Pirate Kingship

Chapter 95 The End and the Beginning

A mile away, Byron's face turned pale after he threw out the [Nail of Destruction], and he sat directly on the back of the man-eating shark.

Violet, who had been supporting Byron, also knelt down behind him with her legs sideways, so that he could lean on her more safely.

In her heart, she did not feel that she was taking care of this ally who shared the same suffering, but felt sincerely that Byron, who was three years younger than her, was "shielding her from the wind and rain".

And he really did!

Holding his hand, which was a little cold after the continuous explosion in the storm, she could not help but ask with concern:

"Is this the holy relic of your Lancaster ancestors? Does it cost a lot to use it?"

Those [holy relics] certainly have side effects.

Some are serious, and some are minor.

Usually, the user needs to bear the corresponding destiny, or the corresponding historical responsibility.

For example, the historical responsibility of [Holy Relic·The World's First Matchlock Gun]: it completely changed the form of war for thousands of years and realized the revolution of hot weapons.

The user will never use melee cold weapons such as swords again in his life, otherwise he will die under the sword.

The side effects of [Charles Rich List] in Anchor Bay are relatively subtle, but it is just the desire to pursue money, fame and fortune, and strive to become a rich man on the list.

Byron glanced at the detailed records that appeared in the logbook, shook his head vigorously, and replied with a smile:

"No, there are no side effects. On the contrary, I feel great now."

The historical responsibility that [Iron Nail of Destruction] needs to fulfill is to let the user engage in the great cause of destroying a country and replacing it.

For good people, this thing may make them feel anxious for the rest of their lives.

But for Byron, let alone the price, it is simply his life!

"Retreat, let's retreat to Anchor Bay quickly and don't stay on the sea any longer.

If we only sink one ship, [Iron Nail of Destruction of Nation] will not be worthy of being called a first-class holy relic."

Byron grabbed Violet's hand, stepped on the nine-meter-long man-eating shark under him, and rushed back to Anchor Bay at full speed as if he was escaping for his life.

When the sailors on the lower gun deck reported the situation of the ship and asked the captain and the extraordinary people for help.

The order issued by Fleet Commander Norwich was:

"Put down the boat, the officer goes first. Let the nearest warship [St. Lawrence] approach to support."

The blood of the York family is extremely noble, and he has no obsession with sinking with the ship like the Bay People Pirates.

The most important thing is that although his only son was killed in front of him, he is still young and can still live!

'I also know that the Bloodthirsty Cult has a knowledge that can make people immortal-the ritual [Scarlet Holy Grail] that can brew the blood of immortality!

If I get this kind of treasure, what does a son who can only live for a few decades count for? ’

As one of the few members of the York family who practiced black magic and had in-depth contact with the overseas cult, he had a broader vision and greater ambition.

Not to mention being a son, even the position of the king cannot be compared with eternal life.

How could he die here in vain like those lowly sailors?

It was a felony for ordinary officers to abandon expensive warships at will, but York didn't care.

"Yes, commander!"

The trusted sailor who heard the order immediately uncovered the canvas covering the small boat.

The small boat was well protected and no heavy rain poured in.

The davit was lowered from the port side, which had already tilted severely (releasing it from the right side would hit the side of the ship below).

The commanders, captains, noble officers and their servants with the highest status boarded the small boat that could only accommodate a dozen people along the foot wedges on both sides.

The sailors on the warship turned the pulley to lower them to the sea surface little by little.

The nearby warships also began to approach and respond after receiving the signal.

No matter how high the warship is, there are only a few small boats on it, which can accommodate dozens of people at most.

The limited space in the small boat is even used to raise poultry, and it is impossible to accommodate more people to escape.

What should ordinary sailors do?

An empty wine barrel may be their best choice.

If they are lucky enough to cross the big waves and successfully dock on other warships, they may be able to save their lives.

May the Creator bless them.

But they want to leave, but the "new owner" of this warship will not agree.

Countless tentacles squeezed out from the depths of the cabin and quickly swallowed all the crew members they met along the way.

Unlike the original souls that only took away the prey from the dream, now their flesh and blood are all melted and digested into a part of themselves.

As the size of the "Touch of the Kraken" grows larger and larger, a layer of dreamlike white mist also emerges.

This second-level ship seems to be looming as if it has entered a dream.

The screams of the remaining crew members from afar are somewhat distorted.


"God, I saw God. Man comes from the sea and will return to the sea one day. Please let me merge with you."

"I would rather die than become a monster."

Some people faced things beyond their specifications, had a mental breakdown and jumped into the sea crying;

Some people thought they saw the real God, knelt down devoutly and became a part of the other party;

Some people committed suicide in despair

But no matter what their attitude was, it didn't matter to the "Touch of the Kraken" at all, and there was no additional reaction.

In such chaos and madness.

The water flow became more and more violent from the gun deck into the bottom cabin, impacting the port side of the bottom of the ship, ruthlessly pulling the battleship completely to the leeward side.

The tall masts and yards of the battleship first pressed the boat on the rearmost port side into the water, and then also fell into the water like a landslide.

A big wave hit, and the wooden hull, which was originally very resistant to sinking and could at least float on the water for a long time, disappeared instantly on the sea.

It's like it never existed.

"Row quickly, row quickly, board the St. Lawrence and return immediately."

A shaken Norwich knew an invincible monster had been unleashed.

How to clean up the mess is a matter of the future. The most important thing now is how to escape. I quickly picked up the long oar and rowed hard with the oarsmen.

Just when they were about to approach the third-level ship closest to them.

Toot toot.

A flute sound that was very familiar to them suddenly sounded from under the opponent's hull.

Under the gaze of old Norwich, who had a chill down his spine.

A dreamy mist surged out from the side of the third-level ship, and countless creepy thick tentacles danced, rolling up the entire battleship and dragging it into another underwater world.

When he looked blankly at the next battleship.

As expected, just like the long-dead Justice picked up the flute and played it again, the flute sound produced by the [Shepherd's Flute] sounded again.

The third battleship also disappeared on the sea.

Next, there was no need for him, the fleet commander, to issue an order.

The remaining dozens of battleships in the entire fleet, no longer caring about the storm around them, immediately scattered and fled towards the nearest Yongye Peninsula.

As a race that left the sea hundreds of millions of years ago, only land can truly bring them a sense of security.

On their way to escape, from time to time, strange flute sounds would be heard from under the battleship, and then it would disappear without a trace in the mist.

As they drifted apart, just when Old Norwich thought the out-of-control "Kraken's Touch" had been lured away by a larger target.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of the flute sounding "beep" at his feet.


Looking down, I saw an indescribable thing covered in tentacles in the reflection on the sea, playing a shepherd's flute and playing its most familiar flute sound with the mouthparts growing on the tentacles.

Along with the sound of the flute, the torrent of knowledge in Kraken's Touch continued to penetrate into his brain.

The most repeated one is: "If you don't keep your promise, you will be punished!"

[Second-level holy relic: The Pied Piper's Shepherd's Flute] Effect: Blows out a hypnotic magic sound for all mentally retarded people.

So what will happen if you blow the shepherd's flute if you are mentally unsound, or have no human mind at all?

Extraordinary people all know that [cursed objects] are accompanied by large-scale casualties and tend to be negative; [holy relics] entrust a period of important history or heroic deeds, and are biased towards the positive.

This shepherd's flute, which eliminated the rat infestation and killed an entire city of children, was somewhere in between.

One is sin, the other is punishment.

Represents its most fundamental historical mission:

"If you don't keep your promise, you will be punished!"

The price the justices paid was to try a fraudster every seven days.

Now the shepherd's flute has fallen into the hands of the "Kraken's Touch" who has no concept of human right and wrong, good and evil, and has even been assimilated into it.

This historical mission naturally became its fundamental code of conduct when hunting thereafter.

Prioritize the pursuit of all those who have committed crimes such as betrayal, burning bridges, and ingratitude in this sea.

Coincidentally, the Channel Fleet was not only marked by the Black Mass ceremony, but also the largest group of sworn rebels on the North Sea.

The Kingdom of Hetings is an island country, and the army belongs to the lords of each place to give them a sufficient sense of security.

However, the most powerful navy was aimed at foreign enemies and was mainly funded by the king.

It is nominally his personal private army, and its allegiance is not to the country, but to the king himself, and is even given the prefix "Royal".

The army was not that big yet, but every naval soldier who followed the York family in rebellion, one by one, had betrayed the oath of allegiance they swore when they joined the army.

Those who served as officials of the previous dynasty and received their salaries would be guilty of the original sin of treachery if they reincarnate in the previous dynasty!

It's equivalent to superimposing a double layer of buffs.


Amid the screams of Norwich and the noble officers on board, the boat disappeared on the sea the moment the fog rose.

The two dignified third-level extraordinary beings were powerless to resist.

Byron, who had already escaped back to Anchor Bay, stood on the bow of the Golden Deer and had a panoramic view of everything.

As the one-time owner of the [Nation-Destroying Iron Nail], Byron also received the final result and information about Kraken's Touch.

Take a deep breath of relief:

“Although it’s not perfect, the battle to defend Iron Anchor Bay is finally over.

Some people in this Strait Fleet may be able to escape, but the number is definitely not many.

And from now on, as long as York's navy enters the North Sea, it must beware of an elusive and invincible enemy.

The scope of the fleet's activities is limited, and the Navy's motion to recruit foreign aid and incorporate privateers should be put on the agenda soon, right?

Looking forward to our next work together! "

The relic was a one-time item, but the aftermath of the battle would trigger a series of subsequent reactions.

An iron nail led to the destruction of the Channel Fleet.

But the destruction of the Channel Fleet was another nail in the coffin for York at this time.

Under the chain reaction, this battle in Anchor Bay may be both the end and the beginning of another system collapse.

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