Lotodas is a bald man with a treasure chest firmly in his arms, needless to say that inside is the magma fruit that everyone is fighting for.

Faced with the threat of Mobi, who was stronger than him, Lotodas gritted his teeth and said: “Mobi! You are simply too deceitful to dare to openly break the rules of Pirate Town! ”

Rules? Lao Tzu is the rule! Moby scoffed unconcernedly.

In the face of powerful magma fruits, what rules do you need to follow?

Big deal, kill everyone.

Dibal is a one-eyed strong man, he is not only fearless in the face of threats, but his expression is a little crazy, “Moby, I have contacted the Rocks Pirates, their people will arrive soon!” Are you sure you still want the magma fruit in our hands! ”


The name is a nightmare presence for all pirates.

He is the most ferocious monster on the sea!

It is a well-deserved pirate overlord!

His subordinates are even the most of the pirate powerhouses in the New World!

Hearing the name of the Rocks Pirates, the long sword in Mobi’s hand trembled, and some people were scared by their names alone.

“You actually defected to Lokes!” Moby said unwillingly.

Dibal scoffed, “This is our opportunity to exchange magma fruits!” Do you dare to rob the things of the Rocks Pirates!

Mentioning Lox, the one-eyed Dibal looked more confident, and the one-eyed light flashed with cunning.


Mobi was speechless in anger.

Although I really want to get the magma fruit, when I think of the horror of Lox, the fear in my heart can’t stop surging.

Just as he was about to give up, a chuckle suddenly entered this battlefield of slaughter, which seemed out of place.

“Huh? It’s so lively. The

two sides who were facing each other followed the sound and saw a young man in naval uniform leading a group of immature looking navy slowly walking, and even an unusually burly giant race at the end.

“Huh? Navy? How could they be here? Dibal’s one-eyed narrowed, with a faint sense of bad foreboding.

Lotodas’s expression froze slightly, but after seeing the appearance of these navies, he couldn’t help but laugh, “Hahahaha… A group of smelly hairy boys ran to send them to death! Looking

at the young appearance of the red dog, yellow ape and others, he did not regard it as a threat at all, and did not pay attention to it at all.

Even Carl, who looked a little older, was still not put in everyone’s eyes.

Even Moby couldn’t help but laugh cruelly, “It’s just right, uncle, I’ll use you to get angry!” There is also a delicate little beauty, it seems that Lao Tzu is going to enjoy a blessing, the navy is really a big gift for Lao Tzu! ”

Since he didn’t dare to make a move against Lotodas and Dibal, Moby was ready to vent his anger on the navy who dared to break into Pirate Town.

Especially when he saw the peach rabbit with a dusty temperament and a sense of beauty waiting to be released, he felt an evil fire rushing in his body.

“Hahaha… The boss is going to have a new love again!

“Oh~ This kind of little beauty is really rare!”

The pirates around them all began to stir.

The killing atmosphere that was still confrontation just now, because of the sudden intrusion of Karl and others, all the pirates immediately turned their spears, and Moby found the steps.

Hearing this, Peach Rabbit’s little face turned red, gritting his silver teeth, and Jin Piluo in his hand was ready to go.

Carl frowned, the pirate’s filthy words made him feel very uncomfortable.

“Noisy. Do it. ”

This kind of scum, Carl is too lazy to talk nonsense.

Moreover, through seeing and smelling the domineering, he sensed that the treasure chest in Lotodas’ arms was a magma fruit!

The fruit of destiny of the red dog!

Carl is bound to win!

With the red dog of the magma fruit, the strength is likely to break through the general!

At the moment when Karl’s words fell, and the pirates didn’t even react, the ten members of [Zero] quickly attacked.

The red dog and the yellow ape found a bounty of 318 million Beli Lotodas and 277.4 million Beli Dibal respectively.

The mole, who has just obtained the fruit of gravity, faces the most powerful Moby.

Sauro, who was wearing a bull charm, showed the furious side of the giants, like a huge war weapon, running over the crowd of pirates.

Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin and others are cleaning up the trash fish on the battlefield, and there is no pressure at all.

Carl put his hands in his pockets and quietly watched the battle in the field, not interested in meddling.

Instead, he quieted down and started talking to the system.

“System, what is the reward based on each time? Why did both rewards reward spells? He asked thoughtfully.

[System algorithm, can’t tell]

Carl, who was full of expectations, did not expect to get such an irresponsible answer, and sighed helplessly: “Hey, it’s still the system arrogant…” The

battle in the field quickly entered a white-hot stage.

It didn’t take long for the trash fish to be cleaned up, leaving only three powerful pirates struggling to support.

Akainu and Lotodas played each other, and with his strong strength, he completely suppressed the opponent and firmly controlled the rhythm of the attack.

Especially Lotodas, who was still careless at the beginning, received his injuries just after the fight, and in the subsequent fight, because he held the treasure chest, he couldn’t open it, and he was almost scrapped an arm by the red dog, and the treasure chest containing magma fruits in his arms was shot away and fell into the hands of the smiling Carl.


When Lotodas saw that the magma fruit had fallen into the hands of the young man who had never made a move, he became furious and threatened viciously: “Boy! It was a gift for Lokes! If you dare to move, wait for the revenge of the Rocks Pirates!

“You actually colluded with Rox?” The cold face of the red dog changed slightly.

Karl still showed a performance of indifference, and said with a smile: “Hmm~ it turned out to be Lokes, it’s really scary~~”

He turned out to be learning to speak with a yellow ape.

The yellow ape left Dibal, who was struggling and motionless, looking helpless, “Boss, you… You…”

Even the yellow ape was speechless, not knowing what to use to describe Karl’s performance.

Karl’s fluttering tone and careless attitude made Lotodas feel despair in his heart, especially when he noticed that Dibal was easily solved by the yellow ape, and for a while he didn’t know how to be good, and cold sweat flowed on his smooth head.

In order to save his life, he trembled and begged for mercy: “I don’t want magma fruit!” You guys let me go! ”

The red dog punched him from behind, and he coughed up blood on the spot.

“Lao Tzu’s subordinates will not let the pirates go!”

Saying that, the red dog ended the life of this 318 million Bailey pirate with a bounty.

Speaking of which, the current strength of the red dog is actually not enough to easily defeat more than 300 million pirates, mainly because the other party was careless at the beginning, and then lost the opportunity and could not win back the situation.

Carl looked at the red dog’s actions, his brows furrowed slightly.

He almost forgot that Akainu was still a problem teenager.

“Gotta find a chance to change his mind…”

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