Red Noah is a strong man, and even the biggest threat.

His strength, except Karl, no one can defeat alone, which is also the strength of Draco.

“Carl, you’re strong… But today you are not destined to win! Red Noah was still in the mood to grin, but this smile was full of coldness.

Karl’s pupils contracted, and a huge momentum slowly emanated from his body and spread, like a sleeping beast awakening, exuding palpitating fluctuations.

“Whew~ Karl, let him leave it to me.”

Just as Carl was about to take out Red Noah with the power of thunder, the dragon behind him suddenly spoke.

Karl was startled, and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but before he could speak, the dragon continued: “You are our trump card!”

Carl instantly understood what he meant.

The dragon wants him to fight Im without a bit of consumption.

Thinking of Im, Karl knew that he had to be prepared, so he turned his head and said, “Be careful.”

“Don’t worry… I’m not that weak! Dragon swore by promises.

“Have you discussed it?” Who will die first? Red Noah clearly heard their conversation clearly, but still deliberately asked.

The cloak on the dragon’s body was windless, and he seemed to be surrounded by a hurricane between his palms, and he raised his head, revealing his scarred cheeks, “The strongest overlord color? ”

The leader of the revolutionary army?” Red Noah said in the same tone.

For Karl, who slowly walked past from the side, Red Noah did not pay half attention, as if he did not want to stop him at all, or maybe Im had waited for Karl for too long, and no one dared to delay Karl to see Im now.

For the battle in the pirate world, there must always be a king to see the king

And Karl and Im are the so-called kings!

Carl walked away slowly.

The corner of Red Noah’s mouth outlined a cold, evil smile, “Now, I can have fun with you!” When

the words fell, his eyes became tyrannical, and a powerful aura burst out from his body, and the chaotic and violent momentum made the surrounding ground begin to collapse, and even changed his own airflow, looking like there were countless steam rising.

“So strong…” The dragon’s pupils shrank, and his face became more solemn.

But he is the leader of the revolutionary army, how can he be frightened by the enemy?

Knowing that the enemy is strong only makes him more careful, not afraid.


The space air flow rotated rapidly, an invisible wind wheel appeared in the field, and Ling Rui’s wind blade directly cut through the space, which was an attack that wrapped around the overlord color domineering.

“Wind?” Red Noah was slightly surprised, and then burst out, like a caged tiger, rushing towards the dragon.

The dragon’s hands danced, layers of energy ripples that were difficult to see with the naked eye spread, and the wind wheel rotated, driving the wind blade to cut down fiercely.

Red Noah raised his arm, his entire waist and abdomen turned into a bow shape, and he suddenly threw a punch in the sky, like pulling a bow like a full moon, and then burst an arrow, but this arrow was mixed with the power of overlord-colored domineering.

The attacks of the two sides collided, the energy ripples spread instantly, the ground burst and collapsed layer by layer, and the people around them were bombarded regardless of enemy or friend.

A fierce battle ensued.

At this time, in the rear, the captains of the Draco Escort found Kaido and Auntie.

“Hey! That guy, stop Lao Tzu! The tall, skinny Draco man held a giant axe that was wider than he looked, and slashed at Kaido.


The strong attack landed on the body of the green dragon, and countless sparks sputtered out from the scales, and there were even two shattered dragon scales in the spark.


The huge body of the green dragon could not withstand this huge force, and it fell into the ground, splashing out countless smoke and dust.

Ember flew in the sky, and when he saw this scene, his heart suddenly tightened, “Lord Kaido!” ”

These guys, actually engaged in a sneak attack?

“Huh? It’s finally here. Aunt was attracted by the huge movement, stopped the attack in her hand, looked over, and then saw those figures, she immediately guessed that the other party was the captain of the Draco’s escort team.

The next moment, someone also found Auntie.

The unusually fat Seventh Day Dragon Guard Captain shook his figure and stood up, “I have long heard that the Four Emperors Aunt has the talent of absolute defense, I really want to see it,” ”

Hahaha… Use your perverted defenses to make the other person desperate. One of the Draco Guards Captain laughed, and then went to the next place with the others.

Now only the sixth and twelfth captains remain, and their targets are Karp and Sengoku.

And behind them, there was also the figure of an old man, it was the steel bone.

The target of Steel Bone is also Sengoku and Karp, he wants to execute these two guys with his own hands, it is they who make him a prisoner, they are the ones who let him suffer humiliation, Sengoku, Karp, two traitors!

“It wouldn’t be so careless, would it? Could it be that I killed it in one move? The captain of the tall, slender fifth guard looked at the smoke below and sneered.

“That might disappoint you…” A huge figure covered with scales and dragging the dragon’s tail walked out of the smoke, driving the smoke and dust to leave a swirling shape, while the mace in his hand dragged on the ground, making a harsh sound.

“For a guy like you who sneaks up, Lao Tzu won’t show mercy!”

Kaido, who was in the form of a human head and full of combat power, roared, his figure galloped like the wind, swept across the battlefield and rushed towards the thin and tall Draco, the mace in his hand was raised high, and the overlord-colored domineering instantly entangled, and his body was suddenly surrounded by a crimson arc, accompanied by a roar, and the surrounding wind was tighter.

“Thunder gossip!”

Kaido’s classic moves, just like Ace’s fire fist is a starting style, no matter what, you have to help first.

“Use bullying as soon as you come up? Very serious, I still want to have fun, it seems that it is going to be a quick decision. The thin man shook his head and sighed, and then his body erupted in a circle of energy, spreading into ripples like water waves, and the giant axe in his hand suddenly burst out into a crimson arc.

“Fury Sea!”

The giant axe cut through the sky and slashed down at the mace.

When –

it was stirring like an ancient bell, but the people around the collision were blown out by the sound wave at that moment, as if these two people came specifically to clear the scene.

Ember struggled to maintain his figure, standing still in the storm, and sighed: “This is the combat power displayed by the royal-level powerhouse, it is too terrifying. ”

The horror is not only Kaido and the skinny tall man, but also the collision between Aunt and the Seventh Guard Captain is also particularly exciting.

The body shapes of the two sides are very similar, and even the other party is more round than the aunt, which is extremely fat.

But his fat seems to have magical powers, and his defense is not weaker than Auntie’s steel balloons.

So, the battles are getting more and more interesting.

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