Then a huge crescent-shaped sword energy suddenly slashed out with the moonlight as the center!

"Draw the sword and slash!"


The huge body of the island-eating fish was cut into two pieces at once. Not only that, the sword energy was raging, and the sea was cut open at once!

The power of the level 5 sword-drawing slash has reached a whole new level of terror!


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasp!

"I knew Moonlight was very powerful, but I didn't expect it to be this powerful. It's a creature bigger than Laboo!"

Usopp opened his mouth wide in amazement.

"He is even stronger than before!"

Zoro's pupils shrank suddenly.

He knew Moonlight, so he could see that Moonlight's current strength was even stronger than before!

"Moonlight, I always felt that you and us were not at the same level. Now it seems that my feeling was not wrong at all."

Sanji muttered, and the cigarette in his mouth fell straight down without him noticing.

"It's not just that they are not on the same level, they are not in the same dimension at all!"

Weiwei was completely stunned. Even Crocodile might not have this strength!

"Don't be happy too soon, it's not over yet!"

Moonlight hurriedly looked at the sea, his expression became more solemn.

Probably because the sword energy was too powerful, the calm sea suddenly became turbulent, and ripples continued to ripple.

The sea is no longer calm, which is not a good sign!

Especially the body of the island-eating fish is so big that it is not inferior to an island.

If the sword energy passed through the middle, it would be fine, but Moonlight suddenly made a move and cut it in the middle. Although the Merry passed through safely, the sea suddenly boiled up, as if a heavy object of tens of thousands of pounds was suddenly thrown in.

The situation at this time is like an island that was suddenly cut into two halves. After a slight pause in the air, the weight suddenly added up and sank into the sea! The surrounding sea water boiled up and kept surging. Suddenly, a whirlpool of the sea that covered an island suddenly appeared!

"This is... not good, Moonlight, you're attacking in the wrong direction. The sea is now completely stirred up, and a super vortex is about to form. We're afraid we'll be trapped in the vortex!"

Nami reacted immediately, looking at the currents on the sea, and immediately knew what was about to form. She said,"It's not good!"

"Once we are caught in the whirlpool of the ocean current, our ship will be doomed, and we may even die!"

Weiwei also reacted. She knew some navigation skills, and her face turned pale.

"Having just escaped from the island-eating fish, are you trapped by the sea again?"

Sanji lit up another cigarette and muttered.

"What should I do? It looks like even if I strike again with my sword energy, it will be too late!"

Zoro looked at the moonlight.

"It is indeed too late, but we are not in a desperate situation yet, as the two giant masters have already taken action!"

Moonlight looked calm, using his observation Haki to sense the flow of the sea, waiting for an opportunity to attack again. Suddenly, he felt two unusual power fluctuations, and with a thought in his mind, he looked into the distance. He saw Dongli and Broki, standing on both sides of the island, one holding a giant sword and the other holding a giant axe. They were accumulating strength and looking at Moonlight and the others.

"Don't worry, how can we let this sea swallow up our benefactor!"

"We will remember this favor in our hearts. Let us split the sea of thorns for you, cut a path out, and continue to move forward!"

The two smiled slightly.

Obviously, when Yueguang drew his sword, they knew they would encounter this.

After all, they have lived on the sea for more than a hundred years, and they are already familiar with the changes and flows of the sea.

At this moment, they have already accumulated strength. After speaking, the two of them attacked at the same time!

A huge green airflow and a huge red airflow were seen coming out from their bodies, along the weapons, and suddenly penetrated!


The two shouted in unison, their voices shaking the sky!

One blue, one red, two huge air currents, like roaring impact cannons, slammed into the sea!


With the direction between the two as the center, a straight sea route was forcibly split apart, and the power penetrated, unstoppable, and surging, and the abnormal sea around the Merry was suddenly blasted into rolling waves.

Under this force, the Merry suddenly took off into the air and left the sea far away!

""Amazing, really amazing! This is the power of the great sea warriors!"

Seeing this scene, Usopp couldn't help but be fascinated and excited!

"Even the sea was split apart at once, it's really powerful!"

Nami and others were also amazed.

""Two uncles, I'll treat you to a drink when I have time!"

Luffy waved goodbye!

Then the next moment, he looked at Sanji!


Sanji , I want to eat meat!"……"


Sauron:"……" moonlight:"……"

The atmosphere of parting disappeared in an instant, and everyone looked at Luffy, speechless.

What kind of train of thought does this guy have?

But Sanji still went back to the cabin as he was told.

He is a competent chef.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief.

The experience in the small garden was thrilling for everyone, and they almost stayed in it.

Now that they have survived the disaster, the sea is calm, the weather is fine, and they can have a rare leisure time, enjoying Sanji's food and wine. It can be said that life is like this, what else can they ask for!

Almost everyone has this idea.

However, there is still one person, standing on the observation deck, swinging his sword, and continuing to practice.

"I say, Moonlight, after such a fierce battle, aren't you tired at all?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was speechless.

Doesn't Moonlight feel tired?

"Not tired."

Yue Guang said lightly, and Kusanagi sword was swung repeatedly!

The sword energy was surging and sharp like the wind!

His strength had to be stronger!

"No wonder he is so powerful!"

Weiwei sighed in her heart.

When others envy Yueguang's power, they don't know the efforts Yueguang has made for it!

"A body stronger than that of a monster, hard work day and night, and superb talent and understanding, these are the reasons why Moonlight is so powerful. His body is no longer human!"

Zoro lay on the deck, closed his eyes, and said lazily

"Hey, Zoro, we are all swordsmen, and Moonlight is training, but you are slacking off. Is that appropriate?"

Hearing this, Usopp couldn't help but shout

"It's different. Everyone has their own way of training. I can't learn Moonlight's way, but Moonlight can't learn my way either. You're not a swordsman, you don't understand!"

Zoro said lightly.

"It's clearly an excuse for being lazy, and he said it as if it was a matter of course, tsk!"

However, hearing this, Nami couldn't help but curl her lips and said disdainfully!



Run fast:"……"


""Okay, it's time for dinner!"

Sanji suddenly came out and shouted to everyone.

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