"What do you mean? Is it really to discredit the world government?

"Don't jump to conclusions, and listen to her!"

"She's a pirate, what can she say?"

As soon as Robin's words came out, there was no silence in front of the screen, and everyone began to discuss again.

Most people are speculating about her intentions.

Only a few heard the key word: "O'Hara? Why is it so familiar? "

But it's been too long ago to remember for a while.

Headquarters of the Navy.

The yellow ape had just finished solving a group of pirates who ran to send them to death, and ordered people to put them in prison, only then patted the dust on his hands and put his hands back into his trouser pockets.

"Oh, I didn't expect that someone would really come to attack the headquarters."

What if he doesn't exist?

Fortunately, he stayed here and did not let the enemy take advantage of the void.

After finishing the things in hand, the yellow ape returned to the big screen, looking at Robin's serious face, always feeling as if he missed something?

Suddenly there was a little chagrin in his heart, such a wonderful part, he really didn't want to miss it at all.

So listen attentively.

It's much more serious than the usual meetings.

Inside Pangu City.

Everyone is very confused, what does Nicole Robin want to say?

A crime of the world government? It instantly aroused everyone's curiosity.

The green tendons at the forehead of the butterfly bud burst out, and the voice was transmitted to the ears of the five old stars: "Why are you still stunned?" Find her for me and shut her mouth forever!

After that, she waved her sleeves and disappeared.

It also flies towards the place where the sound originated.

The senses of the butterfly bud are sensitive and can probably guess the specific location of the other party.

When she flew to the distance and flashed a figure in the sky, and was about to penetrate the space again, she was accurately captured by the dragon, and in an instant, a sharp white light slashed down at her, blocking her from entering the "black hole".

"Can't let her near the building!"

The man roared loudly and thickly.

Many people heard the start of launching attacks at people in mid-air.

"Rubber ——!"

Luffy stretched out his rubber fist and punched it.

She was gently dodged sideways by the butterfly bud, but she didn't expect that hand would turn around and hit her again.

Butterfly Bud had to catch it with his palm, and the strength of the straw hat boy did not seem to be able to burst out of his small body, which made Butterfly Bud waste some strength.

After stabilizing, she bent her five fingers, grabbed Luffy's hand tightly, and smashed it hard in the direction of the main building.

The body under the long arm flew up instantly, and Luffy only felt that the scene in front of him "clicked", and soon crashed into the cement wall.

"Ahem..." The

choking dust drilled straight into his nose, causing a cough.

Inside the small black room.

Robin didn't know what was going on outside, she just knew that she had to organize the language as soon as possible and let everyone understand what she wanted to say in the shortest possible time.

"During this period of navigation, we found several pieces of red historical text, and found the last piece in Lovedru, many people may not understand what this is, in fact, it is a blank 100-year history recorded 800 years ago, and the truth of that 100-year history is a crime that the world government has worked so hard to hide."

"In order to never let the world know, 22 years ago, the world government launched a demon slaughter order, sent a navy to the West Sea O'Hara, my hometown, killed and burned all the people of the island, and O'Hara disappeared from the map completely."

"The great archaeologists were wiped out in the disaster."

"And I was the lucky one who escaped."

"They brutally killed the entire O'Hara island for one purpose, that is, they did not want the truth of 800 years ago to be exposed, because we can read the text of history!"

"According to the main text of history, 800 years ago, Draco came to our world from the outside world in the universe, plundered our land, seized resources, and killed all the humans who resisted..."

Robin hid in a dark room and gave a fierce speech, the amount of information was too large, and everyone's faces changed suddenly.

All the Draco felt faintly uneasy, their faces twisted, and they couldn't wait to immediately pull Robin out and cut him by a thousand cuts.

"What the hell is that woman talking nonsense?!"

"She should be taken and abused like a slave!"

The navy, the revolutionary army, and the royal elite were stunned.

Draco is from the outside?

What the heck?

Is there any other world besides the one they live in?

I never thought about it.


Speaking of O'Hara's slaughter, everyone immediately thought of the gossip mentioned before.

It turns out to be true?

The world government and navy, really let all the people of an island die?

The purpose is actually to cover up the truth 800 years ago?

How cruel this is.

Don't take their lives seriously at all!

Many navies who had participated in the demon slaughter order were also stunned.

When I received that task, didn't it mean that there was a danger in interpreting the text of history?

He also said that the people on O'Hara Island were dangerous elements and should be annihilated.

What's going on here?

Did the world government deceive them or was Robin lying?

It is already difficult to tell the truth from the fake.

After the butterfly bud hit Luffy, it disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

She went through the dimly lit room and heard Robin's voice coming from the bedroom in front.

"The Draco have only one purpose, to invade this world, to become their pocket, and to make us natives obey their orders, 800 years ago, the war between Draco and humans lasted for many years, and finally ended in the defeat of us humans..."

Butterfly Bud quickly teleported over and kicked away.

At this time, she was extremely angry and wanted to screw Robin's head off immediately!

The bedroom was so large that she looked around and saw no one.

Butterfly Bud walked in, although he smelled Robin's breath, it was very faint, mixed with the smell of other things, but it was like...

She jerked open the closet, and sure enough...

A stereophone worm hides inside, and under it is pressed a dark blue coat with the fragrance of Robin.

And the stereo phone bug is repeating Robin's words in "Balabala".


Butterfly Bud secretly tightened her palm, her long nails sunk into the flesh and she couldn't feel a trace of pain, what she cared about was that she was actually placed by the other party!

She disappeared from the bedroom with a wave of her sleeves, intending to continue looking for the woman.

Even if Robin said everything that needed to be said, Butterfly's heart to let her die was still there, and it was getting stronger and stronger!

Anyway, kill her, when the time comes, there will be various reasons to go back!

Bartolomeo remembered the instructions and waited quietly for Robin in the corner.

Listening to the history that he had never heard before, he was as shocked as everyone else, and a lot of questions arose.

He couldn't suppress the curiosity in his body and asked, "Even if mankind loses in the end, why didn't anyone pass down the events of that year?" His

words were also recorded and reached everyone's ears.

In fact, Bartolomeo asked what many people wanted to ask, but they couldn't communicate with Robin because the other party couldn't hear them at all.

Robin patiently explained: "This is also the reason why there is a gap of 100 years of history, they use some kind of power to brainwash people around the world over and over again, erase memories, and then load some memories that do not belong to them."

"For example, forgetting all the evil things that the Draco have done, but remembering some good things about the world government, and those good things originally did not exist, they fabricated illusions."

"It is not an easy task to make the memory of people all over the world unified, and during this period, people constantly remember it, and they are suppressed by brutal methods, and those who really cannot be changed will be executed."

"According to the records in the main text of history, 2.5 billion humans were killed by Draco in the vacant 100 years!"

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