The dragon searched for a circle at the waste terminal and did not find Luffy, he saved several people, and the rest were all engulfed in fire.

The fire was too big for him to get everyone out.

After placing them, the dragon set off for the thief's hut.

I saw my son lying on the floor with his eyes closed, with a little bandage wrapped around his body, which seemed to have accidentally burned a little in that fire.

Compared to Xiao Luo, his injuries were much lighter, and he was lucky to be saved by the mountain thieves.

But if her daughter hadn't met herself, she might have been killed by the unknown little pirate.

And those innocent people....

The more a man thinks about it, the less it tastes in his heart.

It was all to welcome the arrival of the Draco that made such a people's livelihood so poor.

Seeing that his son was fine, he turned and left and headed for Gaozhen.

Day 2.

Luffy wakes up and learns that Xiao Luo and Ace have not returned yet, he gets up and insists on looking for it.

was stopped by Dogula: "Now the forest is full of soldiers, they are searching for the surviving people, as long as they are found, they will be killed on the spot, you are undoubtedly sent to death in the past!"

"Then leave them alone?"

Xiao Luo was not found, and Ace also rushed into the fire, and Luffy was afraid that something would happen to them.

Dogula continued: "We are also worried that the boss and the two imps have already ordered people to go out to find out the news, and it will be useless for you to rush over with a child, so stay here and wait for news."

But Luffy couldn't listen to him, he only knew that he was desperate to get them back, and finally Dogula had to take out the rope and tie Luffy up.

He didn't want the other three to be found and this one lost.

The straw hat boy was tied to a tree trunk, struggling for half a day and unable to break free, and finally lost his strength before gradually quieting down.

Until the evening, Ace appeared outside the thief's hut panting with a huge dadan on his back.

At this time, Da Dan was covered in bandages and seriously injured.

In order to save her life, the teenager stayed in a tree hole in the forest for one night, and dug out the medicine box that he had previously hidden with Saab to treat the burns for his adoptive mother.

The next day, he had to avoid the search and arrest of the soldiers, and he took Da Dan all the way to hide, and returned here after all kinds of hardships.

Seeing this, Dogula and Magura quickly stepped forward to take their boss off Ace's back and carefully brought him back to the house.

Luffy was also loosened, and he chased the black-haired boy and asked, "Ace, where is Xiaoluo?" What about my sister? The

man lowered his head, his expression heavy, unable to say anything.

They followed the bandits into the hut.

Da Dan is lying on the floor and is being treated more professionally.

Luffy didn't hesitate: "Ace, let me ask you!" Answer me quickly!

The boy pursed his lips and twisted his head to the other side, not daring to look at Luffy.

Zhiwu said, "Dead girl, she... She..."

Or Da Dan said the cruel thing: "Xiao Luo was already buried in the sea of fire, and the place where she was at that time exploded, and was instantly engulfed in fire. "

Last night, after Ace helped her deal with her injuries, he also deliberately ran to the waste terminal to find the little girl again.

It was burned beyond recognition, and because the fire was so strong that almost all the bodies of children were burned, and the adults' bodies were burned into black charcoal, they were unrecognizable.

The whole scene was full of corpses, shocking.


The straw hat boy's eyes widened, his pupils shook, and his face was full of horror, this news was like five thunders hitting the top, his brain buzzed, and the words behind him were completely inaudible.

"Lie! You don't talk nonsense! How could Xiao Luo die? She's not going to die, Ace, didn't you promise I would take her out? You talk, Ace!!

"I'm sorry

, I..." "I couldn't get her out..."

At this time, the black-haired boy felt extremely guilty in his heart.

It was his wrong judgment that indirectly killed the boar girl.

"Liar, you lied to people, I don't believe it!"

He said something he didn't believe, but tears soaked Luffy's eyes, and soon gushed out of his eye sockets and quickly rolled down.

He turned and rushed out.

As I ran, tears flew back.

Xiao Luo, you wait for me, my brother will come to save you......

Inside the house, Da Dan saw this and almost sat up: "Go and stop him!!" "

There are many dangers outside, and rushing over at this time is not equivalent to hitting the muzzle?

When she just opened her mouth to speak, Ace had already caught up.


The black-haired boy jumped and threw the straw hat boy to the ground.

Luffy punched his brother in the face and cried bitterly: "Let go of me!" I'm going to find Xiao Luo!!

"Luffy, she's dead!"

Ace roared loudly, although he didn't want to accept it either, but it was a fact that could not be changed!

The straw hat boy punched the teenager in the face: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I'm going to find her!!" The

boy did not dodge, allowing the people under him to beat him.

As long as the younger brother can feel better.

Moreover, he has no reason to dodge.

It's him who is sorry for Luffy, sorry for Boar Girl.

"Woooo You let me go... Xiao Luo... Younger sister!!! "

The Straw Hat Boy was heartbroken, screaming in pain, feeling the loss of those closest to him, heartbreaking, so painful.

He couldn't bear it, and he couldn't bear it.

The desperate voice of the little boy was clearly heard by everyone in the thief's hut, and they all lowered their heads, dead silence, and depressed people breathless.

In the end, Luffy was overwhelmed with sadness and passed out directly.

During the five days he was in a coma.

Something happened on Sabo's side, and the group of people living in Gao Town held a welcome ceremony to welcome Draco.

The blond boy managed to escape from his home on this day and stole a fishing boat to go to sea.

When he sailed to the middle of the sea, he met Draco's ship, even though he changed course and gave way.

But the Draco still felt that the lowly human had dirty his eyes, and took the cannon fire and attacked Saab.

People on the shore witnessed the whole process.

Including Dogula, who came out to inquire about the news.

Including Saab's parents.

Everyone saw the small fishing boat burned down, and the boy on it was hit by artillery fire and sunk into the sea.

Killed on the spot.

This is another bad news for Ace.

I don't know how to talk to Luffy when he wakes up.

He himself was also carried away by reason, and wanted to kill the palace and end the Draco with his own hands!!

It was Da Dan, who was seriously injured, who fought hard to stop him.

She told him: "When you become a strong man in the future, it is not too late to go to them to settle the score!" Go to the palace now, just to send one more life! "

That's growth.

Learn to endure.

Be strong for the sake of those you want to protect, so strong that no one can take anything away from them!

Blind impulse is useless, it only makes people lose more.

Tokai Frost Moon Village.

On board the Revolutionary Ship Winter Granma.

The dragon boarded the boat with a boy with an eye wound and covered in blood.

Ivankov blinked his big Kazilan eyes, and his long eyelashes trembled: "Why did you pick up a child again?"

The dragon replied lightly: "Saved along the way."

He handed the blond boy in his arms to the doctor: "Take him down to heal, and what happened to the little girl who was saved two days ago?"

"Not awake yet, but not life-threatening anymore."

After the doctor finished speaking, he took the boy to the operating table.

The man also walked into the cabin, intending to go to see Xiao Luo.

Ivankov sneaked up, he always felt that the dragon was a little abnormal compared to before.

But did not dare to ask more.

Their leader, is very taboo for others to inquire about his life and past.

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