However, the moment she moved, Zoro woke up!

He was a swordsman, and although he was addicted to alcohol, he was very alert.

Then came Usopp, who was known as a liar. He had already seen that Abis was lying, so he was on guard. Then Sanji and Nami also woke up. Except for Luffy, they were all alert.

But in order to avoid alerting the enemy, they did not move for the time being. They did not move until Abis walked away.

"As expected, I knew she had a problem.

Usopp looked in the direction where Abis disappeared and said

"A little girl was actually being hunted down by a big shot like the Admiral. To be honest, I can hardly believe it."

Sanji took a puff of cigarette, his mind unusually clear.

"So, this little girl is definitely not simple."

Zoro nodded, his hand on the hilt of the sword

"You'll know if you follow him, but Luffy, is he so unvigilant?"

Nami agreed, but she was speechless when she saw Luffy sleeping soundly!

""Damn, this guy!"

Seeing this, everyone was speechless.

After waking up Luffy and explaining, Luffy finally understood and couldn't help but be curious. The next group of people quietly followed in the direction where Abis left.

Abis's speed was not fast, so they quickly followed her, but saw Abis walking all the way up the mountain. Her small body, dragging an oversized food bag, was very strenuous.

Everyone followed quietly without making a sound. In this way, everyone followed Abis and slowly came to the mountain, and then entered a cave.

When they followed behind and saw Abis throwing food to a huge monster, they couldn't help but be shocked!

My God, that was...……


""Here they come!"

Meanwhile, on the Merry, Moonlight was tired after a day of training. After eating the meal left by Sanji, Moonlight contentedly fell asleep on the observation deck.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sudden sound of waves crashing.

Moonlight immediately became alert and looked toward the sea.

It was already dawn, the sun had just jumped out of the coastline, and the sky and the earth were gray and bright.

In the distance, dense black spots appeared on the sea, constantly approaching. Ten minutes later, the sky was slightly brighter, the visibility was slightly better, and the black spots were already nearby.

Moonlight immediately looked At least twenty large navy ships were rushing in.

One of the main ships was huge. Although it was not at the level of a warship, it was also very fierce. Countless navy ships were rushing here fiercely!

Moonlight was sharp-eyed and saw at a glance that there were two people standing on the main ship. One of them was Eric who had chased Abis before!

At this moment, he was back!

Next to Eric was a naval colonel who was in charge of everything!

At the same time, Eric also saw the Merry and Moonlight standing on the observation deck from a distance, and sneered.

"Sure enough, my judgment was correct. The Straw Hat Pirates brought Abis to Gunkanjima. It was just right that they were caught here. Colonel, this is the Straw Hat Pirates, the notorious pirates. Order to sink their ship first and then capture them!"

After saying that, Eric looked at the navy colonel.

"The Straw Hat Pirates?"

Hearing this, he couldn't help but be surprised.

It was because this group of pirates had become too famous recently, especially the Rogue Town incident, which had completely made them famous!

After confirming with a telescope, he decisively issued an order to fire!

"Pirates spotted ahead, everyone, prepare to fire, give warning first"


After receiving the order, everyone immediately became alert.

The shells of more than 20 large ships immediately locked onto the Merry.

"Haha, the navy is really weak and incompetent. Is it necessary to treat these pirates like this? They are all extremely vicious and evil. Everyone has blood on their hands. What kind of benevolence are you talking about to them? Just kill them directly."

Hearing this, Eric couldn't help but sneer.

What a weak and incompetent navy!


The navy captain couldn't help but frown. The navy didn't need anyone to tell it what to do. Moreover, he was the only one in control on this ship, and the orders he issued could not be questioned.

Eric was slapping him in the face!

If the admiral hadn't asked him to cooperate with Eric, he would have turned hostile long ago!

"Forget it, it's impossible to catch Abisi with you bunch of rubbish, give me a boat!"

Eric shouted

"Give it to him!"

The navy captain waved his hand. Although he was dissatisfied, he still remembered the admiral's instructions and gave him everything he needed.

"It just so happens that I saw you had a lot of people last time. This time, I also brought a lot of people with me, so you don’t have any advantage."

After Eric got on the boat, the boat rushed towards the Merry like an arrow. After a while, it stopped in front of the Merry. He didn't get on the boat, but looked at the moonlight on the boat and sneered.

He had been brooding over the last time he was forced back by the moonlight's sword, but because there were too many people at that time, and the moonlight was so powerful alone, it was conceivable that the others could only leave at that moment.

But now, it's different!

He came with twenty large ships, and this force is enough to sweep away anything on the sea!


At this moment, the area around the Merry was bombarded by shells, the sea was surging, and the powerful force made the Merry shake violently.

Even the small island was affected!

The bombardment has begun!

"What happened? Was there an earthquake?

The people sleeping on the island were immediately awakened.

""Pirates ahead, you have been surrounded, surrender, or you will bear the consequences!"

At the same time, twenty large naval ships stopped dozens of meters away and stopped moving forward. The voices of the navy suddenly rang out, and artillery fire was issued as a warning.

"It's the navy, it's the navy!"

"Oh no, these damn navy are here again, hurry up and notify the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"Eh? Where are they? They were here just now!"

""Look for them quickly!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately realized that it was the navy that had arrived.

They were shocked and hurried to look for Luffy and the others!

"I didn't expect that there are actually dragons in the world. It seems that the legend is true!"

At this time, Luffy and others followed Abis to a cave and saw an incredible scene.

There was a dragon, entrenched in the cave.

However, this dragon was a little old. Although it was still majestic, it was very weak.

Hearing the movements of Luffy and others, Abis was surprised. Aren't they asleep? What happened?

Seeing that she couldn't hide it anymore, she had to tell everything!

Admiral Nelson believed the rumor that taking the dragon bones of a thousand-year-old dragon could make him immortal, so he looked around and found this place and found her!

"So that's why, no wonder you are wanted by the admiral!"

Suddenly, everyone understood.

Immortality, who doesn't want that!

But can anyone in the world really live forever?

No one believed it before!

But now, looking at the legendary creature in front of them, everyone understood.

Maybe, it's really possible!


At this moment, the island suddenly trembled, and everyone was shocked, not knowing what happened. Abis was the user of the Whispering Fruit, who could talk to the Millennium Dragon. She immediately knew that the navy had arrived!

She exclaimed!

"What! The navy has surrounded this place?"

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