Silver Axe was completely stunned, even his mind went blank.


Carl's full-strength punch exploded.

Red arcs of electricity floated on the shield, and exploded with power.

Crack - the shield that Silver Axe had remade shattered in an instant. The horrific scene made him feel terrified.

The power that made him despair penetrated the shield and hit him.

He flew out like a kite, and the blood spurting out of his mouth overflowed from under the armor, which was extremely miserable.

The bones of the entire arm were completely broken, and he had no feeling except for the heart-wrenching pain.

""Ah - who are you!"

Silver Axe roared miserably, his voice filled with despair and madness,"No matter who you are, the captain will be here soon! None of you can escape! Hahahaha! He will kill all of you!"

Perhaps it was despair that made Silver Axe go crazy.

Or maybe the blow Carl dealt to him was too great, causing his mentality to collapse.

Carl didn't look at Silver Axe again, but just waved his hand.

Suddenly, countless transparent silk threads burst out from the ground under Silver Axe, flowing with the power of thunder and lightning, instantly piercing through Silver Axe's body. The paralyzing power of thunder and lightning even prevented Silver Axe from wailing, and his breath dissipated...

A generation of great pirates, Silver Axe, died.

Carl, has gone berserk!

Taotu looked at Carl beside him, tears filling her beautiful eyes,"Boss... I thought I was going to……"

"Don't say discouraging words." Karl flicked her head lightly, and at the same time, a unique energy came out of his palm, directly healing Taotu's injuries.

"Boss, what is this?" Taotu was dumbfounded, unable to believe the miracle that happened to her.

Carl forced a smile and handed Taotu a talisman with a horse pattern,"Horse talisman, healing power, can make the holder remove all the influences caused by external forces."

That's right, Carl got the horse talisman.

The moment Taotu took the surgery fruit, Carl received feedback

【Ding! Host's ability has increased!】

【Reward: Horse Charm! Lots of Observation Haki!】

【Horse Talisman: Healing power, can make the holder remove all the influences caused by external forces. (Note: sneezing is not required)】

【Observation Haki Level: Secret! 】

Carl obtained the horse charm, but he did not have the condition of sneezing to violate the law, and he could also use this power to heal others, but it was very physically demanding.

At the same time, he obtained a large amount of Observation Haki, which enabled his Observation Haki to successfully break through to the Secret level.

He can already foresee the future for a short time!

But now is not the time to be happy, Carl can feel the tragedy of the entire island.

Because Momotobu stopped the silver axe, the killing feast on the island was not too tragic, but many people still died.

The Observation Haki is released, covering the entire island and distinguishing the pirates being slaughtered.

Conqueror Haki - Release!

Brush -

The powerful and abnormal aura is released with Carl as the center, defeating the spirit of every pirate on the island and causing those pirates who are killing to faint.

Then he quickly rushed to the battle ahead with Momotobu.


"Boss! You're finally here!"

Akainu, who was leaning against a broken wall, struggled to stand up, with a look of surprise and joy.

He felt extremely relieved when he saw Carl.

Carl came here on purpose because he sensed Akainu with his observation Haki.

Momotosaki didn't know, and said with surprise on his face:"Sakaski? How are you injured?"


's mouth was bitter, and he said disappointedly:"Boss, I didn't withstand a single move from Whitebeard... I'm ashamed of you." Carl patted Akainu on the shoulder, and the power of the horse talisman was activated, and he comforted:"You are still young, I believe you will surpass Whitebeard sooner or later! I look forward to that day, just don't let me down then!"

Listening to Carl's words, Akainu felt warm in his heart, but he was even more shocked that his injury was actually healed?

"Boss? What's going on? My injury is healed?"Akainu was a little confused. When did Carl have the ability to heal?

Moreover, it was an incredible healing effect!

His injury was completely healed!

Carl just nodded, without saying anything more, and rushed directly to the battlefield.

The runaway Carl joined the battlefield!

The thunder lingering in the sky suddenly rioted, as if welcoming their king.

This kind of thunder and lightning power is far beyond the reach of Chatun.

He was in danger at this time.

Originally, Chatun could run away if he couldn't beat him, but he had to stop John, so he could only fight with him. The two fought, but the huge difference in strength made it difficult for him to resist.

The edge of the Western sword pierced through the thunder and aimed at Chatun's head.

The strong sense of crisis made Chatun's hair stand on end.

Suddenly, a completely different thunder and lightning aura emerged from Chatun's thunder and lightning power, and a figure with lightning flashing in the eyes emerged.

There was a faint red light flashing in the azure lightning.

Carl appeared!

Bachan punched out!


A violent collision broke out, and the momentum spread, causing the sea of thunder to fluctuate.

But John's figure was blown away

""Who are you!" John stopped and shouted.

He was indeed a little confused.

The young man in navy uniform in front of him seemed stronger than him, but he had never heard of him.

The next second, John reacted and shouted without caring about his image:"How can you use the same ability as him!"

Realizing this, John's breathing stagnated, and his face looked like he had seen a ghost.

How could Carl explain to him?

The next second, Carl's body burst out at a high speed, and he appeared directly in front of Wang Zhi. He also punched out with a domineering punch. The space trembled, the lightning roared, and the azure lightning was mixed with red lightning arcs, which was weird and abnormal.

Wang Zhi felt the danger and held the broad giant blade horizontally in front of him.


An extremely dull sound broke out.

Wang Zhi suffered this punch like a target.

Moreover, Carl used the power of the bull talisman for this punch, which was powerful and heavy, and the crushing force instantly enveloped Wang Zhi.

""Shit! What kind of weird power is this!"

Wang Zhi cursed, and flew out in a mess, leaving a big hole.

John, Wang Zhi and the like are only S-level strength, how can they resist the rampaging Carl?

The entire battlefield suddenly became dead silent.

Everyone's attention was attracted by Carl. Who is this person?

He forced John and Wang Zhi back with only two punches?

When did such a terrifying guy appear in the navy?

The main thing is that he looks very young?

Is this really the level of combat power he should have at his age?

After Whitebeard and Sengoku exchanged a move, they both distanced themselves.

Whitebeard's eyes naturally fell on Carl, and his brows slightly frowned. He felt a vague danger from Carl.

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