
Luffy and the others looked at Moonlight in shock.

When did he make the move?

""Okay, I won't move. It's hard to imagine that there is such a swordsman among you!"

Miss.all sunday said solemnly, not daring to move at all. She could truly feel the murderous intent in Moonlight.

If she made the slightest rash move, she would definitely be killed by Moonlight's sword!

"What's your name? Did you do what happened just now? What's your purpose in coming here?"

Yue Guang said calmly.

"Nicole. Robin, I did what I did just now. I came here to see you and to tell you that you will pass by a place called Little Garden next. It is extremely dangerous. I am going to give you an eternal pointer to bypass Little Garden."

Robin replied.

As he spoke, he took out a pointer from his body!

Although he answered while being pointed at by a sword, his voice was elegant and indescribably calm.

"Why do you do this? What is your purpose?"

Nami couldn't help asking

"The last question is, do you know the D clan?"

Yue Guang waved his hand to stop Nami from speaking. He didn't care about this.

"What, where did you know this?"

Hearing this, Robin, who was extremely calm, was immediately shocked and looked at Moonlight with an incredible look on his face.

It seemed that he had never expected that Moonlight would ask this question.

This is a name recorded in the lost history!

Especially about her, this man actually knew it?

"Luffy, I'm not going to kill her, and no one can kill her. I want to recruit her to join my group. What do you think?"

Seeing this, Moonlight raised his eyebrows, put away his sword, stood up, looked at Luffy, and said


"Moonlight, you're crazy!"

"Are you kidding me? She is a senior agent of Baroque Works! And she is also someone close to Mr.0!"


After hearing this, everyone except Luffy and Zoro looked as if they had heard it wrong, and shouted

"This guy has never been attracted to anyone. Does this woman have any background?"

Looking at Robin, who looked like a night elf, Zoro fell into deep thought.

Based on his understanding of Moonlight, since this man said this, it was definitely not without purpose.


Luffy nodded and agreed immediately!

"You promised it!"

Nami and the others looked at Luffy in surprise.

"Luffy, Moonlight, and everyone else, this woman is not a good person, she is... but... a devil!"

Vivi gritted her teeth and looked at Robin, as if she saw something terrifying.


Everyone was stunned and looked at Robin.

""Hehe, interesting swordsman, you actually want to recruit me to join your group, don't you ask me if I agree or not?"

Robin smiled and looked at Moonlight with curiosity. She suddenly became curious about this man.

She originally just wanted to see Luffy and was curious about what the descendants of the legendary D clan looked like.

But now, she suddenly became curious about Moonlight.

"You will definitely agree."

Moonlight stood with a sword in hand, very confident.

Under the moonlight, she was as calm as an immortal!

"I am also investigating what you are investigating, but I am not able to interpret it. And you want to get those things completely, but you can't do it by yourself, but I can"


Robin's eyes flashed, and he looked deeply at the moonlight, then jumped down and landed on a listless turtle.

"Mr. Swordsman, I am very interested in your suggestion. When we meet next time, I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

After saying that, the turtle glanced at Luffy and others with disdain, and left!

"Are you just going to let her go like this? She is Miss All Sunday!"

Weiwei gritted her teeth and watched Robin leave.

"Moonlight, don't you think you should give everyone an explanation as to why you wanted to recruit that kind of person?"

Nami looked at Moonlight and asked.

"Yes, Moonlight, although it is incredible that you would take the initiative to recruit people, but this woman is too dangerous!"

Usopp also said

"Although I don't know what you think, she is the enemy of Vivi who stole the country and killed people!"

Sanji glanced at the moonlight and said lightly.

Zoro didn't say anything, but just looked at the moonlight thoughtfully.

"Enemy? Maybe she is, maybe not. Who can say for sure? You may not know who your enemy is!"

Yue Guang looked at Wei Wei and said lightly.


"What do you mean by saying this?"

""Moonlight, you!"

Hearing this, Nami and others shouted.

However, Vivi fell silent at this time.

As Moonlight said, who is her enemy?

Even if she kills Crocodile, can she really get what she wants?

The country has become like this just because of Crocodile?

"Can you tell me your reasons?"

Zoro said nothing, but looked at the moonlight.

"The purpose of my coming to the Grand Line, in addition to finding the One Piece, is to find out the truth of the world's history."

Moonlight nodded.

"The truth of world history?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but wonder, and Weiwei suddenly raised her head, with a flash of shock in her eyes.

She was a member of the royal family, so she naturally knew what Yue Guang meant by this!

"Yes, the world has a history of 900 years, but only 800 years are recorded in the text. The 100 years in between disappeared without a single word. Obviously, it was deliberately covered up by someone, and the only one who covered it up was the world government. I am very curious about what happened in the world in the past 100 years and what kind of truth has been hidden. Nicole Robin is the only person in the world who can interpret the truth!"

Moonlight looked at the vast ocean with excitement on his face.

"The missing 100 years?"

"Historical text?"

"Luffy, what do you think? You are the captain, you have to vote!"

Everyone was shocked. They had never thought that there was such a history in the world. This is the truth that Moonlight is looking for!

Then they looked at Luffy. Since he wanted to recruit people to join the gang, he must have obtained the captain's permission.

"No problem, since Moonlight wants to recruit her, he must have his reasons. Besides, my ship really needs a partner like her!"

A pile of food came from somewhere in front of Luffy. Luffy picked up a piece of meat and was chewing it. He seemed to have not heard what everyone said just now.




""Hey, Luffy, where did your meat come from?"

Looking at the meat Luffy was chewing, Sanji suddenly felt something was wrong.

The ingredients they collected this time were not much. Before reaching the next island, it would only be enough for everyone to eat for one day. Could it be that Luffy...?

Thinking of this, he hurried to the kitchen!

"Of course I got it from the kitchen!"

Luffy swallowed it in one gulp, mumbling in his mouth.

But everyone's face turned green when they heard this!

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