Suddenly, a huge manatee, more than ten meters in size, as big as a small mountain, appeared in everyone's sight.

Its body was a white coffee color, and its eyes were extremely ferocious. When it saw Luffy and others, it exuded a ferocious aura.

"Wow, it's so big!"

Luffy exclaimed

"What kind of monster is this, a manatee?"

Usopp's pupils widened, and without saying a word, he immediately ran behind Moonlight. On this ship, he felt that only Moonlight could give him a sense of security.

"Oh no, it's a sea king monster, this is bad, brother, wake up quickly."

Joseph and Johnny shouted to Zoro

"Great, ready-made ingredients!"

Sanji blew out a smoke ring, his face showing joy.

After that, he was ready to start

"Come here!"

However, Moonlight suddenly made a move, his pupils shrank, and an invisible evil spirit wavered out. The extremely ferocious manatee suddenly trembled all over, with an extremely frightened look.

Moonlight smiled faintly and waved at it. Suddenly, the huge manatee, like a child, immediately obeyed obediently, moved its body, and lay down in front of Moonlight.


"Oh my god, Brother Moonlight, what did you do to it?"

"Moonlight, I knew you were the most reliable!"

"Moonlight, wow wow wow!"

Seeing this scene, Sanji and the other four were stunned, especially Luffy, who excitedly jumped onto the manatee, touching it here and there, as if he had got a new toy.

"Let's use it as the power to pull the boat. As for the ingredients……"

Moonlight looked at Sanji, pointed at Moumou, then looked towards the sea and slashed with a sword!


A crescent-shaped sword energy suddenly broke through the air and cut through the waves on the sea.

The sea surface quickly split in two directions, as if a crack appeared. Then countless fish, shrimps, crabs and shellfish flew into the sky and landed on the boat.

"These are enough to eat!"

Moonlight said lightly.


Joseph, Johnny:"……"


Everyone was stunned. It turned out that the sword energy had this effect!

Just as everyone was stunned, Nami drove the Merry to a stop on an island. She jumped up, flew ashore, greeted the two sea beasts parading on the shore, and walked towards a huge paradise.

The Arlong Pirates, Arlong's Arlong Paradise!


"Nami is back!"

"Hahaha, our little thief is back. I wonder which pirate group is so unlucky!"Along the way, seeing Nami, the pirates of the Dragon Pirates greeted Nami one after another.

Nami nodded, as a greeting, and came to Arlong, throwing a bag of gold and a sea map to him.


Nami said lightly

"Hahaha, you are indeed a little thief. You never come back empty-handed. And this sea chart is really accurate. Although I am a fishman, I can't draw such a sea chart."

Aaron didn't even look at the gold, but picked up the sea chart and looked at it, and exclaimed:

"Yes, although we are fishmen, no one can draw this kind of sea chart, Nami, you are amazing!"

Hearing this, an octopus-like fishman took a look and gave Nami a thumbs up.

"Xiao Ba, you are absolutely right. Although Nami is just a human, she is completely different from ordinary humans.

Another fishman wearing a dark blue karate uniform and two fins on his back also nodded and said seriously.

"Xiaoba, Kroobi, you are absolutely right. Human, I recognize Nami."

A fishman next to him, wearing a dark blue bikini on the upper body, brown shorts on the lower body, with yellow hair and lips like a troll, spoke. He took a look at the sea chart and agreed with Xiaoba and Kroobi's views.

"Nami, I really can't bear to see you leave."

Hearing this, Aaron smiled at Nami.


Nami shuddered, then sneered

""One hundred million berries, I will save up soon, when the time comes, you must not break your promise."

After saying that, she left.

This was the agreement between her and Arlong. If she could save up one hundred million berries, she could redeem her Cocoa Village and freedom.

It was for this reason that she joined the Dragon Pirates and became one of them, and ran desperately on the sea.

"Brother, it seems that Nami is leaving!"

Looking at Nami's back as she left, Kroobi couldn't help but say

"I really can't bear to leave Nami!"

Xiao Ba sighed.

"Is there no way to keep her here?"

Chu frowned and looked at Aaron.

"There may be only one person like her in the world. It would be a pity to let her go, but I, A-Long, am the most trustworthy. However, I can……"

Aaron smiled coldly and told the three of them a plan.

Hearing this, the three of them immediately smiled knowingly.


"This is where the Arlong Pirates are, Arlong Paradise? This is too big, who knows where Nami is?"

At this time, Luffy and his crew finally reached the shore under the pull of the manatee Moumou.

After seeing the Merry docked on the shore, they were excited and went ashore. The next step was to find Nami. Since they were on Luffy's pirate ship, it was not so easy to get off. After landing, the group looked at the vast islands around them and couldn't help but marvel.

"Let's split up and act separately."

Sanji directly suggested

"Okay, if you find anything, send a signal immediately. The other party is the Dragon Pirates. We should not fight alone."

Usopp nodded, and then took the initiative to pull Moonlight

"In this way, I will be with the moonlight."

After saying this, he held the moonlight tightly, as if he was afraid that the moonlight would abandon him.

"Okay, I'll go this way by myself."

Hearing this, Sanji nodded and pointed in a direction.

"We are responsible for taking care of Brother Zoro, so let's stay here."

Joseph and Johnny pointed at Zoro.

"Then I'll take care of that side, Usopp. You'll be on your own and be in charge of that side."

Luffy pointed in another direction, then looked at Usopp again.

"I...actually I have a disease that prevents me from going to the island, so I'm going back to the Merry."

Hearing this, Usopp covered his stomach and said in pain.

"Ah? Are you sick? Are you okay?"

Luffy looked worried and really believed it.

"I'm fine, I just need to rest on the ship, so I can't go with you guys."

Usopp staggered towards the Merry.

"Hey, hey, hey, even if you are pretending, at least pretend to be more convincing. Hurry up and stop wasting time. Now Nami is in the hands of the Dragon Pirates, and she might be in danger.

Seeing this, Sanji almost kicked her.

"Nami...Okay, even if I have a terminal illness, I will do my best to find Nami."

Hearing this, Usopp gritted his teeth and agreed despite being afraid.


Then Luffy looked at Moonlight.

Moonlight nodded.

The four of them set out to explore in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast. Once they had any information or things, they would immediately send a signal to inform everyone.

At the same time, in Kokoa West Village, where Nami buried the treasure, Nami looked at the treasure she had worked hard for all these years with satisfaction. One hundred million Baileys were about to be gathered. By then, she and everyone else would be free!

Thinking of this, Nami couldn't help but smile.

Her smile was extremely bright.

"Sure enough, it is here, little thief Nami. All the treasures you stole have now been confiscated by our marines!"

"There are so many, hahaha!"

"This is a big deal!"

However, at this moment, a group of soldiers suddenly gathered around, looking at the treasure in front of them, their eyes sparkled, and they all became excited.

The leader, a man who looked like a mouse, laughed and looked at Nami with a smug look on his face.

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