No one expected that Satan Saint would hide such a method, and the ancient demon fruit, coupled with Satan Saint’s strength, immediately made him difficult to deal with.

The green pheasant himself did not fully shoot, but still relied on the ice demon to fight, and the strong armed color domineering covering, making the ice demon simply indestructible.

Moreover, the green pheasant’s armed color domineering is definitely the strongest among the three major generals!

Armed color domineering is the root of the ice devil’s strength!

The core is the Rat Charm!

Not only does the yellow ape have two spells!

There are also two pheasants!

And all of them helped him considerably!


Even from a distance, you can feel the change in the battle situation.

“Are those guys crazy? The battle was solved so quickly! Kaido fought with the tall, skinny and long-haired man on the opposite side, looking slightly surprised.

“Useless things, will lose to the admiral of the navy?” The thin and tall man of the fifth captain snorted coldly, expressing serious dissatisfaction with the effect of the battle situation displayed by the five old stars.

However, it was useless for him to be dissatisfied, because the two five old stars were already dead. Satan Saint is now the only seedling of the five old stars.


“Goo la la la ~ The five old stars actually died first, what an unexpected result!” White-bearded Gu La laughed, the light wave in his hand exploded, and a punch blasted out.


large area of space shattered, until it spread to the bearded man, who did not hesitate to slap a palm to block the force of this shock, squinted at Whitebeard, his expression became more and more solemn, “Whitebeard, worthy of being called the strongest man, really did not let me down!”

“Come! Then fight! ”

The bearded man really didn’t expect the whitebeard to be so strong!

Even he originally thought that the four emperors were all generalists, just a false name circulating from the sea, but now he found that Whitebeard had the qualifications to make him pay attention.

“Goo la la la ~ ~ come to fight!”

Whitebeard also roared excitedly.

It’s been a long time since I met such a hearty opponent who is quite strong and can fight!

Rumble! Boom! ——


“Sakaski? Borusalino? How is this possible! Steel

Bone exclaimed in amazement.

He felt the disappearance of the aura of the two five old stars, and he already had some guesses in his heart, but he still couldn’t believe it for the first time.

He has always been the strongest guy in the Navy, so he is the marshal of the Navy, and he has not cultivated red dogs and yellow apes, they are very strong, but more are still fruit abilities, there is no awakening overlord color domineering, how can he defeat the five old stars now?

He didn’t understand it, and even found it a little unbelievable.

However, this is the case, and no amount of faith can change anything.

The Warring States blasted out a shockwave and said loudly: “Old Marshal, do you think it’s unbelievable?”

“But this is the new commander-in-chief of the Navy!” He will do better than any naval marshal!

“This is the power of the Navy!”

“The group of hairy boys who used to be are already the pride of the Navy!”

The voice of the Warring States reveals incomparable pride.

Because absolutely nothing has changed now within the scope of his previous plans, but now it seems that this change may get a good result? Who dares to say it isn’t?

“Hehe, Warring States, even if they defeat the five old stars, do you think you can defeat the old man? You were cultivated by your husband! The steel bone sneered, and the overlord-colored domineering fist suddenly launched, several punches fell, and rained down on the body of the big Buddha.

When Dangdang –

after a loud noise, the big Buddha retreated tens of meters in the smoke, which showed the strength of the fist of the steel bone just now.


The steel bone drank lowly, and the momentum exploded, chasing after the victory.

“Big Buddha Impact Palm!”

The big Buddha suddenly shouted angrily, and the impact of the shock wave strangely converged in the palm, forming a ball of light the size of his palm, shooting out fiercely.

Among them, it is mixed with overlord domineering.

Boom ~

a bang.

The figure of the steel bone in the sky fell backwards like a meteor, completely caught off guard by the sudden outbreak of the Warring States.

“Old Marshal, I haven’t seen this move.” Sengoku said lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Didn’t you say you raised me?

Did you ever know this move?

The palm of the Warring States can be described as murderous.

The steel bone was furious, got up from the pit, and killed again.

“Hahaha… I really didn’t expect those brats to be the most intense! Kapu laughed, feeling immense joy, they were the first to win.

Even Karp feels this way, let alone everyone else.

Therefore, the victory of the red dog battle is definitely a great boost to morale.



The head-on battle is not just a pheasant versus a satan saint.

There are also even more compelling battles!

Dragon VS Red Noah!

Red Noah deserves to be the strongest overlord color domineering, and the momentum between the shots is not even comparable to Fogoias and Rona, who were solved by Carl.

Even if the dragon has mysterious power, the powerful overlord color domineering still shows a suppressed posture, and Red Noah’s posture is becoming more and more violent.

The deaths of the two old stars had stimulated him.

He now has only one goal burning in his mind –

to kill everyone!

Any enemy who sets foot in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, damn it!

And he is the judge.

“Drink—get up!”

Sauro’s figure rushed out from nowhere, and punched Red Noah with all his might.

And now he, the increase power of the bull charm is even more terrifying, almost hundreds of times the increase in strength, the muscles on his arms seem to be encircled with a dragon, and it looks a little fierce and terrifying.

And this!

Naturally, you can intuitively feel how powerful his explosive power really is.

Red Noah didn’t take it seriously at all, just raised his hand and randomly blasted out a domineering fist, but the oncoming wind and the sense of blockage generated by his fist suddenly made him realize that something was wrong.

By the time he reacted, Sauro’s fist had already bombarded his fist with the repulsive force of the overlord-colored domineering.

Suddenly, a figure slipped out like a shooting star, and then fell, hitting a building during the process, which was really the most embarrassing scene for Red Noah.


“Kuzan! Will you hide and hide! Satan

Sheng drank angrily, he fought with the ice demon, and the green pheasant did not appear at all, causing him to be as if he was fighting with a pet, but he didn’t know that the green pheasant also needed strength to maintain the armed color domineering.

Two huge figures rampage across the battlefield, but Satan Sheng, who turned into a titan giant ape, did not notice that with his heavy breathing, a trace of imperceptible cold qi entered his body.

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