Crooks said calmly

"What should I do? Where can I buy a record pointer?"

Nami couldn't help but ask.

She was the only navigator on the ship. If navigation skills were useless, then the record pointer would be her only way.

Moreover, she was very curious about what the record pointer was.

"If you want to buy it, you can only go to the nearby island, but unfortunately there is no record pointer, you can't even leave here, but I happen to have one, I can give it to you."

Crooks took out his record pointer and handed it to Luffy.

"I'm old now, and I don't plan to go out to sea anymore. Besides, I've lived with this guy for a long time, and I've developed feelings for him. Since you want to be the Pirate King, I'll lend you a hand!"

"Thank you so much, old man."

Nami took it and thanked

"Remember, when you reach the next island, you must record the pointer to fill up the magnetic field, otherwise it will be the same."

Kurox said calmly

"Well, thank you very much."

Luffy and others nodded and thanked Crocos.

""Okay, let's go."

After getting the recording pointer, Nami clapped her hands. She couldn't wait to try it out.

"Okay, but let's get out of Lab's body first."

Sanji nodded, looking at the completely closed sea currents around him.

"This is easy, Moonlight, let's go back the way we came!"

Hearing this, Luffy looked at Moonlight and smiled.

They came in because of Moonlight, so of course Moonlight had to take them out!

""Hey, hey, hey, Luffy, what are you doing!"

Usopp suddenly had a bad feeling and shouted.

Go back the same way and let Moonlight lead the way again?

Are they going to go through it all over again?

"Luffy, don't mess around, this will hurt Abu, Moonlight, don't listen to him."

Nami hurriedly shouted to Moonlight

""That's right, Luffy, don't mess around."

Sanji blew out a smoke ring and said

"Don't worry, it won't happen this time. Everyone get on the boat. I already know how to get out."

Moonlight shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Observation Haki!"


Suddenly, a series of pictures appeared in his mind.

Soon, he found the exit.

""Okay, let's go!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded, showing their trust, and got on the boat. Before leaving, Zoro did not forget to take Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9 away.

These two people are dangerous elements, and staying here will only cause trouble.

Facing the powerful Zoro, the two had no temper at all. However, what no one noticed was that the moment the two were brought on board, a trace of conspiracy flashed in their eyes.

At this time, Moonlight unfolded his observation Haki, and under the cover of Haki, Abu's body was as transparent as if transparent, and Moonlight quickly found the exit.

That is the whale's nostril.

Every time the whale dives, it has to float to the surface to breathe every twenty minutes.

The water will be spewed out with the air.

This is the exit that Moonlight saw.

"Here it comes!"

At this moment, the water suddenly surged up, and Yueguang quickly reminded everyone


Luffy and the others shouted in unison.

Suddenly, they saw the Merry moving along with the current.

Gradually, a large area of light appeared in front of them.

"I see, that's the sky!"

Usopp was the first to shout.

Under the magnifying glass, he was the first to see

"Great, we're going out!"

Sanji and Nami were excited.

After staying in Lab's belly for so long, they could finally see the outside world.

This is the Grand Line!

"Let's go!"

Luffy sat on the bow, extremely excited.


Suddenly, the current intensified, and the Merry was swept away!

The sky was blue, and there was an endless ocean current below. Then Abu's earth-shaking shout rang out again.

"It's out!"

Everyone was excited, as if they had seen the light of day again.


Just then, a dull crashing sound was heard.

It was Lab crashing into the Red Earth Continent again!


Seeing this, everyone's excitement instantly disappeared.

"Its body is already riddled with holes, especially its head. If it continues like this, it will probably die."

Thinking of what Kurokus said and what they saw in Abu's body, everyone fell silent.

No matter how strong the whale's body is, it is nothing compared to the Red Earth Continent.

Hitting the Red Earth Continent with its head is a slow suicide!

Death is inevitable!


Suddenly, Luffy stretched out his arms, grabbed Abu's body, and jumped in front of Laboo.




A punch was thrown, hitting Lab's face hard.


Lab felt pain and looked at Luffy angrily.

Fight back!

The huge body swung, turning the river upside down, and Luffy was thrown hard against the rock wall.

"Rubber rubber... bell!"

However, Luffy quickly jumped up, stretched out his arms, formed a pendulum pattern, and hit Lab violently!

Lab was in pain again

"Luffy, what are you doing!"

Seeing this, Nami said angrily

"Luffy! Are you going to kill Lab?"

Usopp also shouted

"Hey, hey, hey, that's a bit too much."

Sanji lit up a cigarette and said

"Haha, this whale rolls you into its belly. Anyone would be angry, let alone a pirate."

Mr.9 sneered.

It's better to kill the whale, so that they can save a lot of trouble.

Miss Wednesday didn't say anything, but she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Although it was a first meeting, these people did not have the hostility of ordinary pirates!

And although Luffy's attack looked fierce, there seemed to be no murderous intent between his moves.

This was definitely not the look of wanting to kill Laboo.

Zoro didn't speak, but was thoughtful. He vaguely understood what Luffy meant.

Except for Moonlight, he was the first person Luffy invited to board the ship after all, and he knew Luffy the best along the way.

Moonlight sat down directly, without any intention of taking action.

Who has Luffy killed along the way?

Did he kill the vicious Hundred-Kero, the cruel Click who used poison gas bombs against them, or Arlong who gave Nami an everlasting shadow? No!

So far, Luffy has not taken a single life! He just moved forward in his own way!

At this time, Luffy and Laboo were in a melee again, and soon, both of them were injured!

"Moonlight, Zoro, hurry up and stop Luffy! If this goes on, Lab will really be beaten to death!"

Seeing this scene, Nami looked at the two anxiously.

However, Zoro also sat down directly like Moonlight at this time.

"Hey, hey, hey, you guys!"

Usopp couldn't help but get anxious.


Sanji put out the cigarette in his hand and looked at Luffy with a serious look.

Since the two of them chose to avoid each other, he would stop them.

"Stop it, Sanji, everyone, since you are on this ship, you have recognized Luffy. He is our captain, and we must trust him!"

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