It is worth mentioning.

Napoleon was one of the 12 masters of the supreme fast knife, a short-handled chopping knife, and a gauntlet was a broad-slashed knife similar to a tricorne hat.

Lingling in the original book activated various skills through Napoleon.

“Are you sure, Lingling?”

Carter is still a little worried, worried that Lingling has made a mistake, and whether Lingling is strong or not, in fact, Carter does not care.

Now that he has become Lingling’s husband, he will not be as irresponsible as Usopp’s father, Jesus Bu, abandoning his wife and abandoning his son regardless of his wife’s life or death.

If someone dares to bully Lingling, he will definitely destroy him all over the door, dig the ground three feet of earthworms and dig them out and break them in half, the grass is pulled out and burned, and even the egg yolk is shaken apart.

“It’s okay Darling!” Lingling saw Carter’s concern and comforted: “I’m sure, don’t worry.”

Although Lingling said this, Carter was also very worried, watching nervously on the side, if something happened to him, he could strike at the first time.

Lingling did not entangle Carter’s emotions, but focused on Napoleon.

Napoleon had been following her for a long time, and she also hoped that Napoleon could gain more power.

“Soul Fruit – Extraction – Injection!”

Lingling drank lightly in her mouth, and a stream of soul energy poured into Napoleon from Lingling’s hand.

Suddenly, Napoleon slowly floated up from the ground, and the sword constantly emitted a faint light.

Carter’s top sight and smell is domineering, and you can clearly feel that Napoleon’s breath belonging to Lingling is getting stronger and stronger.

As time passed, after about 10 minutes, Lingling finally stopped the movement in her hand, while Napoleon was still suspended in midair, shaking left and right, as if very happy with his birth.

“Lingling!” Carter did not care about Napoleon in the air, but immediately cared about whether Lingling was in trouble: “How is it, there is no problem with the body, right?”

“It’s okay!” Lingling saw Carter who cared about herself, and said with some joy: “Darling! You can rest assured, just smoke a little soul and feel a little dizzy.

“That’s good!”

Hearing this, Carter finally let go of his heart.

“Napoleon come here!”

Lingling called out to Napoleon in the air.

I saw that Napoleon was very well-behaved, so he flew into Lingling’s hands, trembling slightly, like a very well-behaved child.

Napoleon was held in Lingling’s hand, and Lingling closed her eyes to feel it.

After a while, suddenly Napoleon, who was originally still broad-knife-shaped, turned into a tricorn hat.

Suddenly, the tricorne hat turned into a broadsword again, and then did not stop, and after a while, the broadsword turned into a shining broadsword.

And with the change of Napoleon’s form, the momentum on Lingling’s body is getting stronger and stronger!

However, the form of the broadsword did not last long, and Napoleon changed back to the broadsword form, and the momentum on Lingling’s body also decreased suddenly.

Soon Napoleon turned into a three-way hat, and the momentum on Lingling’s body also changed back to its original appearance.

Lingling casually put the three-way hat on her head, not to mention, Lingling with the three-way hat is really good-looking, quite a feeling of royal sister style. (Who is looking for pictures!)

“Darling! Darling!”

Like a little girl who wanted to praise, Lingling came to Carter: “Napoleon is so good now!!” Not only can you be transformed into a hat, but you can also be transformed into a sword!

“Is it! What are your abilities?

Carter saw that Lingling was okay and didn’t care about anything else, and said casually.

“So and so, so and so!”

Lingling didn’t care whether Carter cared or not, and said all about Napoleon’s ability.


After Lingling injected his soul into Napoleon, Napoleon gained several incredible abilities in Lingling’s soul.

First of all, the first is that Napoleon can be transformed into a hat.

Napoleon in this form does not have any special abilities, but it can help Lingling resist spiritual attacks.

This ability should be born from Lingling’s talent steel balloon, which is equivalent to when Napoleon is by Lingling’s side, Lingling will have a soul version of the steel balloon.

Secondly, the second one, when Lingling shouted: “Napoleon! “, Napoleon would turn into a broadsword.

Napoleon in the form of a broadsword will increase Lingling’s physical fitness, and Napoleon at this time can release flames or thunder when slashing.

Again the third, when Lingling shouted: “Emperor Sword – Napoleon!” Napoleon would turn into a shining broadsword.

Napoleon in the broadsword form will further strengthen Lingling’s physical fitness on the basis of the broadsword form! But at this time, Napoleon lost the function of using fire and lightning.

Instead, pure energy bombardment can be hit with energy bombardment similar to that of hegemons.

But now in the broadsword form, Lingling can’t last long, because the very strong body improvement brings a super physical burden, and Lingling’s body can’t last long.

Despite this, Napoleon is really exaggerated now, and Lingling, who has it, is now estimated to be able to defeat some figures who have just entered the level of generals.

And according to Lingling, Napoleon still has many abilities that she has not yet excavated, and in the days to come, through communication with Napoleon, she can continue to discover Napoleon’s hidden ability, and now she only masters the tip of Napoleon’s iceberg.

“Napoleon’s abilities seem to be strong! Just to protect the host, its ability is sealed, and every change in form is like the ability to liberate Napoleon.

Carter nodded thoughtfully, muttering secretly in his heart.

“Liberation? Ability? Lingling also nodded when she heard this, expressing her agreement: “Then these two form changes are called “initial solution” and “swastika solution”!” Carter

was stunned when he heard this, he wondered if Lingling was also a traverser, so he tentatively asked, “Court jade liquor?” … …”


Lingling looked puzzled.

“I know the smell of the sea? … …”


Lingling continued to wonder.


“Five words floating in the sky?”

“Which excavator technology is stronger?”

… …… …

Carter asked several questions in a row, but Lingling always looked puzzled.

Traveling into this other world, Carter has always felt out of place and a little lonely, which is why he has such a big reaction to Lingling.


Now it seems that Lingling is not a crosser, but it just so happens that the title of Napoleon’s two liberations is set to this.

“What’s wrong Darling? Why can’t I understand the question you ask?

Lingling wondered why Carter was asking these questions, as if it were a code word and as if it weren’t.

“Nothing! Or try Napoleon’s liberation! See what Napoleon’s abilities really are!

Carter was a little disappointed, but he didn’t get too entangled, but changed the subject.

“Yes, Darling!”

Lingling didn’t care either, and took Napoleon off his head with that.

“Solution! Napoleon! ”

Lingling drank lightly in her mouth! Napoleon began to change and became a broadsword, and the momentum on Lingling’s body began to rise.

“The system opens Lingling’s properties panel.”

“Charlotte Lingling

“, “Identity: Mother”, “Talent: S-Steel Balloon

“, “Body: Brigadier General Peak (Napoleon Blessing)”,

“Skills: Hegemony, Hegemony, Advanced Tricolor Domineering

“, “Ability: Soul Fruit Napoleon Liberation

” ”

Evaluation: When emotions are out of control, I will commit anorexia! 》

… …… …… …… …… …

PS: You can taste it with confidence after signing a contract, barbecue kneeling for five-star support from brothers!

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