The pheasant’s laser eye has not been used for a long time, and whenever he uses it, he inevitably thinks of Carl, which will make his thoughts of revenge and murder stronger.

Until today, the laser eye came out, and directly gave Bagers a stunned.

Not only Badgers, but also many people looking at this stunned scene, what kind of ability does the pheasant show? ?

Only Sengoku was silent, he had already guessed that the pheasant’s laser eye was related to Karl, and muttered: “I haven’t seen a pheasant use it for many years.” ”

It’s been so long that even the Warring States have almost forgotten this skill.

The other side.

Van Oka’s sniper rifle was torn apart by Thunder and fled in horror.

The evil king was forced to retreat by the magma, and the continuous blast power gave him a whirlwind, what the fuck is this magma?!

Lafitte spread his wings and was about to take off into the air, but was suddenly enveloped by a gravity field, followed by a ferocious gravity slash down.

The [Zero] members’ shots were extremely ferocious, and they all gave Marko, Ace and others a moment’s stunned look, and then they all struck, and the two groups of people joined forces with a tacit understanding, and suddenly suppressed the misery of everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates.

The arrogance of the appearance has been dissipated little by little, and they may be thinking about how to run.

“Why are these guys rushing so fiercely?” Carl raised his eyebrows, crying and laughing.

Peach Rabbit slowly withdrew Jin Piluo into the scabbard, just now she was also ready to strike, but seeing that everyone was up, there was no one around Karl, and she stopped.

“Whoever wants to kill you must die!” Peach Rabbit’s beautiful eyes flashed with coldness, and she had the idea of cutting off Blackbeard.

A fierce battle ensued.

“Huh? Blackbeard? How did this group of guys show up! Karp, who returned, was suddenly startled and surprised.

“Blackbeard cut off the city, Karp, in the end, the culprit is still your grandson Straw Hat Kid’s good deeds!” Warring States looked at Karp coming over, and suddenly said angrily.

He wants to open it now, since he can’t stop it, let’s wait and see.

To put it bluntly, the Warring States are really powerless.

Kapuhaha smiled, “Warring States, maybe they will do better with the navy!” ”

In fact, Karp doesn’t like the world government either, otherwise why wouldn’t he even be a general?

Sengoku was silent, but the twinkling eyes seemed to say something.

And at this moment, a figure in the sky fell from the sky, almost breaking the wind.


The figure landed on the ground, revealing a lean body and a mountain-like shape of white hair and beard, which was the steel bone.

This old man exuded a terrifying fluctuation, and those present could feel the anger contained in him just by virtue of his momentum.

“Steel bone? Even he came! “Hawkeye is extremely surprised, Steel Bone Kong is the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

Doflamingo’s face was calm, and he didn’t see any thoughts, but just said lightly: “He is also here, this matter is becoming more and more intense!” 咈咈咈咈~~ ”

Who would have thought that the war that was originally declared by the navy against the Whitebeard Pirates was full of twists and turns.

The real identity of Ace was exposed, followed by Carl’s appearance to completely change the situation of the battle, and as a result… Karl suddenly chose to declare war on the five old stars and the world government, and also united with Whitebeard to strike, and finally destroyed the Warring States with one punch, forced Karp back with one punch, and helped General Akainu to the position of marshal of the navy.

Then the Whitebeard Pirates appeared, and now even the steel bones have descended, is the world war really about to begin?

Anything that happened in this was enough for the sea to shake for a year and a half, but now it hit the eruption, and it was even more reactive at the same time, even Qi Wuhai didn’t know what they should do now.

Genima is chaotic.

Only the tyrant bear turned his head slightly, staring at the steel bone without any expression, and no one knew what he meant and what he wanted to do.

The corners of Karl’s mouth pursed lightly, and the luster in his black eyes gradually became cold.

“Whitebeard! You’re going too far! Unexpectedly destroyed Marin Fandor like this for the old man! The

steel bone looked around the battlefield and suddenly shouted angrily.

He is really going to be mad, he will definitely not spare the white-bearded guy, and the group of brats, with him, they dare to rebel!

Simply bold!

The sound of the steel bone was like thunder, and the rolling explosion resounded throughout the battlefield, causing Whitebeard’s movements to stop.

What did you say?

“Goo la la la la ~ steel bone, this is not Lao Tzu’s doing. And there are surprises waiting for you! Whitebeard replied with a rare explanation.

What does Marin Fandor have to do with him like this?

That’s all done by your own people!

This pot, Lao Tzu does not carry it!

Absolutely not back!

The steel bone was slightly stunned, and once again seriously looked around the battlefield, and for some reason, he saw the figure in a wheelchair at first glance.

An unchanging appearance, a face without aging… What the fuck is Carl??

“Carl ?!?”


The steel bone is two big with one head and two big, and his expression is as if he has seen a ghost.

The dignified commander-in-chief of the whole army, the famous steel bone, thought for the first time that he had encountered a ghost!

Isn’t this a ghost?

Could it be that Tekarl actually lived?

There was a chaos in Steelbone’s mind, and his thoughts were like knots, this kind of scene he really hadn’t seen in so many years.

Downtime… Reboot.

The picture has not changed.

Blinked hard, still….

What the is going on here?

“You, really Carl?!”

The steel bone said incredulously, as if there was still a trace of fantasy in his heart.

This is fake!

It must be fake.

“Long time no see.” Karl said lightly, expressionless.

The scene of Steel Bone standing by and watching it back then is still vividly remembered; Perhaps without Roger blocking the steel bone at that time, the steel bone would have shot at him nine times out of ten.

So, there is no camaraderie.

The cold voice that was the same as in my memory, but it was not as youthful as it was at that time, but full of majesty.

It’s really Carl….

He’s still alive!

How is he still alive!

Such a sudden scene caught Steel Bone off guard.

When he came, he even thought about the worst-case scenario, what would the red dogs do when they took advantage of the whitebeard to attack Marin Fandor, and he even pondered the matter of changing the admiral, and now stage such a play for him?

It’s hard to accept.

How the hell did he survive?

Why hasn’t my appearance changed?

The chaotic clues choked the words that came to the mouth of the steel bone, and I didn’t know how to say it for a while.

Say a long time no see?

Or do you open your mouth to explain what happened back then?

But that thing can’t be explained anymore!

Why did things come the way they are?

Steel Bone was silent, staring at Carl, his chest heaving, his thoughts turbulent.

The Warring States also did not know how to defuse this atmosphere.

Everyone who was fighting couldn’t help but stop, their eyes fell between Steel Bone and Karl, as if they were waiting for Steel Bone to say Karl’s true identity.

Who is he, exactly?

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