pirate ship, even a well-class cruiser can survive a confrontation with a battleship.

Even if this deed is placed in a huge maritime power country, it can make a person a hero overnight, be officially written into the history of navigation, and even be given a [title].

"Helmsman, right full rudder, cut to leeward.

The sail cable is long, adjust the windward angle, and the left rear side faces the wind."

In the chase between the two warships from northwest to southeast.

The [Flaming Rose], which is equivalent to a fourth-level ship, gradually took the initiative to enter the leeward direction of the [Goddess of Vengeance].

But relying on better maneuverability, it always stayed near the maximum range of the opponent's main gun and did not fall into the 300-meter wake created by the opponent.

Moreover, when they adjusted from the opponent's port side to the starboard side, the originally deafening 32-pound main gun sound suddenly stopped.

And the 24-pound secondary gun with a slightly closer range had no effect except splashing them with water.

It has clearly reached the limit of the range.

This means that the seemingly majestic and domineering third-level ship can't hit them? !

"What's going on? Why don't they fire?"

The pirate officers who were pessimistic about Violet's order suddenly widened their eyes and leaned on the bulwark to look at the opposite side.

The navigator holding a monocular telescope was the first to solve the mystery:

"That's... The Nemesis closed the gun port of the main gun?

I see! It's because the draft of battleships above level 3 is too deep, and the main gun port is too close to the water surface.

When the sea is high and the waves are rising, the leeward side that is inclined into the water must close the gun port and only retain the secondary guns in order to prevent the warship from taking in water.

I see, that's it."

They are just inexperienced, not stupid.

Immediately realized how ingenious this "grab the wind" order was when facing the current sea conditions and the current enemy!

The 32-pound heavy gun at the bottom of the third-level ship is located in the middle of the hull. The lower frame of the gun port is only about 1.2 meters away from the sea surface. If the sea conditions are slightly higher, the waves will rise from the gun port.

It's not that the Nemesis doesn't want to attack, but that it can't.

When both sides fell into an extremely awkward stalemate.

The coffins cruising nearby also followed behind the Nemesis like sharks smelling blood.

The longer the time dragged on, the more coffins gathered, and the less pressure the Flaming Rose had.

"Captain, you are wise!"

"I thought there was no one born with knowledge in this world.

I didn't expect that the captain, who had not even fought a few naval battles, could see through the mystery at a glance and find the opponent's weakness.

God, it's amazing!"

"Perhaps the prophecy of God's revival will be fulfilled on the captain."

"Captain, please teach us."


The crew members gradually became more and more exaggerated, making Violet's cheeks slightly red.

But there was also a bit of pride after finally getting recognition from others, and said with complacency.

"Although the credit mainly goes to the good citizens, I, the captain, have also made a contribution.

Yes, the greatest credit is listening to advice!

By the way, how about asking him to be the first mate on the Flaming Rose after this is over?"

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