Sea Circle Calendar Year 1484.

Navy Headquarters, Marinford

"Carl, your proposal to form an elite class has been approved. Tomorrow, ten young elites of the navy will be summoned to the headquarters. Admiral Zefa will be the chief instructor, and you will be his instructor."

The person who spoke was the young Sengoku, the current admiral of the navy, known as the"Buddha's Sengoku". He wore round glasses, had a serious expression, a braided beard on his chin, and a hat with a seagull logo symbolizing peace. His eyes were fixed on the young man standing in front of him.

The young man had a clean face, messy black hair, looked energetic, and was wearing a navy civilian uniform.

His name was Carl.

"That’s great!"

Carl seemed a little excited, and his hands clenched involuntarily.

Seeing him like this, Sengoku reminded him:"The elite class is temporarily named [Zero], and it is still in the experimental stage. Don’t hold too high hopes. Pirates have become more rampant recently, and Admiral Zephyr cannot be stationed at the Navy Headquarters all the time. The members who are transferred may not be convinced by your strength."

Carl smiled brightly and looked up and said:"Admiral Sengoku, don’t worry, I will definitely train the [Zero] members to become the most elite combat force of the Navy!"

Looking at Carl’s confident look, Sengoku shook his head helplessly, gave up the idea of persuasion, and then said:"Okay, go and get ready."

"Got it."

Karl left Zhan Guo's office happily and returned to his residence.

"Phew~ After working so hard for so long, I finally succeeded."

He looked at the document in front of him, and a big stone in his heart finally fell.

Carl traveled to the world of One Piece three years ago, and it was an era before the great voyages.

In order to survive, he joined the navy. Although he did not achieve much in his practice, he became the right-hand man of the Warring States with his outstanding mind.

And the purpose of forming a navy elite class is because he awakened the peace-seeking system.

The peace-seeking system is that when you can bind others, the system will gather their combined strength to yourself.

But what gives Carl a headache is that the person who seeks peace must be an organization.

And it is impossible to bind the navy because there is a limit on the number of people, and the upper limit is only ten.

So Carl worked hard for three years, and finally his plan to form a navy elite class came true!

In order to form an elite class, find a group of strong people to seek peace Strength, Carl has taken great pains and put in all his efforts, because the era he is in is the period when Rocks is in chaos, and the notorious pirates are cholera in the sea.

Although it is safer to be a civilian in the navy, it is not as reassuring as having strength yourself.

Let me ask, which time traveler can withstand the temptation of the golden finger?

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Marinford training ground.

Ten figures stood in a row.

Zephyr, with a sturdy figure and purple hair, strode over from a distance. The powerful aura that permeated his body instantly made the training ground silent.

At this time, Zephyr has not yet broken his arm, and he is at the peak of his combat power. He is the main combat force of the navy to suppress pirates.

Following behind Zephyr is a young man with black hair and a handsome face, who is Carl.

At this time, Carl has a smile on his lips, and there is a vague expectation in his eyes.

"General Zefa!"

Zefa came closer, bringing a sense of oppression, and everyone saluted respectfully.

"Well, I won't say any more unnecessary nonsense. You just need to know that the purpose of your coming here is to become stronger! If anyone wants to quit now, it's not too late. Don't waste my time. So, who wants to quit?"

Zeffer glanced at the ten young men in front of him with sharp eyes and said coldly.

In fact, Zephyr was unwilling to serve as an instructor. He would rather go out on missions to defend the peace of the sea. However, the Admiral of the Navy, Steel Bone, gave the order personally, and he had no choice.

The culprit was the guy named Carl behind him, so Zephyr didn't have a good attitude towards Carl.

The ten young men looked solemn and responded in unison:


Zephyr was very satisfied with this attitude, which made him look a bit elite.

Carl behind him looked at these young people who would become the backbone of the navy in the future, and smiled in his heart.

Akainu, Kizaru, Momosabushi, Chatun, Ghost Spider, Mole, Doberman, Fire Mountain, Stockaberry, Sauro (giant tribe). The future admirals, admiral candidates, and vice admirals of the navy!

But at this time, they are only teenagers and girls, and they can even be seen as immature on their faces.

These candidates were carefully selected by Carl, so some people who were not supposed to be Zephyr's students were also transferred here, such as Momosabushi and Chatun.

And Carl obviously also chose Aokiji, maybe because Aokiji is too young now and did not pass the review.

"Very good."

Zefa nodded in satisfaction, his aura subsided a little, and then he announced:

"I declare: [Zero] is officially established!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a clear and ethereal reminder sounded in Luo Er's mind:


【Detected that 'Number Zero' meets the binding and sum conditions, do you want to bind? 】

Carl grinned, finally waiting for this moment!


【Binding successful!】

【Strength and strength……】

【Strength feedback……】

【Feedback completed! 】


When the last syllable dissipated in his mind, Carl suddenly felt a wave of energy washing over his body. His aura suddenly became stronger, and his mind inexplicably gained a lot of moves. A powerful feeling instantly enveloped him.


【Congratulations to the host for obtaining Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Navy Six Styles, Armament Haki, Observation Haki……】

【Panel function activated! 】

Host: Carl

Strength: General candidate

Physical skills: (Perfect)

���Sui Se Haki (Intermediate)

Observation Haki (Intermediate)

Gun Finger (Advanced)

Moon Step (Advanced)

Shaving (Advanced) Iron

Block (Advanced)

Storm Foot (Advanced)

Paper Painting (Advanced)

Swordsmanship (Intermediate)

(Note: Skills are divided into low-level, intermediate, advanced, perfect, and ultimate.)

Carl narrowed his eyes and stared at the azure light curtain that emerged from the void in front of him. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart:"I have waited too long for this day."

"I didn't expect that my strength would break through to the level of a candidate for admiral just after I bound the peace request, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future. I really don't know how strong I will be when they all reach their peak strength? Surpass the admiral? Surpass the four emperors?"

Thinking of this, Carl couldn't help but be full of expectations for the future.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded again in Carl's mind:

【Ding! The first reward for seeking a sum is issued: Overlord Haki!】

【Congratulations to the host for successfully awakening the three-color domineering aura! 】


Carl took a deep breath, and finally managed to suppress the excitement in his heart.

"Conqueror Haki!!"

Carl was very satisfied to obtain Armament Haki and Observation Haki from everyone. He didn't expect that the system would help him awaken Conqueror Haki. It was a complete surprise!

Now Carl finally has the strength!

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