“Bump !!!”

The bald five old stars slammed their teacups in front of the empty one and made a loud collision sound.

“How dare he! Dare to betray the world government! We just advertised that he became a naval hero, and the next day he directly betrayed the navy!!

“And he also ruined most of Marin Fandor!” Empty also added that although Karp has been running away, most of the Marin Fando is destroyed by Empty, but Empty feels that it is Karp who destroys, after all, if Karp does not hide, won’t it be like this?

“What a lawlessness! Too much deception! The curly-haired five old stars were also angry and itched their teeth, gritting their teeth and saying: “Even if you ignored our orders before and refused to be promoted to admiral, now you dare to openly betray the world government!”

“Where is he now?” Arrest Karp immediately!! The goatee five old stars said in a low voice: “I will send him to the execution table!”

“Uh-huh!” Steel Bone Kong said a little nervously: “I don’t know! Karp has not been heard from since he left the headquarters of the Navy! ”

Bump !!”

The bald five old stars once again threw the teacup in front of Sora and quickly lowered his head in fright.

“What are you this marshal for? Let you protect Draco, and as a result, Draco died more than half.

“Let you wipe out the pirates on Beehive Island, and you didn’t catch any of them!!”

“Let you maintain the dignity of the Navy and the World Government, but Karp refused to be promoted to admiral, even if he even betrayed the Navy now.”

“You don’t even know if you ask you about Karp’s whereabouts!!”

The gaze of the bald five old stars was like a knife, and every time he slashed across the empty body, he made the empty tremble uncontrollably.

“But!” The empty head was also spinning at an extremely fast speed, and he felt that if he didn’t say something, he probably wouldn’t be able to eat and walk around today: “Karp is likely to go to the empty island!” After all, his own brother Carter is now the de facto controller of the empty island, and in the years that we have been pinned down by the Rocks Pirates, they are developing at a terrifying pace, and Karp is likely to go to the empty island.

“Then send troops to destroy the empty island!” Karp must be captured, otherwise where will the face of the world government be placed?

Goatee also said thoughtfully.

“That!! There’s a saying I don’t know if I should say or not. Steel

Bone Kong also said cautiously, afraid that the five old stars would vent their anger on themselves.

“Say !!”

The bald five old stars also calmed down their anger a little, and spoke.

“I’m afraid that the strength of the empty island will not be able to be taken down by virtue of the navy.”

Kong paused and found that the five old stars did not say anything, so he continued to speak.

“This time, the cadres of the Rocks Pirates were blocked by the people of the empty island.”

“There are 7 people in total, not to mention Monchi-D. Carter and Charlotte Lingling, and one of the other five is a female angel with wings behind her back, with powerful thunder and lightning powers.”

“One is burgundy hair, suspected to be a glutinous fruit ability.”

“A person wearing a hooded cape, suspected to be the ability of the Storm Fruit.”

“A yellow-haired one, suspected to be a phantom beast species nine-tailed fox fruit ability.”

“And the last one is an intern of Roger’s Pirates, who has now returned to the empty island, although he is very young, but he also has the strength of a vice admiral, and he is suspected to be a person with the ability of Thunder Fruit.”

“And the horror is that the person Carter brought to the Valley of God this time is not the angel who was exposed a few years ago with the strength of a general.”

“Plus those 6,000 generals with the strength of lieutenant generals.”

“If Karp really returns to the empty island now, then the strength of the empty island now is a little scary.”

Steel Bone Kong paused, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued.

“There are at least 8 people with the strength of general or above on the empty island, and Karp may have the strength of a beginner king.”

“Secondly, there are at least more than 6,000 people with the strength of lieutenant generals on the empty island, and the number of ordinary soldiers is unknown.”

“Finally, Empty Island has terrifying technology, and as far as we know, Rocks’ battleship is the handiwork of Empty Island.”

“And when Carter and the others evacuated in the Valley of the Gods incident, there was a huge flying warship in the sky, so if you really want to destroy the empty island, I am afraid it will be more tricky than the Loks Pirates.”



As the sound of the steel bone fell to the ground, the sound in the conference room suddenly disappeared without a trace, so quiet that even a needle could be heard when it landed.

I don’t know who swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


Karp a bounty order!”

After another moment of silence, the bald five old stars said in a helpless tone: “There are also empty island people bounty orders have all been updated, and the current reward is too low for them.”

“Then do you want to make a move on the empty island?”

As soon as Steel Bone Kong said this sentence, he regretted it, after all, Empty Island is so terrifying, if he really let himself go…

… “If you want to go, we will support you unconditionally!” The bald five old stars looked at the steel bone with mentally retarded eyes and said: “Of course, we say unconditional is literal, that is, there is no support, you go alone!”

“I wonder how your brain grows?” How many lieutenant generals and how many general-level strength are there in the world government?

“Although it is more than the empty island, it is not much more, if there is really a war with the empty island, it will definitely be a heavy death and injury!”

“This is not allowed!”


Steel bone empty also breathed a sigh of relief.

“But now there is a serious problem, that is, it was originally to promote Karp as a naval hero to deter the pirates, but now that Karp has defected from the world government, he must think of other ways.”

The five old stars with horns and beards who had not spoken on the side also spoke.

“Use the system of the three generals!”

“Although the original navy was also three generals, there was only one general on the surface, and the other two were his deputies.

“And now, in order to deter that group of pirates, it’s time to implement the system of the three generals.”

“And the three generals also have to be updated from the new election!”

“That’s a good way too!”

The bald five old stars also nodded when they heard this.

“Do you have any good candidates?”

“General candidate?” Kong Wenyan also touched his chin and thought: “There are two people in the younger generation of the navy, namely Warring States and Zefa!” Both of them are young and have general-level strength. ”

Uh-huh!” The bald five old stars also nodded when they heard this, and he had also heard of these two people: “Yes, as for the last one, Magellan!” ”

Magellan?” Sora was a little puzzled.

“You don’t know, this was trained by the World Government, and I originally wanted him to be the head of the city, but now for the face of the World Government and the Navy, let him be a general first, and then replace him when there is a suitable person…

…… PS: BBQ kneels for five-star support from brothers!

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